Seasons in Mallorca – Ruano Update May 2024

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I hope you are well and filled with God’s grace and peace. It has been far too long since my last newsletter, and for that, I sincerely apologize. Life and ministry have been a great adventure here in Mallorca and the magnitude of responsibility I have with our Christian school here has been both busy and tremendous, but I recognize the importance of staying connected with you, my faithful partners in mission.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and prayers. Your encouragement sustains me during every season of my missionary journey in Spain, and I am immensely grateful for your partnership in advancing God’s kingdom. 

While I may have been silent in my correspondence, the work of the ministry in Mallorca has continued.  I have witnessed God’s faithfulness in remarkable ways, as He has opened doors for me to continue planting seeds into the precious hearts of our students and families, as well as opportunities to serve through the ministries at the local church. 

I have now been serving the Lord in Spain for almost 5 years, (I can’t believe it will be 5 years in October!!), and as I am reflecting on everything God has done, I am reminded of the beautiful metaphor of seasons. Each season has brought its own unique blessings and my desire is to take you through a quick journey into what these seasons of serving in Mallorca have been like. 

Season of Sowing (Spring):

Our school (I’m so glad we are in this together, it’s your school too!) has been running for 3 ½ years now! It has been a time of growth, of perseverance, and inevitable challenges.  We are experiencing the sweet blessing of starting something very different in Mallorca; our school is not only providing a great academic program that parents love but it has also gained a reputation as a school that LOVES people. Praise God!! You and I know that what the children and their families are experiencing is God’s love overflowing through us! 

We are receiving many new children through the recommendations of other families, and that has been a huge blessing! We currently have about 30 children ages 1-5 years old, with a waiting list to enroll more children. Within those 30 children enrolled, 83% are from non-believing families. As a result, they come into our school with a total unawareness of who Jesus is.  What a privilege, honor, and a great responsibility to be the first ones to share Jesus with them!!

Season of Growth (Summer):

We are so excited in the steadiness of growth in numbers of students and staff at our school, however, I am even more so excited to share the growth that the kids are having in their knowledge of who Jesus Christ is!

We recently celebrated Easter, and what a joy it was to experience it once again through the eyes of our students who for the first time are hearing what Easter is all about.  As the kids are receiving the gospel message, the inevitable questions come, and this year one of our 5-year-old students asked, 

“Zully, why did Jesus have to die? Why did He have to do it?”.  

We gifted this specific student with her first Bible, and as she was joyfully embracing it, she was waiting for my response.  At that moment, I asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom on how to answer her question so that as a 5-year-old she would understand what I say and that it would resonate in her little heart as well.  This was my response:

“Do you remember what happens when the kids in our class do not listen or they do something they are not supposed to do?  They have to sit on a chair and wait until they are allowed to go back to play.  Well, it’s like if Jesus sits on that chair for you and….”

She interrupts me and says, “Ohhhh, it’s like Jesus takes our place. He had to die because He took our place!”

With my eyes super wide opened, awestruck and amazed, I affirmed her response, “Yes, exactly! Jesus loves you so much that He took your place on the cross…” and I continued sharing more of the gospel message to her.  The Holy Spirit made the gospel so relatable and understandable for her! What an immense privilege to be a part of that!  I shared that “chair” analogy to the rest of the class and in this season of our school, it was the best way for our students to understand the gospel message. Praise God for those heavenly “downloads” that come down at just the right moment!! 

Season of Harvest & Gratitude (Fall):

 “Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.” – Psalm 2:8

The Lord gave me this verse during my birthday last year.  My first reaction to this verse was a bit of intimidation as I felt the weight of this big promise.  Then I asked the Lord, “What does this verse mean for me?” After praying, the Lord reminded me of all the Bibles we have given to the children at our school.  Many of the kids at our school do not have a Bible in their home, so they are often so excited to receive their very own Bible! Since Mallorca is a very transient place to live in, it’s very common for some of our students to move back to their home countries (we have kids from all over the world) and they of course take their Bible with them.  In addition, their parents have to read the Bible to them because they are still too young to read! The Lord revealed how all these Bibles are scattered throughout so many homes across the globe! The impact our little school is having is only through the power of God and His Word.  For that I am so thankful!!

Season of Rest and Preparation (Winter):

The commitment to oversee and teach in our school has not been without overwhelming to-do lists and exhaustion.  However, I can attest to the Lord’s sustenance, grace, and wisdom in my life.  I can also boldly state that in those moments of exhaustion, He is my strength.  When stress and worry want to creep in, He is my peace.  When I consider the sacrifices that are part of this calling, I know He is worthy! 

I am at the school every day, all day so any moments of rest are so much appreciated!! The times I have been able to fly back home have been a tremendous blessing for me! But by far, the season of rest that I am so thankful for was one in which the rest was a bit different.  It was more of a sweet refreshing and encouraging time for me.  It was the time my parents traveled to Mallorca last year!! I am forever grateful that my parents, who are my biggest supporters, were able to witness first-hand what God is doing in Spain!  They are such a big part of the work God is doing here!

As I keep moving forward in God’s call, please be assured that I am committed to improving my communication to you all, ensuring that you are kept informed and involved in the ministry. Your support is invaluable to me, and I’m deeply grateful for your continued partnership in spreading the love of Christ in Spain.

Thank you for sticking around until the end! Thank you so much for being a part of this eternal investment.  Thank you for your support and your prayers. Everyone at the school truly feels your prayers, they are sincerely powerful, so I kindly ask you to please keep them coming!! If you have any prayer requests, if you would like to know how to get involved in the work here in Spain, or just want to say hello, contact me via email, WhatsApp, or any of my socials. You are very much appreciated, love you all! 

God bless you,



Monthly Prayer Requests

Aniku Family – Uganda

– Pray for the 5 new Muslim converts. For their safety and boldness.  
– Pray for the container clearance. The container is finally in Africa working its way to Uganda but there is a hold-up on one paperwork. Please pray for the details.  
– We are now beginning the roofing on the Koinonia community center and library.  
– Pray for all the church fellowships and ministries, that God will continue to strengthen us as we grow deeper in Him. Pray for our Bible college students as they do their finals and break for summer.  Continued prayers for our nursery and primary school.  

Thank you!

In Him,  
The Aniku’s – Email Blog

Ends of the Earth Ministries

Children: Hannah, Lila and Judah  We are thanking God for the ministries’ steady growth and pray for the 65 national missionaries serving in our Christian school, medical clinic, church plants and evangelism ministries.

The recent church plant among the Koma tribe has grown to 300 people who are maturing in their new faith. The school there is also continuing to flourish. Pray for the migrant Muslim camel herders who are hearing the Gospel from our missionaries as they travel through the Koma area. Pray also for the new Calvary Chapel that has been planted in the capital city of Juba and for the evangelism teams who go out weekly into the city to share and pray with the community.

Please keep Rob’s health in prayer as he suffers from chronic back pain and it makes speaking and traveling challenging. Please pray for strength and wisdom as he oversees and disciples our key African leaders.   

Yours for the unreached, 
Rob Douglass – Email Blog

Tim and Jenn Pappas – Yorba Linda, California

– Please pray for the 2024 Calvary School of Missions and for us as we get to lead this wonderful work of God’s. 
– Please pray for us, as we are implementing some personal disciplines that will enable us to serve the Lord in this capacity for many more years. 
– Please pray for our son Andy as he is still wandering in his wilderness and desperately needs Jesus. Praise Jesus we are able to minister to him and see him frequently. We pray for our Father to renew his mind.  
– Please pray that as a couple serving together in the office and the field that we continue to be steadfast with the Lord.  Please pray for Tim as he has been having major back pain.  

All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn – Email Blog

Bond and Heather Gaona – USA, Asia, and Africa

– Pray for student outreach trip in May in S. Asia as the Gospel is taken to remote regions and new villages.    
– Pray for the completion of the semester, teachers to finish strong and for the Word to sink into the hearts of the CBI students in Nepal and S. Asia   
– Pray for our summer missions trips we have planned to be fruitful, to raise up the next generation of missionaries, to share the Gospel with the lost and to encourage the churches in the areas we work.   

Thank you for your prayers,   
Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona – Email Blog

Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA

– Please continue to pray for my parents’ health. Especially pray for healing for my dad, or an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
– Please pray also for my mom’s health.My 6-month old daughter is having kidney problems. Please pray for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
– I have a kidney stone; please pray that I will not have to have surgery.
– Please pray for the safety of all the workers in South Asia, and that God will strengthen their hearts and faith.
– Please pray for my whole family, that God will use us for His glory.

Thank you so much for your prayers! 

God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog

Joni Houser – Indiana, USA

– Please pray for the Christians in South Asia who are going through persecution.
– Please pray for my father’s health and recovery.
– Please pray for my mom to have accurate diagnosis and treatment in her illness.
– Please pray for the nursing home ministry and children’s after school ministry. 

God bless you!
Joni – Email Blog

Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico  

Thanks for praying!    

Prayer Requests?  
#1- That God would bless our upcoming church planting conference on August 2-3!  
#2- That God would provide a job for our daughter Grace!   

Praise Reports?  
#1- God provided a good job for our son Daniel!  
#2- A blessed church planting trip to Guadalajara to visit our 2nd generation church plant!   

Thanks for your prayers,  
Mike and Sarah Vincent – Email Blog

Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico

PRAISE— my mom is doing much better emotionally and physically and spiritually thanks to all of your prayers! She is in her Word daily, and God is getting her through it all! Thank you for your continued prayers for her health!  Also, the Easter, drama of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus that the man performed for our church was phenomenal! Hearts were touched, and seeds were planted! (you can see it on my Facebook page) 😁  

1. Provisions for a nursery and youth room makeover.  
2. Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom!!! I need so much of God’s wisdom in everything that I do!  
3. Salvation for the moms and dads of the kids in the afterschool program.  

Thanks to all who take the time to read our prayer requests and pray for us! 

– Deanna Jevas – Email Blog

Hassan & Stacy Villegas – Acapulco, Mexico

In June we are having our first ever Mexico international pastors conference and CC Acapulco will be hosting. Pray that we can get everything organized, pray for the pastors speaking, and for the pastors who will be coming.

Thank you!!!   

Hassan & Stacy Villegas – Email Blog
South America

Andrew Weakland – Peru

1. Workers. The church is growing in numbers and my team finished their 6-month commitment. There is a lot of work to do and I need help.  
2. Leadership. For me to be organized, communicate well, and make wise decisions.

– Andrew Weakland – Email Blog
10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)

Worker 6 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:

– Pray for a man who used to disturb our Sunday Bible Study, who has asked us to come pray for him since he is ill. Please pray for him and for his salvation.
– Please pray as we minister in a village of stone cutters. Nobody knows Jesus in the village.
– Please pray that the believers in another anti-Christian village would grow in faith and stand as bold witnesses in their difficult circumstances. 

Thank you! 

God bless you,
Worker 6

Worker 7 – 10/40 Window

The Lord has been opening doors to new ministry opportunities in different villages, and I am starting to see the new believers desiring to grow in God’s Word.

Please pray:

– I have continued to visit some of the villages where we did Christmas outreaches. Please pray that the souls there would have the conviction of the Holy Spirit and turn their lives from their idols to the Living God. Please join me in praying for their salvation.
– Please pray for the Lord to raise up many disciples among my people; men and women who will have a great desire for God and to reach our nation.
– Please pray for Michelle and I as we begin preparations for our marriage and life together. There are many things involved and we are trusting God for everything in every step. 

Thank you,  
Worker 7

Worker 11 – 10/40 Window


– Thank God that He has kept us safe.
– Thank God that He is fulfilling our needs.

Prayer Requests:

– Please pray that God keeps me and my family safe.
– Please pray that our church remains firm in this crisis with faith and becomes knowledgeable in God’s Word.
– Please pray, as there are many festivals in the coming days in which Hindu people make processions; pray that they will not attack any Muslims or Christians.
– Please pray that our church can buy land for a Christian graveyard so that the people who are leaving their homes, village, society, relatives and accepting the Lord, can be given a respectable funeral after doing so.
– Please pray for my wife, that God will keep her safe from every kind of disease.
– Please pray for my mother; her bone density is very low, so she has to have daily injections. May God heal her and fulfill her needs.
– Please pray for my sister, who is getting married on May 16. Pray that God will fulfill all needs and that there would be no hindrance in the marriage.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and Christian love and partnership for the Gospel. 

God bless you all! 
Worker 11 

Anand and Usha – Nepal

Here are the prayer requests for this month:

– Please pray for the Himalayan people, that they will know God.
– Please pray for the capital city, where 6 million people live and only about 200,000 are believers; may God bring revival in this city and country.   

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Anand, Usha, Asher and Amos – Email Blog

Prakash and Muna – Nepal

– Please pray for those who heard the Gospel at the medical camps.
– Please pray for the women’s fellowship and prayer and fasting.
– Please pray for the youth meetings.
– Please pray for the families in the house fellowships. 

Prakash, Muna and Eutychus  – Email Blog

Rabi and Mahima – Nepal

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that God will allow all of the children in our area to come to our church.
– Pray that God will provide our choir team with things to help us with worship.
– Pray for my dear friend, S, to accept Jesus as his personal Savior. 

Thank you so much for helping us and lifting us up through prayer and partnership.

Grace and Peace,
Rabi and Mahima – Email Blog

Raju – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:

– We are trusting God to change the hearts of people where the Gospel has been preached, and turn to Jesus.
– The local pastor in the area needs God’s guidance, wisdom, and filling of the Spirit in the coming days.
– We thank all of the team, and pray that God will bless them in the days ahead.
– Pray for us for God’s guidance, strength and wisdom. 

Raju – Blog
Abhishek and Lacey – 10/40 Window

Here are our prayer requests!  

– Please pray our loved ones’ salvation. Please pray our family would “train ourselves unto godliness.” 
– Please pray for our local church, and the Bible College we are a part of and vision for future ministry.

God bless you, 
Abhishek and Lacey

Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia

– Please pray for strength and health during this season.  We are in the hottest time of the year with temperatures averaging around 100 degrees Fahrenheit with high humidity.  The whole country is sluggish and less productive than normal. We are thankful that so far, the electricity has been stable. 

– Please pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance as we prepare for our trip to Japan this summer to visit senders and Kayo’s family there.  I need wisdom in preparing to speak at churches there. 

– Please pray for provision, favor, and wisdom, especially related to Benjamin’s Christian international school’s upcoming tuition and guidance for him as he continues high school and prepares for the future. 

In Christ’s Hands, 
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog

Short but Sweet – Root Update May 2024

The title of this post is three-fold. It refers to our time so far here in Japan, the time we’ll be spending in the States, and this post itself. Even though it’s a quick one, we wanted to keep you up to date on our comings and goings. If you’d like to see us and hangout we’ll be in Montana from May 7-22, and in California from May 23-29. It’s tough to head back so soon, but we look forward to seeing you again.

Our first young adults’ group that we held at our apartment.
Some of the Abide kids on Sunday afternoon.

We have caught our breath here in Osaka and have settled in nicely. Ministry opportunities are opening up and we are building several relationships. We hosted our first young adult night at our apartment this month and will be having that every first and third Saturday once we get back. We met up with some friends from Las Vegas who were in Osaka praying about moving here to serve in a church, please pray for them as they seek the Lord. Also, we helped out with a belated Easter party that was held for some kids that attend English classes taught by some friends from church. I shared with them what it was like growing up in America as a Christian, and we played games with them. So, a pretty eventful few weeks when added to our normal church days and meeting with people.

Sharing with the English class students at the Easter party.
The Japanese love cherry-blossom season. They all set aside time to sit under the Sakura trees at some point each spring. Even at night they light the trees so that people can enjoy them. We went out and spent some time after the mid-week study a few weeks ago.

This week we are attending the Calvary Chapel Japan Conference in Tokyo before we fly to America. It will be great to connect with Pastors and believers from all over Japan. Thank you for thinking of us and praying for us continually, we could not do this on our own.   

Forget-Me-Not – Josh Vanrenterghem Update April 2024


Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Dear friends, family, and loved ones,

What a thrilling season! Celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was glorious! There is something very special about this year’s Resurrection Sunday celebration. I have never had such a profound time seeking Jesus and His Word.

Dream of the Flower

Normally I never remember my dreams. But one night this month I specifically remember being in Alaska, on some kind of outreach in a town. I don’t remember most of the dream, but I remember the ending. I began taking photos at the end of the day of a beautiful Alaskan sunset for some kind of social media. The views were incredible and I can still remember one of the pictures I took, in the green of spring, with the orangey glow of the sun beaming over the horizon next to a slightly blurred hill and large tree just in view. As the glow was still covering the landscape, someone told me that the flowers here would let water out at night. So I went over to a small flower and saw a little bit of water pooled in the center with the glow of the sunset reflecting off, and the petals slightly wilted, as if the water had come out from them. I began crying as it reminded me of how Christ gave us living water, the Holy Spirit, only after He was crucified.

Right after this I woke up, and immediately I searched online about flowers in Alaska. Although I couldn’t find any that have water come out at night, I did find out about the Alaska state flower, Forget-Me-Nots. They are really beautiful blue little flowers that grow in bunches. There are a lot of stories and lore about how they got their name, but mainly they have become a symbol of eternal love and remembrance. A lesser-known fact I found was that they only give off a scent in the evening and night. During the day they are scentless. What an amazing way to end, and yet never end, this special season of celebrating Jesus’ death and resurrection! It is as if Jesus was saying, “Forget-Me-Not!” And although Jesus’ life on earth was amazing- it was His death that gives us salvation through forgiveness. It was for His death that Mary anointed Jesus with precious perfume. Remembering Jesus is not just a time for Christmas and Easter, it is our life, and He invites us everyday to remember His eternal love through His death and resurrection. The flower also reminded me of the thief on the cross, “Then he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.’” (Luke 23:24-43)

Playing “Spoons” with the Youth Group at Hope Central Watts after Sunday Bible study

Once in a while, Saving Grace goes to our sister church, Hope Central Watts, an inner city church to help run their service for a Sunday in order to refresh the locals. This time I got the opportunity to join and teach the youth group! I was pretty nervous because I was told to teach in Spanish, and it would be the first time. Although I had everything ready for Spanish-even my notes were in Spanish- a few minutes before starting I was told they actually do it in English, and some of the youth don’t even speak Spanish! That made it much easier, and it was a very blessed time teaching, and afterwards playing spoons with them.

The week before Resurrection Sunday, some of the MTS students went to Biola University to share about Calvary School of Missions during their Missions Conference! It was a super blessed time to share with a bunch of young people who are excited for reaching the world for Christ in missions. We’re praying for many to signup at CSOM 2024 and learn more about God’s heart for the unreached and hear the call to “go”!

At Cal State University Fullerton there was a Christian event called the Godly Grind that me and a friend were invited to while we were out evangelizing one day. It was a great event and through the lady who invited us, we met another girl named Katia who she is friends with. We all went out to tea afterwards and talked about our testimonies for a long time. Katia was a non-practicing catholic, but recently started wanting to learn more about God and the Bible. She literally asked us, “how do I learn the Bible?” It felt like one of those people God just plops in our lap, ready to be discipled. She’s been coming for almost 2 months now and is being totally transformed by Jesus’ work in her life! She has been active in the church, and coming to Wednesday evening Spanish Study group.

God has been moving greatly in the Spanish Group at Saving Grace! We have begun doing outreaches by visiting people’s home to bring our community, and most importantly, God’s presence in worship, sharing testimony, and prayer. We are also planning days to go to public centers like the Circle in Fullerton to do worship and ministering in the public, to reach our community with the gospel!

God also answered my prayers for a job! I have been working with a friend from church in his steam cleaning business, cleaning carpets. I have also been doing a bunch of little jobs, helping do electrical, paint, etc. for friends. God has been providing in really unique ways.

At the end of April, as I am writing this, I am on a trip in Mexico to visit my parents who have been staying in Rosarito. I am also helping my friend Marcelo Ramos, and my friend Rob Douglass, who runs a ministry called Ends of the Earth Ministries, teaching at Calvary Chapel Rosarito about the unreached. I will be staying for a week, also going to Horizonte Ensenada church and Calvary Bible Institute Mexico with Marcelo as he shares about the unreached and Calvary School of Missions.

Rob Douglass sharing at a Monday evening Church Planting Class about the Unreached, who are the over 3 billion people who are waiting to hear the Gospel!

Costa Rica Trip

I have rough dates for my mission trip to Costa Rica to visit and learn from a children’s safe home there. It is planned for July 29 – August 2.

Please continue in prayer with me as this trip will be a very new and important part of the work we have been praying for, to start a safe home in Peru! Also, I want to invite all of you to pray for my brother in Christ, Andy. He has been praying about being a part of leading this work as well. He has a great heart for children.

Praise Reports:

  • For Jesus coming, living, dying, and resurrecting for our salvation!
  • For Katia coming to know Jesus personally
  • For my new job of steam cleaning

Prayer Requests:

  • For God’s provision and will to be done in planning and going to Costa Rica in July
  • Jesus would touch hearts in Mexico for the Unreached as we are sharing and He would call them to lay their lives down for Jesus in this work!
  • Protection, provision, and guidance for my sister and brother-in-law as they minister in the unstable environment in the Middle East!
  • God would use the Spanish group to call more people to their first love!

And After the Fire… – Solorzano Update April 2024

Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

1 KINGS 19:11-12

Have you ever had those moments when you’re just waiting God to show up radically? In the strong wind, in an earthquake, in the fire? But instead, He graciously chooses to show up in a still small voice? Yup, that’s exactly what happened this past month.

The Lord spoke LOUD and clear during my time away, but coming back to my regular routine, to the mundane, He spoke to me when I least expected it. He reminded me that He has me here for a reason. For a purpose. Yes, my heart and desire to be sent out as a full-time missionary continues to grow, but so does my trust and patience in God’s timing. He has a good and perfect plan for me. His promises are what I continue to hold unto.

Spreading the Fire

Coming back to visit my home church, Calvary South OC, was such a blessing. I had an opportunity to share about my trip with the singles ministry, Focus Generation. They have been supporting me since day one and they are truly a gift from above. I’m eternally grateful for y’all!! The words the Lord had placed on my heart was ‘redeem the time’. I shared about my trip- going from different religions, to cultures, to even the weather!

After I spoke- I was even more blessed to know that my testimony was confirmation for some to pray about missions, especially in Japan! I continued to see how the Lord was spreading the fire even in our generation. As a reminder- Calvary School of Missions summer is just a few months away- if you have a heart for missions, fill out an application and learn more about the school by clicking here! Please continue to pray for more laborers, the harvest is plentiful and many are needed!!

Set Free Women’s Conference at Calvary South OC

Discipleship + Teaching

My favorite part in the school is the teaching class- I enjoy studying the Word of God and then being able to teach it. I have learned so much in this class, as every week we are critiqued by Pastors and leaders in the church. This has allowed me to grow in so many ways, but it has also allowed me to share with other women what God has shown me.

Last year, around September, I started a mini bible study with my cousin Val. By God’s grace, it is slowly growing and my other friend also decided to join! It has been such a joy teaching through the book of John. We have seen God not only transform us through His Word, but also how His Spirit has moved throughout the study. These ladies are hungry for the Word of God and it has been such a blessing seeing them grow in that! My passion for discipling women in the Word of God is truly a gift from above. Please keep us and the study in your prayers! <3

Next Steps

As mentioned above, I know the Lord has me here for a reason. And it is truly by His grace that I am here. That perfect grace is called debt. Thanks to God, we will be starting Financial Peace next week! If you can please be praying with me for wisdom, for accountability, and for me to be able to pay the debt off quickly. I know with God all things are possible! He made that very clear on this past trip. Once that is paid off, my next step will be to return to Japan for 3-5 months, Lord willingly, before making the decision to move somewhere full-time.

However as some of you may know, since day one, my heart has been for the Middle East. You might be asking yourself, then why Japan? I ask myself the same thing everyday. They’re both completely opposite yet with one similarity- they are both UNREACHED. They both desperately need the gospel. As of right now I will continue to be faithful with what God has placed in front of me. The rest- where I go and when I go- I will continue to surrender it all to Him. As Isaiah said, “Here am I! send me” (Isaiah 6:8). This is His heart- for us to be willing. I pray this is your heart as well. If you can please join me in praying for Japan, as well as the Middle East- as we are preparing and planning a trip towards the end of this year! How exciting!!

Missions Training School Class

Thank you again for taking the time to read this newsletter. I pray you are blessed and encouraged. Thank you for your continual partnership in the gospel from the first day until now- both through prayers and financial support. Any amount you feel led to give will help me in raising monthly support to be sent out one day as a full-time cross-cultural missionary, Lord willingly. I’m eternally blessed as this is also fruit to your account.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.


-Mayra Alejandra

Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus – Record Update April 2024

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith…

Hebrews 12:1-3

“…So You Will Not Grow Weary.”

We are currently in the middle of Cambodia’s hot season until the monsoon rains come in June. Temperatures have risen as high as 104F with usual highs around 100F with high humidity. We are blessed that this year the electricity has been pretty stable, but even the Cambodians are struggling with the heat. In addition to the heat, the spiritual climate is challenging for all the believers here and can lead to a sense of spiritual/emotional/physical weariness.

April has been a challenging month for us in various ways. Benjamin had a severe ear infection and other health problems but has recovered fully/quickly. The bathtub in our rented townhouse broke mainly because it was not designed for American people’s weight. It took three weeks to for the renovation project (jackhammering/drilling/dust) to be completed instead the expected one week because of the Cambodian New Year holidays and a leak from the neighbor’s house. We also had some stresses with our car.

“…Run With Endurance the Race…”

Despite the above stresses and frustrations, God has strengthened us to keep going and in some ways even thrive.

My first day of helping teach English to K and 1rst students at True Education School a project of Precious Women Organization

In April, I started volunteering part time to help teach English at True Education School about an hour outside of Phnom Penh. In my career as an English/Apologetics/Christology teacher I have spent 95% of my time teaching university/seminary/Bible school students. I only spent one year teaching K-12 ESL in northern Missouri from 1999-2000. Despite being rusty, I was able to teach them a few things including the “Head and Shoulders…” song. When they have more students, Kayo will also volunteer at the school part time.

Because of the Cambodian New Year holidays, many other ministries were paused for a while, but Kayo and I continue to volunteer at Precious Women Organization’s office in various roles from video production (Darryl), devotions/Bible studies, life skill training, and administration/board (Kayo).

We also continued to work with the international church. I lead the men’s ministry, help with the Chinese ministry, help with visitation, and speak around once a month. Kayo leads the women’s ministry, helps keep everyone organized, and helps with the worship team as needed.

Speaking at the international church.

“…Lay Aside Every Weight…”

As of this moment i have lost 82 pounds in the last 6 months (October 21, 2023). God has opened all the doors for me to completely change my health and lifestyle by providing the knowledge, technology, and support that I have been looking for 20 years. This process has greatly improved my spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health. It has also really given me the strength and energy to be more active and engaged in ministry and revolutionized our family dynamics and relationships. Others are starting to reach out to me for recommendations and it is a blessing to encourage and equip them.

As I mentioned last month, I continue to be available to help encourage those with mental health challenges (and those who care for them) from my own challenges and victories in this area. I continue to monitor, encourage, and visit (from time to time) a Cambodian man and his family and help them connect with the resources they need in partnership with the international church and Light Association.

In Christ’s Love,

Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin

We Are Good Soldiers – Pastor Anand Update April 2024

Soldiers for the People of the Himalayas

We are given the assignment to share the Gospel all over the world by Jesus. There is not anywhere that is excluded. We are to share the Gospel in the easy places and in the hard places, in the Himalayan mountain range and in the flat land, in the closed areas and in the open areas, to Hindu people and to Buddhist people.

We are thankful to God that many years ago people of God came to our country with the same mind set. We have heard the Gospel and we were saved. Now God is building the same mindset in us. There are so many people in our country who haven’t heard the Gospel. One of the places where people live is in the Himalayan mountain range. A lot of people who live there have never heard the Gospel even once. God allowed us to go last month in March to the Himalayan mountains to share the Gospel. This area had hard trekking routes. Because of this, people do not want to go these places and the Gospel has not reached there. As a soldier of Christ we went there, not because we are strong, but because our God of love compels us to do so. Please pray for these Himalayan people to come to know God.

Soldiers for the People of the City

“For I have much people in this City”-Acts 18:10.

This verse remind us to do Gospel outreach in the city. We know street preachers are caught and sent to prison, but we preach in our Bible college courtyard. We ask our students as well as church believers to invite their family members, friends, and neighbors who have not received Christ as their Savior. Last week many people showed up in our courtyard to hear the Gospel. Our Bible school students did a skit, dances, and songs. We shared from God’s Word. One of the teenage girls received Christ as her personal Savior. One woman said that she will begin attending church every week. We see the harvest in city and it is ready. We pray that God pours His Spirit on us more and more. We see our students as future soldiers. They are trained for this war and believe that they will be doing the same things in their communities. We believe this verse, “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. “-Acts 26:18. Please pray for our city. There are 6 million people here, but only about 200,000 are believers. God may bring revival to this city and country.

Thank you,

Anand and Usha and Family

Repent and Be Baptized – Pastor 6 Update April 2024

Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved

(Acts 2:47)

What a wonderful God we serve! It is amazing to see people coming to Christ and surrendering to Him. Christian baptism is one of two ordinances that Jesus instituted for the church. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20). These instructions specify the church’s responsibility to teach and make disciples, and to welcome and baptize those disciples.

Both of the new believers are from a Catholic background and were very much into idol worship. God opened the opportunity to preach the Gospel to them and to disciple them. Before one of them was saved, he was very addicted to alcohol and was also having difficult family problems. But now, having a relationship with Jesus changed everything. God really worked in his life. Now his whole family comes to church and attends Bible study. 

M* Village (Church plant)

It has been 8 months since our dear brother C* began serving in M* village. God is doing amazing work through him. He started tutoring children and teenagers (from the ages of 5-16 years), showing them the love of God and sharing Gospel with them. It really opened doors to reach out to those villagers. 

In my last newsletter, I briefly explained how God opened doors to minister in that village. I also shared about conducting a Christmas outreach program there which helped reach more people with the Gospel. In that village the teenagers and young adults are addicted to alcohol and drugs. Please pray about that. We have now started a Bible study every Sunday in a home in the village (a house church fellowship). Three families are attending the Bible study.

I want to share a praise report about the ministry in M*. There was an elderly man who always used to disturb us during our Sunday Bible study. He would threaten us and using abusive words. So we all prayed together for the elderly man to come to Christ.  All of a sudden he became sick. He suffered so much with his health problems. So the man invited us to his house and to pray for him. We then got to share with him about the love of God and preached the Gospel to him. We praise God that He made a way to reach this man. Please continue to pray for him and for the his salvation. 

Nameless Village:

Reaching Out to the Unreached

For 30 years people have been living in this village, but they have not named it. They call themselves the stone cutters. Their work is to cut stones from big rocks. They then supply stones for building construction. God has led one of our team members to that place to preach the Gospel. Almost 30 families live there. When we visited the second time, we had many conversations about their lives. This village is in the forest. Snakes and scorpions come inside their houses, and there is no water source available.

God put this village in our hearts to reach out to and share the Gospel in. Nobody knows Jesus in this village. Please pray for us as we minister in this village.  

N* Village (Church Plant) 

We are ministering in a village named N* (which is very Anti-Christian). The elders and villagers wanted there village to remain fully Hindu. There is some religious persecution going on, but the Lord is doing amazing work in that village. We started a house fellowship and two families are attending there. The Lord has also opened doors for us to meet five more families. We can see that He is working in their hearts. Now three people are ready to be baptized. Please pray that these people might grow in their faith and stand as bold witnesses even in difficult circumstances.

Thank you,

Pastor 6* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

God Is Working in Amazing Ways! – Pastor 11 Update April 2024

Dear pastors, leaders, supporters and church family!

We hope you all had a good Good Friday and Resurrection Day.

My dear sisters and brothers, I thank you for your prayers and love. God is doing amazing work here through your prayers. By the grace of God, house churches are now running in many villages. Although there is a lot of persecution here, people are still giving their lives to the Lord.

A Very Good Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday

Thank God that He is increasing the number of people in our church and that they are growing deeply in the Word of God day-by-day. Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter services were very blessed for us. People of our church went to many other communities who had never heard of Jesus Christ and shared the message of Good Friday and Easter. They invited many new people from the villages to come to the church. About 100 people came and we celebrated the day of our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection together. Breakfast was arranged for everyone. After listening to the Gospel, everyone had breakfast and left for their homes.

Good Fellowship and Hospitality

I thank God that He is taking the people of our church deeper into His Word day-by-day. This month, by the grace of God, a believer of our church’s wedding date has been finalized. He has been coming to our church for about 15 years. He is the only Christian in his entire family. I thank God that he is getting married to a Christian girl who is about 20 years old. They have been talking to each other for about 10 years. By the grace of God, their wedding date is June 11th. It was a great thing to fellowship with them as they planned their marriage.

An Attempt to Establish Conversation with the Village Again

About 25 years ago, my parents accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, due to the name of Jesus Christ, the people in our village stopped talking to us. They stopped inviting us to any function. They also imposed a fine on anyone who talks to us of ₹ 10000. Because of that, no one has talked to us for all of these years. But God recently opened the hearts of a family that have started coming to our church. They are sending their children to our house to be tutored in school. Through them, gradually other children are also starting to come to our house. My niece, whom I have raised since childhood, teaches free school classes to these children. She also teaches them Christian action songs and Christian songs. I believe that in the coming days more children from the village will come here and learn about Jesus Christ.

Points of Thanksgiving:

  • Thank God that He has kept us safe till today.
  • I thank God that He is fulfilling our needs.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray that God keeps me and my family safe.
  • Please pray that our church remains firm in their faith through crises and becomes knowledgeable of God’s word.
  • Please pray. There are many festivals in the coming days in which Hindu people go on processions. Pray that they will not attack any Muslims or Christians.
  • Please pray that our church can buy land for a Christian graveyard. This will make it so that the people who are leaving their homes, villages, societies, and relatives to accept the Lord, can be given a respectable funeral after doing so.
  • Please pray for my wife, may God keep her safe from every kind of disease.
  • Please pray for my mother, her bone density is very low due to which she has to take injections daily. May God heal her and fulfill our financial needs.
  • Please pray for my sister’s wedding on May 16th. May God fulfill all of our needs for this, and may there be no hindrance in the marriage.

Thank you for your prayers, supports and Christian love and partnership for the Gospel.

God bless you all!

Pastor & Mrs. 11*

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

CBI Spring Semester & Medical Outreaches – Prakash Update April 2024

Praise God for another semester! God has added more new students this season as well. It is always a blessing and a lot of fun to spend time with these young men, teaching and learning from the Word of God. The students are from almost all four corners of our country. 

We try to equip our students with everything we can. We teach the students basic English, worship & music, and basic computer along with teaching them God’s Word. It’s our desire to teach them all possible knowledge and skills. It fills us with great joy as we see them growing in the Lord and in other activities.

CBI Music Class
Hiking with the CBI Students

Sometimes we organize hiking with our students. It is a great time to get refreshed with them. 

Medical Camps in four different Churches

Last month, we had a short term mission group from a church in the U.S. There are many hospitals in our country now, both government hospitals and private ones. The private hospitals are too expensive for ordinary people. People have to go through a long process that takes many days to go to the government hospitals. For this reasons, it is beneficial to have short-term mission trip medical camps, especially for villages.

The government of our country has been issuing new restrictions against Gospel preaching, however, by the means of such camps we can build relationships between local churches and their neighbors and invite them to the churches. Thank God for the kind-hearted doctors and for all of the members of the entire team. All together, over 500 people were benefited by the medical camps. 

Medical Camp at the New Church in a Village Area

Over 200 people were treated

Prayer Stations

Along with the medical camps, there were prayer stations. This was to have an opportunity to offer prayer and the Gospel to those who came after they got their medicine which is also our goal.

Medical Camps at a Calvary Chapel in a Village Area

Almost 80 people were treated. At the end of the camp the doctor offered a medical workshop to the local volunteers.

Children’s Outreach after the Camp

We had a good opportunity to share the love of God with students from the school after the camp.

Medical Camp at the Leper Colony

A camp was held at the Lepers’ hospital. The hospital opens twice a week. However, according to the people there, the medicine from medical camps works much better than the medicine usually offered. So people are attracted to come to the camp. 

Gospel preaching and Hygiene Kit Distribution 

After the medical camp, the Gospel was preached, and hygiene kits were distributed.

Nepali & Chinese Food Cooking Exchange 

At the end of the mission trip, there was a cooking exchange between the Nepalese and Chinese teams. It was a fun, quality time to interact with each other. The students were especially happy.


Prakash & Muna