God Is Opening Doors

It is always exiting to tell you about what God is doing in our country. Last month, we got the chance to go to a restricted area of the mountainous region. It is on the border. They are a tribal people who follow the Buddhist religion. There is not any church in this area. One pastor from the South and a team from another Calvary Chapel also came. All together, 20 of us went to share the Gospel in this area. We were the first people to share the Gospel there. Please keep praying that God will bring the people there into His kingdom. It is a place that can only be reached by walking. There are no roads there.

We believe God wants young people to serve Him. Keeping this in mind, I am serving in the mist of young people. I am going to different church’s youth groups to encourage them. I also talk to them about going to Bible college, so that they may give their lives to serving the LORD.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the people who heard the Gospel in the border region. May they believe.
  • Pray for the young generation. May they seek God first and serve Him.
  • Pray for our church’s believers to grow more in God’s Word.
  • Pray for me as I lead this district’s youth group. May the Lord give me His wisdom and favor.

Thank you,


Reaching this Generation

Youth Conference

What a wonderful youth conference we had this past month! I would like to give thanks to God for His provision and His favor upon me as I lead our District Youth Community. This was the first time we invited our country’s Calvary Bible Institute Director, Pastor Anand. He taught verse-by-verse. Many of the students from CBI were able to join this conference. They sang for the youth and encouraged them to come to the Bible college. I was also able to teach to the youth committee members, choir team, volunteers, and some pastors. Approximately 500 young adults attended this 3-day conference. The pastors taught on the theme “The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge.” We thank you for praying for and supporting us to reach this generation and equip them to lead the church in the future. Glory to God!

2023 Calvary Bible Institute Graduation

We were so blessed to graduate 10 students from our Bible College this year. It is a great joy to be a part of their lives. We are so encouraged to raise up young people in this Bible college. We want to invest our lives into the students’ lives. We are thankful to all of the people who partner with us. I was reminded that I am blessed to have graduated 8 years ago. It was a wonderful time in my life.

Keep praying for these young people to have a blessed time with God. We were able to send 2 students from our area to CBI. They graduated this year. We hope that they will be doing great things for the Lord in the future.

Please keep us in your prayers. We are heading to the mountains in December to host a conference and hike to remote places to share the good news. We will also be hosting a Christmas outreach with our church and inviting the community to come. Pray that many will come to hear the Christmas Story and know Christ.

Thank you,


Reaching the Unreached

Youth Fellowship Conference

Christian Youth Fellowship

Youth Leader Worship Time

At our church, I hosted a 2 and 1/2 day youth program for all of the Christians in my district. We had a great time studying God’s Word and spending time in prayer and worship. About 150 youth leaders came and were refreshed by the fellowship and encouraged one another to be steadfast in the faith!

Fellowship NOT Locked Down

Reuniting for Our Church Fellowship after the Lockdown

During the lockdown in our country, it was really difficult to meet in one place altogether. Even though it was a scary time, we had the Word of God to comfort us and speak truth into our lives. Now that our country isn’t on a lockdown anymore, we’ve been meeting all together at the church for one church service once again. 


After two years of studying, we were able to celebrate my younger brother, Manish, at his Bible College graduation! I traveled to the capital to spend time with him and be a part of his graduation ceremony. He has already been serving with me at our church during his holiday breaks. When I got sick with Covid a few months ago, he was able to teach for me and continue the fellowship. I am so blessed and thankful to God for my close brothers in Christ, who encouraged him all through his time studying at the Bible College. I’m very excited to bring him alongside me to serve the Kingdom of God together and see how much more the Lord will use him.

Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduates

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for me and for my family, that we would remain healthy
  • Pray for my brother, Manish, as he joins me in the ministry
  • Pray for the new believers
  • Pray for financial provision to be able to start a family buffalo farm so that we can support ourselves more

God bless you,


Serving the Lord Together

Praising the Lord Together at our Youth Conference

Fellowship in the Capital

When I came to visit the capital, I was able to visit some of the Bible College students who were on semester break. We did house fellowship together and were able to have Bible studies in some of their homes. It was a great time of encouragement with them and they were excited to go back for their next semester of Bible College.

Having Lunch Together at the Youth Conference

Youth Conference

Worshiping God Together

We had a combined youth program with the youth group from our church and from the church that my uncle pastors at in his village. My heart in having a combined program was to be able to keep the teens in fellowship with one another, and spend time building their friendships with each other. We played some games and shared lunch altogether. I taught from the Word and encouraged them the importance of reading their Bible and how studying the Word will help them grow in their understanding of God .

Reaching Out Through Medicine
Hosting a Medical Outreach

Medical Outreach

It was so excited to be able to host a visiting team from America to do a 3-day medical outreach. In those few days, we had about 220 people come to meet with the doctor, the optician to examine patient’s eyes, learn dental hygiene, and hear the Good News. We were able to plan children’s ministry for about 50-60 local kids immediately after they finished school to play games and hear Bible stories. A praise report of one man who said he used to attend church when he was a kid and then left after he got older, but when he re-listened to the gospel at the medical outreach he deicide to come to church that following Saturday! Please pray for him and for his salvation.

Prayer Requests:

  • For my family to mature in their relationship with Christ & to have good health
  • Our church believers to grow in their faith
  • Pray for my community to know the difference from the Truth and the false teachings
  • Pray for me for safety and for good health

Thank you,


Celebrating Christ

Celebrating Christ Together

Thank you for your prayers! It has been a fruitful month. We had a great time with the church during Good Friday, Easter Sunday and also our Music Conference that we had for the youth in our community.

Good Friday

As a church family, we all fasted and prayed together and read the scriptures. We prayed for unbelievers in our family, friends, our community and our country. I taught about Jesus’ great sacrifice and encouraged the church to be faithful to Him and encouraged to tell our Hindu friends and family what God has done for us all, and why we will be celebrating His resurrection on Sunday. It as a good time of fellowship, and encouragement altogether as a church.

Easter Parade

Easter Sunday

All of us pastors in the district planned and hosted an Easter program for all the churches in our district.  We all gathered in a big field and marched through the main city with singing and dancing with different music and cultural dress and holding signs with bible verses on them.  Our district came together to proclaim that He is risen almost 80 churches attend the program that made almost 3,000 people, including many Hindu people who are high up in government came to attend.  After we marched through the district, we gathered at a big hall to worship together and told the whole community that Jesus is different than any other religion and shared the gospel.  During our Easter Sunday program, we sang worship songs and had special gospel dances perform.  I had invited my Hindu cousin to our good Friday service, Saturday fellowship, and then she attended the Easter Sunday program where she was able to hear the gospel for the first time.

Celebrating Christ Together

Music Program

Our church was a part of hosting a music training program for about 6 of churches.  My friend, Prakash, and his team came and taught how to play different instruments and how to have a worship team for the church.  Many youth kids who are already on a worship team at their church learned more about how to work together and lead a fellowship in worship.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

Making Disciples

“And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'”  Matthew 28:18-20

Calvary Chapel

I am so glad to be able to serve the Lord at Calvary Chapel.  God has blessed my family and me in many different ways while I have been serving here.  The Lord has called me to labor in this village where I spend most of my days throughout the week encouraging and discipling new believers.

My two younger brothers, Manish & Mahesh helping lead worship at Calvary Chapel Dumre.

   Recently, the Chepang family (from an unreached people group), has received Christ and has been attending Calvary Chapel for two months.  Rajendra, his wife and five kids walk an hour every Saturday to come to church and hear from God’s Word.  There is great opportunity to serve them and disciple them, please pray for their family’s personal needs.  It is a blessing that more children have been coming to church, please also pray for youth leaders to be raised up to help with a children’s ministry.

Calvary Chapel Pastor’s Training Center & Bible College

My brother, Manish with his classmates (Manish is in the back row in a red shirt.)

   I am very happy to have sent my younger brother, Manish to attend the Calvary Chapel Pastors Training Center this semester.  I know that God is doing amazing work in his life.  Manish was fearful to attend CCPTC because he felt he wasn’t very good in school.  He is naturally a very quiet and shy man but now he has been opening up, making friends and is growing closer to God.Thank you for your prayers!

Prayer Requests:-       

1.) My family and their good health-       

2.) The church members to grow in faith and love-       

3.) That I may be a light and salt in my community-       

4.) God’s provision for the completion of church construction and for electricity-       

5.) For a water well; we’ve tried to dig twice but we have only reached stone-       

6.) For my parents to grow more in their relationship with God 

Thank you,


500+ Youth Gather

Helping Host a Youth Conference

I am thankful for your prayers and support as I serve and lead the fellowship at Calvary Chapel. I am going to be sending updates to keep you informed and ask that you continue to join me in praying for God’s work in my area.

   Last month, I was part of the leadership committee. The 13 of us planned and hosted a youth conference for students from all over our region. There were 60 churches represented at the conference. 500+ youth in our district, most of whom are believers in Jesus, attended! The youth conference was held on a soccer field. We had so many youth register that we had to rent a tent to hold everyone for the three days.
 The theme of the conference was “Rooted In Christ” from Colossians 2. It was an honor to be asked to teach. It was my first time to share the Word at a youth conference of this size. As I prayed, the Lord laid it on my heart to share from Acts 16, about the life of Timothy. At a young age, Timothy decided to serve the Lord. I challenged the youth to do the same and ask the question….”What are you doing with your life?”

Teaching at the Youth Conference

   We had a worship band and much teaching and all were encouraged. I am looking forward to continuing to serve on the Leadership Youth Committee. We are planning host this conference every year. I believe that this generation can make a huge impact for Christ. They just need to be taught and discipled in the Word so that they can defend their faith and share it with other young people.
   Please pray for our fellowship of believers. Please pray that they would grow strong in the Word and that we would have many opportunities to share the Gospel with others.
Also, we will be hosting a medical outreach at the end of November in our church. Pray that as those who are sick come, that we would be able to minister to them spiritually while we are ministering to them physically.
Thank you,
Pastor Milan