For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
I (Matt) was surprised to find out that a cult had moved into my neighborhood while our family was away. Last year, several outrageous and vulgar things occurred in one of the “churches” here in Gulu. Among other things, the self-proclaimed prophetess leading the church publicly pronounced curses on anyone who opposed her, including barrenness and poverty. And then blessings of prosperity on those who supported her. Fortunately, the community shut the church down and expelled the leader from their area. However, instead of reflecting and repenting, the “prophetess” subtly relocated her house and church a short walk from my house. She has a large following and has been manipulating them into building the largest home in our community for herself. Now, my whole neighborhood hears damaging things from the loud speakers of that “church” every week.
But God has not been idle; the truth is marching on. Last Saturday, I had the privilege of attending the Calvary Chapel 12 Springs School of Ministry graduation. Calvary Chapel 12 Springs is one of our main churches in the Gulu area, which is led by Samuel Olara, my good friend and fellow Gospel worker. Three years ago, God put it on my and Samuel’s hearts to open a ministerial school at Samuel’s church for those who were called to serve the church but were unqualified to enroll at the Terebinth School of Discipleship. We needed $1,200.00 to begin the school, and after praying for the money, I received an unexpected envelope with the exact amount of cash inside. And so the school of ministry was started.
The students gathered together on Saturday and Sunday every other weekend; they served in the church and studied Scripture, missions, theology, church history, and more. Most excitingly, the ministry school was led by men equipped through the Terebinth School of Discipleship! During the same time frame, the other main church we work with, Calvary Chapel Gulu, graduated the first intake in its own School of Ministry. Which was likewise led by people equipped through the Terebinth School of Discipleship!

The fact that we can’t stop false teachers from spreading lies can be discouraging. But we are encouraged to see the addition of God’s Word turning into multiplication as those who have received the truth are passing it on to those who will do the same. Darkness is present in Northern Uganda, but the light is shining for those who desire it.

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
In Christ,
The Harris Family