The Kanyike Update

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 6:9

Dear Friends and Family,

I am sure by now your New Year is well under way. As I write this we have begun 2025 and as you have done, we have celebrated the end of the year with remembrance of all God had done in 2024 and are now looking forward to what God will do and how we can be used in 2025.

In our last newsletter we were just preparing our Christmas programs so I wanted to share how it all turned out. The Christmas program at Arise Christian Fellowship turned out beautifully. The children and youth really took over most of the service. They performed a variety of 8 different songs, dances and skits to tell the Christmas story and what it means for us. They practiced everyday for 2 weeks. Liana was in every performance and we are so proud of how hard she worked and the commitment she showed. She even got to be the lead in one of the dances and to conduct the small children in singing.

We are so thankful to the Sunday school teachers as well. They worked very hard to teach and choreograph the songs. They came everyday to the church to work with the kids and designed the outfits for the different parts of the program. They also performed a collaboration of Christmas carols. They demonstrated so much patience and love to the children as well as providing the children with something fun and fruitful to invest their time in over the long school holiday. (It’s our summer break here).

The teachers awarded the kids for their hardwork by  giving them a Christmas party and gifts.

Liana showed her appreciation for being a part of the show by sharing candy with all the kids and teachers.

The worship team did a beautiful job leading the church in Christmas carols as well in to the heart of worship. I often wish we would sing those beautiful songs more than once a year. My heart was overwhelmed as I sang about the gift of Jesus. They really prepared us for the Christmas message. 

For the weeks leading up to Christmas Brian had been sharing each week on the different characters of the Christmas story and their importance.  His Christmas message was about Jesus and how His birth was just the beginning of the story of God’s gift to us. He went on to share about Jesus’ purpose in being born and our salvation through His death and resurrection.  Truly it taught us the reason for the season.

After the church service we had a meal for everyone who was there.  Some of the ladies in the church cooked.  We are so thankful for how God multiplied the food.  We had planned for 250 people and ended up with 280 children plus the adults.  Everyone got something.  It was a great time of “swallowship” as Brian and the other pastors  always say.  We love sharing a meal with everyone because many people in our church are very poor and we do not know if they will have a nice meal for Christmas or not. 

Also I believe the fellowship draws us closer together.  Our church is not too big and one of the things people always comment on is that they feel like they are part of a family when they are at Arise.  For those who we are aware probably would not have any meal on Christmas such as the widows and orphans of the church we gave out Christmas gifts of rice, maize flour, oil, sugar and soap.  We were so blessed to know we would have a nice Christmas at home as a family and it is a blessing to ensure that others will as well.  We are very thankful for those of you who gave to make that possible.

For my women’s Bible study and the children who come to that we also had a Christmas party.  We have been studying the Names of God, so for the Christmas message I shared on the names from Isaiah 9:6 that are given to the coming Messiah.  For the New Year Brian taught a miniseries on New Year resolutions and goals we should have as Christians and as a church. I believe not just me but everyone is excited to step out of our comfort zone of 2024 and take steps of faith into whatever God has in store for us in 2025.

Thank you for praying for our family and

for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful  for all that the Lord has done in us and for us in 2024. Pray for God’s leading and direction in 2025.
  • We are thankful for our church family.  We are thankful to those who serve and for those who are still learning what it means to follow Jesus.  Pray that God would continue to grow the church and raise up a new generation of servants.
  • We are thankful for the for the many people who pray and support the ministry here. 
  • Pray for  Danison and Ester.  He leads our ministry team and she is our Sunday School director.  As I am writing this I was just  informed their 1.5 year old son has passed away.  It is heartbreaking.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
  • Pray for Brian as he  pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.

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The Kanyike Update

“That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” 1 John 1:3-4

Dear Friends and Family,

Merry Christmas!

I know that by the time this newsletter reaches you, you most likely will have already celebrated Christmas and I pray that it was a wonderful time with family and friends celebrating of our Savior’s birth. 

As for us we are still in the planning stages of all of our Christmas activities and Bible studies.  Brian has began his Sunday morning Christmas series.  He is teaching on the significance of the characters in the Christmas story.  Each week focusing on specific characters and on Christmas will share specifically on Jesus.  My women’s study has been going though the names of God and for our Christmas message we will be looking at the prophecy of Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 , “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I am excited as I begin to prepare because I have seen how studying the names of God have already impacted the ladies significantly.  The children’s ministry is preparing so many activities.  We have a kids day planned focusing on the gifts God has given us.  Then the older youth have a conference in Northern Uganda with the youth from South Sudan.  The children are also putting on a Christmas play so they are rehearsing.  I can not wait to see how God is going to move in all of these activities and how He will be glorified.

As we have been preparing and since we have just come out of the season of Thanksgiving I have been reminded of what a gift people’s testimonies are to us and how they help others know them and God better. I thought what a better way to enter this season of Christmas and New Year then sharing some of these testimonies and the blessing they have been to us. 

The first one I want to share is from Wes. He recently shared at our church.  Everyone knows him and knows he is the director of Far Reaching ministries and that he and his wife minister in many countries.  When Wes shared at the church he shared about how he came to where he is now.  That the beginning of the ministry was a step of faith, leaving the security of secular employment.  He shared how daily he had to trust in the Lord not only for direction but for provision of simple everyday needs.  It took time, obedience and much prayer for the ministry to develop and become what it is today.  It also took knowing that whatever we have is from God and that when we share it with others He will bless us with more to keep sharing. 

This message really impacted the church.  As you know most of our church comes from the slums and market place but through this message realized that they too can be used by God and its not about how much they have but what they are willing to share, even if all they have is the love of Christ!

Recently, we had 2 ladies who work in the FRM office come through the guest house.  They happened to be around during my women’s Bible study.  I asked them if after the study they wanted to share anything with the ladies.  One of the ladies who shared had a testimony that really challenged the ladies as they could relate so well to it.  She shared about how when she first got invited to a Bible study she was a single mother and that she really agreed to go to the Bible study only because she was told they would have donuts and snacks and she was poor so she wanted to eat.  She shared how she would ride her bike there with her baby on her back and she would just stare at the food waiting for when they would say it was time to eat. 

She said that after awhile of attending she began becoming more interested in what the teacher was saying than the food.  This resonated with my ladies who are mostly very poor and almost all are single mothers or daughters of single mothers.  I was aware of a couple who come mostly for the food but have been praying that as they also hear the word their lives will be changed and they will hunger and thirst for righteousness as well. A while after that Bible study one of the ladies asked to give a testimony at church and in her testimony she referenced both Wes’ and these ladies testimonies on how  she used to have different motives for coming to church and Bible study and even used to be in sin while coming but after seeing, hearing and experiencing the love of God through the brothers and sisters at church she realizes that Christ loves her and she loves Him and she is so thankful that even through the times of wrong motives God was calling her to Himself and she is now living for Him.

The last testimony that recently was shared was from Brian.  We were reading through Exodus at home when we read Exodus 14:13-14, “ But Moses said to the people, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation that he will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you must be quiet.”  He said the verse brought back memories from when he was around 7 and his family had to flee their home because the fighting of the war came so near. He felt led to teach these verses and to share this testimony with the church.  He shared how they ran and ran and then they saw this little dilapidated mud house and they ran inside.  He said he was with his mom and baby sister and there were others with children as well. He said that in those moments they could hear the guns and fighting and knew that the mud walls couldn’t protect them but that verses about being still, being quiet and God’s salvation spoke to them.  Even the babies did not cry.  God delivered them that day and the fighting moved away from there and they were safe to go the rest of the way to a camp that was set up  near the lake for families displaced by the war.  He and the church praise God that his family and so many others were saved and that since then there has been no war in Uganda.

Thank you for Praying for our family and for the people of Uganda.

In Him,

    Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • I am so thankful  for the many testimonies the Lord has blessed us with ourselves and for those that have been shared with us by others.
  • We are thankful for our church family: for those who come to serve, those who come to hear and even those who come for the food.  We pray that all will find Jesus and the blessing of knowing Him personally.
  • We are thankful for the visitors who come through and bless us with their teaching, testimonies and outreach.
  • Pray for  Arise Christian Fellowship as they finalize all the Christmas preparations and plans for the New Year.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
  • Pray for Brian as he  pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Year in Review–2024

Dear Friends and Family,


We would like to thank all of you for blessing us with your prayers and support that led to the amazing gift of the children finally getting their American citizenship. Thank you also for praying for our family and ministry in Uganda. This year has seen many events and outreaches take place at Arise Christian fellowship and in the community. As always, it has been exciting to see God move in the hearts of the Ugandan people. The church body has enjoyed meeting together for church and fellowship to pray, worship and to be filled with the teaching of God’s Word. We look forward to this coming year to see what new things God may do. You are in our thoughts and prayers as we enter this new year. God Bless You this holiday season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus!

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana

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The Kanyike Update

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Thanksgiving!

Often times when I am teaching I say something to the effect that we always have something to be thankful for.  Even when we don’t have much or even if we are going through a hard time there is always something to be thankful for.  Sometimes it is in that search for what to give thanks for that God is able to take our eyes off of ourselves and put them back on Him. 

In this season that we have been back in Uganda I am blessed to say I do not have to search for things to be thankful for, God is so good. And as everyone in Uganda would say after that, and all the time God is so good.  Right after we got back we had an after glow service with the church.  It was a beautiful time of everyone coming back to the heart of worship.  We took communion together and prayed together.  Our family was also able to share about our time in the states and thank the church for their prayers and the volunteers for all they did while we were away. It was a joyous reunion with our church family.  Brian said we missed them and was sad that they all couldn’t have come with us but we  had brought a piece of America back for them and then Luke passed out chocolate to everyone.

My first Wednesday back they ladies gathered at my house for Bible study.  They all shared testimonies of what had gone on in their lives while I was away.  I was blessed to hear from them how the study we had finished on Reflecting God continued to minister to them and they were able to apply what they had learned while I was gone.  On that first study I shared about my time in the states and introduced the new topic we will be studying.  Of course there was more chocolate for them.  A lovely lady from my church, Julie, had sent earrings for the women so they had fun looking at them at choosing them.  On the following Sunday at church most of the ladies were wearing them. They were so blessed and thankful that someone in America had thought of them.  I am looking forward to how God will move in the new study we are beginning.

We just had a large team of pastors come through.  They came to teach the refresher course for the chaplains in South Sudan.  Before they went up North they spent some time with us and Arise Christian Fellowship here in Kampala.  The fellowship was so nice.  Having a house full of pastors is a blessing because someone is always giving a devotion, sharing an encouraging word or telling a good joke.  While they were here they participated in market evangelism, open air preaching and home visits.  It was raining on and off so they had to brave the rain but many people were ministered to and at least 10 received the Lord as their personal savior.  The team was able to provide practical gifts such as: tea, sugar, soap, rice, and/or milk to over 70 families.  Though it was raining on and off a large crowd gathered to hear the open air preaching and some people were able to find tarps to put up as a quick shelter.  Some of the team were taken by a church member to the older people in the community and the shut-ins to pray for them and also share the gospel with.  The team was a blessing and the community have shared with us through our church members how thankful they are.

The Sunday that the team was at Arise, Pastor Chris shared about keeping our eyes focused on Jesus only and serving Him with all we are.  The message was very stirring and when he had finished he said that if the Lord was touching your heart to know Him and serve Him better to come forward. Almost half the church and even some of the other pastors came forward. It was so beautiful.  I too want to serve my Lord better.  After church the visitors were able to play with and minister to the Sunday school children during their snack time. We are truly thankful for this team.

Thank you for Praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • I am so thankful for the many ways the Lord has blessed usin serving Him and for everyone who supports our family and the ministry in Uganda.
  • We are thankful for our church family and for those who volunteer to serve at Arise. Pray for the volunteers to be blessed and for more church members to discover their gifts and step out into ministry.
  • We are thankful for the team that has come and the ministry they have done. Please pray for the people who have heard the gospel and for those who received Jesus to come to church.
  • Pray for the womans ministry as they begin a new study. They are very thankful for the people who think and pray for them.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team



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The Kanyike Update

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19-20

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Anniversary!

You might be wondering, “happy Anniversary to who?” I have just celebrated my 25th anniversary in Uganda. I can not believe how time flies. I am overwhelmed with emotions of thankfulness and awe as I reflect on all the Lord has done in those years.  While I doubt I can fit the multitude of God’s work in this one newsletter. I do want to share some of what has taken place in those years.

I felt called to Africa pretty much from the time I was saved. It was in 1996 while finishing my Bible College at the Campus in Austria that God spoke to me specifically about ministering to South Sudanese. It would be 3 more years before I landed in Africa to serve amongst Sudanese refugees in Uganda.

I arrived in Uganda with just a backpack, a sleeping bag and a knife. This has really become a laughing point amongst the team I was a part of. I really imagined I was going to have to get off the plane and hike though the jungle. In actuality I landed in a pretty big city. The refugee camp was 4-5 hours north of us and while the roads were not good we were able to drive there.  In the refugee camp my team and I did many things. We taught many Bible studies. I taught women and children, as well as helping teach a women’s school of discipleship. We taught English as a second language.  Most of the women we ministered to knew little if no English. It was eye opening to see how women were treated and how much work they did for their families, and also how common polygamy was.

One of the hardest things in sharing the gospel with them was eliminating some of the harmful traditional practices. I still want weep at some of the deaths that were the result of such practices. One of my favorite memories was the first time I taught the women about Christmas.  As I was teaching one of the ladies interrupted and was quite surprised that Jesus “happened” to be born on Christmas.  Some of the ladies never had known that the reason we celebrate Christmas is Jesus.

We had a feeding center for malnourished children. This was a very tough part of the ministry, to see starving babies and children and the sickness and death related to that. The blessings and miracles we saw God do for these children outweighed the difficulty of the situation. To see a child’s life and body transformed through prayer and good nutrition was a wonderful experience to be a part of.

We had a child sponsorship program for over 500 children.  I would make sure they stayed in communication with their sponsors and do home visits. I also got called into the principal’s office for bad behaviors and to the clinic when someone was sick. I was single back then and people would always ask me, “don’t you want to get married and have children?” I would respond I already have 500. I do not know where all of those children have ended up but I do know 1 is now a doctor, a couple are teachers and quite a few have resettled to Australia where they were able to finish school and attend university.

When the war was over and the refugees began to return  to Sudan I wanted to go with them. At that time my team had returned to the States.  A missionary pastor who also worked with Far Reaching Ministries asked me to come to Kampala to help establish their women’s ministry. I was torn because I really had been trying but unsuccessfully to go to an unreached people group in South Sudan.  In my devotions God spoke to me from Galatians about doing good to all, especially the household of faith. I knew then I was supposed to move to Kampala. Little did I know God had my husband and future children planned through that obedience. As I taught the women at the church, I also taught at the Bible College.  Lo and behold God brought me Kudamuch, a Sudanese man from the very tribe I wanted to reach. He eventually graduated and returned to his people to share the gospel with them and plant a church. He has since passed away but the ministry there continues.

Almost 10 years ago my husband, Brian, was called to minister to the market people, people from the slums, people who are poor and suffered addictions. That out reach turned into Arise Christian Fellowship where we currently serve.

It has not all been easy, there has been much sickness, betrayal, robberies, terrorist attacks and sometimes fear/doubt but more than that there was/is God. I know Him better and trust Him more because of all the experiences good and bad.

I am amazed He has allowed me to be a part of His ministry here for this long and I still look to each day with wonder of what He is going to do or call me to do next.

I am thankful for all of you whose prayer and support has enabled me to serve these 25 years.  While God has done so much, the work is not done.  Let us continue to run this race together knowing we will receive the prize.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • I am so thankful for the many ways the Lord has blessed me in serving Him and for everyone who supports me and the ministry in Uganda.
  • We are still praising God for our safe return to Uganda and for finding the ministry well taken care of and thriving.
  • Pray for the many different ministries taking place in Uganda and South Sudan.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
  • Pray for Jill as her women’s bible study resumes and the children as they get back to a normal homeschool schedule.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Pray for the Kanyikes as they prepare for a large team coming next month.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Update

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20

Dear Friends and Family,

God Bless America!

We are praising God! The Kanyike Children are finally Americans!

We want to thank everyone who has been praying for this day for so long. It was hard to remain hopeful and believe it would finally come to pass we could not have done it with out you.

I never thought it would take my children so long of a time to legally become my children or to be Americans. The process of both was very long.

I became a mother in June 2010 when I first met Luke, then again in 2011 and 2014 with Laylee and Liana. Each of these gifts from God were miraculous to Brian and I. With Luke, the elders of the church had prayed for me on a Wednesday to get a baby. On Friday, a friend who was adopting, as well as a friend who worked for the babies home called me that a baby had just arrived that they were sure was ou son. By the following Monday, Brian and I, began the process for bringing Luke home.

With Laylee, we had taken a couple from the USA to a different babies home to meet the baby they were matched with. We saw Laylee then and inquired about her. At that time, that particular babies home only did international adoptions. A couple months later we were contacted out of the blue and asked to come in for a meeting. They told us that they were beginning to do in country adoptions and they had a baby they thought was multicultural and wanted to place her with a mixed couple. It was Laylee. She came home 5 days later.

In 2014 my nephew was visiting. He is adopted and wanted to visit a baby home to see how adoptions were done in Uganda. It was on that visit we met Liana. I knew immediately she was my daughter but were told that she was not adoptable because she might not be Ugandan. I prayed because I knew she was ours. 4 months later they called and asked if we still wanted Liana. Of course I said yes. She came home 3 days later. Each of our children are a miracle. We thank the Lord everyday for giving us these precious gifts.

In Uganda you have to have the children in your home for 3 years before they will finalize the adoption.  When Luke was 4 we began the process for him and Laylee to be finalized. Every couple months we would be given a date for court only to arrive at the courthouse and be told it was canceled. This went on till 2017 when finally after many failed attempts and tears we were able to finalize the adoption of all three children. This picture was us in our “Court Clothes”.

The next step was to apply for the children’s American citizenship.  We first applied for their USA visas so we could travel to the US.  We were granted visas in 2018. While we were waiting for the visas to arrive, we were contacted by Ugandan Social workers telling us that there was a new law that required a new special certificate to be issued for adoptions in order to apply for citizenship.  We traveled to the US as planned but we could not apply for citizenship at that time.  In 2020 we finally had the certificates we needed and planned to travel to US and meet with a lawyer.  My Father passed away and we travelled sooner than expected.  After the funeral we were waiting for our meeting with the lawyer when covid shut everything down.  Our meeting was canceled and we returned to Uganda.  I decided to gather the necessary documents and file the applications myself. I sent everything in the fall of 2020.  I was told we would be called in 6—18 months for an interview.  In May of 2024, we were finally called for our interview. I am so thankful for the immigration counselor we were paired with because he made the rest of the process so easy and not stressful. I am so happy to say that on June 11, 2024, the Kanyike children were sworn in as American citizens!

We are not finished yet. We have applied for the children’s American passports. They were denied once with a request for more certified proof  that they are my children and that I am American.  We have resubmitted and are praying all goes well and they will have their passports soon.  Please be praying for us that this happens and for them to be able to receive their social security numbers afterwards as well.

While we wait we are spending time with my family who the children haven’t seen since 2020. Luke and Laylee were able to celebrate their birthdays,14 and 13, for the first time with my family. As well, all the children celebrated their first 4th of July as Americans.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful for the many prayers that were answered for the Kanyike children to get their citizenship.
  • Please pray for Arise Christian Fellowship and the FRM Guesthouse while the Kanyikes are away.
  • Pray for that the Kanyike Children would get their American passports.
  • Pray for the time the Kanyikes get tospend with Jill’s family and with her homechurch, Calvary Chapel Saving Grace.
  • Pray for provision for the many expenses involved with getting the children’s citizenship, travel, and being in the States.
  • Pray for Brian as he encourages and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship over the internet /phone while away.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Update

Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust. Acts 14:23

Dear Friends and Family,

Recently I shared about the church growing and maturing. It has been such a blessing to see the members grow and desire to serve the Lord according to the gifts they have been given.

Some of the people who have been serving have served with Arise Christian Fellowship since before the church even began and we were still meeting in our home. One of these is the Assistant Pastor, Deo Mukasa. Deo, went to Calvary Chapel Bible College with Brian and they graduated together. When Calvary Chapel Entebbe was first beginning he was a part of the church plant there. When Brian first felt called to begin the market ministry here in Kampala and we were have a Bible study at our house, he felt led to ask Deo to come and help out and assist him. For 10 years now the 2 men have served side by side.

As the Lord has been raising up more and more volunteers to serve at our church Deo has felt the Lord stirring his heart to plant a church in his village, a suburb to the west of Kampala, where he grew up. He said that about one year ago he was visiting and someone in the village asked what he was doing these days and he shared that he was a pastor at a church in Kampala. He was then asked why didn’t he come and share Jesus with the people of that village? Deo says that those words stayed in his mind like they were being said over and over. Then one day when he was reading his Bible he was reading about God punishing the Israelites for doing evil in His sight and how then after sometime they cried out to Him and He heard them and sent an army to deliver them. Deo says that the story pierced his heart and he felt that the man asking him to come was like the Israelites finally asking for God’s help and that the constant replaying of that request was the Lord calling Him to share Jesus with this village. Since January Deo has been going every Wednesday and evangelizing and sharing a Bible study with anyone that would listen. Like the beginning of Arise Christian Fellowship, they have just been meeting outside. A couple of people from our church have joined Deo in his mission to reach the people of Bujuuko. As they have been faithful to share Jesus, a lady from the community has been moved to offer them a room to meet in. With this blessing the team will hold their first Sunday church service this month.

I have said that Deo is not alone on the church plant team for Bujuuko.  As He has been praying and going there to minister, a team has formed around him to help out.  They began going with him just to pray but now they have all found a place where God wants them to serve. 


First there is Wilson.  Wilson is a young man in his twenties.  Deo has been discipling him. When Deo started going out to Bujuuko on Wednesdays Wilson would go with him.  On the church plant team he is helping with evangelism and logistics.  He is like the Timothy of Paul in the Bible.


Next we have Hope.  Hope is very active in our church.  She loves to sing and dance.  She serves in the Sunday school. She also translates for my Women’s Bible study.  Deo says that he is “vocally challenged” when it comes to singing. As the prayer and evangelism times turned into a study he began to pray for someone to lead worship.  When Hope heard this request she felt the Lord nudge her to step up and volunteer to help.


The final member of the team is Peace.  Peace is better known by most as Nalongo.  Nalongo means mother of twins.  She is not just a mother of one set but of two sets of twins.  Peace has been a part of our fellowship for many years.  We have known her pretty much since she got saved from her Muslim family over 14 years ago.  Peace has been helping in our Sunday school and is part of Women’s Ministry. Peace is amazing with children.  She is serving along side Deo teaching the children.


Recently we had a sending service for the whole team as they prepare to launch Sunday Services at Arise Bujuuko.  Deo gave his testimony of how God called him and what the response has been there in Bujuuko.  He introduced the members of the  church planting team. Brian and the elders laid hands on them and prayed for them.  The church also had some gifts to present to them to help them get started: chairs, and amplified speaker and a keyboard. After the service we celebrated with the cutting of a cake.  Brian and I, the team and the whole of Arise Christian Fellowship are excited to see what God is going to do.

Bujunko Team

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful  for the many ways the Lord has blessed us and for everyone who supports us and the ministry in Uganda.
  • Please pray for all the volunteers at Arise Christian Fellowship, both old and new.  Pray for them to be filled with the Spirit and gifted for the ministries they are doing.
  • Pray for the new church plant, Arise Bujuuko.  Pray for the team to be filled and encouraged, pray for many people to come to know Jesus.
    • Pray also for Pastor Deo as he takes on the role of Senior pastor. Prat for him to be filled with the Spirit, led and guided in the new ministry.
  • Pray for the Kanyike children as it seems likely they will be called very soon for their citizenship interview.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.

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The Kanyike Update

“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. …”

Matthew 28:6

Dear Friends and Family,

He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!

This time of year is always a great reminder of why we believe what we believe.  It is the reason for counting the cost and giving all we are to sharing the Gospel with the world.  There are many religions in the world but it is Christianity alone that has a risen, an alive, Savior. The resurrection of Jesus is our proof and our hope in everything God has promised us through his Word, both for this life and the kingdom to come.

As this is the foundation of our faith, we took time to celebrate each part of the resurrection story with our family at Arise Christian Fellowship.  We began with the Triumphal Entry or Palm Sunday. In Uganda, it really starts on Saturday as the street hawkers begin selling palm branches and people begin decorating with palm leaves.  Even the public transport decorate themselves for Palm Sunday. 

Keeping with tradition, at church we also handed out palm branches.  It was so amazing as we celebrated Jesus’ Triumphal entry through song and teaching  to see the church participating with the waving of the palm branches.  It made me feel as if I was in the story.  The choir had special music as well as singing the very familiar Hosana in the Highest songs.  Brian gave a message on Jesus, the Passover Lamb.  He talked about being aware of Jesus’ coming and cleansing our temples, us being the temple of the Holy Spirit.  He walked the church through the week that would lead up to the Last Supper and the first communion.  As a church we were planning to have a Good Friday supper together and he encouraged us to pray and really check our hearts as we prepared for taking communion as taught in 1 Corinthians 11:23-27.

As Christians we are called to share the gospel with all people, all over the world, beginning in our own neighborhoods.  In some countries this can be a very dangerous undertaking. We are very blessed in Uganda to be free to share the Gospel anytime and anywhere we want to.  It is not uncommon to see people on the street corner or outside a shopping center sharing the gospel.  At Easter, Churches here often publicly act out the triumphal entry and the crucifixion.  As a church we also go out and share with the community as well as have teams that are praying for those who are sharing and those who are hearing the gospel. Below are two pictures from other churches around Kampala acting out the Easter story and one picture of our leadership team praying for the activities taking place during this season.

On Good Friday we gathered as a church to remember what Christ did for us by going to the cross and dying for our sins so that we might receive salvation and eternal life if we believe. All the children stayed in the sanctuary to hear the message of the cross. As a church we took communion and shared a meal together.  It was a beautiful time of fellowship.

On Resurrection Sunday we celebrated Jesus rising from the grave.  The children and some of the church members had special songs prepared and Brian shared about the gift we have been given as believers because of the resurrection.  The worship and message all left me in tears as I reflected both in thankfulness and repentance, knowing that Jesus loved me so much that He died for me and now through His resurrection I also have the promise of eternal life. May we remember these truths all year long. May we always share this precious gift with those we come in contact with so they can have the hope we have.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the people of Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful  for the many ways the Lord has blessed us and for everyone who supports us and the ministry in Uganda.
  • Please pray for all the people who have heard the gospel through out this season. Pray that their hearts will be soft and that the word is deeply planted.
  • Pray for all of the  Christmas/Easter Christians who came to service this past month. Pray that they were stirred up to live everyday for Christ.
  • Pray health and safety as there as been much sickness going around as well as terrorism threats.
  • Pray for Jill and the children as they continue homeschooling. Pray for patience for Jill and a desire to learn for the children.
  • Pray for the Kanyike children to get called for their citizenship interview.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.



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The Kanyike Update

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Tmothy 2:2

Dear Friends and Family,

As the church grows not just in size but in maturity, it seems to be a natural result that ministry and the responsibilities of doing the ministry increases as well. To help keep the ministry flowing and  to keep the leadership from being spread too thin, it is important to train up and share some of that responsibility with mature church members.

Recently at Arise Christian Fellowship we announced we would like to train up more volunteers to help with the ministries at the church.  We were pleasantly surprised with the amount of interest that was shown.  To my delight, the majority were interested in Children’s ministry. This was a huge blessing because our children ministry can go from 65 when school is in session to 200 when school is on a break.   The next largest interest group was worship.  Our worship leader was happy about this because recently she lost 2 of her team members  due to their having to relocate because of their jobs. The new worship volunteers are quite young but very motivated.  It is a great discipleship opportunity for us with them as well as training them in worship.  We also had interest in ushering and cleaning.  One man who Brian has been discipling expressed the desire to present announcements for the church services.

With all of this interest we held a volunteer training for anyone interested.  We also had a specific Sunday school training for those interested in teaching, with some practical, hands on workshops. The training for the Sunday School teachers was done by a co-laborer of ours, called Paul.  He serves with an organization that trains Sunday school teachers all over the world.  He travels all around Uganda training Sunday School teachers.  He also has gone to our compound in Nimule to train the teachers there.  Some of our Christmas and Easter productions have been directed by Paul as well.  He is very gifted with children.

James 5:14 says, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.”

One of the biggest ministries we have had of late is helping the many sick chaplains who come through the Far Reaching Ministries.  Most of the chaplains have common tropical diseases but have not been able to receive the proper medicines where they are deployed deep in the bush.  We had one chaplain that had been shot seven times up near the border of North Sudan.  We praise God that he was not killed.  The doctors here even were amazed at how every bullet missed vital organs or arteries. 

Another Chaplain was in a car accident that was caused during a rebel attack. He had many injuries but the worst was his left arm was broken in several places.  The doctors put in a metal plate and screws and it is now healing very well. We have another chaplain who is recovering from a broken back.  There have been many typical sicknesses you would expect to find from age and a hard life.  It is such an encouragement when you see their health improving and they are able to come to church and testify of what God has saved them from and how they have been healed.

This year I am still homeschooling the children.  I homeschool Liana fully and Luke and Laylee are in online school as well so that they can have permanent records for highschool and eventually university.  For extra curricular activities the girls are in ballet and Luke takes karate as well as playing basketball.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful  for the many ways the Lord has blessed us and for everyone who supports us and the ministry in Uganda.
  • Please pray for all the volunteers at Arise Christian Fellowship, both old and new.  Pray for them to be filled with the Spirit and gifted for the ministries they are doing.
  • Pray for all of the chaplains who are ill or injured. Pray for their healing and for the testimony they are to so many.
  • Pray also for Scovia who works for the FRM guesthouse as she just had surgery to remove a large lump from her neck.  Pray all the biopsies come back negative.
  • Pray for Jill and the children as they continue homeschooling. Pray for patience for Jill and a desire to learn for the children.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship
  • Pray for the Kanyike children to get called for their citizenship interview.

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The Kanyike Update

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19

Dear Friends and Family, 

I pray you all had a blessed holiday season as you celebrated Christmas and ushered in the New Year. 

I believe Christmas is a time when people are more open then other times to hearing about Jesus.  You find people of different cultures and faiths acknowledging His birth and even celebrating. As Christians and as a church we realize acknowledging Christ’s birth is not enough to save you. During the holiday season we found the best way to celebrate Jesus’ birthday is to tell people the whole story, that He was born, lived, died for our sin, and rose again, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

The many different ministries at Arise Christian Fellowship reached out to the community in different ways. For the Women’s Bible Study the ladies invited friends and neighbors to come to our Christmas party. I shared about the family of Jesus leading up to His birth. I concluded with the purpose of His coming. One lady gave her life to Jesus and has said she will begin to come to church and Bible study.  We also had a meal together and gave some practical gifts to give the ladies so they could prepare Christmas at home. There were more than 20 children that attended the women’s party as well and we have them a gift of school supplies and candy.

At Church for  2 weeks before Christmas the youth were practicing everyday for at least 4 hours for the Christmas program. We included Bible lessons surrounding Christ’s birth so  that they were also learning and understanding what they were preparing for.  We encouraged them to bring friends to be a part of the time sort of like a vacation Bible school, as well. The church was literally overflowing with children. Liana was apart of all the activities and was so happy to have so many friends. On the last day of practice we had a big party and the kids had a meal and received a Christmas gift. Liana gave out candy canes.

Some of the church members went into the slums near the church and shared the gospel and a food gift with those who they knew needed it the most. They also invited them to the Christmas service.  Our church celebrated its Christmas service on Christmas eve since it was on a Sunday. Brian shared the Christmas message. We had two people share special music, one on violin and the other on saxophone.  The choir led us in worship and Christmas carols. The children and youth put on a big production. They had singing and dancing that all culminated into the telling of the Christmas story through acting.  It was very beautiful. I believe everyone was touched and everyone there understood the true meaning of Christmas. After service we had a time of fellowship with snacks and we handed out salt, sugar, and soap as Christmas gifts.

Uganda ushers the new year in with fire works. From our neighborhood you could see many different displays that were set off around Kampala. Brian gave a New Year message for the church,  looking forward to what we are praying for the church this year. He used the example of the early church to share how the church should be moving forward. We are excited to see what God has for the church and our family in 2024.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the people of Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful  for the many ways the Lord has blessed us and for everyone who supports us and the ministry in Uganda.
  • Please pray for this New Year. Pray for God’s guidance in the ministry and for His will to be done.
  • Pray for those who were reached during the Christmas outreaches. Pray that they would come to church and be in fellowship. Pray for many to come to Christ.
  • Pray for the youth to continue to desire to meet together and learn about Jesus.
  • Pray for the Kanyike children to get called for their citizenship interview.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.


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