Equipping Students For Evangelism
Darryl taught a two week, intensive Apologetics class at Cambodia Bible Institute between October 21 and November 1. The purpose of the class is to help students to gain complete confidence in the Truth of God’s so that they will grow spiritually and evangelize non-believers and equip believers so that they too will love God with their minds in addition to their hearts.
The class received very good feedback. One student now hopes to become an Apologetics teacher in the future. Another student has started using information from the class to evangelize and equip the university students who live in his dormitory. Other students gained confidence to share their faith with non-believers. Instead of a final exam, the students made short evangelistic/apologetics videos which Darryl will soon be sharing on social media.
Two New Videos In October
Darryl also produced two videos in the beginning of October: 1. God’s Cameras: Ears 2. God’s Motors: Bacteria Motors. Different videos achieve different levels of views. Some videos have been viewed by more than 37,000 Cambodians (Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead?). Cambodians continue to be very active on social media and are probably more willing to learn more about the truth of Christianity through social media than they may be through other methods of communication.
Franklin Graham’s Love Phnom Penh Festival Choir
In addition to her regular ministries (Precious Women Ministry and International Church Worship Team etc.), Kayo has been part of the team which is training the choir for the Love Phnom Penh Festival in early December at which Franklin Graham will speak. Please pray for this outreach that many will come to know Christ personally.
Prayer Requests
Please continue to pray for our financial needs, the most urgent is for Benjamin’s education.
Please pray for more Cambodian ministry partners for Darryl’s apologetics ministries.
Please pray for Kayo as she juggles multiple ministries especially between now and the end of the year.
Please continue to pray for “Shadrach” and his family from Pakistan. He has been able to get a visa but is still looking for a full-time job. His wife has a job and he has a part-time job for now.
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin