Cambodia Video Ministry Update

When there is so much bad news, we often feel discouraged.  This is why I am thankful that God has made it possible for us to share some good news.  After 10 years of preparation and waiting, God has opened the doors to produce Christian Apologetics/Evangelistic videos in the Cambodian language!

On March 30, Darryl’s first 3-minute film was played at Gateway Cafe’ Ministry’s Easter Outreach.  This film entitled, Jesus: History or Fiction gave historical evidence from Josephus, Tacitus, and Trajan that Jesus Christ really lived, performed miracles, was crucified by Pilate, and that his followers, known as Christians followed him after the crucifixion.  This further indicates that Jesus really rose from the dead.

Darryl has just completed his second 2.5 minute film entitled, Life: Creation or Chance.  This film shows that if something as simple as a clay pot could not be formed by chance (water, wind, and the sun) but require a potter, then more complex living things require a Creator.  Lord willing, this film will be played on April 26 at the You’ve Got Talent Outreach at the International Christian Assembly and for an April 30 chapel service at the Korean Presbyterian Bible School in Phnom Penh.

You can view both of these videos online at

In addition to posting the videos online, Darryl will share these videos with anyone who wants to play them at a church, Bible study, or  to load them on their smartphone as an evangelism tool.  We may make some of them available in English and/or Japanese in the future.

Darryl first sensed the callig to make and distribute videos like these in 2003.  There were many challenges, trials, and setbacks that made it seem impossible (a long story).  Now, Darryl sees God’s perfect timing and provision so that the videos are much better quality than they would have been if he had been able to make them earlier.

Thank you for your patience, prayers, and encouragement to stick with us over these past years.  God always fulfills His promises in His way and in His timing.

In Christ’s Hands,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin.