“Tell the nations of his glory; tell all peoples the miracles he does,” Psalms 96:3
We are back in Cambodia now and have resumed our various ministries here after spending from June 20 to August 6 in the USA connecting with our family, friends, and senders there. Thank you all for praying for us so faithfully. We had a successful home assignment in California from June 20 to August 6. Now, we are back in Cambodia and are resuming our various ministries here. Here are a few of our top priority prayer requests:
Finances: We praise God for hearing our prayers in this area! A few months ago, we needed to replace more than $1,100 monthly to cover our rent, utilities, and Benjamin’s Christian school tuition after our main sending church in the USA hit a financial crisis and Kayo’s parents in Japan retired (they were funding Benjamin’s tuition from their business). If all of the faith promises come in, now it looks like our rent and utilities will be covered once again! However, we still urgently need to replace more than $600 monthly to cover Benjamin’s tuition at https://www.hope.edu.kh . If we do not receive enough funding soon, we will be forced to homeschool Benjamin (we will still need funding for that too). However, we really hope that is not necessary because Benjamin will seriously miss his friends from school, we don’t feel equipped to do a good job a homeschooling, and home schooling will probably force us to reduce some of our ministry activities.
Video Ministry: Darryl recently released a new video entitled “God’s Microphones: Human Ears. You can watch the Cambodian version of the video here https://youtu.be/9m89S-qAuKM and the English version of the video here https://youtu.be/Vl6KjquPCW0 . Darryl has two other videos in process 1. “God’s Robots: Kinesins” and 2. “God’s Cameras: Human Eyes.” We praise God that one of Darryl’s previous videos on the evidence for the resurrection has been viewed by more than 33,500 Cambodians!
Women’s Ministry: Please pray for Kayo as she resumes her work with Precious Women ministry. Precious Women evangelizes and retrains women who work in the “night-time entertainment industry,” so that they can have a new life in Christ and a new career.
Other Ministries: Please pray for Light Times Magazine (the only Christian Magazine in Cambodia), Darryl’s partnership with Pakistani Christians to develop evangelistic/discipleship materials for Cambodia and beyond, Chinese ministry, and Kayo’s work with the international church worship team.
Life in Cambodia: Our return to Cambodia has been a little rocky. Both our car and refrigerator needed significant repairs. Our refrigerator will probably need to be replaced soon. Our neighbors in our apartment building changed from a quiet older couple to a bunch of younger guys who make noise at night that keeps Kayo awake. We will probably need to move to a different apartment, hopefully in the same building. This move will require us to pay more for rent.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin