“We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;” 2 Corinthians 4:8
Years ago, when I first started driving a car in Cambodian traffic jams I used to think about being “hard-pressed on ever side.” : ) Now that COVID (105 new cases yesterday) is spreading in Cambodia there are few traffic jams. Now, the “pressing” feels more like three people trying to do work, ministry, and online school in an apartment with few outings. By God’s grace, we were able to move into a two bedroom apartment, last month, before this latest COVID outbreak hit.

We thank God that we are able to continue to reach out to the people of Cambodia via social media. Sometimes we are “perplexed” with questions like, “When will we be able to return to in-person ministries with our Cambodian partners?” “When will we be able to visit the US or Japan?” etc. But, we are not in “despair” because God is with us, has met our needs so far, and we trust Him to be with us in the future.

Since the last update, Darryl has been able to produce and distribute three videos in the Cambodian language: 1. Are Genuine Christians Hypocrites? 2. Is God a Trinity? 3. How Should Christians Relate to Our Cultures? Now, Darryl has two more videos in process for the Cambodian language. In terms of video production, Darryl is able to produce more videos during the times when COVID is bad than during normal times because other ministry activities and errands are stopped.
Please pray that we will be able to work out a safe way (given the current spread of COVID) to translate, record, and synchronize more audio tracks for Darryl’s apologetics/evangelistic videos in Chinese (Mandarin).
Please pray for Kayo as she misses her in-person ministries and activities the most. She still keeps busy helping to organize the worship team at the international church for the weekly video service. She keeps in touch with her Cambodian partners but there is not as much work for her to do now that she can’t go to the office. She also is busier with the family when Benjamin is home on online school.
Benjamin is doing well both in-person and online school. He misses being able to hang out with his friends as much as before. Still he is handling it all pretty well. He also is disappointed that we won’t be able to travel either in Cambodia or internationally for some time due to COVID.
Thanks for your faithful prayers, encouragement, and support as God enables you to bless the people of Cambodia and beyond through your partnership with our family.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phnom Penh, Cambodia