Gospel in the Graveyard (and Beyond…)

“…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…”(Mark 16:15 NKJV)

In my last update, I shared that God has been opening new doors of ministry for us here in Cambodia. One of the open doors is increased partnership with Bethel Mission Organization https://www.bethelgraceministry.org. BMO/BGM evangelizes and educates children who live on top of the tombs in a graveyard (and their families/communites) and has expanded to minister to those living in the garbage dump, other urban poor communities, and prisons.

Sharing the Gospel with Chldren in the Graveyard Alongside Brother Sirvith (BMO/BGM’s Founder)

Kayo singing for the children in Khmer, Japanese and English at the chapel service/6th Anniversary of BMO/BGM.

The Ann Family serves togther in BMO/BGM

We have known and partnered with this family and organization for several years but now we have the resources and strength to become more active. I have shared various aspects of the Gospel with the students at the monthly chapel services in May, August, and September in the main office and the graveyard location. Rather than risk false-conversions and other misunderstandings, I always help connect the children with Bro. Sirvith for follow up and discipleship.

Kayo was able to join and sing in September and is facilitating future projects with BMO/BGM with churches and individual Christians in Japan. In September, BMO/BGM celebrated their sixth anniversary. We were blessed that a Christian retired judge and current attorney and law school professor from Japan was able to visit the celebration and encourage the staff with his testimony about never giving up on God’s plans and playing and singing in Japanese. He came to Cambodia for six days to train Cambodian judges as a Japanese government foreign-aid program. We met him at one of the churches we visited this past summer during our trip to Japan.

And Beyond…

I have been attending an international Christian fellowship (400+ from arond 40 nations) in Cambodia much of the time since I first arrived in Cambodia in 2000. I continue to help evangelize and disciple Chinese in partnership with the Chinese ministry. In August, more than a dozen people made professions of faith through the ministry of a visiting pastor. That spurred me on to connect and equip the new believers, non-belivers who want to more about how to become Christians, and believers who struggle with doubts and questions through their faith at a “Knowing Jesus More” circle/flyers/QR Google form after the meetings. So far I’ve made connections with a Sri Lankan (and I could share my Christianity: Reasons for Faith book) a Cambodian via email/text messages only (and I could share my Cambodian language evangelistic/apologetics YouTube videos) along with other oportunities to pray, encourage, and provide counsel. I also continue to speak around once month to encourage other missionaries, expat workers, and Cambodians. I also lead the men’s ministry. Kayo leads the women’s ministry, assists with keeping everyone organized, helps lead worship in the prayer meetings and more. In partnership with this fellowship and the Light Association (Light Times) organization, Kayo and I have been encouraging a Cambodian man and a Filipino woman in the area of mental health, more doors are opening in this area as well… There are many other related opportunities to serve and bless others from Apologetics, English curriculum development, to helping people find jobs…

Lifestyle Change Journey: Phase 1 Completed (Major Weight Loss) PTL!

Before: September, 2023 315 pounds
After: August 28, 2024 200 pounds

I have struggled with my weight and fitness my whole life, especially during the past 20 years. I tried and failed to control or lose weight but I kept gaining until I reached 315 lbs. I started having knee pain on stairs and getting up from chairs, difficulty putting on socks and shoes and so on… To make a long testimony short, around October 19, 2023, I felt led to start wearing and using a fitnes watch a friend had given our family during our summer visit to the USA. Then, on October 21, Benjamin asked me to buy a scale for him and then “tricked” me into weighing myself. I was shocke that I was 315.4lbs. Benjamin then showed me how to count and control my calories using an app. and so my lifestyle change journey-phase 1 began. Now I am in Phase 2 (Weight Maintenance-195-205 lbs). Lord willing, Phase 3 (Strength and Fitness) will begin in October.

During the past 10 months, I have had wonderful times worshiping and praying while walking and exercising and this has strengthened and refreshed me spiritually. My long term depression and lethargy have ended and I have more joy and strength for family and ministry etc. My health (heartrate, blood pressure, sleep apnea symptoms have all gone in a healthy direction). Many people here have been asking for advice to the point that Benjamin wisely recommended that I make a 5 page PDF of my testimony and recommendations. If you would like to recieve this document please contact me by email or social media. I am so thankful to God for His blessings on this breakthrough and I hope to be a blessing and encouragement to others.

Well this is getting long. Much more could be written. Feel free to contact me directly. Our family is doing well. Benjamin’s gearing up for some major tests but is really growing up rapidly in many wonderful ways. Please keep him in your prayers!

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Open Doors

I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” Revelation 3:8

We are back in Cambodia after spending from June 6 to August 6 visiting and sharing at more than a dozen churches, a pastor’s meeting, a Bible school chapel, and visiting as many friends as possible in addition to Kayo’s parents in Hiroshima.

We had a blessed and busy time in Japan. We traveled and stayed in Tokyo, Kansai/Osaka, Okayama, Hiroshima, Kyushu, and more. During our time in the Kyushu/Imari area, Benjamin came down with a very serious ear infection. The church and missionary we were visiting arranged for their doctor friend to meet him on his day off (Sunday), this probably spared Benjamin from a ruptured eardrum, possible ER etc. and hearing loss. After visiting two more specialists and a couple of rounds of antibiotics his infection went away completely without hearing loss. We are thankful for all the prayer cover and practical support/hospitality we recieved in all over Japan for the entire time there.

Closed and Open Doors

In my May update I asked for prayer for God to open and close all the right doors related to whether or not I should pursue employment as an English teacher here in Cambodia so that we could close a financial gap related to Benjamin’s Christian international school tuition and other needs. Before the trip, I started making practical steps in that direction. However, God had other plans and provided unexpectedly and miraculously so that it is not necessary for me to seek extra income in this season! So, I (we) can focus completely on ministry and even expand into new areas.

The above closed door came with a few open doors. During my time in Japan, several Christians including a pastor and a missionary from Japan encouraged me to write, have translated, and publsh a new short Apologetics book in Japan. My vision for apologetics ministry for many years has been to provide apologetics/evangelistic books, videos, and other media in other languages beyond English and Cambodian. I have made steps in this direction (Spanish and Chinese etc.) in the past but the doors always closed. Please pray for this opportunity because the Japanes Christians need a lot of encouragment and resources right now.

More than a decade ago, I co-authored a book, Christianity: Reasons for Faith and continue to use it as a textbook but it has been out of print for some time but I have not had the resources to make a new additon or printing and my co-author. Now, with the opportunity to write a short book for Japan, the doors are also opening now for me to make a version of that same book in Cambodian as well.

In addition to these long-term book projects I will continue to teach Apologetics and Christology at local Bible schools/churches, help Cambodian ministries/organizations as needed in various roles, and help our local international church/community. Please pray for me as I prepare to teach Christology from September 10-27 at a local Bible school.

Kayo will restart and resume her ministries with Precious Women organization, women’s ministry at the international church, and other ministries related to Japanese Christians/missionaries in Cambodia etc. etc.

Benjamin has started 10th grade and is doing very well. He’s also planning for his future life in the USA in less than 3 years. Please pray for wisdom and open doors for him as well.

There is so much more to share but this is getting long. Feel free to connect with me via email or social media if you have any questions and to let us know how you are doing. We always love to hear from you!

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Send Me

Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

Finally able to visit/participate in one of the outreaches of Fijian missionaries/friends (Hope Mission)

Even though I have done a lot of media-ministry over the years, I admit that I am terrible about taking pictures of myself or even our family in action. I usually get so caught up in the moment, that I forget to take pictures and I don’t want to invade anyone’s privacy etc.. So, I am thankful that our Fijian missionary friends shared these pictures with me. We have been partnering with and supporting this missionary family for several years now, but I haven’t been able to visit their projects in person until recently. I hope (Lord willing), to visit and participate in more outreaches and projects with them after we return from Japan.

For this outreach, the team sang worship songs with about 50 children crammed together under a shelter in the late afternoon heat, I was able to briefly explain the basics of Bible and Gospel to the children, and then we distributed backpacks and school supplies. Joe, Ima, and their team/family will continue to follow up with, evangelize, and disciple these children each week going forward. They are starting from the very beginning with these children and their families so they are going slowly and making sure that they truly understand and sincerely believe and are careful not to rush the process.

I also apologize for not sharing pictures of Kayo and Benjamin for a while. I hope we can take some pictures in Japan. Right now, Kayo is very diligently working to wrap things up in her various ministry projects in Cambodia and preparing for our time in Japan visiting churches and family there. Even though we have a desk and chair available, when she is really working hard, she prefers to sit at a low Japanese table on a Japanese floor-chair beside our bed. So, I don’t think she wants me to take her picture… 🙂 Benjamin is very busy finishing up his school year and when he is home he spends a lot of time lifting weights and growing/maturing in every way.

As far as prayer requests, there a two main areas right now. The first one is everything related to our home assignment in Japan (June 6 to August 6). Please pray for our final preparations and deeper relationships with the churches and senders we will meet in Japan. Also, please pray for us to be witnesses before Kayo’s non-Christian family.

The second prayer request is for God to give me wisdom/favor/strength and to open and close all the right doors related to seeking a part-time English teaching job here in Cambodia after my return from Japan. I was a semi-tentmaker/English teacher at a university from 2000-2003 and 2007-2009. Since then, I have mainly used my English (MA TESOL) degree/skills for volunteer ministry, except for a couple of short-term tutoring opportunities to Chinese Christians. Many of my missionary friends in Japan are also semi/full tentmakers and still have effective ministries but there are pros and cons that need to be prayerfully considered before I/we take any significant steps.

On the positive side, this may give me more opportunities to build relationships/be salt and light before and with non-believing students and staff though I probably can’t share openly in the classroom/campus. This may also help close/narrow a widening financial gap/strain caused by Benjamin’s increasing educational expenses etc. (he has 3 more years of high school) and the serious and continuing devaluing of the Japanese Yen against the US Dollar (especially since 2020), which has greatly reduced the value of the sacrificial/generous giving from our senders in Japan which has in turn, put more strain on the generous/sacrificial giving of our senders in the US. We have made as many cuts to our expenses as we can and we continue to trust in the Lord to provide in whatever way He chooses. I should be able to maintain most of my current ministry activities and Kayo could still serve/volunteer as much as she is able at Precious Women Organization etc. However, there will be schedule conflicts etc. This step might also make it difficult for us to travel to the US and Japan as we have before.

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers, encouragement, and support. Our ministry activities continue pretty much as I shared last month, I just wanted to share behind the scenes/my heart this month.

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith…” Hebrews 12:1-3

“…So You Will Not Grow Weary.”

We are currently in the middle of Cambodia’s hot season until the monsoon rains come in June. Temperatures have risen as high as 104F with usual highs around 100F with high humidity. We are blessed that this year the electricity has been pretty stable, but even the Cambodians are struggling with the heat. In addition to the heat, the spiritual climate is challenging for all the believers here and can lead to a sense of spiritual/emotional/physical weariness.

April has been a challenging month for us in various ways. Benjamin had a severe ear infection and other health problems but has recovered fully/quickly. The bathtub in our rented townhouse broke mainly because it was not designed for American people’s weight. It took three weeks to for the renovation project (jackhammering/drilling/dust) to be completed instead the expected one week because of the Cambodian New Year holidays and a leak from the neighbor’s house. We also had some stresses with our car.

“…Run With Endurance the Race…”

Despite the above stresses and frustrations, God has strengthened us to keep going and in some ways even thrive.

My first day of helping teach English to K and 1 students at True Education School a project of Precious Women Organization

In April, I started volunteering part time to help teach English at True Education School about an hour outside of Phnom Penh. In my career as an English/Apologetics/Christology teacher I have spent 95% of my time teaching university/seminary/Bible school students. I only spent one year teaching K-12 ESL in northern Missouri from 1999-2000. Despite being rusty, I was able to teach them a few things including the “Head and Shoulders…” song. When they have more students, Kayo will also volunteer at the school part time.

Because of the Cambodian New Year holidays many other ministries were paused for a while, but Kayo and I continue to volunteer at Precious Women Organization’s office in various roles from video production (Darryl) , devotions/Bible studies, life skill training, and administration/board (Kayo).

We also continued to work with the international church. I lead the men’s ministry, help with the Chinese ministry, help with visitation, and speak around once a month. Kayo leads the women’s ministry, helps keep everyone organized, and helps with the worship team as needed.

Speaking at the international church.

“…Lay Aside Every Weight…”

As of this moment i have lost 82 pounds in the last 6 months (October 21, 2023). God has opened all the doors for me to completely change my health and lifestyle by providing the knowledge, technology, and support that I have been looking for 20 years. This process has greatly improved my spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health. It has also really given me the strength and energy to be more active and engaged in ministry and revolutionized our family dynamics and relationships. Others are starting to reach out to me for recommendations and it is a blessing to encourage and equip them.

As I mentioned last month, I continue to be available to help encourage those with mental health challenges (and those who care for them) from my own challenges and victories in this area. I continue to monitor, encourage and visit (from time to time) a Cambodian man and his family and help them connect with the resources they need in partnership with the international church and Light Association.

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

With All Your Mind

“Jesus said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

The banner/fence of True Education International School, a project of Precious Women Organization
Kayo in front of the True Education school building.

The phrase “with all your mind” has been very important in guiding and inspiring my ministries in the areas of apologetics, evangelism, Bible teaching etc, for many years. Despite reading and thinking about this phrase many times over the decades my view is beginning to expand to expand beyond “intellect” to the “whole mind”. I will explain how this new mindset is leading to an expansion in ministry.


Sonshine Kids International School/Faith Family Church Cambodia: Since last month, I have been involved in teacher training at Sonshine Kids International School, which is connected to Faith Family Church Cambodia, where I also have been teaching Apologetics/Evangelism in partnership with Ps. Dara to equip his church members. Please pray for wisdom and guidance.

Precious Women Organization/True Education International School: Kayo and I have been working with, supporting, encouraging, and partnering with Precious Women Organization (PWO) since before it began around 14 years ago. Kayo serves on the advisory board, helps with administration, and does some teaching. I have mainly been helping them produce videos and leading staff devotions from time to time. PWO is in the process of starting True Education International School in a rural neighborhood outside of the city. They havestarted classes for primary students and Kayo and I will be helping them with their English classes. Please pray for us to be salt and light before the students, their families, and the community.

International Fishers: Christian Evidence Ministry: Even though I haven’t been able to produce any new videos for a while and allowed the subscription for the website to expire, IF continues making an impact on Facebook/YouTube as an evangelistic tool that Cambodians can use to reach other Cambodians. Please pray for wisdom and guidance about the future direction of IF.

I was encouraged by this Facebook post by a Cambodian using one of my IF YouTube videos to reach out to his FB friends.

Expansion into Mental Health/Whole Mind

It seems that God often leads me to minister out of my own trials and pain. My apologetics ministry sprung out of finding answers to my doubts about the truth of Christianity/God/Jesus/the Bible. Now God is opening new doors and giving me a new passion to reach out to those who struggle with mental health issues and their families from my own struggles/victories in this area since 2003. I am pursuing this new aspect of ministry in partnership with Light Association (the parent organization of Light Times Magazine) and the local international church.

Posted by the Cambodia Association of Counsellors and Psychologists

So far I have been encouraging a Cambodian Christian man who is struggling with depression and paranoia and helping his family connect to mental health services/referrals through Light Association. I have also been studying and helping other missionaries and Cambodian Christians can better understand mental illness/brain disorders so that they (we) can better minister to those who are struggling and their families. The biggest challenges so far have been overcoming fear, shame, and misunderstandings about the causes of/treatments for mental illness/brain disorders. Please pray for wisdom and favor in this new area of ministry.

Financial Concern

We are blessed and encouraged by the generous and sacrificial giving of our faithful senders in the USA and Japan! We have encountered some unavoidable (some unexpected) large expenses (Benjamin’s tuition, major car repairs, moving expenses, visas/work permit, insurance, etc.) that have significantly impacted our accounts. The economic situations in the USA and Japan are also concerning. Please pray that God will bless and prosper our senders and also help us to connect to additional senders in both countries. We are planning to visit senders/churches/and family in Japan this summer so please also pray for blessings on this time.

In Christ’s Hands,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

All for the Glory of God

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Kayo and I at Precious Women Organization

Over the past few months, the importance of living all aspects of our lives for the glory of God has increasingly been on my heart and mind. This has impacted me personally and in the focus of my teaching.

Since October 21, I have been keeping up with my diet and exercise and so far I have lost more than 60 pounds! I have really sensed God opening all doors for me to focus on improving my health and fitness in many ways. Please pray for me to continue all the way to the goal because the more weight that I lose, the harder it seems to become to lose more weight. This is not a crash diet but a lifestyle change for the long-haul. One major payoff for this lifestyle change is that now I have much more energy for family and ministries and things are greatly improving and expanding in those areas as well.

On the ministry front, the end of January I started teaching Apologetics and Evangelism at a Cambodian church. Sometimes I teach in person and sometimes on Zoom. I have been able to share my Apologetics textbook, unity and discernment book, and soon will share my videos with the students and pastor. I also have started training the teachers at a Christian school on the spiritual/Biblical aspects of education. This is a new step for me but it has been going well. I continue to lead the men’s ministry and speak as needed at the international church. In February I spoke twice. This church provides opportunities to not only encourage and equip other missionaries but also other believers (and nonbelievers) from more than 30 nations!

Kayo and I continue to partner with Precious Women Organization. Kayo helps the founder/executive director in the office, trains the staff and students, and leads devotions. I continue to help them make videos and lead devotions as needed. Precious Women Organization has a new project to start a school outside of the city in a new neighborhood. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, and provision for this project. Once the school is up and running Kayo and I have agreed to help there as well.

Please pray for Light Times Magazine/Light Association. They are currently paused as they try to figure out funding and vision issues. I am standing by to help them but at the moment there is no work for me to do there so I am shifting my focus to other projects and partnerships.

I have also suspended the International Fishers website, but will keep the videos available of YouTube and Facebook. I haven’t been able to make any new videos for more than a year and since Covid ended the traffic on the website has greatly decreased. I may launch a new website in the future but I am waiting for the right time and focus.

Please continue to pray for our health. All three of us have been sick at least once in February. Benjamin has been sick twice. The weather/season is changing and now there are lots of viruses coming in from other countries.

Thanks for your prayers, encouragement, and partnership. You are very important to God’s work in Cambodia and beyond as part of His Body!

In Christ’s Hands,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

He Shall Direct Your Paths

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6

Apologetics Class at CPTI

Our lives and ministries have been quite active since our last update in early December. We continued our regular ministries, work, and partnerships (Precious Women, churches, Light Times, and others). From the beginning of December to the end of January, I have been teaching Apologetics (and Evangelism) at the Cambodia Presbyterian Theological Institute (CPTI). The students were very engaged and kept up with the lectures, class discussions, and asked good questions. I have been teaching this class at this seminary (founded and run by Korean missionaries) for more than ten years and am blessed to have been used to equip hundreds of Cambodian Christian leaders.

In early December, God allowed us to become uncomfortable in our apartment building. We lived in the same apartment building since 2016 even though we changed units a few times. To make a long story short, God opened the doors for us to move to a better place, with a better environment, closer to Benjamin’s school, etc. The place was completely unfurnished so we had to purchase and install some major appliances and equipment, but God opened the doors for that as well. We were able to move during Benjamin’s Christmas vacation with the help of some Fijian brothers. The move was a step of faith. The day after we moved in, the transmission went out on our car and the mechanic found many other problems (brakes, steering, and an oil leak). This was also a step of faith for provision.

God worked out the schedule of the move, housing set-up, and car repairs so that they didn’t interfere with hosting ten visitors from Japan for four days and then one more retired woman from that group stayed with us and worked alongside Kayo for another week. During that time I was sick for a few days.

Now, I am gearing up to start teaching Apologetics and Evangelism 2-3 times a month at Faith Family Church and also to equip and train the teachers at Sonshine Kids International School (connected to Faith Family Church) on the spiritual and Biblical aspects and foundations of Christian education.

Please pray for wisdom and strength for us as we continue with our existing ministry activities and possibly expand into new areas with current and new ministry partners in 2024.

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Restore the Years

“So I will restore the years the swarming locusts have eaten.” Joel 2:25

I turned 47 on November 25 and Benjamin turned 15 on November 29.

Restoring the Years Part 1

With the passing of Benjamin’s and my birthdays and the upcoming Christmas and New Year, we realize that God has blessed us a lot during this year. At the beginning of 2023, we went through our worst financial crises ever to the point that it looked like we might have to leave Cambodia permanently. God provided in mysterious and miraculous ways and we were able to have a most blessed visit to the USA for the first time since before Covid.

For me personally, God is restoring the years in relation to my health and weight. Growing up, my relationship with food (overeating/stress-eating) wasn’t good and I had asthma so I couldn’t exercise enough and developed a weight problem. Between 2000-2003 while serving in Cambodia as an English teacher/missionary, God took away my asthma and I was able to exercise and so I lost enough weight during that season to run a half-marathon here in Cambodia. However, in 2003 upon returning to the USA I got sick for the first time with my chronic brain disorder and between the medicine and the ensuing depression I started to regain the weight that I lost and more and this continued for 20 years. Finally, God provided all the tools (a smartwatch/calorie counting app from friends and know-how from Benjamin) and I have started an effective but sustainable lifestyle change in regards to, diet and exercise. So far, I have lost 25 pounds since October 21! I still have a long way to go so please pray for stamina in this process to lose the weight and then keep it off over the long-term.

Restoring the Years Part 2

Between 2004 and 2015 my brain-disorder symptoms were healed enough for me to live without medicine, but the since it came back in 2015, I have needed medicine and went through years of being minimally functional yet with severe depression in which I could just do the minimum to survive. As a result of this and other factors I wasn’t able to actively raise the funds we needed and so we have fallen behind financially. Here are some areas that need to be restored.

  1. Benjamin’s Christian High School Tuition is our largest unavoidable expense by nearly triple. In meeting this expense, we are unable to fund other important needs on this list and we are uncertain if we can meet the projected increases over the next 3.5 years.
  2. Housing Upgrade: Our current two-bedroom apartment is getting too small for us, has maintenance issues, and we are in a losing battle with cockroaches. Also Benjamin’s bedroom doesn’t have a window and he needs more space.
  3. Benjamin’s Launch Fund: Benjamin will have to return to the USA after graduation in 3.5 years and will need housing, transportation, and set-up funds at that time.
  4. Retirement/Savings: Most of our senders are older than us so we are concerned that they will not be able to support us in our senior years. We want to continue to minister as long as we are able and don’t want to be a burden on anyone during our senior years.
  5. Resume Family Vacations: Because of Benjamin’s tuition and our financial crises, we haven’t been able to take any family vacations for around 1.5 years. This is especially important while Benjamin is still with us.
  6. Transportation: Our 1997 Toyota Camry has a slipping transmission and is on secondhand tires. We need to be able to maintain it as needed and potentially replace it in a few years.
  7. Ministry Funds: There are so many needs and exciting ministry opportunities in Cambodia that we would like to pursue when God provides sufficient funds to meet our needs and expand our ministry impact. 1. Resume International Fishers evangelistic/apologetics video production etc. 2. Help launch Light Association’s training/publication/resource ministries including to people with mental illness and their families. 3. Help expand Hope Ministry’s impact in two impoverished Cambodian communities. 4. Continue to volunteer and support Precious Women’s work with at-risk Cambodian women. 5. Expand our support of Bethel Grace Mission’s work with impoverished Cambodians who live in graveyards. 6. Encourage and equip local churches even more.
Kayo teaching a lesson on “Hope in Christ” to at-risk Cambodian young women.

Ministry Update

We have been very busy since our last update, the middle of October. Kayo and I continued our volunteer-work at Precious Women. Kayo did administrative work, led staff devotions, and taught the clients (young at-risk women) life skills lessons including “Hope in Christ.” I helped with video production and led devotions.

Kayo continues to lead the women’s ministry at the international church and led an over night women’s retreat. I preached twice, helped with Chinese Bible Study and led the men’s ministry.

I also continue to serve as the English editor for Light Times Magazine, the only Christian magazine in Cambodia. We have a new issue coming out this month so things will get busier with that.

I also am preparing to start teaching Apologetics/Evangelism at another Cambodian seminary founded by Korean missionaries starting this week.

December is the month in which we must renew our Cambodian visas so please pray for wisdom and favor in this high-stakes process. Gathering all the documents each year feels like taking on another job.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Able to Teach Others Also

And the things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2

Christian Apologetics/Evangelism Class

Christian Apologetics/Evangelism Class at Cambodia Bible Institute Sept. 25-Oct. 6

I had a wonderful time with my Apologetics/Evangelism class students during our two week intensive class. The students studied hard, listened intently, asked good questions and worked hard to complete a reading log, two tests, a video script, and recorded their own video during the short class. We covered obstacles to faith like “I don’t need God.” “God doesn’t exist.” “The Bible isn’t true.” “Jesus didn’t really live, die, and rise from the dead.” “What about my unsaved ancestors?” and more. Two of my students said that before the class when someone would ask them a challenging question about the truth of Christianity that they would just walk away but now they both finally feel more confident to answer. These students serve in local churches and will be future Christian leaders so please pray that they will remember, apply, and teach others what they have learned in the class.

Answered Prayers Over Visa Stress

During my lunch break from teaching Apologetics, I got a desperate call from my neighbor/Christian friend. He told me that due to a problem with his visa documents his visa was rejected at the airport and the only way to keep him from getting deported and separated from his family was for me rush to the airport before noon and sign a guarantee letter for him with the government. I did that and he was able to get a one-month visa.

A couple of weeks later, he asked me for some more advice and help. I checked with the company that helps me prepare the documents for my own visa just before a four-day Cambodian holiday so that I could get information to help my friend. The information my visa agent gave me made me very uncertain about whether or not my own family would be able to renew our visas in December or not (and be forced to leave Cambodia). All this stress combined with my exhaustion from teaching the two week class, made me start having difficulty sleeping. So, I put out a prayer request on Facebook on a Friday. By Sunday my stress level dropped and I could sleep normally again. On Tuesday, I got confirmation from the Immigration Dept. via my visa agent that we have the right documents to renew our family’s visas in December. My friend is still in process with his visa situation, but it looks like everything is in order with his paperwork as well. Thanks everyone for praying for us whether or you know what we are going through at the moment or not. Your prayers make a huge difference!

Other Ministries

Please continue to pray for Precious Women Organization and Light Association as we continue to help and support these Cambodian founded and led Christian organizations that are reaching out to other Cambodians. We also partner with other local ministries and churches as we can.

Family Update

We are doing well. Kayo has some exhaustion/minor health issues so please keep her in prayer. Benjamin is doing well in school, extracurriculars, and weight lifting. He keeps growing and eating us out of house and home so please pray for our grocery bill :–).

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Phonm Penh, Cambodia

Equipping the Saints, Building Up the Body

“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12 NLT)

The past month has been full and blessed and we look forward to a full and blessed October as well.

Equipping the Saints

I will be teaching another round of a two week intensive Christian Apologetics class at Cambodia Bible Institute from September 25 to October 6. Please pray for wisdom and strength for myself, the staff, and the students during this class.

I continue to preach at the international/interdenominational church around once a month to around 400 people from more than 30 nations. This church includes everyone from missionaries to non-Christians who are open to the Gospel. I also have started/am leading the men’s ministry there our first meeting was on October 9 and despite heavy rains and flooding 13 men from 8 different nations attended and were blessed by the prayer, fellowship, and teaching. I continue to help with the ministry to the Chinese there and help lead a verse-by-verse Sunday School/Bible Study in English and Chinese with the Chinese pastor. Kayo also started and leads the women’s ministry there too.

I also have started to lead the devotions at Precious Women Organization about once a month. Kayo also leads the devotions there on a regular basis.

Building Up the Body

Linat and Soksan, the Founders of the Light Association (LAFH)

I have been volunteering as the English Editor for Light Times Magazine with Soksan and Linat since 2017. They are wonderful friends and Christian siblings. Now, I am excited that LAFH (Light Association for all Families Healthier-English translation of the official/registered organization name) is developing the organization behind the magazine.

You can see the vision and activities of the Light Association organization in the diagram above. One of the areas that I am most excited about is the Mental and Spiritual Wellness area. Mrs. Linat is a trained mental health counselor and trainer. I am a trained Christian apologist and I also have a testimony of how God has blessed, restored, and protected me through the past 20 years of mental health challenges. Even though we are now a small organization of only three people and limited resources, God has given us great impact, unity and synergy together to minister to the mental and spiritual needs of a broad range of people-both Cambodians and expats. We may also be able to equip churches, families, and organizations in Cambodia to better minister to the spiritual and mental health needs of people who need help but are often marginalized for various reasons. For those of you that know my testimony in this area this is truly a “Beauty for Ashes” opportunity!

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

Phnom Penh, Cambodia