And He is the head of the Body, the church…that in all things He may have preeminance. Colossians 1:18

This past month has been a very blessedly busy month for my family and I. I taught an intensive Christology class, organized a day retreat for the men of the international church, and (because of the central location of the Christology class) I had the opportunity to fellowship with other missionaries/tentmaker missionaries as well. I also helped Soksan, the founder of Light Times Magazine (where I have been serving since 2017) to film a testimony of Ps. Dara of Faith Family Church/Sonshine Kids School (who used to help translate my apologetics/evangelistic video scripts, and I’m a guest teacher at his church and school).
One of the main passages of the Christology class was Colossians 1:15-20. One of the blessings (and sometimes challenges to be honest…) of where God has positioned me in the Body is that I’m, as one Japanese pastor put it, “a bridge”. Sometimes I feel like I’m a ligament and a cartilage between the bones of the Body (denominations, cultures, nations, languages, and other doctirnal differences etc.) This month, the Christology class reminded me that Christ is the head of His Body and that the blessings outweigh the challenges by far.
For example, my fellowhip opportinities with other missionaries and tentmakers, really encouraged and strengthened me. I am blessed to have various key relationships that remind me of Paul’s relationships Barnabas, Silas, and Timothy, and Apollos relationship with Aquilla and Priscilla. Some missionaries have been and continue to be mentors, co-laborers, and others, I’m able to encourage and equip as well even though we come from different nations and denominational backgrounds.
I was blessed that of the 13 men who were able to go out to a restaurant and pool owned by Soksan and his family for a retreat/recharge event, I was the only westerner. the rest of the men were from various parts of broader Asia and Africa. This was our first event beyond the international church facility. Lord willing, we hope to be able to do an outreach with another mission organization before the end of the year (or possibly early 2025). I also fellowship with another men’s ministry that has more western men so that is a blessing too.
I continue to work under the umbrella of Light Association/Light Times Magazine with Soksan and Linat, the founders. We are in the process of transitioning the magazine from print to digital and other activities as well. One of our immediate hurdles now is starting a website that can has all the capabilities needed for such a project. Please pray for wisdom and provision for this undertaking.
This was my second time teaching the Christology class and so it went much smoother than two years ago. I believe and trust that the students learned from the class and I know that I learned a lot in the process of teaching. We learned about true Christian unity and discernment under the headship of Christ and much more. I discovered that Christology class is a great follow up to the Apologetics class that I usually teach at two different Bible schools. These lessons also helped me with sharing about discernment at a prayer meeting and speaking on 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 at the main service of the international church (also a very diverse congregation).
I’m thankful that Kayo and Benjamin were willing and able to bear more burdens during this past month so that I could go out so much. I’m also thankful to be able to work from home (and so I can help more with chores) most of the time. Kayo continues to lead the women’s ministry at the international church, please pray for her and her team as the plan their retreat. She also continues to serve with Precious Women organization in various roles. She’s also busy preparing to host guests and a team from Japan around the end of the year and organizing their projects etc. Benjamin has been busy studying for some major starndardized tests that will impact his future college applications so please pray for strength and wisdom for him as well.
Please pray for health, wisdom and strength in many ways for us as well. There’s more to say but this is getting long. We are blessed by those who support and encourage us with prayer, finances, and other ways. You all also represent a very broad spectrum of the Body. We thank Christ, the Head, for each one of you.
In Christ’s Love and Care,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phnom Penh, Cambodia