Zully Ruano – Mallorca, Spain
I hope you had a Wonderful Christmas
Prayer Requests:
1. School: We are opening the Christian Nursery School on January 11, 2021. Most of the parents and children are non-believers, so please pray for the Lord to use us to reflect His love, to share the gospel, and to be a light as we care and teach our students.
2. School: For provisions to run the school – we are stepping out in faith with the expenses, assisting families during this pandemic as well so please keep us in prayer for the everyday expenses to keep the school afloat.
3. Family: This is my second year away for the holidays, so please pray that just as the Lord has filled my heart with peace that He would overwhelm my parents and the rest of my family with His peace as well. My parents are at high risk so I appreciate your prayers for them to remain safe and well.
4. Personal: For the Lord to fill me with wisdom, humility, and strength to lead this school, to share the gospel with my neighbors, and to remain close to Jesus everyday more and more.
Thank you for your prayers!!Happy New Year!!!
Brenna Kulla – Pécs, Hungary
Praise God:
-For how He continues to work and pursue hearts despite covid-19 circumstances.
-For His continued provision
Prayer Requests:1.
Opportunities to minister to people amidst covid restrictions and not being able to gather in person as a church.
2. Language learning
3. Health: For complete healing of my body from mold toxicity and infections. Pray for wisdom as I continue to address my health and make decisions.
4. For salvation of Hungarians and the many internationals here.
5. For direction and clarity, and strength to walk in what the Lord sets before me.
Thank you for your continued prayer in these times!
Love in Christ,
Brenna – Email Blog
Kanyike Family – Kampala, Uganda
Prayer Requests:
1. Uganda is beginning it’s presidential campaigns. Pray for safety as there has been much rioting and fighting. Many people have been killed and injured.
2. Pray for the Covid situation to improve, everywhere. In Uganda the numbers and deaths continue to rise.
3. Pray for Luke as he is recovering from what is likely an UTI. He was in a lot of pain but is beginning to feel better.
4. Pray for Brian and Jill as the pray and plan how to celebrate Christmas with Arise Christian Fellowship. With all the Sops they can not have their normal program. Pray the Lord leads them with exactly what will celebrate his birth and bless the people.
5. Pray for Jill and the children as they are getting close to the end of this homeschooling year.
Thank you for praying for the Kanyike family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog
Vincent and Melissa Aniku – Uganda
Thank you all so much for continuing to pray in these times.
Prayer Requests:
1. We have finished the first step for land to start the community center, library and soccer stadium. Please pray as the sports ministry starts a new season in a new level. We pray this will be used for the furtherance of the gospel.
2. Continued prayer for our health.
3. Pray as we resume leadership discipleship. That all leadership will continue to grow deeper.
4. Pray for peace in Uganda as the presidential elections near.
5. Pray for physical and spiritual needs of the ministry.
6. Pray for the finalizing paperwork for the container.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and love!
In Him,
Vincent and Melissa – Email Blog
Harris Family – Gulu, Uganda
We hope you had a very Merry Christmas beloved family in the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for your time as you commit to prayer to God for the furtherance of the Gospel on His earth!
Praise God:
-For sending His beloved Son to the earth to redeem His people.
-For allowing us to be around our extended family this Christmas season.
-For the opportunities God has given our family to share our vision with His people here in the US.
Please Pray:
1. For wisdom as we plan our return trip back home to Uganda.
2. That we will be able to accomplish all that God has planed for our time on this side.
3. That God would establish His church in the truth of the Gospel!
Thank You
In Christ,
Matt, Noelle, Emma, Madeline, Noah & Charlotte – Email Blog
Ends of the Earth Ministries
In South Sudan:
Please continue to pray for the nation of South Sudan. Decades of Civil War have collapsed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and desperation. Hopelessness and violence run rampant throughout communities.
Pray for our 500 students that are being daily discipled in the love of God and His Word, so they may lead their nation Into a new season of hope.
Pray for the 75 children and young adults in our children’s home and for the Missionary parents that are laying down their lives to provide peace and unconditional love to these precious ones.
Please pray for the new churches in the Tauso & Taposa villages. Pray that the pastors and medical staff will have the spiritual and physical tenacity to handle the countless challenges while living amongst Stone-Age tribes.
In Kenya:
Pray for the refugee students in our missionary training college in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. They are fasting and praying as they prepare to return to South Sudan to begin reaching cities across the border in North Sudan, with hopes to plant churches amongst Muslim peoples in 2020-21.
Pray for the Missions Equip Training Programs. We are in the throws of launching two new schools this year.
The first – International School, will be used in Bible Colleges as a complete missions training course.
The second – Transformation, is a cross-cultural immersion training program, equipping missionaries to assimilate into their new culture while learning the language and world view.
Pray that God would continue to empower, envision and sustain us as we seek to establish nationally led, culturally relevant, biblical-based churches among unreached peoples.
Yours for the unreached,
Rob Douglass – Email Blog
Tim and Jenn Pappas – California, USA
Praise the Lord:
-Surgery went well for Jenn
-Many sisters from the church have come along side of her to help.
-we celebrated our first anniversary.
-Financial partners who answered our distress signal
Prayer request.
1. Patience for Jenn in her recovery, its a long painful road
2. Wisdom in preparation for Calvary School of Missions 2021
3. For us to remain diligent to stay in the word and prayer together
Thank you for your faithful prayers!
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn – Email Blog
Joel and Amy Garcia – California, USA
Thank you for praying for us so faithfully!
Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, as well as energy, in the raising up of our kids in Christ.
2. Please continue to pray for vision for ministry moving forward as Joel leads the Missionary Sending Department of SGWM as well as pastors Young Adults and Worship Ministry for CCSG.
3. Please pray for the nations in regards to COVID; that the Lord would heal, eradicate the virus, provide for those who have suffered economically and otherwise from it, and that the doors to travel much for the sake of the Gospel would open us again.
In Christ,
Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, & Clara Garcia – Email Blog
Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico
Prayer Requests:
1. Please keep our church safe, as the police came and closed down our church in December because of Covid. We are now hosting outside Car church services!
2. Pray that God will heal our 18 year old son Daniel from Covid!
3. Pray that God would bless our bilingual church plant to Loreto (South Baja)
Thank you for faithfully praying for us!
Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel – Email Blog
Mike and Erin Thiemann – California, USA
Happy New Year!
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our family during this crazy season. School has started back up and the beginning of the year is always chaotic for Erin and the kids as they develop a new routine.
2. I have restructured the leadership within SGWM and have created three distinct departments – Missionary Sending (US based missionaries that we have sent), International Relations (10/40 Window church planting/nationals), and the Missionary Training (School of Missions and Internship). Pray as we transition and continue to grow.
3. Please pray for the youth ministry I lead. Our group is growing and the teens are doing well. Please pray for all of our leaders that the Lord would anoint them.
4. Over the next 6-7 months, my teaching schedule is increasing exponentially. Please pray that the Lord lengthens my study time and anoints my ability to communicate His Word effectively.
5. Pray for our personal support. Living in the States and on missionary support is a difficult reality. We struggle with it practically as living expenses in Orange County are high. It is also a struggle to convince people that our home office staff is an absolute necessity for the success of our missionaries all over the world.
7. We also had a great response for our 2021 summer youth and young adults Israel apologetic tour. We have 35 signups! I originally booked for 15. So the Lord sent in a LOT more. Please pray for all the administration that goes into organizing a trip like this. Also, pray for no COVID issues.
Thank you for praying!
God bless you,
Mike, Erin, Malachi, Kyla and Alaina – Erin – Email Mike – Email Blog
Joni Houser – Indiana, USA
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for God to open up more ministry opportunities, since others continue to be indefinitely closed due to covid.
2. Please pray for our country to turn to God during this difficult time.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
God bless you!
Joni – Email Blog
Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA
Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for my grandmother in a nursing home, for her salvation and protection.
2. Pray that God will lead us in all things.
3. Please continue to pray for my daughter, Rose’s, health this winter, and for her eye muscle development.
Thank you so much for your prayers
God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog
Brad and Melissa – Amazon Jungle Brazil
Prayer Requests:
1. Please join us in praying for our brother in ministry Pastor Eddie Sahakian and family. He pastors a Calvary Chapel in the U.S. He is young and was just diagnosed with Parkinson’s. We did much ministry in Mexico before each of had been Pastors and went to some classes together at bible college.
2. Please pray for the Apurina people to whom we minister to. Pray specifically for Raimunda, Valdeci, Oscar and Analucia, Alcimara, Maria Antonia, Nelson, Vitor, Evandro, Leandro and his village.
3. Please pray for our next trip to visit them in January. Please pray that we would get much accomplished. We plan to continue School of Ministry Classes in the 1st and 2nd villages, hopefully to start in a 3rd. We also plan to rekindle what might have diminished from our long 6 month absence.
4. Please pray for our family. Brad, Melissa, Andrea, Josiah, Veronica and Benjamin. Please pray for Naice and Linelma who have been back in our house for the holidays.
God bless you and thank you in Christ!
Brad and Melissa and family – Email Blog
The 10/40 Window
The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.
Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.
Worker 15 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that we can restart Sunday services and the Pastors School soon.
2. Please pray for us and the ministry in our country.
3. Please pray for our co-worker Pastor’s wife who is a nurse. She tested positive for Covid-19. Please also pray for our daughter who is a nurse.
4. Pray that many non-Christians who saw our Facebook online services would be saved.
God bless you
Co-workers in Christ
15 and family
Rabi and Mahima – Nepal
Thanks for supporting us and helping to uplift our God ministry.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray our family and Church Family’s health.
2. Pray that all the staff and student to be safe from Covid.
3. Pray our ministry to be fruitful.
4. Pray our online ministry will be blessing to others.
Thank you for praying for us!
God bless,
Rabi and Mahima – Blog
Prakash and Muna – Nepal
Praise God:
-Praise God for His goodness! Charis Bible Church has moved to new location and reconstructing the building has also finished, we started the service since last two weeks.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for all Charis Bible Church family members, for their good health and continual spiritual growth.
2. Please pray that Charis would be a center for people to get saved in Christ.
3. Please pray for Hetauda- Middle East of Nepal, one of the brother from our Church his name is Laxman, has continued Bible study during lockdown. Now 10-12 people are attending the Bible study. For one month back they are gathering every Saturday for the service.
4. Please pray- I and my wife are planning to visit Hetauda- the new church and Nijgadh Before Christmas, pray for our journey.
5. Please pray for all CCBC students, for their good health, family and their ministry.
6. Please pray that Our training Center/Bible College would resume soon.
7. Let the Covid-19 be vanished away soon.
Thank you for your prayers!
Prakash, Muna and Eutychus – Email Blog
Anand and Usha – Nepal
Praise Report:
-It was such a blessed month last month. We are so much grateful to God who help us to do ministry in the Leprosy colony. We are able to share Gospel and distribute food because of COVID.
Thank you all the prayer warriors who had been praying for us to
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our good health so that we may serve God more and more.
2. Please pray as we are traveling to east Nepal for couple of weeks that it may be blessing to others where ever we go.
3. Please pray that we are going to visit some of young guys who were able to join zoom Bible study from East Nepal , we may encourage them more to keep on study God’s Word.
4. Please pray that Government may allow us to start Bible college from coming February 2021.
5. Please pray for our community to whom we had shared Gospel that they may have encounter with God.
God bless,
Anand, Usha and family – Email Blog
Worker 8 – 10/40 Window
Thank you for praying for our health; our health is better.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for those who heard the Christmas message at our outreach. Pray that God will touch their hearts and they will be open to the Gospel.
2. Please pray for me, and for my family, that we will be effectively used by God
Once again I would like to thank everyone who is praying and helping financially.
May my loving God bless you all abundantly.
8 and family
Milan Pariyar – Nepal
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for my family to mature in their relationship with Christ and to have good health.
2. Please pray for the believers here to grow in their faith.
3. Pray for my community to know the difference between the Truth and false teachings.
4. Pray for me for safety and for good health.
Thank you for your prayers
God bless you,
Milan – Blog
Worker 9 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for me, that I will continue to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God.
2. Please pray that God will teach me to be a good leader for His people.
Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you!
May God bless you
Worker 9
Worker 12 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for God’s protection and guidance.
1. Pray for all of the new people who have heard the Gospel, that they will accept Jesus.
Thank you for your continual prayer and support!!
God bless you
Worker 12
Worker 3 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for M.S., so that God’s Word will take root in his heart, and he will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2. Kindly pray for my Wednesday online Bible study, that God will help me to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. Please pray for me, and for my family, that we will be effectively used by God.
Thank you for your continual prayer and support!!
God bless you
Worker 3
Worker 11 – 10/40 Window
Praise God:
-Praise God to save us from all kind of devil’s work, some old persecutor again came last month to claim church land where is church building and gave big amount of bribe to police officer for reopen the last police false case, police called us in the police station so me and my dad went there with all property documents but that guy who is claiming not reached in the police station even we waited 4 hours.
-Praise God we done church painting last week after 8 years.
-Praise God to take us healthy in the winter.
-Praise God for provide every financial need for the Christmas and outreach.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our outreaches can be safe from fanatics people and so many people can hear the good news.
2. Please continue pray for my church so many people are planning to stop Sunday service. Three weeks ago during Sunday worship time my neighbor started to play Bollywood songs in the big loudspeaker to disturb worship, we and my church members prayed for them now they are not doing like that.
3. Please pray for my all church member to be stand in the persecution and can be strong in the word of God.4. Please pray for my English can be good and understandable.
Thanks for the partnership for the Gospel!
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers.
God bless!
Worker 11
Worker 6 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our new church plant.
2. Pray for our Bible study with young adults.
3. Pray for God’s work that we are doing here; pray that it would be fruitful and be a blessing to many.
4. Pray that the church believers will grow more in God’s wisdom and in His Word.
5. Pray that we serve God faithfully.
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless,
Worker 6 and family
Worker 13 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1.Please continue to pray for God’s protection and guidance.
2. Pray for new believers to grow in Christ
3. Please pray for my health and safety.
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless,
Worker 13
Raju – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for me, that I will fulfill all the responsibilities that God has given me in His Church.
2. Please pray that the Good News will reach all my villagers, and that they will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus, and may His Church grow.
3. Please pray that all of my family members will know the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers.
God bless you,
Raju – Blog
Worker 10 – 10/40 Window
Please Pray:
1. Pray for me, that God will use me mightily, and for those who know about Jesus but still do not believe, that God will change their hearts.
2. Pray for me to share the Gospel.
3. Please pray for God’s protection and guidance.
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless you
Worker 10
Worker 7 – 10/40 Window
As William Carey said, “Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God”
Prayer Request:
1. My prayer is that the students who are under Bible training would understand God’s heart for unreached people, and that they will experience this statement in their lives.
2. Please pray for the YouTube channel Pastor 7 has begun.
3. Please pray for God’s protection and guidance.
Thank you,
God Bless
Worker 7
Worker 4 – 10/40 Window
Please Pray:
1.Please pray for me, as I have been busy with many things. I need strength, wisdom, peace and direction about where to buy things for construction.
2. Please pray for more male students to come to our Bible School.
3. Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and Godspeed with translation.
4. Please pray that in the midst of all of this, that I will depend upon God alone, and not on my
Thanking you!
Yours in Christ,
Worker 4
Worker 2 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that if it is God’s will, I will be able to go to a certain village and teach the Word to the Christian families there, as well as share the Gospel with the unbelievers.
2. Please pray that I will be able to build relationships and share the Gospel with the village people.
3. Please pray for our Christmas outreach.
Thank you so much once again for your prayers.
Worker 2
Majhiya and Sarita Besra – Nepal
Praise God:
1. We have found an opportunity to share with others about Jesus, praise the Lord!
Prayer Requests:
1. We conduct small house fellowship services. Please pray for unbelieving neighbors who have joined us sometimes. They are curious and confused during this time of lockdown. Pray that their hearts will soon be changed.
2. Praise God for safety and protection during this time!
3. Remember us in your prayers for His guidance in upcoming days, and pray that God will open the hearts of our neighbors for salvation.
Thank you
Majhiya and Sarita – Blog
Worker 1 – 10/40 Window
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the ministry in our country
2. Pray for me to use this time to grow in the Word of God
3. Pray for our students who are doing ministry in their villages
4. Pray for us as we are thinking about reopening the school next semester
5. Pray for my family
Thank you for your prayers for us
God bless you,
Worker 1
Worker 16 – 1-/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for my wife, as she is a nurse and working among the Covid patients; pray that God will keep her safe.
2. Please pray for my children, that they will grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
3. Please pray that the Lord will intervene for the problem the world is facing.
4. Please pray for our audio classes and the ministry on social media.
5. Please pray for Mrs. T, as she lost her premature baby due to a medical problem; please keep her in your prayers.
Thank you for your prayers
God bless you,
Worker 16 and Family
Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”
– Hebrews 13:3
Thank you for praying! Your prayers are impacting lives and helping
“Reach the Nations…One Soul at a Time”.