Bond Heather and Breanna – Africa and Asia

Praise Report:
– Praise God for a wonderful time of ministry in Peru. Our trip was timely and fruitful as we spent time at CBI Peru and CC Trujillo. God did exceedingly abundantly above in every area.

Please Pray:
1. Pray for the ministry in Nepal and S. Asia as students study the Word of God and are being equipped for the ministry.

2. Pray for L and D as they have started bible studies in their hometowns in Nepal. Pray for many to come to Christ and for churches in these areas to be established

3. Pray as we prepare for summer and for several missions’ trip and for the Calvary School of Missions that will be starting up and we will be teaching at. Pray for many more laborers to be equipped and sent out.

4. Pray for Heather as she teaches on April 30th for Ladies Spring Tea

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,
Bond, Heather and Breanna – Email Blog

Vincent and Melissa Aniku – Uganda

Praise Reports:
-Rainy season has finally started! We are just waiting upon God to provide seeds and
then we will start farming for the school! As the price of food continues to rise, we see
the importance.

-We received over 750 Chicks! Their breed is called layers because they lay many eggs.
Pray they grow well and give the eggs we hope for our over 900 students.

-Vincent was chosen to give a survey and interview with British officials for FUFA. He
was chosen because they said, “he looked the most sober.” We know it is because of
God. Pray that this relationship would lead to more open doors to share the gospel!

-Praise God we were able to get another 100 Bibles for students!Prayer Requests:

Please Pray:
1. Pray for the testimonies and project we are working on alongside of our precious friends
in Texas to bless the Women’s Ministry. More information to come soon.

2. Pray for the weekly men’s prayer and discipleship named “Consistent Men”. Our prayer
has been for the men to step up, consistent in the Word, grow in their love for God and
leading their homes. Just in these few weeks, we have already seen amazing growth!

3. Pray for the Children’s Camp we are planning to have during the children’s next break.

4. Pray for our upcoming baptisms. Pray for the hearts of those sharing their desire. This
will be our first baptisms since the lockdown.

5. Continue to pray for strength and health during this very busy and fruitful season.

Thank you for all your prayers and love for us!!!

In Him,
The Aniku Family – Email Blog

Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda

Praise Report:
-Praise God for all the activities that took place during the Resurrection season. Pray for much fruit to come from the ministry that took place

Please Pray:
1. Pray for Jill’s sister who is sick with Covid.

2. Pray for Jill and the kids as they home school. Pray for patience and understanding.

3. Pray for the visitors at the guest house and for the plans being made for others who will come.

4. Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.

Thank you for praying for the Kanyike family and for the people of Uganda.

In Him,         
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog

Matt and Noelle Harris – Gulu, Uganda

Please Pray:
1. Please continue to pray for clear direction and open doors for traveling

2. Pray that the Lord would provide vision for enlarging how we do missionary care

3. Pray for wisdom and energy in parenting

Thank you for praying.

In Christ,
Matt and Noelle – Email Blog

Ends of the Earth Ministries

In South Sudan:
Please continue to pray for the nation of South Sudan. Decades of Civil War have collapsed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and desperation. Hopelessness and violence run rampant throughout communities.

Pray for our 500 students that are being daily discipled in the love of God and His Word, so they may lead their nation into a new season of hope.

Pray for the 75 children and young adults in our children’s home and for the Missionary parents that are laying down their lives to provide peace and unconditional love to these precious ones. Please pray for the new churches in the Tauso & Taposa villages. Pray that the pastors and medical staff will have the spiritual and physical tenacity to handle the countless challenges while living amongst Stone-Age tribes.

In Kenya:
Pray for the refugee students in our missionary training college in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. They are fasting and praying as they prepare to return to South Sudan to begin reaching cities across the border in North Sudan, with hopes to plant churches amongst Muslim peoples in 2020-21.

Pray for the Missions Equip Training Programs. We are in the throes of launching two new schools this year.

The first – International School, will be used in Bible Colleges as a complete missions training course. 

The second – Transformation, is a cross-cultural immersion training program, equipping missionaries to assimilate into their new culture while learning the language and world view.  

Pray that God would continue to empower, envision and sustain us as we seek to establish nationally led, culturally relevant, biblical-based churches among unreached peoples.

Thank you for your prayers!

Yours for the unreached, 
Rob Douglass – Email Blog


Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico

Praise Reports:
-An amazing Easter Service Celebration with many first-time guests and professions of faith! 

-Fruitful church planting trips in April to Monterrey and Hermosillo! 

Please Pray:
1, God’s direction and blessing for our two kids in college, Grace and Daniel! 

2. God’s provision for our family, church, and church plants! 

Thank you for faithfully praying for us! 

Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel – Email Blog

Tim and Jenn Pappas – California

Praise Report:
-Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We had a wonderful Dessert Gathering where we were able to share our story and vision. Please continue to pray for God’s direction..

Please Pray:
1; Our son Andy who continues to struggle

2. Calvary school admissions preparation are in full swing. Pray for wisdom and endurance as we prepare to launch our fourth year

Thank you for your faithful prayers!

All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn – Email Blog

Joel and Amy Garcia – California, USA

Thank you all for your prayers! 

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for continued vision for Joel as he leads the care of SGWM missionaries

2. Please pray for open doors on guidance from the Lord on traveling

3. Please pray for continued strength and wisdom in raising our four amazing little ones in the Lord’s ways

In Christ,
Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, & Clara Garcia – Email Blog

Paul and Claudia Boubion – Tijuana, Mexico

Praise Report:

-Thanksgiving and praise for God’s work in our family since we moved to Tijuana.

Please Pray:1. For people to see Jesus in us and our marriage & family

2. For all our prodigals, especially our son Ben

3. Vision for future ministry

In Him,
Paul, Claudia, Lydia, Poiema and Cristian – Email  Blog

Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for my mom to be completely well and delivered from her illness.  

2. Please pray for my family, that God will use us for His glory. 

3. Please pray that God will fill us with His Holy Spirit and that we will honor Him in all we say and do, and will be used of God to minister to others. 

Thank you so much for your prayers!

God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog

Joni Houser – Indiana, USA

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for my mom’s complete recovery in every way and that God will give us wisdom in getting her treatment.  

2. Please pray for my health and strength.  

3. Please pray for our financial support.   Thank you so much for your prayers!

God bless you!
Joni – Email Blog

Deanna Jevas – Tijuanna, Mexico

Praise Report:
-Easter service was beautiful, and we had most of our kids from the afterschool program and their families in attendance! We all ate together after the service and it was a sweet time together!

-Our new multipurpose room/soup kitchen is finished! The kids used it today for the first time!

Please Pray:
1. For the Lord to open doors to start a public school here at our church. We have encountered many obstacles, But may His will be done!

2. For the families of the kids in the afterschool program to come to Christ.

3. Provisions to increase our staff in the afterschool program. It is growing!

4. 1. For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our church and our pastor, Federico Acosta— that people would come to church. May our light shine ever so brightly in this dark neighborhood! Also, for revival!

Thank you so much for your prayers for me and the people of Mexico! Psalm 133:1

God bless you,
Deanna – Email Blog


Craig and Daisy Tippie – Huacho, Peru

Praise Report:
-We are blessed beyond measure and are grateful for what the Lord has done and is doing in our ministry!

Please Pray:
1. Pray for the new people getting saved, and they abide in the truth through discipleship!

2. Pray for our school of ministry and our interns to continue strong, and for them to seek the Lord to confirm their calling.

3. Pray for conflict solving and restoration. We continue to have spiritual warfare!

4. Pray for times of refreshing, out pouring of the Holy Spirit!

5. Pray for more partners in the ministry here in Huacho, that more churches would have us come and share our hearts on our furlough!

6. Pray for our health, for our children that they would all have a full relationship with the Lord.

7.Pray for Craig to guard his study time, and administration time in the office which he struggles with, because he would rather be out having hands on discipleship and being a life coach for many!

Thank you from our hearts, 
Daisy and Craig – Email Blog

The 10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.

Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.
(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)

Worker 15 and Family – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. God’s grace upon us and the Christians in our area as persecution is increasing. 

2. The ministry, that the Lord would increase it. 

3. The believers to stand firm in their faith in the midst of persecution. 

4. The Bible school, as we are praying and planning to begin in July. 

5. Our health and God’s provision. 

Thank you for your prayers!

Co-workers in Christ,
Pastor 15 and Family

Worker 11 – 10/40 Window

Praise Report:
– There was a festival of Hindu people in our area, and Hindu people were trying to break the cross above my church with bamboo sticks, but thank God they could not break it! 

-Thank God that He has saved us all, especially the new believers who are being harassed physically and mentally by others in their homes, villages, communities and neighborhoods because of the name of Jesus Christ. 

-Thank God that He is taking care of our needs in spite of things being very expensive. 

-Thank God that about 80 people came on Good Friday and Easter; many of them heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time, and God helped us to arrange refreshments for all of them. 

Please Pray:
1.  Please pray that my church can be registered and cc camera installed as soon as possible if it is God’s will. 

2. Please pray for a believers in my church who has been in the faith for about 5 years. There used to be fellowship at her house, but she was very upset because the people of her village tried to kill her. But God kept her safe. Because of this, we are not entering her village right now.  

3. Pray for the believers of our church to understand God’s Word more deeply and to rely on the Lord in persecution to help them become stronger.  

4. Pray for our country, that the Lord maintains peace in our country. These days, many people are fighting because of religion. There have also been murderers in many places. 

5. Pray for some people of the people in my village who were trying to break the cross of our church on the day of the Hindu festival. They are making big plans to attack my church; may God give them peace and may their lives be changed like Saul’s life. 

Thank you for your prayers and for participating in the good news.

God bless you,

Worker 14 and Family – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for safety over our family as we drive to different to states to visit fellow workers this month.

2. Pray for continued health over our family.

3. Pray for our children as they are starting homeschooling now that we have returned and started a schedule.

4. Pray for our staff and student workers who will be returning home this month. They have been with us to prepare for the start of the school, but due to delays will be returning home. Safety for their travels and health, and for vision as they return to their villages until the start of school.

5. Please be praying over complications with the restart of the school. Many old challenges have returned and are causing delays and possible changes to our work.

Thank you for interceding on our behalf and lifting up the Lord’s work in our country

God Bless you,
14 and family

Worker 16 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1.Please pray for my family that we may continue to grow in the Word.  

2· Please pray for the online Bible meeting that I have been involved with, that God will use me.  

3· Please pray for my neighbor, that he will accept Jesus Christ and be saved.  

4· Please pray for my children as they are going through their final exams at school.  

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,
16 and family

Worker 7 – 10/40 Window

Praise Report:
-Praise the Lord, my mom is continuing to recover and taking a few steps! Please continue to pray for her.

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for the students and staff and resuming teaching. I believe God may use this season and experience of my life to be a blessing to many people—it gave me a bigger burden for those who don’t know the true Gospel.

2. Please keep new believers in your prayer.

3. Please pray for my health and safety>

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,

Worker 13 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1.Please pray for my ministry here. 

2. Please pray for our church, and the believers in it, that they will stay with Christ and grow in His Word. 

3. Please pray that we can begin more home fellowships in different places and villages. 

4. Pray that God will open more doors to visit His people. 

5. Pray that our church building work will begin and that God will provide some funds. 

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,

Prakash and Muna – Nepal

Praise Report:
1. Praise God for giving all our Bible College students good health throughout this semester, it was really a quality time studying and spending time from the Word.

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for all the students as go for vacation and some have completed their study. Pray that God would guide them to His ministry.

2. Please pray for CC Hetauda and CC Janakpur that God would draw people to His Church.

3. Please pray for Charis Bible Church Kathmandu Nepal- CBCKN, for spiritual growth of the believers. Pray that God would bring so many unsaved souls in His Church.

4. Please pray for the Church property for CBCKN.

Thank for your prayers!

Prakash and Muna – Email  Blog

Anand and Usha – Nepal

Praise report:
– Thank you, prayer warrior for praying for our Bible college. As this semester also we are able to finish with great blessing with the students and we are able to send in coming days

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for our good health.

2. Please pray for our trip to west Nepal for inductive Bible study.

3. Please pray for the students as they will be in their church, they may be like salt and light with the people.

4. Please pray that God may bring new students in coming semester.

5. Please pray that our ex-students may start Bible study and Churches in coming days.

Thank you for faithfully praying

God bless you,
Anand, Usha, Asher and Amos – Email Blog

Rabi and Mahima – Nepal

Please Pray:
1. Pray for our personal ministry to be fruitful and successful.

2.Pray that our church will grow in God’s Word daily and equip our believers daily.

3. Pray that our believers be strong in faith.

4. Please Pray that we may have a child. We have already consulted with the doctor, and my beautiful wife is okay, but the doctor told us that her hormone level is low. We both take medicine, and my health checkup is also good. Please pray in God’s time He will provide baby for us.

5. Pray for our bible school that all the staff and all the students are physically fit and healthy. God may provide them safe and secure.

6. Please Pray our Dear brother H; one of the graduated students wants to plant a church but his Pastor is not allowing him at this time. Pray for his hardship in field of ministry.

Thank you so much for your prayers 

Grace and Peace, 
Rabi and Mahima – Email Blog

Worker 8 and Family – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:

1. Please pray for the church building construction on my land. I humbly request to you all to continually keep this subject in your prayers. 

2. May the Lord raise thousands of hands for the kingdom of God!
3. Please pray for spiritual revival in the believer’s lives.

4. Please pray for our health and safety

Once again, I would like to thank you all for your valuable prayers and support! 

May God bless you,
8 and Family

Worker 6 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Pray for our family to grow more in Christ and to be faithful. 

2. Pray for our church to grow in unity and love. 

3. Pray for the students in Bible college. 

4. We are going to register our church and Bible College; please be praying that the process goes well. 

5. Pray for the construction of our own building for the Bible college and church. We have moved into a new building for our church service. We are in need of better sound equipment and musical instruments. Also, we are planning to continue to be online live, too, because many people are asking us to from different cities. So, please pray for all of the equipment we need for this. 

6. Please pray for a motorcycle, for the ministry. 

7. Please pray for our women’s ministry. 

Thank you!

God bless you,

Worker 12 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Pray for the ministry here, that God will save more people and enlarge his kingdom. 

2. Pray for A, who was possessed by an evil spirit, that God will heal her completely and help her to grow in God’s grace. 

3. Pray for me, as I am going to a certain village for a second time next month, pray that the Lord will use me there for His glory and fulfill all of my traveling needs.
4. We have been praying for land for our church for a long time; pray that God will fulfill it and God will be glorified in this place. 

5. We need a guitar for our church because the old guitar we have is not working well; please pray that God will provide a new one. 

6. Once or twice a month, we feed all of the people of the church because some believers come to church from far away. Due to not having enough large serving utensils, we have to rent utensils; pray that we can buy some new utensils for church. 

7. Pray for sister D, who publicly showed her commitment to Jesus some time ago; pray that she will grow more in the Lord and in His Word. This sister is a nurse in a hospital.

Thank you for your kindness!!

Worker 3 – 10/40 Window

Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Praise Report:
-By God’s grace we have been doing wonderful. Thank you so much for your valuable prayers.

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for the K. village, there majority of people are alcoholic. God may deliver them from alcoholic habit.

2. Please pray for the salvation of the family, whom I shared the Gospel during my native place visit. 

3. Please pray for our nation, India that God may save this country. Also, these days new believers have been persecuted in different parts of India, pray that God may strengthen them in their faith.  

 4. Do continue to pray for the growth and need of our local Church.

 5. In upcoming session, we want to operate our Pastor’s School with the limited number of boarding students. Kindly pray for all the recourses.

6. Kindly pray for me and my family, may Lord use us for the expansion of His kingdom.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!

In Him,
3 and family

Majhiya and Sarita – Nepal

Please Pray:
1. We have found the opportunity to share with other about Jesus! Praise the Lord! Please pray for more open doors.

2. We conduct small house fellowship services. Please pray for unbelieving neighbors who have joined us sometimes, as they are curious and confused during this time of lockdown. Pray that their hearts will soon be changed.

3. Please pray for our health and safety.

4. Remember us in your prayers for His guidance in upcoming days and pray that God will open the hearts of our neighbors for salvation.

Thank you for faithfully praying for us

Majhiya and Sarita

Milan Pariyar – Nepal 

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for me and my family, that we will remain healthy. 

2. Pray for my brother, M, as we serve in ministry together. 

3. Pray for the new believers here who just publicly showed they are following Jesus. 

4. Pray for financial provision to be able to start a family buffalo farm so that we can support ourselves more. 

5. Pray for me for safety and for good health. 

Thank you,

Worker 2 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Please pray that if it is God’s will, I will be able to go to a certain village and teach the Word to the Christian families there, as well as share the Gospel with the unbelievers. 

2. Please pray that I will be able to build relationships and share the Gospel with the village people. 

3. That the Lord will open the hearts of the people whom I have shared the Gospel with.

4. For God’s wisdom and strength to do the work of the Gospel.

Thank you so much once again for your prayers. 
Worker 2

Raju – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. May the Lord grant me open doors for Gospel outreach during this time and may our church grow spiritually.

2. Please pray for my father and mother, that they will come to know the Lord. 

3. Please pray for the church members, that they will grow spiritually. 

4. Please pray that I will grow more and more spiritually in the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you,

Worker 9 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Please pray for me, that I would continue to grow in the Lord and continue to serve Him. 

2. Pray that I will be a blessing to the people in my town. 

3. Pray for the people of our church, that they would also continue to grow and stand strong in the Word. 

4. Pray for the children who are coming to Bible study, that at this young age they would fall in love with Jesus and His Word. This month, they are also going through their final examinations in their schools; pray that they will do well in their studies and in their exams. 

Thank you so much for your prayers.

God bless you!

Worker 10 – 10/40 Window

Praise Report:
-Praise the Lord! Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. Thanks be to the God Who has taken care of us! 

Please Prays:
1. Pray for me, that God will use me mightily in my village, and for those who know about Jesus but still do not believe; that God will change their hearts.

2. Pray for my parents, that they will wholeheartedly believe in Jesus Christ.

3. Pray for me, because I am making a church building. Pray that God will give me wisdom and understanding to do it correctly.

4. Pray for the village believers, that God will strengthen them in the Word.

5. Pray for me, that God will open new doors for me to share the Gospel.

6. Please pray for God’s presence and strength in my life, so that I can face all hard situations!

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,

Worker 5 – 10/40 Window

Please Pray:
1. Pray that God’s protection 

2. Pray for our neighbors, that they will come to know the Lord. 

4. Pray for my daughter who is studying nursing.   

Thank you so much for the encouragement and partnership! 

God Bless You,

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” – Hebrews 13:3 

Thank you for praying! Your prayers are impacting lives and helping “Reach the Nations…One Soul at a Time.”

Saving Grace World Missions