Mental and Physical Torture for Attending Church – Pastor 11 Update March 2024

Dear Pastors, Leaders, Partners and Church Families!

Greetings to all of you from my church and family. I will always be thankful to you for continuing to pray for and encourage us to do the Lord’s work with even more enthusiasm. You always meet the needs of our ministry. May God bless you all.

Mental and Physical Torture for Attending Church

To stop her from coming to church, a woman from my church’s husband slapped her four-five times and pulled her by the hair, pulling out two handfuls of hair from her head.

I want to share with you the testimony of a woman who has been attending our church for about 2 years. She is the only believer in her entire lineage. Her name is S*. She is always eager to learn the words of the Lord.

In February of last year, a team from the central government and people from the media went to her house. After that, they also came to our house. Thanks be to God and I also thank you for your prayers — they did not file any false case against us (for doing Christian ministry). At that time, S* was scolded by a lot by the people of the village. The police and people from the media made various allegations against us and put a lot of pressure on S* to give false testimony against us. But she remained steadfast in her faith and continued praying.

Two weeks ago, when she was at our church, her husband was worked up by the villagers against Christ and her. When she reached home, her husband started slapping her. He said, “If you do not leave Jesus Christ, I will kill you! I will get this out of my house.” After that, he pulled her by her hair and threw her out of the house.

She kept crying and praying. She told her husband, “Whether you kill me or destroy me, I will not leave the Lord Jesus Christ.” While sleeping at night, her husband kept an ax under his pillow and said, “If my wife comes to the house, I will cut her down.”

While she stayed at a friends house, through prayer, God gave peace to her husband’s heart. He then allowed her to come home again. I thank God that he has given us such believers in our church who are ready to lose their husband, family, and society and even die for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I cannot send the photo of this woman because the women here feel very uncomfortable getting photographed. A lot of fake news is being spread on social media saying that we send photos of people and ask for money but then spend it on ourselves. People also say that people convert people to another religion by sending their photos and asking for money. That is why I plan to send you only group photos.

Here are some photos of our recent outreaches. They were in my friend’s phone, so I was not able to send them in my previous newsletter.

Thanksgiving Points

  1. Thank God that I was able to reopen the churches that had been closed earlier because of the government, and that we were able to open them safely. 
  2. Thank God that our institution has started again. 
  3. Thanks be to God, people are moving forward in the Lord despite physical and mental persecution. 
  4. Thank God for keeping me, my family and my parents safe. 

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray continuously for our safety. 
  2. Please pray for our college friends who believe in Jesus, may God protect them from the coming suffering. 
  3. Please pray that God may provide land for a cemetery for Christ’s people. 
  4. Please pray that peace can be established between the Hindus and Muslims. There are riots during every Hindu festival which cause the internet to be shut down for three or four days. 
  5. Please pray for a 22 year old paralyzed boy in our church. About 60 to 70% of his body is paralyzed. May God heal him completely
  6. Please pray for my sister’s wedding on May 16th. May God fulfill every need for this.

Thank you for your prayers, support and for sharing in the Gospel.

God bless you all.

Pastor & Mrs. 11*

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Vincent Family March 2024 Missions Update

Greetings from Mexico! In this update I am excited to tell you about a church planting trip I took to Mazatlan at the end of February! Mazatlan is a historical beach town in the Mexican state of Sinaloa! Almost eight years ago we sent down my good friends Tony and Angela Carranza, along with their son Caleb and a team to plant a church in this famous city of over 600,000!

Tony was one of our assistant pastors way back in the day, and also completed our church planting program with excellence. When I sent Tony out to church plant, he said that his goal was to copy our church down there in Mazatlan! (Not saying that I recommend that, but that was his goal) Over the past seven plus years that is exactly what Tony and Angela have done!

They have raised up many leaders, planted a large healthy bilingual church, and started their own church planting class. They have also planted six churches in those seven years and are planning on planting their next church later on this year in the South American Country of Venezuela.

Another great part of this church is they also host a yearly church planting conference just like we do. This year I was blessed to travel down to this church planting conference with a team from our church (Pastor Oliver and Super Mario) along with my good friend and church planting partner, Pastor Bruce Zackary from Calvary Nexus in Camarillo California!

The title of this conference was “The Sending Hub” (Un Centro Enviador) and our church was blessed to donate fifty of my books to give free to each pastor in attendance. The conference was powerful and convicting and everyone in attendance was encouraged to move forward in the great missions work of church planting. We were also able to send out Pastor Tony’s next church plant together at the conference. Please keep Pastor Pedro, his family, and his new church plant in Chihuahua (A large border city south of Texas) in your prayers.

In my time there in Mazatlan, I was blessed to teach and host their newest church planting class. This class was full of new students who are all praying about being sent out in the future. During the conference I was able to teach on the Biblical basis of this idea of a sending hub which is found all over the book of Acts.  One of my favorite things to do at these conferences where I am not leading, is to meet and encourage pastors I don’t know in this great work of church planting. I was not surprised to see that God had many divine appointments prepared for me.

When Sunday rolled around, I got to lead worship for their congregation of 200 and also teach them a message from John 6:15-21, that I titled, “Jesus in the storms of life!” The good news from that story is that Jesus will always come after us and eventually rescue us. Even when we are getting pounded by the storms and trials of life like the disciples were in the middle of the Sea of Galilee!

Whenever I get to travel and visit our church plants, I keep in mind that I am not traveling alone. I represent a great team of believers who are working together and standing by side to reach people with the saving message of Jesus Christ. I am proud to not only be sent out by our local church, Calvary Rosarito, but also be sent out BY YOU, my precious partners and co-laborers. 

 I never tire of thanking you for allowing us to serve as your missionaries here in Mexico.  It is through your prayers and encouragement that God meets our spiritual needs, and through your financial giving that God meets our physical needs. We love you and give thanks for you!  

Con mucho amor de Mexico,  (with much love from Mexico)

Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel

Prayer Requests!

#1- Pray that God would bless our new batch of church planters that began their new classes in February! (38 students enrolled this year) 

#2-  Pray that God will provide our children Grace and Daniel’s with good jobs.   

Praise Reports!

#1- Praise God for a wonderful missions trip to our church plant in Mazatlan!

#2- Praise God for Sarah’s mom (Diane) moving down to Mexico this month to be closer to us and to join our church family!  

No Matter What – Pastor 15 Update March 2024

Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you all and for your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.

Here is a brief ministry report of the year 2023.

Despite growing persecution in our state, the Lord kept us safe and gave us opportunities to spread the Gospel. House fellowships and new churches are being attacked everywhere in our state, but the Lord helped us to start a house fellowship in a village 20 kilometers from our town. Two extended families (15 people) are now members in this house fellowship.

Praise the Lord! He added two new families from Hindu backgrounds to our church fellowship in the city. The church is divine institution. Jesus himself is the founder. It is His promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

One Catholic man, a retired banker, has also been attending our Sunday Service regularly. He attends Catholic church first in the morning. Then, at 10:00 A.M, he comes to our fellowship. Please pray that he would leave his Catholic faith.

A Catholic girl also started attending our Sunday Services and accepted Jesus as her personal Savior. Despite a lot of opposition from her family and relatives, she stopped attending the Catholic church and became a member of our fellowship. She got baptized in November 2023.

We have eight students in our Bible Institute. They are all from Hindu backgrounds. They are being prepared for the work of the Gospel. Please pray that they would be used by the Lord for the extension of his Kingdom on earth.

The government in our country and in our state is from the same party. This government is anti-Christian. It is the government’s agenda to make our country a Hindu nation by the end of 2024. The media is under the government’s control. The media is promoting Hindu sentiments. The political leaders are openly saying in the media that the Christians and Muslims of our country were originally Hindus and therefore, they must become Hindus or leave the country. Please pray that the Christians would be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and be bold witness of the Lord.

When a Hindu becomes a Christian, he is persecuted and excommunicated from the village and his tribe. Many Hindu families believe in Jesus, but they do not openly acknowledge their faith because of the fear that their children will not be married and their dead will not be buried. Now and then this problem is faced by new believers. They are not allowed to bury their dead. Sometimes, if they do bury the dead, the body is excavated even after many days. But praise God we were able to baptize a Hindu convert! He even got married to a girl who had also converted from Hinduism.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry of the Gospel.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

A Remnant Remains – Solorzano Update February 2024

Tagaytay, Philippines

What an amazing past month it has been traveling around South East Asia. We spent one week in Indonesia and one last final week in the Philippines. Let’s just say- we weren’t in Japan anymore (Dorothy voice). From completely opposite weather, to major culture differences, to even the toilets- they went from heated seats playing music to a hole in the ground with a bucket (haha, no joke!).

The Narrow Way

During our time in Indonesia, we traveled in a van for about eight hours, including a one-hour ferry ride to a village in East Java that is unreached. There we were able to explore the island through a Christian-owned travel company started by David, a missionary from California in 2015. Many doors have opened for him in sharing the gospel through this business. He also started a Child Sponsorship program for those in junior high, since many kids end up dropping out because there is a fee to go to school and many cannot afford it. The families are mostly Muslim or Hindu, and it is through this program that they are able to experience the love of Christ. However, there is a catch. Once they decide to become followers of Jesus, they must pay the government $10,000 and possibly experience death threats and persecution from their family members.

Traveling back to Bali, we were able to meet with multiple Pastors from different church plants. One Pastor shared of his conversion from Hinduism to Christianity. Three nights in a row, he had a dream of a road- one path leading to a cemetery and another path leading to light. During one of his Hindu prayers, he prayed, ‘Jesus if you are really God, lead me’, and sure enough, Jesus did. Since that day, his whole life was turned around- he destroyed three different temples that he had built, and started a church. Other testimonies included Jesus revealing Himself in a vision of His wounded hands to Muslim women, who then cried out to Him, as well as amazing, radical, life-changing testimonies of people with HIV being healed by the power of God. The stories we heard were as if we were reading pages from the New Testament- it all became real and visible. This is the narrow way that leads to life.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Matthew 7:13-14
Kid’s Sponsorship Dinner- East Java, Indonesia

Shrine After Shrine

I know in my last newsletter I mentioned the temples and shrines in Japan, but what we saw in Indonesia was nothing close to that. I was struck with even more sadness, that then turned into anger in seeing shrines and idols house after house, corner after corner. In Hinduism, there are said to be thirty-three million gods- with most being apparitions of demons themselves that were eventually made into statues to appease them. The worshiping isn’t so much in seeing their beauty and hope of love and peace, but rather of fear and power. They must give the idol an offering- an incense, food, and/or payment. They clothe it, clean it, place it under the shade of an umbrella to protect it from the scorching heat. It is under more protection than some kids are- most running around barefoot and without clothes. The temples become something of treasure and possession, taking up any resources of time and money. This is all in hopes of this “god” staying away and coming against their family and life.

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.

Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

ACTS 12:24-25, 29-30
Festival of gods- Bali, Indonesia

Love One Another

Arriving to the Philippines felt as if a weight and pressure had been lifted off. I could breathe normally again. Even though the country is in the 10/40 window, it is considered reached with about 89% of the population being Christian. However, only about 11.3% Evangelical Christians. We visited a Calvary Bible Institute, in Tagaytay, for a three-day Conference on the Purpose of the Church. We were reminded that in the first century, there were 12 Unreached People groups to one church. Today, there are about 1,000 churches to one Unreached People group! Indeed, it is a doable task, and let’s just say the Filipino church is on fire for reaching the nations with the Gospel!

After the conference ended, we traveled an hour and a half by van and an hour on a fisherman boat to Tingloy Island. Many accepted Christ on their first visit, they knew about Jesus but did not fully understand the gospel. Now coming back a third time, we had the opportunity to worship, share stories, and play games with the kids. I have been doing kids ministry for almost three years and these kids were the most attentive, well-behaved, respectful kids I have ever seen. The love of Christ radiated from them. Two kids won a cupcake and you will never believe what they did with it… they each took a bite, and without thinking, without being asked, they passed the cupcake around to all their friends. I was in awe. My heart was filled in seeing this love within the community. It was so sweet and the Lord reminded me of this- “No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”

Sharing my testimony at a church in Bali

Last post I mentioned the peace I had in knowing that salvation comes from God. Yes, that is true. After all, it is God who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6). But- how will they call on the name of Jesus if they don’t know who He is? Who is going to tell them? Who is going to go? The Church is commanded to go out and preach the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20). That is the true purpose of our lives here on earth. They need someone to preach the gospel in order to hear, in order to believe in their hearts and confess with their mouths, in order to be saved. In every single country, the Lord showed me that a remnant remains. God has created every single one of us for reason. He has placed us where we are for a special purpose. Amongst the darkness, there is hope. There is a light. A remnant still remains.

Please join me in prayer for South East Asia. I pray that the Lord places a specific country, a people, a culture, on your heart, and may you fervently pray for their salvation. For their eyes to be opened and willing to receive the Good News. Please pray for more laborers. For more people to be willing to share the gospel. Pray to be made willing. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for continual partnership in the Kingdom of God!

For, “you are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.

-Mayra Alejandra

Roaming On – Voisin Update February 2024

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”

2 Chronicles 16:9a
Sunset in Trujillo

He indeed shows Himself strong… It’s official, it’s been more than a month since we left California. You all are missed, but I am so blessed to be here and I feel very much at home in what’s going on and where the Lord has me. Our schedules here are full to say the least, but in some really great ways. Living on a campus provides a very different structure to life and living. It’s been a blessing getting to know the students more and getting to sit in on their first class this semester.

21 people were baptized two Sundays ago!

I’ve honestly felt right at home. There are always opportunities for growth and learning how to focus more on others, and those are welcome lessons. The schedule here is structured in such a way to prepare students and interns for ministry. We take Monday’s off and are working/serving Tuesday through Sunday. It’s been such a blessing to connect with the people who call Calvary Trujillo home. We’ve already been able to go and have dinner with different people in the church and it’s been such a blessing!

Everyone here is so hospitable and giving of their time and resources and I’m encouraged to see it. There are a lot of things that I get to be a part of here. I’m currently helping a lot with construction, as we are getting ready to welcome our team from Calvary the Rock that’s going to help us build our new men’s dorm! I’m so excited to see so many faces from home, and I’m excited to see the impact these projects will have on students and the school. We finished up the new little storage (well mostly—all functional and in use now). Now we’re finishing up pouring concrete for the new floor for the dorm and getting ready to pour the cement for the rest of our bathroom as well as prepping to put up a steel frame for the dorm itself! It’s busy, but awesome to see things progress and be a part of it. Thank you for your prayers and support in all of this!

The guys welding.

Every Saturday we will have outreach with the students and will be going out, and in different venues, from nursing homes to juvie, and sharing the Gospel wherever the Lord allows us! Andy has had an amazing opportunity to help lead a Bible study at the fighting gym around the corner (the owner is a student and loves the Lord). Already we’ve been seeing it grow. Please pray that the Lord gives wisdom and fruit from that time as there are many unbelievers. I’m excited to begin helping with outreach and evangelism with the school. There’s a big university nearby and I’m excited to go share Jesus! Outside of construction, serving, and staff/intern discipleship, I’m getting ready to jump into some admin work as well. I’m going to be helping in a “registrar role” here helping with grades, transcripts, correspondence and more. Every Tuesday we are a part of Calvary Trujillo’s Church Planting School—we just finished our second week and it’s been awesome! We even have someone teaching us Spanish on Monday nights—God is good! My prayer is that the Lord will use me to help strengthen this ministry in whatever way He would have. Please pray with me that I would be that blessing!

What’s Next?

 …To be faithful. The Lord is doing an incredible work here in Trujillo. There are two prayer teams right now for new church plants, one in Chile, and the other in Venezuela. There’s an upcoming conference in Argentina that I’ll be going to with several people from the church in April. Please be praying that the Lord would speak, and that He would have His way! Other than that, things will be business as usual here in Peru.

Prayer Needs:

  • to finish construction well (we’ve gotten a lot of work done—the Rock’s team gets here tomorrow!
  • to study well for our sermons with church planting class
  • to be a good example to students
  • to grow in the Lord and walk in faithfulness
  • that He would empower by His Spirit and give me boldness to make Him known
  • that He would continue to help in language learning

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnering with me to take the Gospel to the nations. God is doing a work, thank you for being a part of it.

Dios te bendiga,

– Jordon

All for the Glory of God – Record Update February 2024

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.” 

1 Corinthians 10:31
Kayo and I at Precious Women Organization

Over the past few months, the importance of living all aspects of our lives for the glory of God has increasingly been on my heart and mind. This has impacted me personally and in the focus of my teaching.

Since October 21, I have been keeping up with my diet and exercise and so far I have lost more than 60 pounds! I have really sensed God opening all doors for me to focus on improving my health and fitness in many ways. Please pray for me to continue all the way to the goal because the more weight that I lose, the harder it seems to become to lose more weight. This is not a crash diet but a lifestyle change for the long-haul. One major payoff for this lifestyle change is that now I have much more energy for family and ministries and things are greatly improving and expanding in those areas as well.

On the ministry front, the end of January I started teaching Apologetics and Evangelism at a Cambodian church. Sometimes I teach in person and sometimes on Zoom. I have been able to share my Apologetics textbook, unity, and discernment book, and soon will share my videos with the students and pastor. I also have started training the teachers at a Christian school on the spiritual/Biblical aspects of education. This is a new step for me but it has been going well. I continue to lead the men’s ministry and speak as needed at the international church. In February I spoke twice. This church provides opportunities to not only encourage and equip other missionaries but also other believers (and nonbelievers) from more than 30 nations!

Kayo and I continue to partner with Precious Women Organization. Kayo helps the founder/executive director in the office, trains the staff and students, and leads devotions. I continue to help them make videos and lead devotions as needed. Precious Women Organization has a new project to start a school outside of the city in a new neighborhood. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, and provision for this project. Once the school is up and running Kayo and I have agreed to help there as well.

Please pray for Light Times Magazine/Light Association. They are currently paused as they try to figure out funding and vision issues. I am standing by to help them but at the moment there is no work for me to do there so I am shifting my focus to other projects and partnerships.

I have also suspended the International Fishers website, but will keep the videos available on YouTube and Facebook. I haven’t been able to make any new videos for more than a year and since Covid ended the traffic on the website has greatly decreased. I may launch a new website in the future but I am waiting for the right time and focus.

Please continue to pray for our health. All three of us have been sick at least once in February. Benjamin has been sick twice. The weather/season is changing and now there are lots of viruses coming in from other countries.

Thanks for your prayers, encouragement, and partnership. You are very important to God’s work in Cambodia and beyond as part of His Body!

In Christ’s Hands,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin


Monthly Prayer Requests

Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda

– Please pray for a little girl in Jill’s Bible study who is named after her. Little Jill has been sick for 3 weeks. She has been on many treatments for many things but today is very ill. Please pray they find out what exactly the matter is and can treat it properly. Pray for God to heal her. 

– Pray for the Kanyike kids as they are back to school. Pray for Luke and Laylee as they are finding their new grades much harder than before. 

– Please continue to pray for the Kanyike children to get called for their citizenship interviews in the States. 

– Pray for the chaplains who have been coming to Kampala for medical treatment. 

– Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.

Thank you for praying for the Kanyike family and for the ministry in Uganda. 

In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog

Tim and Jenn Pappas – Yorba Linda, California

Prayer Requests
– Please pray for our son, Andy, he continues to refuse treatment, or any other kind of assistance to change the course of his homelessness and drug addiction.   
– Please pray for an increase in people to partner with us financially as our support has dipped down recently.   

Praise Reports
Praise God with us…

– For those who have given generous one-time gifts and ongoing monthly support to help us do the work the Lord has us called to.  
– For His continued strength as we engage in missionary care.  
– For the way Jenn and I are able to work side-by-side with no problems in our day-to-day and overall relationship 

All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn – Email Blog

Bond and Heather Gaona – USA, Asia, and Africa

– Pray for the new students at each of our campuses in Nepal and S. Asia for all of the new students to learn quickly and fall more in love with God through His Word. Pray also for the teachers for wisdom and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

– Pray for several teams traveling to Nepal in March to minister through medical help in the mountains. Pray for divine appointments and for the churches to be strengthened.  Pray for our family as we plan out our travel for the year! Pray also as we handled many building projects currently in Asia. We need wisdom, clear communication, and favor from the Lord. 

– Pray for our family to stay strong in the Lord and remain healthy physically to accomplish all He has called us to as we work together to reach the nations for Jesus. 

Thank you for your prayers,   
Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona – Email Blog

Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA

– Please pray for good health for our family this year. I am having problems with kidney stones; pray for wisdom and healing.

– Please continue to pray for my parents’ health.

– Please pray for the safety of all the workers in South Asia, and that God will strengthen their hearts and faith.

– Please pray that God will use us for His glory. 

Thank you so much for your prayers!  

God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog

Joni Houser – Indiana, USA

– Please continue to pray for my dad’s recovery. Praise the Lord, he is doing a little better!

– Please pray for the Christians in South Asia who are going through persecution.

– Please pray for the children’s ministry I am a part of, that many children will be saved and grow in the Lord.

– Please continue to pray for my mom’s health and complete recovery. 

God bless you!

Joni – Email Blog

Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico  

Here are the Vincent Family prayer requests!

– Part-time jobs for our children, Grace and Daniel! 
– God’s blessing on our 36 new church planting students!   

Praise Reports:

– Thank you Lord for our 39th church plant, Calvary Chapel New Zeal in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Thanks for your prayers,  
Mike and Sarah Vincent – Email Blog

Ron and Kristy Struska – Rosarito, Mexico 

Praise Reports:

– Praise God for our newest full-time volunteer staff member – Yesenia Lopez! Yesi served with us last spring and summer and has committed to serving at Connections House for one year.

– We also want to give praise to the Lord for our part-time volunteer staff member, Jody Gonzales! Jody has recently taken over as Intern Coordinator at Connections House. She has also started training to take on some administrative responsibilities.    

Prayer Requests:  

– Prayer for Yesi as she begins to raise prayer and financial support. She stepped out in faith last month to come on staff full-time. She is helping in the kitchen and training to help with accounting and other areas as needed.

– Please pray for more full-time volunteer staff for Connections House. While we are blessed to have the new help the Lord has provided, it is long overdue. Over the last year, the number of teams hosted at Connections House has doubled, and with that comes a lot more work that needs to be done. We are searching for two full-time volunteer staff, or one married couple. 

Thank you so much for praying! 

Ron & Kristy Struska – Email Blog

Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico

– For God to move on the hearts of the parents of the kids in our after-school program to attend our service on Easter Sunday, (their children will be presenting a special dance), AND that there would be decisions made for Christ!   

– Anointing on the special Easter drama that the men from our church will be presenting—again, the goal is to win hearts for Jesus! 😁  Provisions for a youth room and nursery makeover.  

– Continued good health for my mom who just turned 83 and lives alone and has Parkinson’s.  

– For the Lord to continue to use me as He so desires for his honor and glory!  

– Deanna Jevas – Email Blog
South America

Craig and Daisy Tippie – Huacho, Peru

Hola SGWM family, thank you for your faithful prayers for us on the mission field.

– We are having one of the hottest summers on record, pray for us, because the heat affects everything, even the chicken in the market.  

– Pray for our summer outreaches, teams, and spiritual growth. We have some of our leadership going to Iquitos for the pastor’s and leader’s conference next month. Stalyn is graduating from CCBC Cajamarca in May and we are going to do a church mission trip up there the week before.

– Everyone is getting summer colds and flu, it is going around like wild fire in Huacho and in the church. Daisy is sick, and so is Sarah the young foster child living with us. 

Thank you from our hearts, 
Craig and Daisy – Email Blog

Andrew Weakland – Peru

– Pray that God can equip the saints from Calvary Moyobamba to help with the responsibilities and ministries. 

– Pray for peace in my heart and sensitivity to God. I really miss my mom and grandma. 

– Praise God that we have made wonderful friendships with people at church. 

– Praise God that we have been able to minister to people in the community and share Christ.

– Andrew Weakland – Email Blog
10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)

Worker 6 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:

– Please pray for the new Sunday worship service that started in a village that has been very anti-Christian.

– Pray for those who heard the Gospel in Christmas outreaches.

– Please be continuously praying for us to reach the unreached places to share God’s love to His people. 

Thank you! 

God bless you,
Worker 6

Worker 9 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that God will continue to use me for His glory.

– Pray for my health, as I have a dust allergy, and we have a lot of dust in my town. As a result, I do get sick very often.

– Pray for the students, that they will be prepared to start church planting ministry.

– Pray for my ministry among youth and young adults, that the Lord would continue to use me to minister to them. 

Thank you so much for your prayers.

God bless you all! 
Worker 9

Worker 10

– Pray that all of the believers to whom I have preached the Gospel will grow with the Lord’s blessings in their lives.

– Pray for a brother who I preached to. He was greatly attracted to the Gospel. May God bring him to saving faith.

– Pray for me and my family. My health is not getting much better. The medicine did not help, and I had to go to another place to a doctor, and still I could not get completely well. Pray to the Lord that I will be completely healed soon.

– Pray for me, in the village where I preach God’s Word. May God give me strength and blessings so that more will be converted.

– Pray for the young believers in my village who are ill and for those who have bad financial conditions. May they be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus, and may they grow in the Gospel of the Lord and prosper in their lives. 

Thank you! 
Worker 10

Worker 11 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:

– I thank God that I was able to reopen the churches which had been closed earlier due to the government, and that it went safely.

– Thank God that our institution has started again.

– Thanks to God, people are moving forward in the Lord despite physical and mental persecution.

– Thank God for keeping me and my family and parents safe.

Prayer Requests:

– Please pray continuously for our safety.

– Please pray for our CBI friends with faith, that God will protect them from the coming suffering.
Please pray that God will provide land for a cemetery for Christ’s people.Please pray so that peace can be established between the Hindus and Muslims. There are riots during every Hindu festival, and as a result, the internet is closed for three or four days.

– There is a 22-year-old paralyzed boy in our church, whose name is R. About 60 to 70% of his body is paralyzed. May God heal him completely.My sister’s wedding is on May 16th. Please pray that God will fulfill all of our needs for the wedding. 

Thanks for your prayers, Christian love, partnership and participation in spreading the Gospel!

God bless you all! 
Worker 11 

Worker 13 – 10/40 Window

– Continue to pray for our ministry around the villages here.

– Pray for all of our believers in the area, that they will stay with God during persecution and problems.
Yesterday, I was in a meeting, and they were talking about the main religion here, that they want it to grow. They are doing very dark things. Pray that God will help them to open their eyes so that they will see the truth. Pray that God will open new doors so that we can share the Gospel in this area.

– We have some new families who have just accepted Jesus. Pray that they will grow in God’s Word faithfully. 

Thank you so much everyone for praying for us! God bless you!

Worker 13

Worker 15 and Family – 10/40 Window

Please pray for…

– Pray for our health. Vinita and I have been suffering from cough, cold and headache.

– Pray for our safety, as persecution has increased in our area since the new government (anti-Christian) has come in power.

– Pray for the ministry in our country.

Thanks for your prayers!

God bless,
Worker 15 

Worker 16 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests

– Please pray for my children to grow in the Lord’s fear and knowledge.

– Please pray that the Lord will intervene in the problems the world is facing.

– Please pray for the village ministry in our local area. May the villagers grow in Lord’s Word.

– Please pray M* (the niece of one of our students). She is suffering from Chickenpox.

– Please pray for our state believers, as they are facing persecution. 

Worker 16

Rabi and Mahima – Nepal

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that God will allow the children in our area to come to our church.

Thank you so much for supporting us, praying for us, and raising us up. May God bless every family in the Saving Grace family. 

Grace and Peace,
Rabi and Mahima – Email Blog

Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia

Thank you for your prayer cover!  It really makes a difference!  

– Please pray for me as I teach Apologetics/Evangelism at a Cambodian church and train the teachers at a Cambodian Christian school.

– Please pray for our health as we enter the Cambodian hot season. Kayo and Benjamin have recently had some minor health issues and fatigue and the heat makes things more challenging.

– Please pray for our ministries alongside organizations, churches, and schools here in Cambodia. We need wisdom to maximize and balance all the opportunities.

– Please pray for our upcoming trip to Japan this summer to visit senders and family there.  Please pray that we will be able to encourage the believers and be strong witnesses before the unbelievers.  

In Christ’s Hands, 
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog

Harris Update February 2024

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.

Ongoing construction of the Prophetess’ “church” compound

I (Matt) was surprised to find out that a cult had moved into my neighborhood while our family was away. Last year, several outrageous and vulgar things occurred in one of the “churches” here in Gulu. Among other things, the self-proclaimed prophetess leading the church publicly pronounced curses on anyone who opposed her, including barrenness and poverty. And then blessings of prosperity on those who supported her. Fortunately, the community shut the church down and expelled the leader from their area. However, instead of reflecting and repenting, the “prophetess” subtly relocated her house and church a short walk from my house. She has a large following and has been manipulating them into building the largest home in our community for herself. Now, my whole neighborhood hears damaging things from the loud speakers of that “church” every week.

Ongoing construction of the Prophetess’ house

But God has not been idle; the truth is marching on. Last Saturday, I had the privilege of attending the Calvary Chapel 12 Springs School of Ministry graduation. Calvary Chapel 12 Springs is one of our main churches in the Gulu area, which is led by Samuel Olara, my good friend and fellow Gospel worker. Three years ago, God put it on my and Samuel’s hearts to open a ministerial school at Samuel’s church for those who were called to serve the church but were unqualified to enroll at the Terebinth School of Discipleship. We needed $1,200.00 to begin the school, and after praying for the money, I received an unexpected envelope with the exact amount of cash inside. And so the school of ministry was started.

The Calvary Chapel 12 Springs School of Ministry graduates

The students gathered together on Saturday and Sunday every other weekend; they served in the church and studied Scripture, missions, theology, church history, and more. Most excitingly, the ministry school was led by men equipped through the Terebinth School of Discipleship! During the same time frame, the other main church we work with, Calvary Chapel Gulu, graduated the first intake in its own School of Ministry. Which was likewise led by people equipped through the Terebinth School of Discipleship!

The fact that we can’t stop false teachers from spreading lies can be discouraging. But we are encouraged to see the addition of God’s Word turning into multiplication as those who have received the truth are passing it on to those who will do the same. Darkness is present in Northern Uganda, but the light is shining for those who desire it.

The Calvary Chapel Gulu School of Ministry graduates

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

In Christ,
The Harris Family

Growing in the Lord – Pastor 9 update February 2024

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I hope you are doing well! Thank you for your prayers and support.

I am doing well by God’s grace. Two weeks ago, I was little sick for about a week. I had a fever, throat infection and upper respiratory infection, but now by God’s grace I am doing well!

In the end of January, I had my birthday. I am thankful that God added another year in my life. I had a blessed year last year. This last year I have grown closer to God and have been given more ministry opportunities.

We have 4 students at our Bible Institute who are in their second year. They will be graduating this summer. Right now, I am teaching 1st and 2nd Peter.

Since 4 students are graduating this summer, they wanted me to also teach the book of Galatians. They asked me to because after they leave they will not really have more opportunities to learn. In our language, we do not have many commentaries and study materials. The students do not really know the English language. So, I am also taking extra class and teaching them from the book of Galatians in evening.

Last month I went twice to a village to preach at the Sunday service. I mentioned in my earlier updates about this village where we do church service. It encourages me to see them standing firm for God and not turning back when there is persecution. At one time there were lot of people who used to believe in the village, but after persecution came, many of them turned back. A few of them stood firm. It is a blessing to preach and teach those believers to continue to grow in the Lord.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that God will continue to use me for His glory.
  • Pray for my health. I am allergic to dust and we have a lot of dust in my town. So I get sick very often.
  • Pray for the students to be prepared to start church planting ministry.
  • Pray for my ministry among youth and young adults. May the Lord continue to use me to minister to them.


Pastor 9

* Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Laborers for the Harvest – Pastor 6 Update February 2024

Dear Family in Christ, 

I praise God for everything that He has done in the past year, 2023! I praise Him for all of the tests that He allowed for me to grow in my faith and also to learn to fully depend upon Him. We are very excited for what God has for us in 2024! 

Graduation Ceremony 

It gave us great joy to see these young men be so committed to study the Word. They completed there courses. They are trained in the Word and are now getting ready to go out to the places where God has called them. Three students graduated from our Calvary Bible Institute. All three of them decided to do internships with our church planters in different locations, which will also help them learn. 

Village Christmas Outreach

What an amazing God we serve! God has been very gracious to use us to share the Gospel in this village. Because the village is very anti-Christian, this was the first time a Christmas outreach was held there. Villagers there once burned a Pastor who came to share the Gospel. After that many others came to reach out to this village, but the villagers beat them up. They did not allow anyone who is a Christian into the village. Even when we went to the village to share the Gospel, the villagers chased us trying to catch us, but we escaped. 

Amazingly, God has opened the door for us to minister to the people in the village by showing God’s love and visiting the sick people in the hospital that belongs to the village. This December we had a Christmas outreach. More than 50 people showed up! We got to share the Gospel with them. We had a fellowship dinner together. They really felt loved. They saw the love of God through our deeds. Many responded to the Gospel. They came to us asked us to pray for them. We had already started a Bible study and now we started a Sunday worship service. Right now, 4 families are joining us on Sundays. Praise God for His amazing work! We thank you for your prayers and support. 

Christmas Outreach in Another Village

In this village also, it is the first time the people heard about Chistmas. Many of them do not know about Jesus and what Christmas is all about. We prayed about having a Christmas outreach to share the Gospel there. God opened doors for us to conduct an outreach. The village elders also gave us permission to have an open-air Christmas celebration. We held this outreach program on government property. Almost the whole village came to the program! We did not expect this would turn into a big program. More than 200 people showed up! We got the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. We also performed skits about the Christ’s birth. As I already mentioned, many of them did not know about Jesus. Now the whole village heard the Gospel! Some of them opposed us while we were sharing the Gospel and used many abusive words. But God gave us the strength to stand and share the Gospel and also share love. In the end, everybody calmed down. The villagers responded very positively and accepted Christ. Our dear brother, a graduate of Calvary Bible Institute, is serving in that village. 5 people are attending Bible study. We praise God for His protection and provision. After our Christmas outreach, we had a fellowship dinner. 

Christmas Outreach In Our City

We also did a Christmas outreach in an old age home. Many of the people there are unbelievers and have no hope. They all were rejected by their families. Some of them lost their families. As a church, we stepped out to reach out to those people to share hope in Christ. We got to share the Gospel and also sang Christmas carols and laughed with them. It was really a joyful time for the people to rejoice in Christ and forget about all their burdens. They felt very happy. I was really happy to see our church people showing love to them and caring for them. It is really a great picture of Christ’s love.

The people of our church are getting fed with the Word of God and they are stepping out to reach the lost and hopeless. We all had a fellowship dinner with them and prayed for all of the people individually. Every Sunday evening we have an old-age home care and Bible study as one of our church programs.  On the day of Christmas, we had an amazing worship service celebrating the birth of Christ. We invited many during the outreach. 

Once again I thank you all for your prayers and support to do these outreaches in places where the people have never heard of Jesus. We are very thankful to God for you.  Please continuously pray for us to reach unreached places and share God’s love to His people. There are many places we still need to reach. We need workers. As Jesus said “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” 

Thank you,

Pastor 6* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.