“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” Psalm 5:11
Since our last update, God has opened the doors for schools and churches to reopen. The government still has placed strict requirements on both but with a total cases around 274 and no community transmission of COVID 19, we are hopeful that those restrictions will be gradually eased. The restrictions for entry into Cambodia remain very strict so for now we cannot leave the country because it might be too difficult to re-enter.
Our regular ministries continue to be blessed. Darryl’s International Fishers apologetics/evangelistic ministry is going well. He has been able to increase the frequency of his videos from about 1 per month before COVID to around 3 per month. He released videos with the following titles (in the Cambodian language)since August: Science and Jesus’ Miracles, Talking Snakes and Donkeys in the Bible, How to Find God, and, God and Time. There are three more videos in process which will be released soon. He continues to release the videos on the website, various Facebook pages and groups, and on YouTube. It is encouraging that the evidencecambodia YouTube channel alone now has 1,620 subcribers and has more than 92,000 total views across all the videos. Tracking the numbers of views on the various Facebook pages and groups and the website is much more difficult but most videos are more popular on Facebook than on YouTube.
Kayo continues to be very active in worship ministry for the local international church. We are thankful that we no longer have to only do video services but can do in-person services. She looks forward to being able to return to in-person work with Precious Women.
Please pray for our Cambodian ministry partners, especially Light Times Magazine and Precious Women Organization. Light Times Magazine is struggling financially and also it is difficult to print and distribute magazines during this season. Please pray that now that the churches are reopening that Light Times will be able to return to normal operations as well. Please pray for Precious Women Organization that they will be able to return to regular operations as well. Before COVID, they were primarily focused on evangelizing and retraining women who were trapped in the night-time entertainment industry. Now, they are primarily focused on providing emergency food relief to women who have become unemployed due to COVID. While this is a good temporary focus, please pray that they will be able to return to their main vision ASAP and that we will be able to return to in-person work with them.
Thanks for your faithful prayer, encouragement, and practical support that has made it possible for our family not to just survive during this global season of pandemic and unrest but to actually see some areas of thriving. We pray that God will be with and bless you, your family, and your church as you have been a blessing to the Great Commission in Cambodia.
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin