And the things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2
Christian Apologetics/Evangelism Class

I had a wonderful time with my Apologetics/Evangelism class students during our two week intensive class. The students studied hard, listened intently, asked good questions and worked hard to complete a reading log, two tests, a video script, and recorded their own video during the short class. We covered obstacles to faith like “I don’t need God.” “God doesn’t exist.” “The Bible isn’t true.” “Jesus didn’t really live, die, and rise from the dead.” “What about my unsaved ancestors?” and more. Two of my students said that before the class when someone would ask them a challenging question about the truth of Christianity that they would just walk away but now they both finally feel more confident to answer. These students serve in local churches and will be future Christian leaders so please pray that they will remember, apply, and teach others what they have learned in the class.
Answered Prayers Over Visa Stress
During my lunch break from teaching Apologetics, I got a desperate call from my neighbor/Christian friend. He told me that due to a problem with his visa documents his visa was rejected at the airport and the only way to keep him from getting deported and separated from his family was for me rush to the airport before noon and sign a guarantee letter for him with the government. I did that and he was able to get a one-month visa.
A couple of weeks later, he asked me for some more advice and help. I checked with the company that helps me prepare the documents for my own visa just before a four-day Cambodian holiday so that I could get information to help my friend. The information my visa agent gave me made me very uncertain about whether or not my own family would be able to renew our visas in December or not (and be forced to leave Cambodia). All this stress combined with my exhaustion from teaching the two week class, made me start having difficulty sleeping. So, I put out a prayer request on Facebook on a Friday. By Sunday my stress level dropped and I could sleep normally again. On Tuesday, I got confirmation from the Immigration Dept. via my visa agent that we have the right documents to renew our family’s visas in December. My friend is still in process with his visa situation, but it looks like everything is in order with his paperwork as well. Thanks everyone for praying for us whether or you know what we are going through at the moment or not. Your prayers make a huge difference!
Other Ministries
Please continue to pray for Precious Women Organization and Light Association as we continue to help and support these Cambodian founded and led Christian organizations that are reaching out to other Cambodians. We also partner with other local ministries and churches as we can.
Family Update
We are doing well. Kayo has some exhaustion/minor health issues so please keep her in prayer. Benjamin is doing well in school, extracurriculars, and weight lifting. He keeps growing and eating us out of house and home so please pray for our grocery bill :–).
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phonm Penh, Cambodia