Imitators of Christ

It is always a blessing to share what is happening and guess what will happen according to the promises of God. So many thanks to all our seniors who lead us, teach us, and show us how to follow Jesus.

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”

-1 Corinthians 11:1

Imitators as prayer warriors: We all know that the only thing the disciples of Jesus asked Him to teach was how to pray. We all believe that prayer is so important. We see that Jesus prayed, His disciples prayed, and all men of God pray. We also pray. We love to pray and we love to join together in prayer.

It is awesome to see our students have prayer meetings every Friday. These Bible Institute students have learned as the 1st century church did. We love to say they not only pray but also thank God for how He answered their prayers. These students have learned to wait upon the Lord and go share the Gospel. These students have sold themselves for Christ and carry their crosses and kneel down so that Nepalis may come to Christ. Thank you all so much who join us in prayer to win people for Christ.

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9:38

Imitators as Gospel preachers: Jesus preached “the kingdom of Heaven”. We appreciate our students’ love to go out and preach the Gospel. They have seen how dark the world is. They have seen how people are lost. They have seen that people are sheep without a Shepard. They have gone to the Leprosy colony to share Christ and also to the city square. They use Gospel songs and Gospel folk dances. Through songs and dance these students have learned to share the Gospel. They were rejected by many and accepted by many. They know that the servant is never greater than the master. We appreciate your prayers as they preach the Gospel.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”       

Roman 1:16

Imitators of Jesus’ Love: As Christ left heaven for the sinners of this world, our student had to forsake this world to love God and the people of the community. So many Nepali young people go to work abroad chasing their dream, but we thank God that we have students who want to love God and serve the people of Nepal. We believe that these things happen only because of the Spirit of God living in us. Our students have seen the urgency to share Christ in the mist of their people.  This has happened because Christ’s love compels them to serve Him. Despite the discrimination of the caste system (because the majority of people in the community are Hindu), the students love to tell people of every caste about God. As Christ has emptied Himself for us, our students have also learned to empty themselves and as Christ became a servant, they have also become servants.

“And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.”

1 Peter 4:8

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for us to have good health.
  • Please pray for our students as they are in their villages serving the Lord. May God use them powerfully in their communities.
  • Please pray for us as we will be traveling to west Nepal. Some of our students want to start a church there in the future.
  • Please pray. We are going to do a conference and outreach in west Nepal.
  • Please pray for us to have safe travel. We will be traveling to our students home area to see the area, visit, and pray with them.
  • Please pray for an outreach that we will be doing in a different area. May God prepare the hearts of people to receive Christ.

Thank you,

Anand and Usha and Family

How Moments Change Eternity (Jungle Ministry Part One)

Kids in San Rafael

“Why do you bother sharing your faith with others? You can’t change someone’s mind in one conversation.” Have you ever heard this comment or one like it? It’s a common arrow from the enemy to keep us from impacting others for eternity. “You can’t change someones mind in a moment.” “You can’t effect someone’s religion or beliefs over dinner.” These are lies from Satan. Think about Jesus with the woman at the well. How long was that conversation? Ten, fifteen minutes? We aren’t sure, but we know it was a simple interaction. Not only was she changed, but her whole town was changed forever.

“Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony…”

JOHN 4:39A

Through my two trips to the jungle, I was reminded how the Spirit can work powerfully in a single moment. He can work through you and I to radically change a person’s attitude, perceptions, and even eternal destiny in mere seconds. Would you please take a second. Stop reading this. And pray that God would remind you of this truth as you read these stories? Pray He would remind you how powerful a single moment with a precious soul can be. Let’s see what a moment can do.

Team praying in front of the school in San Rafael

Imagine the negative response of a public school in California to, “Can we come to your class for an hour or so to do Bible skits, share the gospel, and play games with the kids?” Yet, when we asked in the Jungle community of San Rafael, we were more than welcomed! We took over three different classrooms and had an amazing time being a light to the future of this community. Think about how many of these kids will grow up to know something about the Lord and perhaps even follow him because of this short and powerful moment we had.

Gospel Skit for Kids in San Rafael
Bible Skit for kids in San Rafael

“You’re different than other mission teams.” One of the teachers told us, “A lot of them don’t do stuff with the kids, but with you guys, I feel the presence of God.” We encouraged one of the teachers to come to the local church service that night and she did! There are many churches near San Rafael, but so many of them have legalistic or heretical doctrine. This teacher had not been coming to church because she was taught the idea that if she came to church wearing pants-she would not be welcomed. I don’t know the entire situation and it is not wrong for a church to have a dress code, but we are to receive those who are seeking Jesus no matter their appearance. Praise God that we were able to show her the love of Jesus and connect her with a church that she is able to attend.

“And if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?”

JAMES 2:3-4

Calvary Trujillo has a good connection with San Rafael’s leader and Pastor, Alfredo. Multiple people in my team of nine were there three months prior. “Alfredo has grown so much in his teaching,” “That person and that person weren’t coming to church but now they are!” “The kids remembered the dance moves we taught them last time!” “A man we evangelized to on the last trip is now coming to church.” These were some of the reports my fellow teammates were giving as they saw the fruit from the first trip. The kids even remembered many names of the people they had met who weren’t with us this time. The team that went three months ago was only in San Rafael for three days. Isn’t it amazing to consider how much impact was made from that short time?

Community of San Rafael
Youth conference in pucallpa

Two weeks prior, five-hundred plus miles away from Moyobamba, over 100 teenagers gathered to be taught from the Word and grown in the faith. Five different churches gathered their youth together at Calvary Chapel Fidelidad in Pucallpa. The theme was “Esfuérzate y se valiente” (Be strong and courageous). Different pastors and teachers from Peru and the States taught multiple bible stories of sinners who relied on the strength of their Lord. What a great message for the youth in the jungle to hear! We can remember a time the Lord moved powerfully in our hearts and minds during a conference or retreat. We cannot know the fruit of a short weekend with Jesus until eternity. I am excited to see what God does with the youth in Pucallpa.

Youth praying together during the conference

Never forget that you can influence someone for Jesus and eternity through a moment. In the jungle, there are now kids who will understand the gospel or a Bible story better from a moment. There are men and women now following Jesus and going to church from a moment. There are youth more on fire for the Lord and repentant of their sin from a moment. These moments happened because you sent us. Praise Jesus for His work that you and I get to partner in! These moments will come in our life and God wants to continue to work in them through us to change people for eternity. The question for you and I is, “Will we let Him?”

For His Eternal Kingdom, 

Adam Fulmizi

Lord willing, I will write soon more about Moyobamba, San Rafael, and Pucallpa. I am excited to share exactly how God is using His church to reach those who don’t know Him!

Praise Reports/ Prayer Requests

  • Praise Reports
    • Being able to share the gospel and be a light in San Rafael
    • Safe travels and stays in Pucallpa and Moyobamba
    • The Lord growing connections within his Church
  • Prayer Requests
    • For the children of San Rafael to grow up strong in the Lord
    • For Pastor Alfredo’s ministering in the jungle
    • The Youth in Pucallpa
    • Patience and knowledge in language and cultural learning

I am looking to build a team of monthly financial supporters for Peru and beyond! Would you consider becoming a monthly partner with me in the gospel? You can give through the link below. Thank you for your Co-labor in Christ!

Beautiful Jungle View near city in San Rafael!


Culiacan, Mexico, September 2022

These last weeks have been such a blessing. God has done great things and his work continues to grow in Culiacan and Mexico.

We began the month of August traveling to Rosarito to visit our sending church, Calvary Rosarito. I had the privilege of teaching at the Wednesday service, at the church planting conference, at the Sunday meeting, and sharing a bit in the church planting class on Monday.

The church planting movement continues to grow extensively in Mexico, and we are grateful to God that we are part of it with already 7 churches planted and number 8 in a couple of months, praise God.

At the church planting conference, God encouraged us to continue with this great project that is in His heart. More than 60 people traveled to Rosarito to attend this conference, which has been a great blessing year after year.

Upon returning to Culiacan, we were accompanied by Pastor Trent Douglass and the students from the SGWM School of Missions. They were a great blessing to Culiacan and the churches here. Also, we had our first mission’s conference here in Calvary Culiacan titled Mexico and Beyond. At this conference I had the privilege to teach, and to see how God spoke to many hearts calling them to missions and church planting all over the world.

On the 5th of September we started classes in our church planting school with more than double the number of students compared to last year, almost 100 students in two campuses here in Culiacan. We are very excited about what God will do in this new generation of church planters.

After almost 15 years working in a steel company, God called me to be in the ministry full time. It was a difficult step to take, but each time the call was louder and clearer. So I spoke with my boss and resigned. September 15 was my last day with this company. I know that God provides when you are in His will, and without a doubt we are in it. We will continue to preach the Word verse by verse, reaching the lost, making disciples, planting churches, and training and shepherding church planters. We thank God very much for all those who have been called or will be called to support His work in Culiacan.

Prayer Requests:

• For future church planters who have church planting projects for this year and the upcoming one.

• For the students of the church planting school, that they continue to be trained in this great work.

• For the finances for our family, now that I am in the ministry full time, may God call sponsors to support his work in Culiacan.

• For the missions conferences in Peru in November where I will have the privilege of teaching at the Calvary Bible Institute there.

• For the 7 churches of Culiacan, may they continue to grow, may God keep, bless, and protect the pastors and their families.

Thank you for being part of what God is doing here. If you receive this newsletter, it is because we consider you part of it.


Pastor Hugo, Brenda, Joy, and Judá Limón.

The Jungle Book (They’ve never heard!)

Team from Calvary Trujillo worshipping in the jungle!

Can we reach Unreached tribes with the gospel? It is difficult to know the exact number, but there are 11 or more tribes in the jungles of Peru that are considered Unreached. This means they have little to no access to hear the good news of Jesus, read the Bible, or go to church. Family in Christ, it is an honor for us to partner together with works that will (God-willing) reach these people with the Gospel! 


I’d like to introduce you to my new friend Paul. Paul is from New York and in January of this year, was called by God to move to Pucallpa, Peru. There, he spent the next 5 months in this jungle city helping the churches in that area. He is currently interning with me at Calvary Trujillo. I will be accompanying Paul as he makes a return visit to Pucallpa for a youth conference. We are going to represent and invite young people to come be trained up in the word of God at the Calvary Bible Institute (CBI). This trip is September 21-26, please pray for it!

Paul giving a Bible study in Pucallpa

Shortly after this, Paul, myself, and a team of others will be taking another trip to the jungle! Moyobamba is a city in the jungle where Calvary Trujillo hopes to plant a church and Bible college. Moyobamba is near places that desperately need good Bible teaching, such as a community called San Rafael.

Pastor Cory with Pastor Alfredo

San Rafael is led by a man named Alfredo, a pastor who has been called to teach his people the word of God. He is even translating the Bible into their language (Auntz), the best Jungle Book that could be! Through him, there is an open door to partner in the gospel. Calvary Trujillo sent a team a few months ago to Moyobamba and San Rafael. We will be going again on October 2-8 to encourage brothers like Alfredo and preach the gospel.

Team from Calvary Trujillo in Moyobamba during the summer.

This is Andrew. He is from Colorado and has been a missionary in Trujillo for over three years. I met him last year in Mexico and it has been a joy to grow closer to him and do ministry together in Peru. He is leading our Moyobamba trip and is praying about leading the church plant there one day! Would you partner in prayer with me for this work that can one day reach the deepest parts of the Jungle where the gospel has yet to go?

For His Eternal Kingdom,

Adam Fulmizi

Prayer Requests

  • Pucallpa trip September 21-26 
    • Safe travels
    • Paul’s teaching at the youth conference on David and Goliath 
    • That we would represent the CBI well 
  • Moyobamba trip October 2-8 
    • Safe travels 
    • Team unity 
    • Andrew and others considering planting a church 
    • Pastor Alfredo’s translation of the Bible into the AUNTZ language 

I am looking to build a team of monthly financial supporters for Peru and beyond! Would you consider becoming a monthly partner with me in the gospel? You can give through the link below. Thank you for your Co-labor in Christ!

Have you been Cleansed?

Hello everyone,
Another great month of serving the lord has passed. I am currently housecleaning, working in the office, assisting Nick Ramos in evangelism, outreaches, and events, and maintaining the church. I help with the kitchen and assist in different ministries. My housecleaning business has been going well. I am building my clientele and learning to clean more efficiently. I enjoy cleaning, and it gives me the opportunity to pray and continue to grow in service. Please pray that I will have the opportunity to share the Gospel with people and be diligent in the work to represent Christ well.

“Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him”

Luke 8:39

This upcoming month I will be going home to Bradley, California, to be with my family and work alongside my dad in the plumbing business. I hope to serve the Church of my hometown in Lockwood, CA. I will return to Yorba Linda on October 1st. This verse was about a demon-possessed man told to return home and be a witness of Jesus. This verse spoke to me since I will be returning home and given an opportunity to share with family all that God has done.

This upcoming year I will be doing another year of the internship and continue serving Calvary Chapel, Saving Grace.

I am in the season of praying for the unreached and global missions. I am called to go, and eventually, the Lord will send me, but for now, I will continue in the internship, grow in God’s word and serve to reach the community I am in. I am still fired up for Jesus. He has saved me from so much bondage, and God has been answering prayers beyond my understanding! 

My niece Eislee and I

Please connect with me if you would like to hear more about the ministry and the work that God is doing. I am very interested in hearing how you all are and how I can pray for you. Also, pray as I hope to go to India and Israel next year in 2023.

Cleaning Tip:

I learned along the way: Vinegar is an amazing cleaning solution: Just add soap, water, and some tea tree oil, and you have your own all-purpose cleaner. You can use vinegar and water to clean your mirrors. This is not harmful to your health and is cost-effective.

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” – Ephesians 6:18

Praise Reports:
My Brother in Christ’s mother is doing well to recover from surgery
A few of my sisters in Christ are getting married

Pray Requests:
My finances and visa for India and Israel
A safe trip with my parents as I return home
This upcoming year to be fruitful for the Kingdom

In Christ,


Interpreting a Dream! (And More of God’s Moving in Peru)

Adam Fulmizi, Peru Fall 2022 Update 1

Men of CBI Peru

“She was screaming out in demonic voices.” Marlin in, a sister who comes to the English home group through Calvary Trujillo, told us about a dream she had recently. “In the dream, I had lost my son,” she said, speaking about the 4 or 5-year-old she raises as a single mother. “And as I found Him, I saw this lady with demonic voices screaming out.” Marlin had already explained that in the dream, she had seen a multitude of many children bowing down to a statue of a child with no eyes.

With people from the English group (Marlini is on the very right)

Every Tuesday, our English home group/bible study meets to discuss the message from the former Sunday. The passage we studied was Romans 12, and we discussed ways that we might be tempted to conform to the world. This is when Marlin shared about the influences around us, such as social media, TV, and phones explaining how her son is susceptible to these as well. As she was sharing about her dream, I was prompted by the Spirit with scriptural ideas to tell Marlin how she needs to protect her son as he is growing up with the enemy saying in many voices to live a certain way.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”


Now, this had never happened to me before. I’ve never been used to interpreting a dream. Although this was a very simple idea that our sister had to hear (be more saturated in the word of God with your family), it brings up an important truth about dreams today. Dreams or visions will never contradict what God has said in His word. If you have a dream telling you to worship a Lord other than Jesus, write new scripture, or murder someone, guess what? It’s not from Jesus.

CBI Peru Fall 2022 students, interns, and staff

The English group is one of many things the church at Calvary Trujillo is doing to reach and train others with the word of God. It’s a blessing to watch what God is doing here as an intern at the church and the Calvary Bible Institute (CBI). At the institute, there are students from all over South America, Mexico, and the States here to grow in the world of God! It’s been a joy to meet and grow closer each day to everyone at the bible institute campus.

With some guys right before Church Planting Class

Another way Calvary Trujillo is training the saints with the word is through the church planting class that meets every Monday night: I get to be a student in this class that has people from the bible institute and members from the church. We practice giving a 15-minute massage and receive teachings from Pastor Cory (the lead pastor of Calvary Trujillo, whom you can read more about in the last update), or a visiting pastor. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to keep growing in bible and ministry knowledge. Calvary Trujillo, God willing, will send out their FIRST church plant in November during a missions conference! Please pray for Angel and Yeni, the couple preparing to start that church.

Praying before sharing the Gospel!

Christians can’t be trained up in the word of God until they get saved, meaning that we have to keep preaching the Gospel! Along with helping in the kitchen, worship ministry, and being in classes, I also get to be a part of our weekly evangelism group. Right as we started sharing at the plaza (pictured above), there was a giant group of thirty-some people from a cult called “Mother God” that showed up. They were there to share the doctrines of demons as we were sharing the light with others. Whether it that Mormonism or Catholicism, there are plenty of religions and cults here in Peru without true saving faith in Jesus. Please pray that God would use humble ministries like Calvary Peru to share the truth and love of Christ. Both in the country and all of South America!

Fellowshipping at church

I have much more I could share about culture shock, movings of God, and testimonies from the saints here, but I hope this gives you a good picture of what our Lord is doing in Peru. I am so honored and thankful to be your window into how God is moving in South America. I pray you are blessed with these stories. All that God is doing through us is your spiritual fruit! Thank you!
For His Eternal Kingdom,
Adam Fulmizi

To stay updated about monthly prayer meetings and receive direct updates/prayer requests from me, text “@senders16” to “81010.”

Praise Reports/ Prayer Requests

  • Praise Reports
    • Safe arrival to Peru!
    • The amazing work God has started through Calvary Trujillo
    • The biblical encouragements/examples from the pastors and family in Christ here
  • Prayer Requests
    • For Marlini to be encouraged and stay strong in the word of God
    • For Angel and Yeni preparing to plant a Church
    • Open hands and hearts to the staff and students of CBI Peru
    • Upcoming trips to other places in Peru (end of September/beginning of October): safe travels, provision, and open hearts.
    • Patience and knowledge in language and cultural learning

I am looking to build a team of monthly financial supporters for Peru and beyond! Would you consider becoming a monthly partner with me in the gospel? You can give it through the link below. Thank you for your Co-labor in Christ!

Giving a morning devo for the students at CBI Peru
Giving a morning devo for the students at CBI Peru

Re-entering the world wide web!

It’s been a minute since we posted online! Security issues, technical issues, and inexcusable excuses have kept us at bay from sharing publicly. We’ve made our way around the US giving personal updates, but we know there are many of you who were still left in the dark. We apologize for the long absence. We look forward to reconnecting and updating you all on a more regular basis. Here is the latest on our happenings this past year!

Our little superheroes

2022… Have you ever thought you were standing on solid ground, only to have the carpet pulled out from under you? That’s how we felt in February when we returned home. We came to the US and made huge headway regarding using the property for our ministry. Meetings were had, relationships solidified, and communication and understanding pushed us forward. We felt like we had reached the top of a mountain after a long uphill battle. We returned home ready and excited to move forward until that “mountain” crumbled, and we were left farther back than where we started.

The past five months have been a slow process of communicating, waiting, moving lives and living accommodations, more waiting, more communicating, and finally/occasionally taking small steps forward. The Lord is really stretching us and increasing our faith in this season. We are willing and available for whatever the Lord desires of us. If we are to leave that campus, We Trust Him. If we are to stay, We Trust Him. Both options are difficult, but the Lord never called us to “easy.” We have been on the rented property for 5 years since this July. It has been harder than we ever imagined since the first day we arrived. Rarely has it gotten easier, but we have grown a lot in endurance and faith. The Lord has been faithful and has done mighty and powerful things through the lives of students who have passed through. Churches have been (and continue to be) planted by many of those men; Pastors have been equipped, and brothers have been raised up and called to ministry. Even some women have been equipped and started bible studies in their villages. We believe that the Lord has greater work still to be done. We want to be part of it. So we trust in His time and wait for doors to be opened that no man can shut!

Chili Pepper Harvesting

The waiting process has not made us idle but rather has opened doors to new opportunities that have been longed for and needed.As building plans and welcoming students were put back on hold, I had the opportunity to visit some of our fellow workers.There is so much I could write, but to be brief and highlight: I met with staff and interns in our southern region to encourage and exhort them; met students; shared the Word in the Sunday service; visited families of our staff. We live in a very relational culture, so meeting families, being available, and doing life with one another are extremely important. One example is visiting the sick mother of one of our staff. He has been through deep waters caring for his sick mother and continuing in the ministry. It was a blessing to come alongside him and pray over him in this trial. Another highlight was visiting an old student who hadn’t completed his course. He returned to his church halfway through and has faithfully led his congregation in the absence of his father (the previous pastor), who passed away while he was a student. Seeing this very young man lead so faithfully in such simple village conditions was pride for us. My wife felt like a mother to him (his mother passed many years ago) during his school days, and she was so blessed to meet his wife and see him again.

Lunch in the village is served fresh!

One story to paint the picture of this little church:

We were only there for a night, but he arranged a worship service for me to share the Word late in the evening. The church is in a very remote area, and there is a possibility of persecution, especially at the sight of foreigners. We took his local car so as not to draw attention to our out-of-state plates. We also showed up after the service started late in the night. My wife sat down on the floor in the back with the other woman while I was introduced to teaching. It was a very simple church with brick walls, a tin roof, no a/c, no chairs, and no frills. The believers were simple and earnest, eager to hear the Word of God in simplicity and wholeness. Our old student was taught the Calvary Chapel style of teaching (chapter by chapter, verse by verse) and was reminded again as I taught. I was able to exhort and counsel him in teaching his congregation the whole counsel of God’s Word. Many came to us to be prayed over, and this young man and his wife were so encouraged by our visit and the willingness to do life with them, even if just for a night.

We came home for a month and had a lot to pray over concerning the direction of our ministry. Do we move the Bible school to a new location? When do we open the school?Should we put the school on hold and focus on visiting our other schools and workers across the country?
As time continues on, some of this has been answered for us- seasons take their course. Plans continue to change, and so far, there has been no finality in our direction. We just remain faithful and available and take opportunities as they come.

No Frills Village Church
What A Privilege To Be In Their Midst!

In May, I traveled again to visit our only school that was currently running. I came alongside our leader there as he took the students for outreach. It was a wonderful time being with the students, seeing them use their gifts, and putting into practice what they had learned that semester.

Praying over the land of future bible college

In July, my wife and I traveled stateside for important events and necessary work. It was a brief trip as we left the kids back home with my parents. We praise God they did well while we were away!
We had an opportunity to be in Mexico to pour into students who feel the same call to GO. It was a wonderful time to be with like-minded believers and encourage them to follow in His faithfulness.

In September, I will be traveling to visit our fellow workers in the North. I have longed to visit him for many years and am so thankful to have the opportunity finally! In October, I will be traveling to another country in South Asia for a leadership conference. Please be praying for these upcoming travels. Pray for safety over the journey, fruitful time during my visits, and safety over my wife and children as they stay back and continue in their daily schedules.
Our Sojourn continues!

Late night in a Village Church


*Please pray as the Lord leads you concerning the land for our bible training center. Pray over the location, the timing for opening, the relationship with the owners of our current campus, our staff on the campus, and keeping it maintained until we know what to do with it.

*The greatest need for our family right now is financing. We need to raise an additional $800 a month to cover our family’s cost of living and be able to minister to those the Lord has called us to.

We have depleted both our personal savings and ministry savings this past year with our travels. In just 5 months since returning from the US, we’ve traveled across the state more times than we’ve kept count; we’ve traveled around the southern part of the country twice; we’ve left the country twice. We are thankful for the ministry the Lord has called us to in these travels, and we are trusting He will continue to provide for the opportunities He sets before us. When we were stateside last year, some asked if we needed financial support, but we turned them to others more in need as we were financially stable. Little did we know all the Lord had in store when we returned! On top of additional travel, there has been a sizable increase in daily living costs. Here are some of the things we’ve had to increase in our budget since the start of this year: grocery and household needs, electricity, insurance, gas/transportation, maintenance (household and car), and school fees for three kids.

We know the rest of the world is facing the same struggles, especially in the West, as prices have skyrocketed! We know Jesus is coming soon. Until He comes, we press on and into the One who has called us. Not alone but with a team of laborers from different walks of life who partake in various ways of this calling. We know He will provide more laborers to come alongside in what He has called us to, where He has called us. Are you one of them?

*Please intercede on behalf of our workers across the country. Many are facing persecution within their families and villages. So many are facing health issues and physical trials. A few have had relatives, more specifically mothers, who have been sick, one even passing away suddenly without warning. Parents on the field figure out their children’s education and pressure them to succeed in school.

Pray for the Pastors of churches who deal with so much sin and apathy within their congregations. Pray for them to be bold in their preaching, gentle as doves, approachable but immovable when truth must be contended for.

Pray for many of our young pastors who need wives and for the Lord’s hand in working out those arrangements. Pray for the wives of Pastors and Leaders to be helpmates, women of righteousness, and covered in spiritual armor to protect against incessant attacks of the enemy both on body and mind as well as spirit.

Lastly, pray for unity among us all and encouragement in the face of great loneliness. One of the greatest spiritual tactics of the enemy in these parts is to make us feel alone, unheard (or misunderstood), and uncared for. We know these are great lies, but they come in stealth form.

Many blessings to you and love from our family,

The Baby’s

10 Trips in a Year!

Leading worship at Calvary HomeX in Mexico

To my faithful friends and family,
“My son has never come home this happy.” A mother told Pastor Eddie of Calvary Chapel HomeX in Mexico. “Why is he so happy?” Eddie replied, “He has received Jesus.”

If you have followed my journeys, you’re familiar with Pastor Eddie’s story. I first met him last year and visited him this past weekend. As we drove around with him and picked up kids to come to a service at the church, he told me this story about a mother and her son. Through the example of this boy, his mother received Jesus and started coming to church. Praise God for the amazing work He is doing at Calvary Chapel HomeX!

The team serving kids at HomeX

The recent trip to Mexico was a wonderful opportunity for me to reflect on the past 12 months. This time last year, I had just graduated college and was on my first mission trip as a student at the School of Missions. Now, I have been on ten mission trips in four different countries! If you haven’t heard about these trips, You can read the stories through my website.

Thank you so much for your faithfulness and support of the gospel. All that has happened is YOUR spiritual fruit.

Preaching the gospel in Uganda

The story Eddie told reminded me of a reason we do VBS here at home. I pray those of you involved with VBS this summer are encouraged by its importance. It is a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel, not just with children but through the children to families. I just had the wonderful opportunity to serve in VBS at Calvary Chapel Beachside, where my family has been attending for about 6 years. God has used my faithful family in the faith at Beachside to keep me grounded in the word through college and cover all of my mission trips in prayer. The day before VBS started, I could share with everyone about my upcoming trip to Peru, which was a huge encouragement. Many of you are reading this and are part of my Beachside family. Thank you so much for your love and Co-labor in the gospel!

Calvary Chapel Beachside VBS 2022

A couple of months ago, we had a dinner to inform the body at Calvary Chapel WestGrove about what He has been doing and my upcoming trip to Peru. If you could not be there, please watch the video below, as it is a quick and fun summary of what God has done this year!

Missions Dinner in May; thank you for coming!

On July 31st, I will be leaving for another week’s trip to Mexico with a team arriving from Peru. Then I will fly with the team on August 7th for my semester-long internship at Calvary Chapel Trujillo! I plan to return the week of thanksgiving. This will be a wonderful opportunity to continue learning in training for the calling God has on my life- Cross-cultural discipleship and church planting! 

Pastor Cory

This is Pastor Cory and his family. He leads the ministry at Calvary Chapel Trujillo as well as the Calvary Bible Institute there. I was able to meet him at the School of Missions last year and look forward to working with Him during my time in Peru. Cory has a wonderful heart for reaching the country and the world with the gospel. This recent photo shows him visiting the jungle where, God willing, I’ll be able to go during my trip.

I plan to help lead a bible study, evangelism group, and more. Please be praying for open hearts for those who will hear the gospel through the work in Peru. I look forward to sharing with you the amazing stories of what God does these next few months!

Calvary Trujillo

I am looking to build a team of monthly financial supporters for Peru and beyond! Would you consider becoming a monthly partner with me in the gospel? You can give it through the link below. Thank you for your Co-labor in Christ!

To stay updated about monthly prayer meetings and more, you can text “@senders16” to “81010.”

For His Eternal Kingdom,
Adam Fulmizi

Praise Reports/ Prayer Requests

  • Praise Reports
    • A wonderful year of God’s faithfulness and guidance
    • The amazing work God is doing in Mexico
    • The Lord continually opens doors to travel and spread his gospel
  • Prayer Requests
    • The churches in Mexico, Uganda, Peru, and South Asia
    • Upcoming 3 and a half month trip to Peru: safe travels, provision, and open hearts.
    • The Lord to build a team of monthly prayer and financial supporters.
Team chowing down in Mexico

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Summer 2022 SGWM Newsletter

Calvary School of Missions Edition

The opportunity to serve God is one of life’s most cherished gifts and coupled with loving encouragement, the result is an explosion of passion and purpose. And so it is at the Calvary School of Missions here in Mexico. We are so blessed to be able to walk with so many young people who have a heart for the Great Commission. 
Almost five years ago now God clearly directed us to get involved with raising up, training up and helping young people to be sent from their home churches to the mission field. Through several confirmations, and taking a huge step of faith, we launched the Calvary School of Missions in Summer of 2019. We are now on our fourth Summer of this 6 week program and it continues to be an incredible tool in God’s hands to help these called out young people get prepared to fulfill the Great Commission in their lives.

“I’ve been doing missions for 25 years and have seen a great need for training and guidance for young people who feel called to pursue mission work and I am honored to be part of it.” Pastor Trent Douglass

It’s a common occurrence in many young people in the church today. Here’s the scene. They are sitting in their Bible teaching church, being taught verse by verse and they begin to get stirred up and awakened to the Great Commission. They believe they have found their purpose on the earth and feel a call to GO into the world and preach the gospel. So they begin to explore what it means to be a missionary and try to find a way to go. Their hearts cry is “Here am I, send me. But how Lord? Where do I start?” So they go to their churches and start to share what God is doing in their hearts. But sometimes their church isn’t involved in missions or maybe they just don’t have a vision to send people to the foreign mission field so there is not always a clear path for them to follow. Sometimes they are encouraged to get involved with a missions para-church organization or get involved with local evangelism. And sometimes, that original fire burns out and they never end up going. And those who do actually make it to the mission field don’t always have good training. In the last 25 years we have met many of these missionaries and have seen their struggles and our heart is to help them in any way we can. We also want to try to catch these called out ones before they go and help them prepare and be trained in order to go and be sent well. God has been faithful to allow us to be a part of raising these young missionaries up.

Pastor Tim Pappas (in red shirt) is the director of the School of Missions and has a heart to see young people raised up and churches planted all over the world.

Pastor Tim with some of our students. Not only does he love to serve in the school but he loves Mexico and has been coming to this country for years doing evangelism and pastoral care.

Radical Transformation

We are in our third week of the School of Missions and already the life changing power of the word of God is at work. We arrived in Rosarito, Mexico with 21 students eager to learn and hopeful for their futures. Within a few days we began to witness hearts being radically challenged, minds being changed and a sobriety for the call take root. Their dreams started to become unmovable callings. Convinced by the word of God, these students are counting the cost and praying for what God has for their futures. 
Since arriving at the school, the students have been able to see the heart of the church planting movement in Mexico. Twenty years ago we had the honor of sending out Mike Vincent to plant a church in Rosarito and we have seen God radically move in that ministry. So we partner hand in hand with his church, Calvary Chapel Rosarito, and have had the great privilege of coming alongside many of their 45 church plants. Because they have so many established works here in Baja California, we have been able to serve at the various churches doing evangelism, outreach, kids ministry, worship, providing meals and praying for the hurting. They learn in the classroom and then are able to use what they’ve learned in the community. Church planting is no longer just a concept in their minds, but a reality they have actually been a part of. They are getting a vision for the world and a heart for the lost and hurting and it is a privilege to be a part of their process.

One of the most important parts of the School of Missions is the teachings the students receive.

For the first week and a half, Pastor Trent Douglass, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Saving Grace and President of Saving Grace World Missions, lays the foundation to Biblical Missions and the Purpose of the Church. From there the students are blessed to receive teachings from several seasoned missionaries. Because our focus is on the most unreached people groups of the world, many of our teachers work in this area of the world. Some of our guest speakers have been Pastor Bond and Heather Gaona who church plant in South Asia, The R family working in North Africa, Pastor Rob Douglass, founder and director of Ends of the Earth Ministries working in South Sudan, Pastor EZ, President of Living Waters, Pastor Wes Bentley founder and director of Far Reaching Ministries, Pastor Cory Kilgus senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Trujillo in Peru and Director of CBI Peru, and Pastor Mike Vincent senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Rosarito and Director of the Church Planting School at CCR. We were also privileged to hear from many national workers from all over South Asia! Each teacher has brought to the students rich teachings on culture, evangelism, compassion, the gospel, support raising and much much more. You cannot put a price tag on these teachings! They are priceless and have brought these students to a deeper understanding of God and their individual callings in this world.
Please continue to pray for the students as they seek God for their next steps. The quality of character in each of these students is obvious and we know and believe that God has incredible things for each of them. 

We ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with SGWM. Financial partners are crucial to help operating costs at the SGWM home base, allowing us to serve missionaries worldwide.

Has God Forgotten those in need? (Uganda Update!)

The first prayer team meeting for my time in Peru will meet on July 18th at 7:30 PM over zoom.

The best way to stay updated about these meetings and more is to sign up for reminder texts by texting “@senders16” to 81010. I hope you’re blessed to read here about our recent trip to Uganda.

Uganda, June 2022

The child in this photo should not be smiling. He was one of the hundreds of refugee children we spent time with in Uganda. I went up to him, picked him up, and carried him around for a while. He didn’t speak English, but I said slowly, “Jesus…loves…you.” He would copy it back to me.

After spending time with him, I had an older kid translate for my new friend. “Does he have any family?” the older boy asked me. “Yes, he has a family.” “Where are his parents?” he asked me. “They are gone; he is an orphan here with his brothers.”

Refugee kids

It’s a lot of fun running around with these children: they’ll copy you, listen to you, sing with you, and dance with you. But when you take a moment to realize that this boy’s story is probably common among this group of children, the seemingly hopeless reality hits you. Is there hope for children like this?

Many “churches” in Uganda are not faithful to Jesus. They don’t teach the Bible, they take money from the poorest among them, and they do it all in the name of God. Is there a way my new friend from Uganda can grow up to truly know his Creator?

If we started sitting with one of them, many others would gather!

I am more than grateful to tell you that when we see people in such great need, there is indeed great hope. God has not forgotten them. Going into the Uganda trip, I had two goals for our team. First, preach the gospel and love people like Jesus. This is where we can see the immediate effects: children smile, and people give their life to Jesus and thank us for praying with them. Then, there is the less visible goal: Encourage, refresh, and equip the long-term Christians in Uganda. This is what will have a lasting impact on people like my new friend.

Calvary Chapel Mbarara City

The most impactful change is going to come from those representing Jesus long-term day in and day out in Uganda. We were able to go alongside such works through Calvary Chapel Mbarara City. We hosted a conference there for pastors in the area. According to the local pastor, Chris, they had “never” had a conference like that in this part of Uganda.

The pastors were hungry for the word of God and extremely receptive. One pastor (who was not from a Calvary Chapel) was even convicted about his lack of faithful teaching of the word of God and told Pastor Chris, “I have been so wrong on doctrines, I want to become a Calvary Chapel now.”

Gifting Bibles to Pastors from the conference

These pastors represent whole congregations in areas like the one my new friend is from. Can you imagine an orphaned refugee coming with his brothers into a church that wants to do nothing but take advantage of him and steal from him? Imagine that same child, now being fed the word of God properly through a healthy church. Without a father, being told, there is a father in Heaven that loves him. Without clean clothes, being told, there is a savior who clothes him in perfect righteousness. In much need questioning if God has forgotten him, a powerful God bending down and saying to this boy, “I will never forget you.” This is why we go. This is why you sent us. This is more than spending a day with an orphan; this is how we will see more people together worshipping God with us for all eternity.

“But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.”


I plan to share more stories from Uganda and my upcoming trip to Peru. But for now, thank you for your support and prayers for the whole Uganda team and me. All you read in this letter is YOUR spiritual fruit.
For His eternal Kingdom,
Adam Fulmizi

Praise Reports/ Prayer Requests

  • Praise Reports
    • Amazing fruit, professions of faith, and changed lives in Uganda
    • Team safety and unity in Uganda
    • The Lord continually opens doors to travel and spread his gospel
  • Prayer Requests
    • The souls who heard the gospel in Uganda
    • Upcoming 3 and a half month trip to Peru: safe travels, provision, and open hearts.
    • The Lord to build a team of monthly prayer and financial supporters.
(Most of) The Uganda team with the church outside the refugee camp.