Brenna Kulla – Pécs, Hungary

Thank you for taking time to read this and pray. Prayer is so vital and it is a comfort knowing there are people bowing their knee before the Lord on our behalf!
Praise God:
-Praise God for the testimonies of Him working in awesome ways this summer! While being stateside for a few months it has been so incredible to hear about things He is doing in Hungary.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for Lighthouse events, a university outreach that a few students in our church started this summer. Pray for wisdom and vision as they seek God on how to continue in the school year and how to engage with their peers and friends about meaningful subjects, mainly the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus!
2. Personally, I also need prayer for wisdom and clarity. I pray that I may grow in the knowledge of Him and delight in Him even as I wait on Him regarding decisions about the future.
Thank you for taking time to pray and seek God in behalf of His kingdom work in Hungary!
Love in Christ,
Brenna – Email Blog
S.S. – Europe

Prayer Requests:
1. I hope you can pray for an Iranian friend who has severe health difficulties. He can’t move enough due to a work injurie which resulted in his absence from the Bible study and fellowship with us. I am worry also for his mental state because of this long isolation. May God can help in creating ways to contact him more or even heal him completely.
2. I am trying to connect a German family with a Syrian single mom, who has some disablement but still has to take care of her kid. I hope you could pray that this connection works and be helpful for her in practical way. She has some trust issues and fear of connecting to Christians because of her religion.
3. I hope you can pray for me to find new ministry opportunities. Since the beginning of Covid-19 I feel I am doing very little and every new thing I try ends up not working out. The restrictions are making everything complicated add to people fear of social contact. I am glad we still have Church service and Bible study groups but other things are very limited. I hope with your prayers that God would give me patience or lead me to more involvement where I feel I am using most of my time in His service.All blessings.
Thank you very much for praying for me.
Have a blessed week.
S. S. – Email Blog
Rebecca Alaniz – Zagreb, Croatia

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray For the country of Croatia. The coronavirus has come back into the country as the borders re-opened and cases are on the rise. Pray for the government to have wisdom when it come to making decisions for the country and pray that they wouldn’t shut down the churches.
2. That the Lord would completely heal my thyroid, so that I wouldn’t need to take any medication
3. For direction, that I would simply be open to whatever the Lord has for me and while I wait, that I would be still and wait patiently upon the Lord
4. Transition: Pray that I would be able to transition into my new church easily and that the Lord would continue to direct me in the way that I should go.
5. Language Learning: Even though I’m conversational, there is more that I need to learn to reach fluency. I started language learning again this month. Pray that the Lord would help me grasp the language and that He would give me a desire to study it.
6. Roma Ministry: Pray that the Lord would give me guidance and wisdom in regards to working in the Roma village. Pray for our relationships with the Roma people, especially with this new project that we are about to start.
7. Increase in my monthly financial support. 8. For salvation in Zagreb Thank you for keeping me and the country of Croatia in your prayers. The Lord is at work and I am so excited to see what He is going to continue to do!
Thank you for praying !
God Bless,
Rebecca – Email Blog|

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for Pastor Michael and his family .
2. Please pray for the salvation of Twinkle’s uncle and his family as he was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma ( blood cell cancer).
3. Please pray that government of Kenya would lift their restrictions of Sunday schools for children, so more families can attend church on Sunday.
4. Please pray for Christine Nyambura and her sister Dorcas as their mother, Esther (who had been part of CC Nairobi for years) suddenly passed away.
Thank you very much for your prayers!
God bless you,
Dave, Twinkle, Bianca and Sophia – Email Blog
Vincent and Melissa Aniku – Uganda

Thank you all so much for continuing to pray in these times.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray as our family is dealing with a loss. I have miscarried again and it gets hard.
2. The boarders open next month so please pray as we prepare to finally go back to Uganda!
3. Pray as we are finalizing to send the container.
4. Please pray for Uganda as the coronavirus is growing rampant over there. Also for the unrest of elections.
Thank you all again so very much!
God bless,
Vincent and Melissa – Email Blog
Matt and Noelle Harris – Gulu, Africa

Praise God:
-We arrived safely in the USA for our scheduled furlough.
-We were able to travel to Oregon to visit Matt’s sister and her family.
-He is faithful and will continue His work in the hearts of the baby believers we left in our village.
Prayer Requests:
1. For continued health in Noelle’s pregnancy, and safety during the scheduled c-section in October.
2. For the families affected by the fires in OR, that the church would effectively reach out and share both material goods and the hope of Christ in these hard times.
3. For the rest of our trip to the West coast to see family and supporters; for Gods protection, provision, and leading in every interaction.
4. For God’s hand to be on the ongoing ministry in Uganda: the pastoral school, the business that works to support the school, the communities we serve, and our team there.
Thank you for standing in the gap for our family!
Love in Christ,
Matt, Noelle, Emma, Madeline, & Noah – Email Blog
Ends of the Earth Ministries

In South Sudan:
Please continue to pray for the nation of South Sudan. Decades of Civil War have collapsed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and desperation. Hopelessness and violence run rampant throughout communities.
Pray for our 500 students that are being daily discipled in the love of God and His Word, so they may lead their nation Into a new season of hope.
Pray for the 75 children and young adults in our children’s home and for the Missionary parents that are laying down their lives to provide peace and unconditional love to these precious ones. Please pray for the new churches in the Tauso & Taposa villages. Pray that the pastors and medical staff will have the spiritual and physical tenacity to handle the countless challenges while living amongst Stone-Age tribes.
In Kenya:
Pray for the refugee students in our missionary training college in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. They are fasting and praying as they prepare to return to South Sudan to begin reaching cities across the border in North Sudan, with hopes to plant churches amongst Muslim peoples in 2020-21.
Pray for the Missions Equip Training Programs. We are in the throws of launching two new schools this year.
The first – International School, will be used in Bible Colleges as a complete missions training course.
The second – Transformation, is a cross-cultural immersion training program, equipping missionaries to assimilate into their new culture while learning the language and world view. Pray that God would continue to empower, envision and sustain us as we seek to establish nationally led, culturally relevant, biblical-based churches among unreached peoples.
Yours for the unreached,
Rob Douglass – Email Blog

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our family during this crazy season. School has started back up and the beginning of the year is always chaotic for Erin and the kids as they develop a new routine.
2. I have restructured the leadership within SGWM and have created three distinct departments – Missionary Sending (US based missionaries that we have sent), International Relations (10/40 Window church planting/nationals), and the Missionary Training (School of Missions and Internship). Pray as we transition and continue to grow.
3. Please pray for the youth ministry I lead. Our group is growing and the teens are doing well. Please pray for all of our leaders that the Lord would anoint them.
4. It has been on my heart for a number of years, but due to lack of time, I haven’t been able to accomplish the goal of writing yet. But with the new restructuring of SGWM and nearing the end of my M.Div program, I am blessed with more time. Pray that the Lord increases my talents and provides a few editors.
5. Pray for our personal support. Living in the States and on missionary support is a difficult reality. We struggle with it practically as living expenses in Orange County are high. It is also a struggle to convince people that our home office staff is an absolute necessity for the success of our missionaries all over the world.
6. We had a great response for our youth Mexico trip in November. We completely filled up the trip. So I’ll be leading a group of 30 youth and young adults to Mexico in November. Please pray for this trip.
7. We also had a great response for our 2021 summer youth and young adults Israel apologetic tour. We have 26 signups! I originally booked for 15. So the Lord sent in a LOT more. Please pray for all the administration that goes into organizing a trip like this. Also, pray for no COVID issues.
Thank you for praying!
God bless you,
Mike, Erin, Malachi, Kyla and Alaina – Erin – Email Mike – Email Blog
Tim and Jenn Pappas – California, USA

Praise report
-Praise God for His provision and protection as Tim ran the Calvary school of missions.
-Praise God for His hope in a world full of sickness and turmoil
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that God would provide us with financial partners. Our support has dropped to such a low that Tim had to stop his payroll altogether.
2. Please pray for Jenn she has two bulging desks and the doctors are talking about surgery
3. Please pray for Gods wisdom as Tim oversees the 2020 intern program here at Saving Grace World Missions
4. Please pray for the both of us to continue to be obedient to His calling
Thank you for your faithful prayers!
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn Pappas – Email Blog
Bond, Heather and Breanna – S. Asia and Africa

Praise Report:
– Praise God for His leading and guiding our family into this new season both stateside and abroad. Many new ministry opportunities have opened up as borders and airports in Asia and Africa are still closed.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for those who rely on day wages to feed and provide for their families in Asia and Africa. South Asia and Nepal are in lockdown again after 4 months of shutdown and only a few weeks open. Covid is spreading and they don’t have medical infrastructure and now without work once again people are hurting. Pray for the food outreaches that our national pastors are facilitating this coming two weeks in hard hit areas.
2. Pray for Bond as he will be teaching a group of Pastors in Asia twice a week to further equip and encourage them in the ministry.
3. Pray as God has opened a door to launch a Thursday night study for young adults in our local church. Pray that many would get saved, grow and that we would see a revival in the hearts of college students here.
4. Pray for Heather as she serves SGWM as a liaison and continues to facilitate relief efforts, building projects, ministry needs and manage the continued demands during this crisis. Pray for wisdom, time management and Spirit filled smooth communication both abroad and stateside.
5. Pray for Breanna as she continues to adjust to many changes, missing friends and family and learning so many new things! Pray she would fall in love with the Lord even at her young age.
Thank you for your prayers,
Bond, Heather and Breanna – Email Blog
Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico

Prayer Requests:
1. Provision for our church and family!
2. We have had a large covid (corona Virus) breakout in our city and several of our friends at church have the virus. Please pray for healing for them!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us!
Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel – Email Blog
Joel and Amy Garcia – California, USA

Thank you so much for praying for us faithfully, it means more than you can know!
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for fresh vision for Joel as he moves into his new role as Director of Missionary Sending for SGWM
2. Pray for us as we lead a growing young adults ministry at CCSG
3. Pray for Amy as she homeschools our kids day in and day out
4. Pray for our financial provision, that the Lord would provide for us in that area.
In Christ,
Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, & Clara Garcia – Email Blog
Bryan Reyes – Internship with SGWM

Prayer Requests:
1. For the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in staring a Bible study in Spanish.
2. For continued provision and support to be able to raise the funds needed to go to the Middle East.
3. For the Lord to bless this upcoming year with my 2nd year as an intern with Saving Grace.
4. For the Lord to bless the men I have been able to disciple, and that they would continue to grow in their relationship with Him.
Thank you so much!
For His Glory.
Bryan – Email Blog
Jon and Allison Brechtel – Oaxaca, Mexico

Praise Report:
-Praise the Lord that we’ve been able to open the church building after 5 months!
-We just signed a new one-year lease on the church building. So grateful for the financial help we have gotten to help us monthly.
-Praise the Lord for new opportunities in ways to do ministry in this new season of life with COVID
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that we will be able to stay open and have services in the church building. We will continue to have online options, but we know the importance of being together
2. Please pray for all of the things Jon has going on. That each one will be a blessing to those he is ministering to.
3. Pray for the boys’ school year to go well and for us to stay focused. And for me to be able to teach them and help them with love and patience.
4. Please keep the English classes in prayer. I have recently started them again for the first time since March and I’m really praying about starting a new one for beginners. Right now it’s my intermediate class. There’s an interest in a kid’s class too. Pray for wisdom on when to start these new classes, and that they’ll be a good tool for ministry in the community.
Thank you!
Jon, Allison, Jonny, and Noah – Email Blog
Leo and Pilar Gray – Ensenada, Mexico

Prayer Requests:
1. Our semester started with 22 new students. God is at work training and molding them into workers for His Kingdom. Pray for them to be diligent in their studies and strong in their faith.
2. There. are several outreaches and a Mission trip planned for later this semester. As with most other tings going on Covid 19 does influence a lot of our activities. Please pray for our safety and for the students.
3. One of our former students family member passed away from Covid and another of our graduates passed away from pneumonia. Please pray for their families and loved ones.
4. Praise the Lord Pilar has a good trip to Mississippi and Florida visiting family. Also Leo has recovered from a recent outpatient surgery.
Thanks for your prayers for us.
God bless you,
Leo and Pilar – Email Blog
Joni Houser – Indiana, USA

Prayer Requests:
1. Please Pray for Our Country to Turn to God
2. Please pray for the nursing homes to open up for ministry in our area, or God to open the door to another ministry here.
3. Please pray for my financial support
4. Please pray for my financial support
Thank you so much for your prayers!
God bless you!
Joni – Email Blog
Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA

1. Please pray that God will lead us in all things.
2. Please continue to pray for Rose’s health, growth and development.
3. Please pray for my financial support and that God will open doors for me to share about the work He is doing in South Asia.
Thank you so much for your prayers
God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog
Brad and Melissa – Amazon Jungle Brazil

Praise Report:
-The ministry the Lord has given us has continued to grow in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our disciples in the jungle continued to visit other villages and even started new discipleship classes. Praise the Lord with us because His power is being shown in and through us and is causing many people to come to and grow in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Prayer requests!
1. For our leadership in the villages. Specifically Raimunda, Oscar and Analucia, Valdeci, Elsimara and Guerlermi, Andre’.
2. For the many new believers in 3 villages. Also for the new works which have now started in each of these places.
3. For future new Church plants.
4. For our health in this hot, humid, and fungus rich environment.
5. For our family and homeschooling. Pray for our children specifically, Andrea, Josiah, Veronica and Benjamin.
God bless you and thank you in Christ!
Brad and Melissa and family – Email Blog
The 10/40 Window
The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.
Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.
Worker 15 – 10/40 Window

Prayer requests:
1. Please pray that the Lord will keep us safe while the Covid 19 cases are increasing in our town . Many Christians are affected by this.
2. that the Lord will give us wisdom to continue to do the work of the Gospel.
3. that the Lord will bless our online Sunday Services.
4. that the Lord will help us to restart the Bible College in His timing.
5. for the safety of our co-workers and b
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Co-workers in Christ
God bless you
15 and family
Rabi and Mahima – Nepal

Thanks for supporting us and helping to uplift our God ministry.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for our Church to be growing day to day.
2. Pray that our church believers to be grow in God word.
3. Pray for our Church members as well as our Family.
4. Pray For our Ministry to be fruitful.
5. Pray that our health to be physically fit so we can serve God.
6. Pray our for the resources our Church needs for a sound system to spread God’s word throughout different social media.
7. Pray for us to do faithful Ministry.
8. All the staff, students, Pastors ,leaders pray for their health and ministry.
9. Pray the corona virus will end soon so we can meet together. Everything is going slowly, We hope soon the lockdown will be open and the college will be open to.
Thank you for praying for us!
God bless,
Rabi and Mahima – Blog
Prakash and Muna – Nepal

Praise Report
-Praise God! He has been keeping us safe and sound so far.
-Praise God! We’ve found the land to move Charis Bible Church facility and we signed the agreement paper also last month for five years.
Prayer Request:
1. Please pray for our church, that the Municipality Office in our Church area will issue the map for a new facility soon so that we can begin the building project. We have already been waiting two months for the map to get registered.
2. Please pray for all of our church family, for their good health.
3. Please pray for my wife, M. She has been suffering from a stone in her ureter, and her left kidney is swollen. The size of the stone is 9.8. Pray that she will not have to go through surgery again, because both of her kidneys have been operated on already for kidney stones.
4. Please pray for all the students of Calvary Chapel Pastors Training Center, for their good health and ministry during this time.
5. Please pray that our training center will be able to reopen soon.
6. Please pray for the good health of all of our SGWM family
Thank you for your prayers!
Prakash, Muna and Eutychus – Email Blog
Anand and Usha – Nepal

Thank you prayer warrior who had been praying for us since before. We had some prayer request for this month, here are as follows:-
Prayer Requests:
1. Please do pray for our good health so we can serve continually.
2. Please do pray for the Bible college student who were serving in their village that they may continue their ministry with the power of Holy Spirit.
3. Please pray for the Nepal government that God may give them knowledge and wisdom to direct the country in right way.
4. Please pray for some of the Bible college students that because of past lockdown situations they had a hard time for finances in their family.
5. Please do pray for the close by neighbors of Bible college were we are sharing our faith.
Thank you for your prayers and support
God bless,
Anand, Usha and family – Email Blog
Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia

Thanks for your prayers. COVID-19 remains under control in Cambodia with only between 200-300 cases, no community transmission and no deaths. We praise God for this.
Prayer Requests:
1. Thank you for your prayers. God keeps answering your prayers in His way and timing. Churches and schools have been allowed to reopen for in-person meetings after being shut down for six months. We thank God for this progress.
2. Please pray that the COVID 19 situation in Cambodia will improve to the point that all restrictions on churches, schools, and travel will be lifted asap.
3. Please continue to pray for our apologetics/evangelistic video ministry that God would continue to use it to reach and equip many Cambodians for Christ.
4. Please pray for our Cambodian ministry partners’ ministries to be able to reopen so that we can resume our ministries with them.
5. Please pray for our Cambodian ministry partners who are struggling financially during this season.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog
Worker 8 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for sister H.- She has been under demonic attacks for two months.
2. Pray for P.R.- He has liver problems and swelling in his legs.
3. Pray for my church growth.
4. Pray for a piece of land for a church building.
5. Pray for better health for us.
Once again I would like to thank everyone who is praying and helping financially. May my loving God bless you all abundantly.
May God bless you,
8 and family
Milan Pariyar – Nepal

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for my family to mature in their relationship with Christ and to have good health.
2. Please pray for the believers here to grow in their faith.
3. Pray for my community to know the difference between the Truth and false teachings.
4. Pray for me for safety and for good health
God bless you,
Milan – Blog
Worker 9 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for me, that I will continue to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God.
2. Please pray that God will teach me to be a good leader for His people.
Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you!
May God bless you,
Worker 9
Worker 12 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for all of the new people who have heard the Gospel, that they will accept Jesus.
2. Please pray for God’s protection and guidance.
Thank you for your continual prayer and support!!
God bless you
Worker 12
Worker 11 – 10/40 Window

Praise God:
-Praise God for His grace and love for my family and church family.
– Praise God, one more person was baptized during lockdown.
– Praise God for His safety during lockdown. For 7 months, they did not allow any temple, mosque or church to be open because of Covid19, but we never stopped doing Sunday service and house fellowship. God kept us safe from every situation. We could not do online services because my church family do not have smart phones or internet capabilities.
Prayer Requests:
1.Please pray for the families in my church. They are being persecuted by their own families, communities and political leaders. One of them is named U, and he and his brother are persecuted by their own father. U’s father wants to take them to the village court because of their faith in Christ.
2. Please continue pray for my state. Since the lockdown, illegal crime is increasing daily–murder, robbery, fighting and suicide, etc.
3.Please pray for my church family, that they will be strong in the Word of God, and that God will provide all of their basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. During the lockdown, they all lost their jobs and spent their savings. They had a rice harvest, but floods came and destroyed the harvest. Now, they don’t have jobs, so they are trying to go out of my state for a job.
4.Please continue pray for safety for me and my parents.
5. Please pray that we will be able to paint my church. We have not been able to paint for 8 years; pray that God will provide the financial needs for paint for the church.
6.Please continue to pray for God would provide a girl for me to marry who can be a partner for spreading the Gospel.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers.
God bless!
Worker 11

Worker 6 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for our church people who are suffering with health issues.
-Brother A- suffering with kidney stones
-Brother K- needs supernatural healing. He was paralyzed in 2014, and God has been working in him; he is getting better every year. Please be praying for complete healing.
-Sister K- suffering from kidney stones.
-Sister P- tested Covid positive
2. Please pray for favor as we are going to register our church and Bible school with the government.
3. Pray for our team getting ready for Bible School in the month of February 2021. Pray that we are lead by the spirit of God and wisdom.
4. This coming 3 weeks, we are going to have family prayers/Bible study and also have fellowship in each one of our church believers’ houses. (Since we have not been able together in our church building.) Pray they will be encouraged by that, and they will know more of Christ’s love.
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless,
Worker 6
Worker 13 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for God’s protection and guidance.
2. Pray for new believers to grow in Christ
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless,
Worker 13
Raju – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for my spiritual growth.
2. Please pray that God would help me to teach His Word correctly.
3. Please pray that God would make a way to buy the land for our church, which has been affected by Covid-19.
4. Please pray that God’s kingdom will expand in all of our ministry area, and that good works will be done.
5. Please pray that the love of God will fill my family and neighbors.
Thank you for your prayers.
God bless you,
Raju – Blog
Worker 10 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Pray for me, that God will use me mightily, and for those who know about Jesus but still do not believe, that God will change their hearts.
2. Pray for me to share the Gospel.
3. Pray for God’s protection and guidance.
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless you
Worker 10

Worker 7 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for this new season of ministry as I have returned to the South. I pray that I will be faithful in the ministry He has for me.
2. Please continue pray for the students who have gone back to their hometowns; pray that God will use their lives and testimonies to reach others for Christ.
Thank you,
God Bless,
Worker 7
Worker 4 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for me, as I have been busy with many things. I need strength, wisdom, peace and direction about where to buy things for construction.
2. Please pray for more male students to come to our Bible School.
3. Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and Godspeed with translation.
4. Please pray that in the midst of all of this, that I will depend upon God alone, and not on my past experiences.
Thanking you!
Worker 4
Worker 2 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that if it is God’s will, I will be able to go to a certain village and teach the Word to the Christian families there, as well as share the Gospel with the unbelievers.
2. Please pray that I will be able to build relationships and share the Gospel with the village people.
Thank you so much once again for your prayers.
God bless you,
Worker 2
Majhiya and Sarita Besra – Nepal

Prayer Requests:
1. We have found an opportunity to share with others about Jesus, praise the Lord!
2. We conduct small house fellowship services. Please pray for unbelieving neighbors who have joined us sometimes. They are curious and confused during this time of lockdown. Pray that their hearts will soon be changed.
3. Praise God for safety and protection during this time!
4. Remember us in your prayers for His guidance in upcoming days, and pray that God will open the hearts of our neighbors for salvation.
Thank you
Majhiya and Sarita – Blog
Worker 1 – 10/40 Window

Thank you so much for your prayers.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our students who are doing ministry in their villages. Some believers in the villages have been experiencing persecution. Pray for the strength of the laborers and boldness.
2. Please pray for this monsoon season; many have lost their homes and lives. Pray that people will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
3. There are many youth in my community– please pray for strong community relationships with the
Thank you for your prayers for us
God bless you,
Worker 1
Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”
– Hebrews 13:3
Thank you for praying! Your prayers are impacting lives and helping
“Reach the Nations…One Soul at a Time”