Dear Family in Christ,
I praise God for everything that He has done in the past year, 2023! I praise Him for all of the tests that He allowed for me to grow in my faith and also to learn to fully depend upon Him. We are very excited for what God has for us in 2024!

Graduation Ceremony
It gave us great joy to see these young men be so committed to study the Word. They completed there courses. They are trained in the Word and are now getting ready to go out to the places where God has called them. Three students graduated from our Calvary Bible Institute. All three of them decided to do internships with our church planters in different locations, which will also help them learn.

Village Christmas Outreach
What an amazing God we serve! God has been very gracious to use us to share the Gospel in this village. Because the village is very anti-Christian, this was the first time a Christmas outreach was held there. Villagers there once burned a Pastor who came to share the Gospel. After that many others came to reach out to this village, but the villagers beat them up. They did not allow anyone who is a Christian into the village. Even when we went to the village to share the Gospel, the villagers chased us trying to catch us, but we escaped.
Amazingly, God has opened the door for us to minister to the people in the village by showing God’s love and visiting the sick people in the hospital that belongs to the village. This December we had a Christmas outreach. More than 50 people showed up! We got to share the Gospel with them. We had a fellowship dinner together. They really felt loved. They saw the love of God through our deeds. Many responded to the Gospel. They came to us asked us to pray for them. We had already started a Bible study and now we started a Sunday worship service. Right now, 4 families are joining us on Sundays. Praise God for His amazing work! We thank you for your prayers and support.

Christmas Outreach in Another Village
In this village also, it is the first time the people heard about Chistmas. Many of them do not know about Jesus and what Christmas is all about. We prayed about having a Christmas outreach to share the Gospel there. God opened doors for us to conduct an outreach. The village elders also gave us permission to have an open-air Christmas celebration. We held this outreach program on government property. Almost the whole village came to the program! We did not expect this would turn into a big program. More than 200 people showed up! We got the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. We also performed skits about the Christ’s birth. As I already mentioned, many of them did not know about Jesus. Now the whole village heard the Gospel! Some of them opposed us while we were sharing the Gospel and used many abusive words. But God gave us the strength to stand and share the Gospel and also share love. In the end, everybody calmed down. The villagers responded very positively and accepted Christ. Our dear brother, a graduate of Calvary Bible Institute, is serving in that village. 5 people are attending Bible study. We praise God for His protection and provision. After our Christmas outreach, we had a fellowship dinner.

Christmas Outreach In Our City
We also did a Christmas outreach in an old age home. Many of the people there are unbelievers and have no hope. They all were rejected by their families. Some of them lost their families. As a church, we stepped out to reach out to those people to share hope in Christ. We got to share the Gospel and also sang Christmas carols and laughed with them. It was really a joyful time for the people to rejoice in Christ and forget about all their burdens. They felt very happy. I was really happy to see our church people showing love to them and caring for them. It is really a great picture of Christ’s love.
The people of our church are getting fed with the Word of God and they are stepping out to reach the lost and hopeless. We all had a fellowship dinner with them and prayed for all of the people individually. Every Sunday evening we have an old-age home care and Bible study as one of our church programs. On the day of Christmas, we had an amazing worship service celebrating the birth of Christ. We invited many during the outreach.
Once again I thank you all for your prayers and support to do these outreaches in places where the people have never heard of Jesus. We are very thankful to God for you. Please continuously pray for us to reach unreached places and share God’s love to His people. There are many places we still need to reach. We need workers. As Jesus said “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Thank you,
Pastor 6* and Family
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.