Monthly Prayer Requests |
![]() Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda The Kanyikes are getting closer to being allowed to come to the USA for the kids to receive citizenship. They have an interview soon in Uganda to get travel visas. Once the children have that they need to send it to a USCIS office in the States where they should immediately be assigned an interview date. Please pray that all goes well each step of the way. They come in June. Pray for the Lord to provide all they will need financially and logistically to get to the States and for their stay while they are there. Pray for Brian and Jill as they prepare and make plans for the ministry and the guesthouse while they are away. Pray for the children who attended our recent youth event. Pray for those who accepted Jesus as Savior. Pray for 2 Muslim boys who attended. Pray for health and safety. Viruses are spreading like crazy during this hot and rainy season and there have been political riots not far from where the Kanyikes stay. Thank you for praying for the Kanyike Family and for the ministry in Uganda. In Him, Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog |
![]() Matthew and Noelle Harris – Uganda Thank you so much for your continued love and support. May God bless you as you lift us up in your prayers. Praise God that: One of our students, named Bismark Okwera, recently opened a new Calvary Chapel and a nursery school at one of the refugee camps in Northern Uganda. We are currently teaching our pastors through the books of 1-2 Corinthians which contain vitally important truth for their churches. God saved four people when my daughters preached on the radio recently. Please pray that: God would continue to strengthen and encourage our family as we serve Him here. God would work in the hearts of our students as they continue to study His Word. God would bless the new church plant in the refugee camp with love, understanding, and grace. God Bless You, The Harris Family – Email Blog |
![]() Tim and Jenn Pappas – Yorba Linda, California Praise: God is moving in Andy’s life. He has just completed 20 days in an inpatient hospital. Tim’s back is improving and we as a couple are implementing personal disciplines that will help enable us to serve the Lord in this capacity. Prayer: Please pray for the 2024 Calvary School of Missions planning and preparations. Wisdom and sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit as we plan out the rest of this year’s missionary care calendar. Please pray for our son Andy as he will be discharged from the hospital. That he would be willing to continue his treatment at a lower level of care. Pray for us as we depend on Him in making decisions for the next steps. Praise Jesus we are able to minister to him and see him frequently. We pray for our Father to renew his mind. Please pray that as a couple serving together in the office and on the field, that we continue to be steadfast in the Lord. Please continue to pray for Tim as he continues to have back pain. All for His Glory,Tim and Jenn – Email Blog |
![]() Bond and Heather Gaona – USA, Asia, and Africa Praise God for the student outreaches in S. Asia in May. Pray for the seeds that were planted to take root and for people to put their faith in Jesus. Pray for our Young Adults Missions Trip in June to Mexico. Pray for divine appointments to share the Gospel. Pray that we would be an encouragement to the churches. Pray for the students as they return to their villages for the semester break to be ambassadors for the Lord, teach the Word and preach the Gospel. Thank you for your prayers, Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona – Email Blog |
![]() Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA Please continue to pray for my parents’ health. Especially pray for healing for my dad, or an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Please pray also for my mom’s health.Please pray for my father-in-law who is battling stage 4 cancer.Please pray for my family’s health, and that God will protect us from any kind of spiritual or physical attack.Please pray that God will use us for His glory. Thank you so much for your prayers! God bless you,Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog |
![]() Joni Houser – Indiana, USA Please pray for the Christians in South Asia who are going through persecution.Please pray for my father’s health. Please pray for complete healing.Please continue to pray for my mom’s health and complete recovery. God bless you!Joni – Email Blog |
Mexico |
![]() Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico Thanks for the prayers! Prayer Requests: #1- A job in the States for our daughter Grace! #2- That God would bless my two church planting conferences coming up in June in Colorado and Arizona! #3- That God would enable the two lawsuits against me and our church to be thrown out! (Regarding our church property that a man is attempting to steal) Praise Reports: #1- A wonderful church planting vision tour to Patzcuaro Michoacan! #2- Our church’s new Sports Center is drawing many youth! Thanks for your prayers, Mike and Sarah Vincent – Email Blog |
![]() Jenna Pepin – Culiacán, Sinaloa Mexico Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for us and keep us connected to our “home” church, family, and friends. We have a lot going on here in Culiacan, as always, but I ask you to pray for the following: 1- Pray for Los Gavilanes, a new community in Nayarit among the Cora tribes. By God’s divine plan, we worked with them this month instead of the Kuare. Although they have received no formal training of any kind, they have created a small sending hub of churches with 7 pastors… the fruits of an old missionary woman that found their community more than 30 years ago! Pray that the Lord continues to grow them all in their walk with Him, and that He would protect them from the fierce persecution they often face. 2- Continue to pray for the Kuare and our next proposed trip to visit them in August with the School of Missions. 3- Continue to pray for my neck and shoulder injury, which thanks to God, it is finally coming back to normal. 4- Pray for all of our Church-planting graduates (approximately 40 this year among our 4 campuses, including my daughter, Ruby) as they graduate in June and begin moving towards the callings God has placed on their lives. 5- Pray for a new ministry that I have been blessed to be a part of at a local women’s rehab center. There are about 60 women we will be ministering to. Pray for continued favor with the director and that God would raise up many godly women from our Calvary churches to work with them. And thank you so much for your prayers this past month! All of our April/May events have been a huge success! All of our Children’s Day events and outreaches went very well with many professions of faith. All of our women’s events had similar results with many new professions of faith. And our mission trip was AMAZING! God had to break down both of our vehicles to send us where He wanted us to go (LOL), but as a result, many men, women, and children made professions of faith, many people were ministered to via our medical brigade, and 7 pastors were encouraged and trained up to help them be even more effective. ❤️ Thank you all and God bless you. Jenna Pepin, Ruby, and Sammy – Email Blog |
![]() Paul and Claudia Boubion – Rosarito, Mexico Please pray for: 1. Family – our adult children 2. Us to better hear from the Holy Spirit 3. Claudia’s big bilingual Women’s study 4. Counseling ministry: for guidance in helping people with heavy issues 5. God to show people in the church how to have a personal relationship with Him through daily devotions 6. My new men’s discipleship group! 7. Thanksgiving and praise for His provision and for giving us purpose! Thank you for your prayers! In Him, Paul & Claudia – Email Blog |
Hassan and Stacy Villegas – Acapulco, Mexico Please help us pray for souls. Acapulco is rough and we need divine appointments. That God would give us the boldness to share freely. Hassan & Stacy – Email Blog | ![]() |
![]() Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico PRAISE— my mom had another fall and was in the hospital and then transferred to a skilled nursing center, but is now back at home and doing well. I have been with her and so have not been in Mexico for over a month. I am now going to be spending half the week with my mom in San Diego and half the week here in Mexico. 1. Continued prayers for my mom’s health. We have an appointment on June 4 with San Diego PACE hoping that they will accept her. (PACE is an elderly care program in San Diego that is wonderful)! This will help with future long-term care. 2. For a trip that our staff here is taking to North Bend, Washington June 22-30. It’s a wonderful opportunity to minister to the Spanish community of Calvary Chapel Mt. Si in North Bend Washington. (This church comes every summer to assist us with VBS, and they are flying us out to assist them in Ministry). Specific prayer that someone will be able to stay with my mom during this time. 3. Provisions for a nursery and youth room makeover. 4. Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom!!! I need so much of God’s wisdom in everything that I do! 5. Salvation for the moms and dads of the kids in the afterschool program. Thanks to all who take the time to read our prayer requests and pray for us! – Deanna Jevas – Email Blog |
![]() Lilibeth Rabiella – Acapulco, Mexico Hello dear brothers! My name is Lili, I am from Mexico and I serve in the missions area among other services at the Calvary Acapulco Church. On May 5, my brother Manuel was wounded by three bullets, he was in the wrong place, unfortunately. At this time, insecurity in Acapulco has increased due to organized crime and several civilians have died. LILI PRAYER REQUESTS: Prompt recovery for my brother Manuel. May God provide a hospital in good condition where he can recover. May God continue to open Manuel’s spiritual understanding and renew his inner man. May God transform his heart. May God give me wisdom, health, and fullness of the Holy Spirit to accompany my brother in this process. May God provide men with the character of Christ and use them to disciple my brother. Please we need your prayers 🙏🏽 With love ❤️ Lili – Email Blog |
South America |
![]() Andrew Weakland – Moyobamba, Peru 1. Thanks to God for Yenry and Jesus. They are faithful workers sent from Calvary Trujillo who have helped tremendously with Calvary Moyobamba 2. Thanks to God for this group of 5 locals that God is raising to take on some church responsibilities. May they be encouraged and grow deeper in their love for Jesus and serving Him. 3. Thanks to God for helping me consider the “insignificant” in Moyobamba and giving me a heart of compassion towards them. May God heal them and set them apart for Him. 4. Thanks to God for the provision. 5. Thanks to God for 7 months of verse-by-verse teaching in Luke and Genesis. May more people come and be spiritually fed. – Andrew Weakland – Email Blog |
Ryan and Karen Gause – Iquitos, Peru Please pray with us about our Visas for Peru. We only have a few more documents to submit and everything has to be submitted before June 30. Thank you so much for all of your love and support!!!! Ryan & Karen Gause – Email Blog | ![]() |
10/40 Window |
![]() The 10/40 WindowThe 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.) |
![]() Worker 3 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Kindly pray that God will open the eyes of Hindu fanatic groups, that they will see God’s love and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. – Please pray that God will stop the kinds of persecutions that are happening here. – Kindly pray for the growth of our church.Kindly pray for our graduates, that God will use them effectively. – Pray for B. and his wife, that they will understand each other. Thank you very much for your prayers and support! In Him, Worker 3 |
![]() Worker 11 – 10/40 Window Glory to the Lord: Glory to God that God protects me and my family from all kinds of sorrows and troubles.Glory to the Lord, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ has reached a new village!Glory to the Lord, three women have accepted the Lord!Glory to the Lord, a woman has publicly showed she follows Jesus!Glory to the Lord, my wife has been cured of thyroid!Glory to God that He is providing all kinds of resources for His ministry. Prayer Requests: Please pray for my father’s and my safety. There are many people who say things against us.Please pray that we can reach more villages with the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ.Please pray that some of the youth can be prepared to go to Bible College, so that in the coming days they too will be able to participate in spreading the Good News of the Lord.Please pray for my mother; her bones are very weak and she has to have daily injections. Also, her thyroid levels have increased to about 18 points; may God help in controlling her thyroid problem as well.My younger sister is getting married on May 16. May God fulfill all our needs, and also pray that since it is a Christian wedding, that no Hindu fundamentalists will oppose it.Please pray for the registration of our church in which there are some obstacles; may God remove those obstacles according to His will.Please pray for us that God will give us a child. Thanks for your prayers, love for Christ, and participation in spreading the Gospel! God bless you all! Worker 11 |
![]() Worker 15 and Family – 10/40 Window Please continue to pray for safety from persecution. We praise God because He is on the throne. He is drawing people to Himself, and the devil can’t stop Him. Thanks for your prayers and partnership! God bless, Worker 15 |
![]() Worker 16 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests – Please pray for my children, that they will grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord, and for their final exams. – Please pray that the Lord will intervene in the problems the world is facing. – Please pray for the village ministry in our local area, that the villagers will grow in the Word of the Lord. – Please pray for the new family, that they will grow in the Lord. – Please pray for the Christians in our state, that in the midst of persecution they will stand in the Lord. Worker 16 |
![]() Anand and Usha – Nepal Prayer Requests: Please pray for the Himalayan people, that they will know God.Please pray for our capital city, where 6 million people live and only 200,000 are believers. May God bring revival to our city and country. Thank you for your prayers and support, Anand, Usha, Asher and Amos – Email Blog |
![]() Milan Pariyar – Nepal Prayer Requests: 1. Pray for the people who heard the Gospel, that they will they believe. 2. Pray that the youth will seek God first and serve Him. 3. Pray for the church and believers to grow more in the Word. 4. Pray for me as I am leading the district youth group; may the Lord give His wisdom and favor upon me. Thank you, Milan |
![]() Raju – 10/40 Window We are trusting God to change the hearts of people where the Gospel has been heard, and turn to Jesus. Pray for the local pastor in a nearby mountain area who helped lead us to this new place; he needs God’s guidance, wisdom, and filling of the Spirit in the coming days. We are thankful for this mission, and may God bless the team in the days ahead. Pray for us for God’s guidance, strength, and wisdom, as my wife and I will be parents soon. Blessings! Raju – Blog |
![]() Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia Please pray for our upcoming time in Japan from June 6 to August 6. We will be visiting and encouraging churches all over the country. Also, please pray for opportunities and wisdom to be witnesses before Kayo’s family. Please pray for our ministries and partners in Cambodia that God will continue to bless and guide them during our time away. Please pray for wisdom, favor, and provision regarding some financial decisions we are in the process of making. The Japanese Yen continues to lose value against the US Dollar, Benjamin’s educational expenses will continue to increase over the next three year, and other challenges. Right now, we don’t see any clear open doors, but are trusting God to open and close all the right doors at the right time so that we can continue to serve Him. Please pray for renewed strength and vision for the next season in Cambodia during our time in Japan. We thank God that the weeks-long 105F (170-year record) heatwave has ended and that we are back in the normal high 90s. Not just for us, but even for the Cambodians, there is a sense of residual fatigue. In Christ’s Hands, Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog |