“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
This verse has been on my heart a lot lately. Especially, from the middle of August to the beginning of September when Benjamin and Kayo were sick with C0VID. By God’s grace, I never had any symptoms so either I was immune or asymptomatic. Despite the discomfort and inconvenience of those weeks, I felt thankful. 1. We didn’t catch it when the symptoms were more severe. 2. We didn’t catch it when the government required hospitalization which could have led to extremely expensive and/or uncomfortable situations for multiple weeks. 3. We had friends here who were willing and available to help us as needed. 4. Others around the globe covered us with prayer.
Before the sickness, I was able to edit and release one video in the Cambodian language entitled: Can Christians Take Medicine? which gives a Biblical perspective on medicine and medical treatment. I also researched and wrote the script for another video, Is Faith Belief Without Any Evidence? I am almost finished with editing this video and will release it soon.
Now that C0VID has reduced in Cambodia, I have been sensing the need to pursue more in-person/team-based ministries. I will continue making apologetics/evangelistic videos in the Cambodian language, probably about one per month instead of the three per month that I was making when I could not do most in-person ministries due to restrictions. For example, I have agreed to make two videos per month to help Precious Women Organization in partnership with their staff. I have also started helping a Cambodian/Filipino missionary couple develop Bible-based teaching posters/banners for the churches they help in the countryside. There are other in-person projects/partnerships that are still in the development stages that I will share about when I have more information.
Please pray for wisdom, strength, and health for all of us so that we can maximize the opportunities that God is giving us during this season. Lord willing, we are planning to visit the USA next summer, so please also pray for open doors and provision for that trip as well.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin