Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
Psalm 20:7

With a pandemic, economic turmoil, and social turmoil in many places around the world it is easy to become overwhelmed and frightened when our “horses” and “chariots”, whatever they may be, fail. But, these times constantly remind us that God is real and He is greater than whatever we fear. We thank God that He has been taking care of us and meeting our daily needs during this precarious time.
Ministries are have stabilized in this new season. Darryl was able to release a new video in the Cambodian language entitled “If God Created Everything, Why Do Animals Eat Meat?” This video was well received on various social media platforms.
Darryl has also been video recording and editing the videos for the worship team at the international church’s online service via Facebook. Darryl did the subtitles for one week but now there is someone else to do this.
Darryl is waiting for students at the seminary to turn in their online apologetics class assignments for grading. Hopefully this will be completed in July.
Right now, Darryl is mainly focusing on researching and writing video scripts for future videos. Please pray for wisdom and inspiration for the writing process.
Kayo participated in a food giveaway via Bethel Grace Mission a Cambodian founded ministry that ministers to the urban poor who live in graveyards.
Kayo is also helping to organize the worship team at the international church and is actually more busy than normal with this because of the need to record the worship time on video. It looks like the churches will be shut down for several more months.
Benjamin completed his online school year. He will be going into 6th grade (probably online) in August. We are proud of him for winning a the Jo Miller award for Christ-like servant leadership.
We are doubtful that we can go to Japan this fall because now in order to return to Cambodia we would need to deposit $3,000 per person for quarantine expenses in addition to other hurdles in Cambodia and Japan. Please pray that these travel restrictions will be lifted in time for us to travel internationally again in 2021.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin