“… and after all these long years of waiting, I am eager to visit you.” Romans 15:23b NLT
I could not include the first part of this verse which reads, “But now I have finished my work in these regions.” because our work in Cambodia is not finished. Many new and exciting projects are already lining up for after our return from Japan at the end of summer.
Reconnecting in Cambodia
Now that COVID is reducing in Cambodia, we have been able to reconnect and visit with some of our Cambodian and missionary friends that we haven’t been able to visit for a long time. We have been able to reconnect with friends in Phnom Penh and even in Kampong Chhnang, where we lived between 2009-2011. We hadn’t been able to see some of our friends there for several years.
Visiting Japan this Summer
We will be visiting Japan this summer for the first time since 2018. It will be good to reconnect with our friends and family there. We will spend some time in the Tokyo area, the Osaka area, Hiroshima, and other parts of Japan as doors open. We will be sharing our ministries in churches as the doors open. This means that Lord willing, we will be visiting the USA during the summer of 2023 so we look forward to seeing our friends and family there too. Please pray for all the logistics and doors to open smoothly for us, especially my (Darryl’s) visa to Japan.
Christology Class Begins in a Couple of Hours
I will start teaching a two week intensive Christology course this afternoon. Normally, I teach Apologetics so this will be my first time to teach this course. Please pray for this class to go smoothly and for my students and I to learn together. I will be able to use some of my videos as supplemental materials.
Family Update
During the month of April, Benjamin had some time off from school so we were able to travel to Kampong Chhnang and Battambang to see friends and also have some family time away from Phnom Penh. Kayo continues to lead the devotions at Precious Women Organization on a monthly basis. She is also getting busy preparing for our trip to Japan. After Japan, she will get more involved in other ministries here in Cambodia. It is hard to believe that Benjamin will soon be finished with 7th grade. He is doing well but sometimes managing and juggling all the homework is a challenge for him.
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin