…But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived. But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught…. 2 Timothy 3:12-17 NLT
Darryl has been asked to advise, equip, and train the leaders (missionaries and Cambodian pastors) of a group of 14 churches which were planted by the Wesleyans but are now independent. Recently, seven of their church members and one evangelist have converted to a Korea-based cult operating here in Cambodia. One more Bible school student has also recently converted to Islam. There are reports that other churches of various denominations have also been losing their flock to this same Korea-based cult.
The leaders of these churches are concerned that more pastors, members, and leaders will be taken into this cult, and other religions, because they aren’t equipped to be confident in the truth of Christianity (beyond experience, emotions, and a limited knowledge of the Bible) much less defend their faith in the face of trained cultists. In addition to making sure that they get the books, videos, and other materials that they need to vaccinate their people Darryl will start intensive apologetics training sessions at our house with these leaders next week (until our trip to the USA and then more to follow after our return).
- Please pray that as these leaders attempt to restore their wandering sheep that they won’t be deceived.
- Please pray that they will get equipped so that they can vaccinate the rest of their group against cults or other religions.
- Please pray that God will help the leaders of the other denominations, who have also lost their sheep to cults like these to unite on the foundation of essential Christian doctrine and present a united defense of the Truth and will better equip their flocks to be able to keep their faith and share it with confidence and joy.
Japanese Life Group Update:

Last time, we mentioned an elderly Japanese man that Kayo and other Japanese missionaries were “re-evangelizing.” This man is well on the path to developing a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ as his Savior (if he hasn’t already). We are moving slowly with him, because he made a profession of faith as a child and was baptized but there was little/no fruit until now. Now, this man is motivated to allow Christ to change his life, and he wants to share his limited knowledge of God’s Word, with other elderly Japanese men living in Cambodia (this is a real unreached people group : ) ).
God has also been bringing a variety of people to the group (some as visitors some continue on). In the past month in addition to Japanese, Americans, and Koreans, we have had Korean/Chinese/Japanese family, a Ghana/Japanese family, and a Cambodian/French man attend the group. This is surprising for us because we have not made any attempts to advertise the group since last December but people are finding the old flyers etc. and just showing up.
International Fishers Update:

In the beginning of April, Darryl taught an (6 hours spread over two days) intensive Christian apologetics workshop to eight students of the Family of Faith Cambodia Church’s church planter training program and he also preached on the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at this Church’s Easter Service. As missionaries, we often feel like we are constantly pouring lighter fluid and lighting matches in an attempt to light the fires of Christianity on the charcoal of Cambodia. Now, it is clear that the charcoal is burning on its own (not just the lighter fluid). For the first time, in the past 15 years, we are gaining confidence that God is preparing a great revival in Cambodia (which is why the cults are showing up to plant tares among the wheat in the softened soil).
Later, Darryl was able to produce two videos: God’s Technology vs. Human Technology and DNA: God is the Author of Life in Spanish (click here to view/download) . Advancing computer/Internet technology made it possible for Darryl’s friend Fernando (a Guatemalan living in Japan) to translate and record the soundtrack for these videos. Darryl (in Cambodia) was able to combine this with photos from Pastor Kevin (an American in Japan), Graphics from Donna (in the USA) and music from Pastor Bob (in the USA).
Also, because of the recent onslaught of criticism and attacks against Christianity from cultural and political leaders, Darryl also felt led to combine his skills as a Christian Apologist with his background in Political Science to analyze and defend against these attacks in real-time. You are invited to read this English-language blog called Apologist In Exile.
Sender’s Encouragement Trip
Looking forward to connecting with as many of our precious senders in the USA as possible. Please contact darryl@sgwm.com
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin