A Blessed Visit – Pastor 3 Update July 2024

Dear Ministry Partners,

Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

According to the “Economic Times News,” nearly 43 per cent of the surveyed farmers lost at least half of their standing crops. Rice, vegetables, and pulses were particularly affected by the uneven rainfall. In the northern states, paddy fields often remained submerged for more than a week, destroying the newly planted seedlings. We need to pray for the farmers. Many times, it is reported that they commit suicide because of losing their crops.

We express our heartfelt thanks to the Lord Almighty for His abundance grace upon our family. At the same time, we highly appreciate each one of you for your earnest prayers and financial support. Because of your financial help, we are able to move forward with the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the unreached without any worry. As a family we have been praying for you, for your family, ministry, job and businesses. May the good God bless you with all the resources and good health.

As a family we went to my home village in another state. It is about 400km away from where we live now. It was wonderful to spend time with my parents. We also had the privilege to meet the believers in my home village. We visited them and listened to their problem and difficulties. We also encouraged them through the Word of God and prayed for them personally. It was a good time to speak to them through the Word of God in a home prayer meeting.

During our trip we met some of Hindu families. One of them is Mr. K.D. and his family. I got the opportunity to share my testimony with them about how God changed my life. They were amazed to hear my life story. I believe some day God will touch their hearts so that they will experience God’s love in their lives. Overall, I spent quality time with my parents and the believers in my village.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for good rainfall in our country. Also pray for the farmers to get good crops and that none of them commit suicide.
  • Please pray for my parents to have good health. Also pray that they may grow in their faith.
  • Please pray for the believers in my home village to grow spiritually. Also pray for Mr. K.D. and his family to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
  • Continue to pray for the growth and needs of our local church.
  • Kindly pray for me and my family. May the Lord use us for the expansion of His kingdom.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!!

In Him,

Pastor 3* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Continuing in Fellowship and Love – Pastor 8* Update July 2024

Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ!

First of all, I want to thank my living God that He has sustained us till now. I also thank all of you who constantly lift us up in your prayers.

Thank God also for my family. By the grace of God we are doing well! Please pray for my family so that we grow spiritually day-by-day.

A few days ago, God gave me the opportunity to visit a new family. I told them the Good News about the infinite love of God. I shared John 3:16 and about finding salvation from sin. At the end, I prayed for the family. A young lady who is part of the family is looking for a job. Please pray for this family.

Please keep praying that the Lord will open new doors for me, so that I can continue to do the work of the Lord faithfully. I also visited another family. There was a young man there whose name is H*. He has mental problems. I prayed for him. Please pray for his deliverance.

I especially thank, from the bottom of my heart, every hand who is supporting me financially. May the Lord bless all of you!!

Your Brother,

Pastor 8* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

New States & New Countries – Garcia Family Update July 2024

While my (Joel’s) travels typically take me internationally, every once in a while I get to travel to a new state. Back in May, our whole family went on a road trip to Pagosa Springs, CO. While there, we hiked along rivers, to waterfalls, saw historic little towns, and spent time swimming at the beautiful resort we were blessed with a free 7-night stay at! On the way back, we also got to visit the “Four Corners,” where you can stand in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico all at once. A novelty for sure, but the kids loved it.

Beautiful Pagosa Springs, Colorado

This month, I got to head to Alabama for the first time! While I ate some good food (much of it deep-fried and not friendly to my diet!) and got to spend time with some dear family, this wasn’t for a vacation. The purpose of our trip was for a Crisis Management Training seminar in Auburn, where my friend and fellow SGWM pastor Tim, his wife Jenn, and Rob Douglass and Elaine Sedillos of Ends of the Earth Ministries, met up to invest in the stewardship of our dear missionaries and ministries around the world.

I got to have dinner with Amy’s Uncle Dave and Aunt Becky in Alabama!

Missions is never entirely safe; there is always risk involved. The purpose of this training was to equip us to: assess risk for each area of the world we have workers and ministries in; come up with and write policies and contingency plans for each of those regions; and create teams to help manage any potential crisis that may arise. We hope to NEVER have to implement a single one of those plans, but we need to be equipped in case anything happens to our precious missionaries. Our job as a home office is to steward them well.

In a couple of weeks, my international travels will continue as I will head down to Rosarito, Mexico to teach a workshop at CC Rosarito’s annual church-planting conference (my workshop will be “Building a Worship Team”) and then give my testimony, lead a night of worship, and teach a half-day class at our Calvary School of Missions on “Worship & Missions.”

Then in September, I will be taking one of my longest trips ever, as I lead a team to Japan to visit our missionaries Jeff & Alishia Root as well as to expose the team to Japanese culture as they pray about their future in missions. From there, I’ll go straight to Thailand (where I took my first overseas missions trip almost 20 years ago!) for the CCA missions conference and then a special retreat/conference for many of our SGWM missionaries in Asia. I ask that you keep my family and I in prayer as we prepare for these big things coming up.

We would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the link below:

Email Updates

You can also become a one-time or ongoing financial partner with us by clicking the button below, or by mailing a check made out to SGWM with “Joel Garcia” in the memo line to 17451 Bastanchury Rd, Ste 203, Yorba Linda, CA, 92886. 

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Love in Christ,
Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, and Clara Garcia

That I May Know Him – Pastor 15 Update July 2024

“For the LORD revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of the LORD.”

-1 Samuel 3:21

I have been reading 1 Samuel. I am blessed by the verse mentioned above. It is my aim to know God, as Paul says of himself, “That I may know Him… being made conformable unto his death” (Philippians 3:10). The best way the Lord reveals himself is through His Word. As I am going through His Word, it is my prayer that the Lord would reveal himself more and more to me. I pray the same for you too.

We, as a family, are doing well by His grace. Even though my wife has to regularly take medication, the Lord is helping her to continue to stand with me in the ministry. She is used by the Lord to teach online Bible studies for women and Sunday school in our church. Thank you for your prayers for her health.

In spite of persecution in our area, we are able to continue to meet for Sunday services by God’s grace. Many house fellowships in our town and neighboring villages have been closed down by the police and Hindu fanatics. I have finished teaching Genesis. Now we are going through the book of Exodus. 

My mother went to be with the Lord on June 28th. She was a godly woman. She devoted herself to the reading of the Word and prayer. It is because of her prayers that I am saved and used by the Lord in ministry. Praise the Lord for such a godly mother. Thank you for your prayer support at this time of sorrow.

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Pastor 15’s family is in need of monthly support.

If you feel led to become a monthly financial partner or increase your currently monthly support, please click the “Become A Financial Partner” button or mail a check to Saving Grace World Missions with a note designating the gift is for Pastor 15.

I Will Praise the Lord – Pastor 6 Update July 2024

Hello Dear Family in Christ,

What a wonderful year God has given us to serve Him! His works are amazing! As the Psalmist says, “We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.” 

We hope you all are doing well. Thank you for your prayers and support. I am thankful to God for His provision.

Home Prayer Meetings

We had a great time with the families of our church in their homes. The reason we have home prayer meetings is so that we can invite the host’s family and friends so that they can hear the Gospel. All of the families come together, have fellowship and we end with dinner. 

Church Planter’s Meeting:

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Psalm 133:1

We really had a great time meeting with the other pastors and leaders. We all shared our ministry reports and about the challenges that we are facing in the mission field. Then we prayed for each other. I am really blessed to see our brothers growing in the Word of God and ministering to people in the places where they are serving. Every time we meet we remember the great commission and the purpose of our calling. 

Baptism Service

“In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Luke 15:10

It’s amazing to see people coming to Christ and surrendering to Him. Christian baptism is one of two ordinances that Jesus instituted for the church. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20). These instructions specify the church’s responsibility to make and teach disciples, and to welcome and baptize those disciples. 

The woman who was baptized was in the hardest time of her life before she received Christ into her life. She was going through a lot in her life and with her family. She lost her husband and also her daughter. In that time of trouble she met Jesus and He comforted her. She gave her life to Jesus and surrendered it to Him. Please pray for her to continue to walk with God. 

Bible Study in a New Church Plant

There has been great progress in N* village. I recently shared in my past newsletters that this village is in the most persecuted and anti-Christian area. They do not allow Christians into the village. All of the villagers are unbelievers. God has opened the door for us to share the Gospel. He also led us to start a Bible study in a home. Right now we are meeting in a home church every Sunday. Six people regularly attend. The other villagers do not know that we are meeting every Sunday for Bible study. I do not know what will happen if the find out. We pray that God will work in the hearts of the people so that they will come to Him and know Him. God has led us to this place because there is a great need. We are happy and praising God that we have been able to meet every Sunday and meditate on His Word. Continue to pray for this village. 

Please also continue to pray for us. Thank you, once again, for your prayers and support.

Thank you,

Pastor 6* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

“Go, Make Disciples” – Anand Update July 2024

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” 

-Matthew 28:19-20.


We love to go where God lead us. Last month God lead us to the western part of our country. We went to our Calvary Chapel church plant there with our Bible College students. Our students were so excited to hear stories about the church and how God is moving in that area. Our students went to a tribal people group. They preformed a dance, songs, skit and shared the gospel. They showed love and care for the people and prayed with them. The next day we had a youth conference. Over 60 teenagers and young adults came. We shared God’s Word with games with the young people. We had a great time of fellowship with them. The next day we did street evangelism close to the church. A lot of people loved to hear the Gospel and watch the skit. Our students learned to “GO” because God command us to “GO”. Please pray for our students that they may love to go where God wants them to go.

Make Disciples

God has been so gracious to us. He has connected us with so many people around our country. So many people love to be discipled through us. Many pastors love to send their young people to our Bible College. We ask each of our students to teach a small cell group. We do not want them only to learn but we want them to also teach alongside us. We take them to different places so that they can see the mission field. May they have a heart for the people where God leads them. Our students are willing to work with any kind of people group. They are open to work in children’s ministry. They are open to serve in the leprosy camp, etc. Please pray that these young people will be good disciples and that they will make other disciples.

It is so awesome to see people come to Christ. The Bible says “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.” We love the new believers to grow in God’s grace.

Teach Them

We see in Book of Acts that the Apostle Paul was teaching people from the Word of God. We do not only love to share the Gospel, we also love to teach people more about Christ and make Him known. We love to teach any denomination and people group. Last month we went to some church students to teach and encourage them from God’s Word. We believe that after coming to Christ, people must grow in God’s Word. It is always awesome to explain how important it is to teach the Bible verse-by-verse, so we arranged an Inductive Bible Study workshop in the eastern part of our country. Please pray that God will raise up these young leaders to grow in God’s Word and grace.

Thank you,

Anand and Usha and Family

One Wise Thing and One Unwise Thing You Did – Rangel Update June 2024

This phrase has been repeated every week in a Bible study through the book of Proverbs with two of the girls in the house I am currently living in. Asking this question has been helpful to reflect on the way I live my life for the Lord and opens conversation for how God is working in our lives. But I would say that this phrase perfectly describes how these past couple of months have been going for me. It has been filled with conversations where I ask this question without specifically asking it. In sitting and listening to people share their struggles and their victories in the Lord, God has taught me to listen and speak when I need to, but most of all to pray.


We are constantly reminded here at MTS (missions training school), that the Purpose of the Church’s existence on the earth is for the evangelization and discipleship of all people. I missed this part of the Great Commission. Yes, we are to evangelize to all nations, but we are also to make disciples of all nations. If we don’t disciple the people we evangelize to, we won’t see them grow in the things of God. To disciple is not easy and sometimes it’s not fun. But it is worth it! To see that light go on in someone’s heart and mind, to see change in their life, is cool! This is what we are called to. I thank God that He has shown me the importance of this and the opportunity to be involved in making disciples for Him.

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you...

Matthew 28:18-20

What Now?

Calvary School of Missions 2024 is now in play! As you all know, last summer I was a student at CSOM. The Lord taught me so much through this school and confirmed a calling on my life; to pursue cross-cultural missions to reach the Unreached. This year I am blessed to be a part of the school as a leader. I will be leading social media, worship, and anything else the leaders need. I am excited to see what God does through the students’ lives as they seek His face!

Thank you for taking the time to read this update and for joining in on the work that God has called me to! It is such a beautiful gift to realize that the Lord doesn’t need our help in fulfilling His plans, but because of His love, He wants us to take part in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth! I would greatly appreciate your continued partnership with me in prayer as the Lord is leading me to long-term, cross-cultural ministry, as well as through financial support, if you feel led to give. Any amount of a one-time or monthly donation is an absolute blessing as I prepare to be sent out long term on the field. It means so much to me. God bless and thank you all!

In His Love,


Prayer Requests

  • For me as the Lord uses me here at the school of missions.
  • For the students as they seek the Lord and learn about the Great Commission.
  • For me to be led by the Lord as He guides my life.

Praise Reports

  • Praise God He provided the funds for School of Missions through the body of Christ!
  • That we made it safely to Rosarito, Mexico and our very first outreach was a huge blessing.

Go Into All of the World – Rabi Update July 2024

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 

MARK 16:15 (NKJV).

By the grace of God we are doing ministry. We already finished this semester’s formal classes at Calvary Bible Institute. Everything went wellFor the end of our semester, we did outreach in the area where one of our staff, Pastor Milan ministers. All of our beloved students worked hard during the outreach. They prepared a skit, Gospel songs, dance and more. We did open air preaching at local places including the market area. We did our outreach with a tribal people group that our student Manish is serving with. Manish is the brother of Pastor Milan. He is taking care of these people and giving them sound doctrine and sound teaching. This people group is not very educated. They used to live only in the forest, not in houses like we live in. I am also doing ministry among these people. Some came to become students at our Calvary Bible Institute, but unfortunately they ran away from the Bible Institute. We shared and proclaimed the Gospel there like the Bible says “Go and preach to all the nations.”

God loves people, so we also love them, teach them, equip them and love to serve them. Another ministry we are doing is at the leper colony. We do Bible study every Friday at the leper colony. As our students are learning how to preach, serve, and conduct fellowship, they do practicums at the Leper Colony.

By the grace of God, we are teaching the book of 2nd Samuel. Over 20 people regularly attend our Friday Bible studies. Please pray that more unreached people from around the leper colony will come. I am also doing ministry at the Leper colony. God is using me to train the leper believers and raise them up in God’s Word.

By the grace of God this semester, I already finished the Gospel of Luke. I love to teach my dear students. They also enjoy learning. In my home church I am teaching the book of Hebrews. I love to teach and equip others. In the book of Hebrews, God taught the great lesson of how to have joy in Christ even in every bad circumstance. It talks about the angels, Moses, David, Abraham, the law, the Old Testament, and Melchizedek and that Jesus is the greatest of them all. The book teaches us to meet together in church fellowship; to be ready for the Lord’s coming, to encourage each other, to rejoice in Christ every day, not to loose everything that we got from Jesus. that we should always pray. The writer encourages his fellow brothers and sisters. We also should do that work in Christ to raise up others and encourage them and lift them up in Christ during hard times in ministry.

My beautiful wife is also helping me and helping at Calvary Bible Institute. She helps raise up young and old women in God’s Word. She is teaching a Bible study where many sisters and mothers from different churches gather online. She already finished teaching the book of Genesis. She went through Genesis in a year and a half by teaching verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter. Now she is teaching the book of Revelation every week on Sundays. Pray for her to have a baby. If it is not God’s will pray that He will provide a good job for her, because other people look down on her if she only has free time. They will gossip. So to stop people gossiping, she needs a nice job. We are planning to try to go to the doctor again to try to have a baby. The first time we went to the doctor it did not work, so we saved our money even while we were moving to our new church and are now planning to go back to the doctor.

We have been married for over 5 years now. In our country’s culture for a woman to not have a baby is like being cursed. Our family also is not supportive of us not being able to have a baby. They gossip about it, so we also feel very bad at family gatherings. Other women say things to my wife like “I do not even want to look at your face, because you do not have a baby.” Because of this, we are facing a lot of difficulties right now. Please pray for us to have a baby and that God will provide for us to have further treatment at the doctor if it is His will.

More people are coming to our church. More teenagers and young adults are also joining our church. We are also doing children’s ministry. Pray that the children’s parents will allow them to come to our church.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that God will bring more people to our church.
  • My friend Sujan reads his Bible a lot. He always comes to our church every week. Pray that he will accept Jesus as his personal Savior.
  • Pray that parents will allow their children to come to our church.
  • In the surrounding area of our church many people are hearing the Gospel and the Word of God shared. Pray that they will accept Jesus and come to church.
  • Teenagers and young adults enjoy musical instruments. Pray that God will provide music for the church.
  • Pray that God will provide me with the ability to live-stream easily.

Thank you so much for supporting us, praying for us and raising us up in the Lord. God bless every entire family of Saving Grace World Missions.

Grace and Peace.

Your Faithful Servants,

Rabi and Mahima 

The Kanyike Update

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 3:20

Dear Friends and Family,

God Bless America!

We are praising God! The Kanyike children are finally Americans!

We want to thank everyone who has been praying for this day for so long. It was hard to remain hopeful and believe it would finally come to pass, and we could not have done it with out you.

I never thought it would take my children so long of a time to legally become my children or to be Americans. The process of both was very long.

I became a mother in June 2010 when I first met Luke, then again in 2011 and 2014 with Laylee and Liana. Each of these gifts from God were miraculous to Brian and I. With Luke, the elders of the church had prayed for me on a Wednesday to get a baby. On Friday, a friend who was adopting, as well as a friend who worked for the babies home called me that a baby had just arrived that they were sure was our son. By the following Monday, Brian and I, began the process of bringing Luke home.

With Laylee, we had taken a couple from the USA to a different babies home to meet the baby they were matched with. We saw Laylee then and inquired about her. At that time, that particular babies home only did international adoptions. A couple months later we were contacted out of the blue and asked to come in for a meeting. They told us that they were beginning to do in-country adoptions and they had a baby they thought was multicultural and wanted to place her with a mixed couple. It was Laylee. She came home 5 days later.

In 2014 my nephew was visiting. He is adopted and wanted to visit a baby home to see how adoptions were done in Uganda. It was on that visit we met Liana. I knew immediately she was my daughter but were told that she was not adoptable because she might not be Ugandan. I prayed because I knew she was ours. 4 months later they called and asked if we still wanted Liana. Of course I said yes. She came home 3 days later. Each of our children are a miracle. We thank the Lord everyday for giving us these precious gifts.

In Uganda you have to have the children in your home for 3 years before they will finalize the adoption.  When Luke was 4, we began the process for him and Laylee to be finalized. Every couple months we would be given a date for court only to arrive at the courthouse and be told it was canceled. This went on till 2017 when finally after many failed attempts and tears we were able to finalize the adoption of all three children. This picture was us in our “Court Clothes.”

The next step was to apply for the children’s American citizenship.  We first applied for their USA visas so we could travel to the US.  We were granted visas in 2018. While we were waiting for the visas to arrive, we were contacted by Ugandan Social workers telling us that there was a new law that required a new special certificate to be issued for adoptions in order to apply for citizenship.  We traveled to the US as planned but we could not apply for citizenship at that time.  In 2020 we finally had the certificates we needed and planned to travel to the US and meet with a lawyer.  My father passed away and we travelled sooner than expected.  After the funeral we were waiting for our meeting with the lawyer when covid shut everything down.  Our meeting was canceled and we returned to Uganda.  I decided to gather the necessary documents and file the applications myself. I sent everything in the Fall of 2020.  I was told we would be called in 6—18 months for an interview.  In May of 2024, we were finally called for our interview. I am so thankful for the immigration counselor we were paired with because he made the rest of the process so easy and not stressful. I am so happy to say that on June 11, 2024, the Kanyike children were sworn in as American citizens!

We are not finished yet. We have applied for the children’s American passports. They were denied once with a request for more certified proof that they are my children and that I am American.  We have resubmitted and are praying all goes well and they will have their passports soon.  Please be praying for us that this happens and for them to be able to receive their social security numbers afterwards as well.

While we wait we are spending time with my family who the children haven’t seen since 2020. Luke and Laylee were able to celebrate their birthdays, 14 and 13, for the first time with my family. All the children celebrated their first 4th of July as Americans too.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We are so thankful for the many prayers that were answered for the Kanyike children to get their citizenship.
  • Please pray for Arise Christian Fellowship and the FRM Guesthouse while the Kanyikes are away.
  • Pray that the Kanyike children would get their American passports.
  • Pray for the time the Kanyikes get to spend with Jill’s family and with her home church, Calvary Chapel Saving Grace.
  • Pray for provision for the many expenses involved with getting the children’s citizenship, travel, and being in the States.
  • Pray for Brian as he encourages and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship over the internet/phone while away.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.

8 Months Strong! – Weakland Update June 2024

Hey everyone! Since Calvary Moyobamba was planted October 2023, we have had more than 8 months of chapter by chapter, verse by verse teaching through the Bible. One of my goals is to teach through the whole Bible.

It is neat to see the power of God’s Word transforming peoples lives. One family was confronted by a Sunday message that I preached in Luke. They now realize that life is not all about making money and accumulating materials, rather Jesus sees it more important to love others and help those in need. Another few people were touched after a Genesis teaching on Wednesday night. They saw that in spite of some of the Bible characters failing in life, God still used their lives for His purposes. And this gave them hope and encouragement that God can still use them.

It is becoming more and more like a loving family every Sunday service. Most people will stay after service to drink coffee and chat with others. We make sure to give a warm welcome to every new person that comes.

Thank you to all who were praying that God would raise up local workers. We now have 5 people who are faithful servants at Calvary Moyobamba along with Yenry, Jesus, and I. They arrive an hour and a half early every Sunday and Wednesday to help us prepare for church service. Sometimes they help with construction and painting projects at the church too. They are avid Bible students that take notes of every church service and love to learn. And we like to have fun too (thus the paint on their faces from the picture above).

As a church, we have seen in the book of Luke how Jesus spent a lot of His ministry healing people and showing them the compassion of God. Every Thursday we deliver bags of love to about 5 families in need around the community. Each bag has enough food to sustain them for several days. It’s a wonderful opportunity to pray for them, listen to their stories, and share about Jesus Christ. There are now 3 adults and 3 children who have constantly been coming to church through this outreach. In the picture above, we are with a crippled boy and his parents. Although he has faced lots of discouragement with his limitations, he loves our visits. We are now friends and have been able to exchange smiles. Please keep him in your prayers.

The upstairs of the church has come a long way! I was just looking at the pictures of it in old newsletters, and it made me chuckle at how different it was then and now. We use it for Sunday school, prayer meetings, and Bible study.

A team from Dothan, Alabama came and did a stellar painting job with the wall on the left.

I am thankful for…

  • The work God is doing in the lives of those at church. Lots of reconciled families, forgiveness, love, generosity, and biblical convictions.
  • Spending time with the church family outside of church. We play sports, eat, laugh, share the gospel, and many other things together.
  • All of your prayers. God has truly answered so much.
  • The mission teams that have come. Our fellowship, school outreaches, and serving the community of Moyobamba.

I am grieving for…

The loss of my grandma. I miss her so much. She helped raise me up in the ways of God and has sacrificed so much for me. At least she is in the presence of God right now.

Prayer Requests:

  • That God’s Word continues to impact our lives at Calvary Moyobamba
  • That everyone in Moyobamba knows Jesus Christ and the eternal life that He brings.
  • Continual strength and wisdom for Yenry, Jesus, and I. (They have helped me plant the church.)