Monthly Prayer Requests |
![]() Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda – There was a rebel attack in Western Uganda that led to the death of 43 people, mostly children. Please pray for their families and for the church there. Pray for safety. – There are currently 5 chaplains receiving medical care in Kampala for various sicknesses and one a serious injury. Pray for healing. – Pray for Liana and Jesse who are both suffering from a severe flu. – Pray for the ministries at Arise Christian Fellowship as they plan and prepare for the 2nd half of this year. – Pray for Jill as she homeschools. – Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise. In Him, Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog |
![]() Matthew and Noelle Harris – Uganda May God bless you for your prayer support. This month we can rejoice together that: – God has opened a way for my family to relocate to the city. – God is bringing a team from the US to train our team on Community Health Evangelism. – God has provided the means for us to pursue the adoption process of our daughter Apio Cynthia. This month please pray with us that: – God will bring comfort to Fred Latim, the Sr. Pastor of Calvary Chapel Gulu, and his family as they lost their fifteen year old daughter named Esther on the 13th of June. – God will bring encouragement and truth to the pastors in our school as our team travels to each of their homes this month to visit them and their families. – God will provide the rest of the funding for our family to move from the village of Adak to the city of Gulu. – God will grant us wisdom and expedience in the adoption process of our Ugandan daughter. God Bless You, The Harris Family – Email Blog |
![]() Aniku Family – Uganda – Pray for the 5 new Muslim converts. For their safety and boldness. – Pray for the container clearance. The container is finally in Africa working it’s way to Uganda but there is a hold-up on one paperwork. Please pray for the details. – We are now beginning the roofing on the Koinonia community center and library. – Pray for all the church fellowships and ministries, that God will continue to strengthen us as we grow deeper in Him. – Pray for our Bible college students as they do their finals and break for summer. – Continued prayers for our nursery and primary school. Thank you! In Him, The Aniku’s – Email Blog |
![]() Ends of the Earth Ministries In South Sudan: Please continue to pray for the nation of South Sudan. Decades of Civil War have collapsed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and desperation. Hopelessness and violence run rampant throughout communities. Pray for our 500 students that are being daily discipled in the love of God and His Word, so they may lead their nation into a new season of hope. Pray for the 75 children and young adults in our children’s home and for the missionary parents that are laying down their lives to provide peace and unconditional love to these precious ones. Please pray for the new churches in the Tauso & Taposa villages. Pray that the pastors and medical staff will have the spiritual and physical tenacity to handle the countless challenges while living amongst Stone-Age tribes. In Kenya: Pray for the refugee students in our missionary training college in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. They are fasting and praying as they prepare to return to South Sudan to begin reaching cities across the border in North Sudan, with hopes to plant churches amongst Muslim peoples in 2020-21. In USA: Pray for the Missions Equip Training Programs. We are in the throes of launching two new schools this year. The first – International School, will be used in Bible Colleges as a complete missions training course. The second – Transformation, is a cross-cultural immersion training program, equipping missionaries to assimilate into their new culture while learning the language and world view. Pray that God would continue to empower, envision and sustain us as we seek to establish nationally led, culturally relevant, biblical-based churches among unreached peoples. Thank you for your prayers! Yours for the unreached, Rob Douglass – Email Blog |
![]() Tim and Jenn Pappas – Yorba Linda, California PRAISE REPORTS 1. Jenn was able to join Tim on trip to South Asia that was 2 weeks long focused on missionary care and teaching of in country workers. 2. For those who prayerfully and financially support us 3. Jenn has been able to stay healthy PRAYER REQUEST. 1. Pray for our re-adjustment as we come back. 2. Wisdom and God’s heart for Tim as he prepares to teach at a conference in Mexico next month. 3. Our son Andy who is homeless and struggling in many ways. Thank you so much for your prayers! All for His Glory, Tim and Jenn – Email Blog |
![]() Bond and Heather Gaona – USA, Asia, and Africa – Praise God for a fruitful time teaching and serving at Calvary Bible Institute Peru. The team did amazing and God blessed all the outreaches and our time with the students and church. Pray for all the invites, tracts, and seeds planted that many more would come to Christ and visit Calvary Trujillo. – Pray for many student recruitment trips and church planter visits throughout South Asia in the months of June and July, that God would lead to the exact people He desires to be equipped and used to reach many more for Christ. – Pray for the new work in Pakistan and for God’s hand of protection and blessing as a new Hindu tribe is being reached out to. – Pray for the planning of our trip to Uganda this summer and for all the preparations. Pray for our time to be guided and intentional for God’s glory. Pray we would be a blessing to missionaries, workers and many friends that we love dearly there. Thank you for your prayers, Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona – Email Blog |
![]() Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA – Please pray for the salvation of two of the residents in our Bible Study at the assisted living facility. Though they know much about God, pray that they will fully surrender their hearts to God and belief in the truth of His Word, and receive Him in their hearts. – Please continue to pray for my parents’ health. Especially pray for healing for my dad, or for a medication that will be effective without worse side effects. Please pray also for my mom’s recovery from diverticulitis. – We have a baby due in early October. Please pray for the baby to be healthy and for a safe delivery. – Please pray for the safety of all the workers in South Asia, and that God will strengthen their hearts and faith. – Please pray that God will continually strengthen our faith and service for Him. Thank you so much for your prayers! God bless you, Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog |
![]() Joni Houser – Indiana, USA – Please pray for the Christians in South Asia that are going through persecution. – Please pray for my father’s health. He has several physical problems including double vision. The doctors have not yet been able to find out what is causing them. – Please pray for my mom’s health, as she is in the hospital with diverticulitis. God bless you! Joni – Email Blog |
![]() Joel and Amy Garcia – Yorba Linda, California – Praise God Joel got approval to go on a trip to the Middle East and North Africa in the Fall! Pray that the Lord would help in arranging all of the details – Pray for the continued growth of the kids in the Lord – Pray for Joel and Amy to have vision and strength for the various ministries they lead in their local church Love in Christ, Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, & Clara Garcia – Email Blog |
![]() Gary and Tina Barrow – Truckee, California We have been here pastoring Calvary Chapel Truckee for almost 3 years now. We’ve faced many challenges and difficulties, many we never dreamed would be something we would face in ministry. But God has been so very faithful, and I believe we’re right where God wants us as a church. Please pray… We’re in need of a worship leader/assistant pastor at the church. Currently Gary is carrying all of the teaching and administration of the church. It’s been a heavy, and at times, an overwhelming responsibility. But again, God has been so very faithful. We trust that with your prayers, God will raise up an assistant that is like minded and has a heart to serve God’s people. Please join us in praying for a fresh out pouring of God’s Spirit on Calvary Chapel Truckee. We’ve been praying about starting a preschool to reach out to the town of Truckee. We need wisdom and vision on how the Lord would have us do this. We have just returned from Israel and it seems that God has opened up amazing doors for ministry there for us. We have an open do to reach out to youth in a Palestinian controlled area. God has also opened a door for us to minister to special needs kids in Israel. We’re praying and asking God to show us how He would have us walk through those doors. Gary is planning on traveling with Pastor Trent to the Middle East later this year. We’re asking the Lord to show us how He’d have us be part of the ministry there also. We’re planning for Hungarian summer camps again this year. During one of the camps last year, a woman approached Gary and ask if he knew who she was? She showed him a picture of the 2 of them from a camp Gary did 13 years earlier. She said she gave her heart to the Lord during that camp and Jesus changed her life. She’s now living for Jesus, married to a christian man and serving in her church. Last year we saw 64 of 93 kids come to the Lord in 2 summer camps. We’re asking the Lord for even more souls this year. Gary is teaching a class and continues to arrange teachers for the colleges we have in the 10/40 window. Please continue to pray that God would raise up believers to take the Gospel and saturate that area. Gary would like to lead a team later this year to visit the college and encourage the students through block classes. We’re asking God for the right timing for a trip. With all the many overseas opportunities now opening up to us, we’re asking God to show us how to serve faithfully here at Calvary Chapel Truckee, and how to balance that with the many open doors abroad. We believe the Lord is leading us into greater fields of harvest. We’re asking the Lord for wisdom and direction. We want to thank you for your prayers. If you have any questions, we welcome your emails and will respond to them promptly. – God bless, Gary and Tina Barrow – Email Blog |
Mexico |
![]() Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico Hi friends, here are the prayers for Mike and Sarah Vincent, and Calvary Rosarito! Prayer Requests! #1- That God will bless our 36th church plant to Peru with Pastor Lorenzo at the end of May! #2- That God would give us favor as we attempt to purchase our facility! Praise Reports? #3- For our daughter Grace to find a job in Hesperia where she is finishing up college. Thanks for your prayers, Mike and Sarah Vincent – Email Blog |
![]() Ron and Kristy Struska – Rosarito, Mexico Praise Report: – Praise God that we made it to Calpulalpan, Tlaxcala, Mexico, where our daughter, Brittany, and her husband, Brian are going to plant a church (Calvary Conexión México). There were some bumps along the way with our 24-foot trailer, but we made it here safely! – We’d also like to give him praise for the two outreaches we were able to do along the way in Culiacán & Morelia, as well as serve a little at and/or fellowship with several other church plants and pastors along the way. Prayer Requests: – For wisdom to know how to best use our time to help get the church building ready for Calvary Conexión México. – For the Lord to prepare the hearts of the children and their parents to be open to the gospel. We will be having a big outreach for kids here in Calpulalpan. There will be games, songs, a Bible lesson, craft, as well as prizes and backpacks to give away! We even plan to do some games with the parents and give away some prizes for them as well. – For finances, as we are having some trouble with our local Mexican bank, and we have a lot of funds that we are currently not able to access (and may not be able to access for months until some paperwork gets taken care of). – For a safe return trip home to Rosarito, trailer in tow, early to mid-February. Blessings! Ron & Kristy Struska – Email Blog |
![]() Jenna Pepin – Culiacán, Sinaloa Mexico 1) Calvary Culiacán North will be implementing some BIG changes this year. Pray that the result is a stronger, more effective church and a huge harvest of souls. 2) Pray for God’s continued direction in confirming both my role and the timing for Sammy and me to join the Calpulalpan project. 3) Pray for Sammy’s education as we will be trying out some new schooling options over the next 6 months. Jenna Pepin – Email Blog |
![]() David and Michelle Mullins – Loreto, Mexico Prayer Request: – Michelle: Chronic Pain. After two failed back surgeries, I deal with daily Chronic Sciatica pain – Prayer for Healing or Relief/Endurance to continue working on our growing children’s ministry and supporting our women and staff/volunteers with wisdom, love, and hope as we continue to grow, teach and share Christ’s love and His word with new believers. – Protection over our church and future church planters as we experience physical, mental, and spiritual attacks from the evil one. Thank You❣️ Blessings, David and Michelle Mullins – Email Blog |
![]() Jon and Allison Brechtel – Oaxaca, Mexico Prayer requests: • we are praying for specific places to start bible studies which could be future church plants. We have a few locations that we are praying about. • pray for the growth of our congregation spiritually and for the new people who have started attending. • pray that God would send more laborers into the harvest here in Oaxaca. People who are on fire for the Lord and want to serve Him. God bless! Jon, Allison, Jonny, Noah – Email Blog |
![]() Paul and Claudia Boubion – Rosarito, Mexico Please Pray: 1. Our son’s continued healing & recovery 2. Develop meaningful friendships with our neighbors & reach them with the gospel! 3. Guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit in our weekly afterglow. 4. Biblical Counseling ministry: God’s leading 5. Discipleship for new believers: God’s leading Thank you for your prayers! In Him, Paul, Claudia, Lydia, Poiema and Cristian – Email Blog |
![]() Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico Hello here on my prayer requests for the month of July: PRAISE REPORT: Laura and Jose are doing much better. Thank you for your prayers. The Lord is restoring them and bringing healing to their marriage. 1. For my mom who lives alone and suffers from Parkinson’s, that God will continue to bless her and fill her with his joy and peace, and that he would bring her godly friendships! 2. For the parents of the 40 kids that we serve in the afterschool program/soup kitchen here, that God would use the kids here to reach their parents for Christ. 3. For godly men and women to be raised up from our church to serve in the different areas of need: nursery, cook in the soup kitchen, coordinators for the children’s ministry, and Sunday, school teachers 4. For marriages that are under attack, for restoration. (Ana and Steve.) 5. That God would continue to use me for His glory, and that I will continue to die to myself and live for others! Thank you so much for praying for me and the people in Mexico. Dios te bendiga (God bless you.) Deanna Jevas – Email Blog |
South America |
![]() Craig and Daisy Tippie – Huacho, Peru Hey SGWM FAMILY, thank you for your faithfulness to keep us missionaries in your prayers! *Pray for our exploratory trip up the Peruvian coast scouting out places to plant a new church so we have a place to send our graduating students to do their internships and practice! – July 14 -21 with 24 people. – Safety, health, and freeness of Dengue fever that is going crazy in Peru right now! *Pray for our new incoming international students to the School of Ministry in Huacho. *Pray for our new women’s dorms *Pray for the next 3 groups coming to Huacho this summer! Focus is evangelism! *Pray for Daisy and Craig’s health, strength, and ability to stay the course! Thank you from our hearts, Craig and Daisy – Email Blog |
![]() Cory & Danielle Kilgus- Calvary Chapel Trujillo & CBI Peru Thank you so much for your continued prayer! – Please pray for our upcoming semester at CBI Peru. We will have 23-25 full time students, are biggest semester yet. Our semester theme is “Abide” as apart from Jesus can nothing, and when we abide in Him we bear much fruit. – Please pray for Calvary Trujillo and Calvary Buenos Aires, Peru. We are transitioning as we sent a group of about 20 to plant a church in another part of town, and it has been great to see God work. We have several outreach events coming up, and God is opening up new doors in our community with the universities, rehab centers and firefighters. – Please pray for our family as received Isabela into our home about a month ago. She is 4 and a special girl. We took her on her first family vacation this month, and she calls us “mama” and “papa” now. She likes to run up to us and kiss us, and tells we are “lindo” (Nice). Pray for continued integration, as there are rough spots as well. – Please pray for another church we hope to plant in October with another graduate of CBI Peru in the jungle city of Moyobamba. We are hosting the CC Missions conference for South America and CBI Kauai is joining us to serve at the conference and then help us do an invasion of Moyobamba. Thank you and we really do appreciate your faithfulness to pray. Thank you from our hearts, Cory and Danielle – Email Blog |
![]() Shilo and Racquell Stratton – Peru – Pray for our minds, that we would not be anxious or stressed regarding preparing to move and actually being sent. That we would have the goal and mission in mind of making disciples. Of serving Christ and no one else. Of making His name famous and not our own. And generally for clear thinking. That we’d hold fast to sound doctrine. – Pray for our spirits, that we’d serve God without fear and in absolute surrender. That we’d lay aside sins and things that easily ensnare us. That we’d put on God’s armor. – Pray for our bodies, that we’d be strong and that God would ward off any infections, diseases, or accidents from us prior to and on the field. Especially for baby Amalia. I (Shilo) think I’ve got a food allergy that my doctor and I are currently trying to figure out. – Pray for PERÚ, for the country as a whole. Latin America is full of false doctrine, prideful religiosity or cultural Catholicism and dangerous governments. Peru’s presidency just underwent some drastic sudden changes, and the country is not at peace. – Shilo and Racquell Stratton – Email Blog |
![]() Andrew Weakland – Peru – Prayer that as I go to the U.S. June 22-July 13, I will be able to connect with several churches to receive their prayers and financial support. – Prayer that I grow as a leader and Pastor in teaching the Wednesday services at Calvary Trujillo. – Prayer that God can confirm to three people who are considering helping Yenry and I with the church plant in October. – Thanks to God for the sweet fellowship with those at CBI Peru and Calvary Trujillo. – Thanks to God for choosing a nobody like me to be part of His purposes and that I can know His love. – Andrew Weakland – Email Blog |
10/40 Window |
![]() The 10/40 Window The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion. (Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.) |
![]() Worker 2 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests – Pray for my ministry, that God will give me wisdom and understanding. – Pray for my family, that they will grow in the Word of God. – Pray for my church members, that each one may grow in the Lord. Thank you so much once again for your prayers. S.K. (2) |
![]() Worker 3 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Fervently pray that God will work in the hearts of the new families that we visited; that someday they will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! – The weather is so hot now, a very high 42° (107 degrees Fahrenheit)! It is so hard for people to attend our very hot church building. Kindly pray. Also, pray for the growth and needs of our church. – Please pray for me and my family; that Lord may use us for the expansion of His kingdom. Thank you very much for your prayers and support! In Him, Worker 3 |
![]() Worker 4 – 10/40 Window – I will be traveling to share the Word at two different places. Please pray that the Lord will speak and that the people will be saved. – Recently, I was very ill and bedridden for over a week. Please pray that I will fully recover soon. – Please pray that the Lord will give me a clear vision over what the future holds for me. Thank you for your prayer and support! Yours in Christ, Pastor W.J. |
![]() Worker 6 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Pray that we grow more in preaching the Gospel.Pray that the people in the village see Christ. – Pray for the many broken families. – Pray for Brother S* from the village. He has gone through a broken marriage. – Pray for our outreach to the central part of the country. – Pray for our interns who are in the field. – Pray for the T* village church plant. Thank you! God bless you, Worker 6 |
![]() Worker 7 – 10/40 Window The Lord has been opening doors to new ministry opportunities in different villages, and I am starting to see the new believers desiring to grow in God’s Word. Please pray: – Those I am meeting with are not baptized. Pray that as I teach them about baptism, they would have a good understanding and that God would prepare their hearts to want to receive baptism. – Pray for traveling safety. The distance is far to these villages (93 miles by motorcycle). I usually return at night, and the weather is not good for motorcycle riding. – Pray for open doors for future ministry. The villages that I have been visiting are along the highway, but I desire to go to the inner villages which are considered tribal and in extreme idolatry, very dark. – Please pray that God will use me to bring light to these dark villages. Thank you, Worker 7 |
![]() Worker 8 and Family – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Please pray for our work in the Gospel to further, and for God to continually provide. – Pray for sister P’s husband, who is a drunkard. Pray that God will change the brother. – Please pray for both of my children and their bright futures. They have a birthday on June 21 together. – Pray for me, that my sugar level will be normal. Once again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your partnership. May our loving God bless you abundantly! In the Lord, Your brother, Pastor 8 and family |
![]() Worker 9 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Please pray that I will continue to grow in my spiritual life and the knowledge of God. – Please pray that I will be used mightily by God. – Please pray for the CBI students, that God would use them right now as they share the Gospel to their friends and family during this summer break. – Please pray for the young children and youth of my city with whom I am involved, that they would stand firm in their faith at this age when Satan tries to distract them. Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you all! Worker 9 |
![]() Worker 10 Thanks be to the Lord that God has kept you and us together, and thanks be to the Lord who blesses each and every one of us, and saves us from every danger! Thank you also to those who continuously pray for us! Prayer Requests: – Pray for our church, that all who are believers will go deeper into the Word of the Lord. Pray for our village, that in the times ahead this village may be won for God. – Pray that all of the people that I have preached the Gospel to will believe in God. May God change their hearts. – One of the people who I narrated the Gospel of the Lord to warned me not to mislead people. There were 3 other people with him. Pray that God will change their hearts and they will know the truth. – Pray for my life, that God will reveal His plan to me and open new doors. – Pray for my church building, which is currently in progress, to be completed soon so that I can fellowship there. – Please pray for my health, which has been bad for the past 3-4 months. I have not seen any improvement even after 3-4 visits to the doctor. – Pray for me, that the Lord will heal me and take care of whatever expenses are incurred. Thank you! Worker 10 |
![]() Worker 11 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests – Please pray that God meets each and every need of ours. – Please pray for our church. The heat is so fierce that we often have to finish our services early. – Please pray that God enables me to safely take my wife on a journey to visit her mother’s side of the family this month. – Please pray for rain here. Due to the lack of rain, all the rivers and streams have dried up, so I am not able to baptize the new believers. The baptism tank which we had built in the church is broken. – Please pray for S*. May God heal him from whatever strange disease he is suffering from. Thanks for your prayers, Christian love, partnership and participation in spreading the Gospel! God bless you all! Worker 11 |
![]() Worker 12 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Please pray for my complete recovery. – Pray for my landlord, that I can be on good terms with him and that God will change his heart. – Pray for our church growth and Bible study, for more people to attend. – We have been praying for the church land for a long time–pray that God will reveal His plan for this place. I have been doing ministry in these places for 8 years. Pray that God fulfills this vision of ours. – Many of the new people who come to the church are illiterate. Please pray that God gives them the power to understand so that they can be stronger, and also pray for audio Bibles for them to be available to me somewhere. Thank you so much for lifting us up in your prayers! – Worker 12 |
![]() Worker 13 – 10/40 Window – Please continue to pray. We are living in the mountains. Now, in our state they are not allowing the Gospel. Please pray that God will open a door so that this anti-conversion law will soon be gone and that we will be able to share the Gospel in freedom. – We started some home fellowships. Pray for these families. They are new in Christ, so please pray they will stay with their faith. – Continue to pray for those who are serving in the ministry here. A few days ago, a pastor got in trouble for working in one of the villages. He started a fellowship there and then the village people got angry. They tried to find out what mission the pastor is with. I also got a call from the police because they are finding out again where these things are happening. They want stop fellowships and churches. But we know that God is great! He can do anything. Pray that God will open their eyes so that they can see the truth. – Please continue to pray for our ministry here and for the believers to stay strong in their faith.Pray for our new building construction to be able to be finished soon. May God provide the funds for finishing the building work so that we can gather there for prayer and for many activities. – Pray for our safety when we share the Gospel. May God give us knowledge and wisdom so that many people can come to Christ. – Continue to pray for village people who are priests. May God open their eyes so that they can come out from the darkness and see the light of the Gospel that can save their lives from sin. Thank you so much everyone for praying for us! God bless you! Worker 13 |
![]() Worker 15 and Family – 10/40 Window Please pray for… 1) Please pray for the new believers. 2) Please pray for God’s protection on our daughter’s life, as she recently got a job and moved to the UK. 3) Please pray for the persecution in the churches in our area. Thanks for your prayers! God bless, Worker 15 |
![]() Worker 16 – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests – Please pray for my children to grow in the Lord’s fear and knowledge. – Please pray that the Lord will intervene in the problems the world is facing. – Please pray for the village ministry in our local area. May the villagers grow in Lord’s Word. – Please pray M* (the niece of one of our students). She is suffering from Chickenpox. – Please pray for our state believers, as they are facing persecution. Worker 16 |
![]() Anand and Usha – Nepal Praise Report: – Thank you everyone for praying for us. God had blessed last month so much. Our students had gone as missionaries to a hilly area where they shared the gospel door-to-door. God has used these young guys in the mist of young people in the village. Here are the prayer requests for this month: – Please pray for our good health. – Please pray for our students who have gone to outreach in East Nepal, that God may use them powerfully. – Please pray for the upcoming semester that God may bring students to our Bible College. – Please pray for our trip to west Nepal as we will be visiting students who will be starting Church in coming days. – Please pray for our radio program that God may save many souls. Thank you for your prayers and support, Anand, Usha, Asher and Amos – Email Blog |
![]() Prakash and Muna – Nepal – Pray that we will continue to serve the Lord further. – Please pray for the new family who has been attending our church and the brother who recently committed his life to Jesus. – Pray that the Lord will raise someone up to lead a church that we visited on a mission trip. Blessings! Prakash, Muna and Eutychus – Email Blog |
![]() Rabi and Mahima – Nepal Prayer Requests: – Please pray for our health, so that we can be physically fit and do ministry fruitfully. – Please pray that God will help us to have a baby. – Please pray that the believers in our church will grow spiritually and that God will bring new people into our church. – Please pray for the believers we visit in the leper colony. Pray that God will provide them with good health and that they will grow spiritually. Also pray that the people around the leper colony will come into our Bible Study where we fellowship together. – Please pray for all of the needs of our church. Thank you so much for helping us and lifting us up through prayer and partnership. Grace and Peace, Rabi and Mahima – Email Blog |
![]() Majhiya and Sarita – Nepal Prayer Requests – We have found the opportunity to share with other about Jesus, praise the Lord! – We conduct small house fellowship services. Please pray for unbelieving neighbors who have joined us sometimes in our fellowship. Pray that their hearts will soon be changed. – Praise God for safety and protection during this time! – Remember us in your prayers for His guidance in upcoming days, and pray that God will open the hearts of our neighbors for salvation. Blessings, Majhiya and Sarita |
![]() Milan Pariyar – Nepal Prayer Requests: – Please pray for me and my family, that we will remain healthy. – Pray for my brother, M, as he joins me in the ministry. – Pray for the new believers here who just publicly showed they are following Jesus. – Pray for financial provision to be able to start a family buffalo farm so that we can support ourselves more. Thank you, Milan |
![]() Raju – 10/40 Window Prayer Requests: – Please pray for those who heard the Gospel in an open event; please pray that they may come to church and find Jesus. – Pray that God will strengthen us (me and my wife) with His wisdom and knowledge for the ministry of God. – Please pray for the CC Lapu church building. – Pray for God to guide the church and all members in a loving and godly way. – Pray that my father and mother also will to come to Christ. Blessings! Raju – Blog |
Abhishek and Lacey – 10/40 Window Praise Reports: – Praise God He was able to make a way for me to move to South Asia, and provide everything my husband and I needed for our wedding. – Praise God we were able to find a home to rent that is walking distance from the Bible College where my husband is teaching almost every day. | ![]() |
Prayer Requests: – Please pray for both of our families, especially for the salvation of those who are not walking with Jesus. – It has been two months since we have been married, please pray for our cross-cultural marriage. – Please pray for the Bible college and the Church that we are involved with and serving alongside. – Please pray the rent of the Church that we are serving alongside here in S.A. would be provided for monthly. – Please pray we would grow in discipline in every area of our life. Thank you family for partnering alongside us, and waging war on our behalf in prayer, God bless you, Abhishek and Lacey |
![]() Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia Dear Prayer Partners, Thank you so much for your faithful prayers! We were going through a financially uncertain time for several months but God miraculously provided the funds we needed from unexpected places that made it possible for us to not only visit California this summer (June 6 to August 2) but also to visit family and senders in Missouri (July 28 to July 12). 1. Please pray that God will bless and guide us as we connect and reconnect with our loved ones in the USA. We haven’t been able to visit the CA since 2019 or Missouri since 2017. May God also provide opportunities to connect with others we may not have met before. 2. Please pray for health, strength, safety, and favor throughout our trip with everyone we meet. We have received a lot of blessings already. 3. Please pray that we will be well prepared as we pause ministries here in Cambodia and then shift gears so that we can bless and encourage those we meet in the States. 4. Please pray for wisdom and provision regarding our long-term financial needs. We have been blessed that our short-term needs have been met, but we still have some significant long-term needs (for example, Benjamin’s education) that have not been fully met yet. In Christ’s Hands, Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog |
Europe |
![]() Doru and the Pavel’s – Romania Good day everyone, Please lift our family in prayer for health and endurance. The last few weeks have been difficult with ear infection for our youngest who is recovering, strep throat, and different symptoms on a daily basis. We ask for wisdom for the doctors who are helping us and everyone who needs their assistance. Lift up our youth who are growing deeper in the lord and opening their hearts to the weight of sin they are learning to look for and uproot. We are also preparing to have a prayer walk for our community this coming weekend and we would love to see the Lord work and express his Holy Spirit in wonderful ways. Our church also has a dearly loved sister who is in the process of identifying what type of cancer she is dealing with, so we ask the Lord to heal her, provide closeness and unity within our congregation. Please pray for my wife’s (Tasha) safety as she is working abroad and is dealing with some foot problems and missing the family. Blessings and Prayers, Doru and the Pavel’s – Email Blog |
![]() Johnny and Brenna Varga – Pécs, Hungary Please pray: 1. For our women’s Bible study groups that are going on now. Pray for the women participating, that they will grow deeper rooted in Christ and in understanding of God’s word as we do a study “Glimpses of Jesus” in the Old Testament together. Brenna is leading a group of ten young women, with nine different countries/cultures represented in the group. Pray for wisdom and discernment in leading. 2. For Johnny as he continues to work on his thesis & prepare for final state exam, pray the Lord will lead him and help him through to the end. 3. Pray for continued divine wisdom, strength, clarity, & rest for our church leadership. 4. Pray for our marriage, that we may continue to grow in love for the Lord and one another. Much love, Johnny and Brenna Varga – Email Blog |