“For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities. Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:16-19

Reading the above passage with fresh eyes, I realize that it is actually an encouragement from Paul, a missionary, to his senders. Another way to say this is, “You all faithfully met my needs…Therefore the fruit that comes through my ministry will be credited to your heavenly account …..and God will supply all your needs!” This perfectly describes how Kayo, Benjamin and I feel about our senders and loved ones in the USA and Japan.
We just returned to Cambodia from the USA. Our time was so full and blessed that we were not able to visit everyone we wanted to in person. We were blessed and encouraged in so many ways! Now, we are back in Cambodia. We have pretty much overcome jet-lag, gotten our apartment etc. reopened and restocked, and are starting to serve in our various ministries here. For example, I will preach this Sunday at the international church and help with the Chinese ministry. Kayo and I will both soon resume our regular work with Precious Women Organization. Benjamin will start high school (year 9) at Hope International School. Looking ahead, I will teach a two-week intensive Apologetics class at a Cambodian Bible school the end of next month so I need to start preparing for that along with other ministries that will resume and start soon.
Prayer Requests:
>Please pray for opportunities for me to evangelize and disciple a man from the Middle East who is here in Cambodia as an international student.
>Please pray for Light Times Magazine, the only Christian magazine in Cambodia, they had to delay the printing of their most recent issue because of lack of funding. This is a valuable ministry and also they provide the legal basis for my Cambodian visa renewal.
>Please pray for Benjamin as he starts school and for continued provision for his education.
>Please pray for wisdom and provision regarding our funding from Japan. The Japanese Yen has lost between 20-25% of its value over the past 2 years against the US dollar. Cambodia’s economy is based on the US dollar. This means the sacrificial donations of our Japanese senders have been greatly devalued. Meanwhile, our expenses, (mainly Benjamin’s education), continue to rise. We have already done everything we can to cut expenses and have already looked into part-time employment in Cambodia (but right now that door doesn’t look promising and it would reduce our ability to minister effectively here).
>Please pray for wisdom, peace, and grace as God has placed us in the unique position of ministering to and alongside so many Christians from so many cultures/nations (this is the easier part) and denominations (evangelicals with a broad range of perspectives on secondary doctrinal issues–this is the more challenging part). We are blessed that there is a beautiful unity of the Body of Christ in Cambodia and beyond. It seems that God has called us to work in the joints (between the bones=denominations) (Ephesians 4:16). Please pray that there won’t be any arthritis…:).
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin