Can we reach Unreached tribes with the gospel? It is difficult to know the exact number, but there are 11 or more tribes in the jungles of Peru that are considered Unreached. This means they have little to no access to hear the good news of Jesus, read the Bible, or go to church. Family in Christ, it is an honor for us to partner together with works that will (God-willing) reach these people with the Gospel!
I’d like to introduce you to my new friend Paul. Paul is from New York and in January of this year, was called by God to move to Pucallpa, Peru. There, he spent the next 5 months in this jungle city helping the churches in that area. He is currently interning with me at Calvary Trujillo. I will be accompanying Paul as he makes a return visit to Pucallpa for a youth conference. We are going to represent and invite young people to come be trained up in the word of God at the Calvary Bible Institute (CBI). This trip is September 21-26, please pray for it!
Shortly after this, Paul, myself, and a team of others will be taking another trip to the jungle! Moyobamba is a city in the jungle where Calvary Trujillo hopes to plant a church and Bible college. Moyobamba is near places that desperately need good Bible teaching, such as a community called San Rafael.
San Rafael is led by a man named Alfredo, a pastor who has been called to teach his people the word of God. He is even translating the Bible into their language (Auntz), the best Jungle Book that could be! Through him, there is an open door to partner in the gospel. Calvary Trujillo sent a team a few months ago to Moyobamba and San Rafael. We will be going again on October 2-8 to encourage brothers like Alfredo and preach the gospel.
This is Andrew. He is from Colorado and has been a missionary in Trujillo for over three years. I met him last year in Mexico and it has been a joy to grow closer to him and do ministry together in Peru. He is leading our Moyobamba trip and is praying about leading the church plant there one day! Would you partner in prayer with me for this work that can one day reach the deepest parts of the Jungle where the gospel has yet to go?
For His Eternal Kingdom,
Adam Fulmizi
Prayer Requests
- Pucallpa trip September 21-26
- Safe travels
- Paul’s teaching at the youth conference on David and Goliath
- That we would represent the CBI well
- Moyobamba trip October 2-8
- Safe travels
- Team unity
- Andrew and others considering planting a church
- Pastor Alfredo’s translation of the Bible into the AUNTZ language
I am looking to build a team of monthly financial supporters for Peru and beyond! Would you consider becoming a monthly partner with me in the gospel? You can give through the link below. Thank you for your Co-labor in Christ!