"In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-38

At this time Cambodia has 122 cases of COVID-19 and all but a few have recovered. We thank God for this. It may be that the high temperatures and scorching sunlight that we usually complain about during this season are helping to keep the virus under control–only God knows for sure. Schools have been shut down until further notice so Benjamin’s school is teaching him online. Churches, bars, theaters, gyms, and casinos and some other businesses are shut down but so far we have not been put under any stay at home orders. So, the three of us are pretty much at home except for shopping, exercise, and errands.
Still ministries continue and life goes on. I (Darryl) am in the process of recording sixteen 30-minute video-lectures for my apologetics/evangelism class for Cambodian seminary students. The seminary has set up a studio so I am thankful that I can go there instead of attempting to record everything in our apartment. The seminary will share the videos and exam online with their students.
I also continue to make short (5-10 minute) apologetics/evangelistic videos for social media as I have been doing for quite some time. Because there is little to do in Cambodia for entertainment, many Cambodians are using social media quite a bit to pass the time so they continue to come across my website, Facebook page, and Youtube channel where I have posted several dozen apologetics/evangelistic videos in the Cambodian language over the years.
In addition to this, I continue to assist in editing English language articles for Light Times Magazine, the only Christian magazine in Cambodia. Light Times is available in English and Cambodian languages and is read by around 40,000 people per issue. I am thankful that I can continue to serve via computer during this season.
Kayo and I both volunteer at Precious Women Organization in various capacities but our in-person work has been canceled for a few weeks now. Kayo still does some administrative work for them from home. Please pray for this organization. Before COVID-19, they were busy retraining and evangelizing impoverished women who were at risk of becoming trapped in the sex industry. Many of these women had jobs at bars and night clubs but now they have lost their regular jobs and so they are at even greater risk. Precious Women has been providing rice and other basic food staples to help them get by, along with teaching them the Bible and other things online.
We have postponed our trip to visit our senders in Japan until September (if possible). Right now it is almost impossible to go to Japan and return to Cambodia and church services are closed there as well. So, we are basically, “stranded” here but we are at peace with this situation at the present time.
We continue to pray for Cambodians and our senders who are struggling during this season in various ways. May God grant us all peace, grace, wisdom, and provision during this time.
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phnom Penh, Cambodia