Zully Ruano –  Mallorca, Spain

Praise Reports:
-experienced a Christmas miracle…the Lord provided in a beautiful way flight tickets to spend Christmas with my family!! It has been 2 years that I’ve spent Christmas in Spain, so I’m thankful that this holiday season I will be in California with my family.  

-We have received our first sponsorship for one of our students. Someone from my home church found out about one of our students needing aid and they have sponsored her for the next 6 months. God is good!!

-We participated in Operation Christmas Child (Samaritans Purse) here in Spain! Many of our students and their parents had never heard of this ministry so it was sweet to introduce it to them. We filled 10 boxes with all donations that came from the students and their families!

Prayer Requests:
1. Volunteers: We need more workers in various areas to help us at our school (teacher assistants, maintenance worker, playground supervision, fundraising manager…etc)

2. Students: We are praying for more students to enroll in our school. We currently have 8 children and definitely have room for more! 

3. Financially: We know He is faithful to help us stay afloat with the daily logistics of running a school (rent, utilities, snacks & lunch…etc). Every month we ask the Lord for His provision.  

4. Wisdom: Please pray the Lord gives me wisdom and guidance to lead this school according to His will and that I would be filled with the Holy Spirit when making decisions for the school.

Thank you for your prayers! They definitely make a difference in the work God is doing here in Spain.
God bless you,
Zully – Email Blog

Brenna Kulla – Pécs, Hungary

Prayer Requests:
1. I came down with covid this week, thankfully the symptoms are fairly mild, but I ask for prayer for recovery from that. Also, continued prayer for other ongoing health issues.

2. Prayer for upcoming Women’s Christmas Tea outreach event on December 4. Pray for us as we finalize planning and preparing, and pray for the gospel to be clearly shared and good fruit to come from the event.

3. Continued prayer for our women’s discipleship groups, that the Lord will work through them to strengthen and encourage and build up these women.

4. Continued prayer for our Lighthouse college outreach ministry, wisdom and vision in the planning of events, relationships to be built and the gospel to be shared, hearts to be drawn to Jesus!

Thank you for your prayers!

Love in Christ,
Brenna –  Email Blog


Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda

This past week there were 3 suicide bomb attacks in Kampala. Killing 6 and injuring many. Please pray for the people and their families who were involved.

More recently a car bomb attempt was stopped by police at a hotel in Kampala. 

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for safety for the Kanyike family and Arise Christian Fellowship as they continue to do ministry and logistics. 

2. On Thanksgiving many people will be at the guest house to celebrate. Pray for safe travels and for health for everyone as well as much needed fellowship and Thanksgiving praise. 

3. Pray for Jill as she and Vicky teach a Thanksgiving women’s tea the day after Thanksgiving. 

4. Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise. Pray as they begin to make plans for the Christmas season. 

Thank you for praying for the Kanyike family and for the people of Uganda. 

In Him,                                                                           
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana –  Email Blog

Matt and Noelle Harris – Gulu, Uganda

Praise God:
– God has allowed us to open a small soccer ministry/business and we currently have 40 children enrolled!

– All of our current class of pastors and church leaders have finished studying through the entirety of Scripture and have passed their oral presentations!

– Matt’s family back home are recovering from a difficult round of Covid!

Prayer Requests:
1. God touches the hearts of the children in our community as we share God’s Word with them through the new sports outreach.

2. God gives us wisdom as we interview students for the next intake of our pastoral school.

3. God would give us personal encouragement.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support.

God Bless,
Matt, Noelle, Apio, Emma, Madeline, Noah & Charlotte – Email Blog

Bond, Heather and Breanna – Africa, Asia & USA

Praise Report:
-Praise God for a fruitful and blessed time in Nepal. The ministries are thriving and we rejoice in so many answered prayers.

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the 15 students who graduated this month. Pray that as they return to their hometowns and villages that they would be bold. share the Gospel, teach the Word and that churches would be planted throughout Nepal.

2. Pray for vision as we look over our schedules and for future trips, ministries, and opportunities for remainder of 2021 and really for 2022. Pray that God would show us as there are many open doors and we want to know Gods will for our lives and to continue to fulfill the great commission and reach the unreached.

Thankful for your prayers,
Bond, Heather and Breanna – Email Blog

Ends of the Earth Ministries

In South Sudan:
Please continue to pray for the nation of South Sudan. Decades of Civil War have collapsed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and desperation. Hopelessness and violence run rampant throughout communities.

Pray for our 500 students that are being daily discipled in the love of God and His Word, so they may lead their nation Into a new season of hope.

Pray for the 75 children and young adults in our children’s home and for the Missionary parents that are laying down their lives to provide peace and unconditional love to these precious ones. Please pray for the new churches in the Tauso & Taposa villages. Pray that the pastors and medical staff will have the spiritual and physical tenacity to handle the countless challenges while living amongst Stone-Age tribes.

In Kenya:
Pray for the refugee students in our missionary training college in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. They are fasting and praying as they prepare to return to South Sudan to begin reaching cities across the border in North Sudan, with hopes to plant churches amongst Muslim peoples in 2020-21.

Pray for the Missions Equip Training Programs. We are in the throws of launching two new schools this year.

The first – International School, will be used in Bible Colleges as a complete missions training course. 

The second – Transformation, is a cross-cultural immersion training program, equipping missionaries to assimilate into their new culture while learning the language and world view.  Pray that God would continue to empower, envision and sustain us as we seek to establish nationally led, culturally relevant, biblical-based churches among unreached peoples.

Thank you for your prayers!

Yours for the unreached, 
Rob Douglass – Email Blog


Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico

Prayer Requests:
1. For Mike’s upcoming trip to Culiacan to celebrate their 6th year anniversary! 

2. For our December church plant to Morelia Michoacan! 

3. For God to bless our December Christmas outreaches and events! 

Thank you for faithfully praying for us! 

Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel – Email Blog

Isaac, Hope and Fletcher Douglass – California

Thank you for your continued prayers for us this month. We pray that this holiday season would bless you and remind you afresh why we all do what we do- that the free gift of salvation that came to us in the form of a helpless babe might be known and received by all men!

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for the Lord to provide for all of our needs.

2. Pray that God would pour out His Spirit upon Calvary Chapel Truckee for the evangelization of the lost around us.

3. Pray that God would build the youth and young adult ministries that Isaac leads and that He would give us wisdom to partner with Him in that.

4. Pray that we’d continue to adjust well to the winter weather.

5. Pray for my teaching at the women’s Christmas event on Dec 4th.

Isaac, Hope and Fletcher – Email  Blog

Tim and Jenn Pappas – California

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for Tim’s physical condition, chronic pain and back issues. 

2. Please pray for God’s will as Jenn is looking hard for work and no doors seem to be opening

3. Please pray for the both of us as Tim gets to teach the gospel of John online to our south Asia campus, Jenn also is teaching a class on principles of a godly woman.  

Thank you for your faithful prayers!

All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn –  Email Blog

Leo and Pilar Gray – Ensenada, Mexico

Thanks for your prayers.

-We have everything packed and are ready to move back to the states. Please pray for safety as we travel towing our trailer from Mexico to Mississippi. Pray for us to have wisdom and opportunities as we look for work.

-We are rejoicing in the thirteen years we were able to serve at Calvary Chapel Bible College and for what we saw God doing there in the lives of the students and staff. We know that we face some adjustments as we move and pray for God’s grace and favor in our new community.

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for the Bible College that God would continue the work there. Pray that it would grow and prosper and many lives would be changed.

2. Pray for the past and future students that they would be faithful and that the Gospel message would be shared wherever God leads them.

3. Pray for Saving Grace World Missions and the missionaries they are supporting and encouraging who are serving in so many countries around the globe.

May God bless you for your interest, your prayers and for any other way you support missionaries. It was always an encouragement knowing we were being prayed for in Mexico.

God bless you,
Leo and Pilar – Email Blog

Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA

Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for our family’s health. Praise the Lord for my oldest daughter’s ankle recovery. Please continue to pray for a good diagnosis of my third daughter’s ongoing gastrointestinal problems and healing, and wisdom as to whether further testing and treatment is beneficial or not. 

2. Please pray for my mom’s health and complete healing. 

3. Please pray that God will fill us with His Holy Spirit and that we will honor Him in all we say and do, and will be used of God to minister to others.
Thank you so much for your prayers!

God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose –  Email Blog

Joni Houser – Indiana, USA

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our family’s health, especially that they will be able to accurately diagnose and treat my mom, and pray for complete healing. 

2. Please continue to pray for our nursing home ministry, that many will be drawn close to Jesus and encouraged. Please also pray for favor with the nursing home staff and that we would be able to continue to do the ministry, as the regulations related to the virus continually change. 

3. Please pray for our financial support.  

Thank you so much for your prayers!

God bless you!
Joni – Email Blog


Cory and Danielle Kilgus –Trujillo, Peru

Praise Report:
-Praise God we graduated 9 students from CBI Perú on Nov 19th! God has been so amazing, and this truly is an amazing group of world changers. Please pray for this next step in their lives, and that they would bear much fruit!
We are praying that God would use this group to plant churches in South America and the world!!

Prayer Requests:
1.Pray for our Christmas activities as we deliver gospel boxes to families who live in a former trash dump. We hope to eventually start a school here and are planning a medical outreach there in January.

Thank you!

Cory and Danielle Kilgus – Email Blog

Craig and Daisy Tippie – Huacho, Peru

Thank you all for standing in the gap in intercessory prayer!

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our growing church.

2. Pray for Discipleship and our new volunteers.

3. Pray for our interns and students at the School of Ministry! Thank you for partnering with us! 

Thank you from our hearts, 
Daisy and Craig – Email Blog

The 10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.

Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.

(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)

Worker 14 and Family – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the safety of our family as we are travelling in US.

2. Pray for our students who are back in the villages doing ministry.

3. Pray for the bible college as we are planning to reopen the school. We will have a lot of work to do preparing everything for the students .

4. Pray for the new building project so that we can run the school according to the country code.

5. Pray for the new building finances.

6. Pray for all our staff and their families.

Thank you for faithfully praying for us

Worker 14 and Family

Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia

Thanks for your prayers. Cambodia has taken away a lot of COVID restrictions.

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that we will be able to travel to Japan or the USA to visit family and senders next summer (2022). Pray for open doors on many levels

2. Please pray that the remaining COVID restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible.

3. Please pray for Light Times Magazine, the only Christian magazine in Cambodia to be able to restart printing (post-covid) early next year.

4. Please pray for our annual Cambodia Visa renewal process, especially for wisdom for us and favor from the officials.

5. Please continue to pray for our apologetics/evangelistic video ministry to reach as many Cambodian speakers as possible around the world.

In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog

Worker 13 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for my broken hand. 

2. Please pray for the upcoming planned Christmas outreach, that many will be saved. 

3. Please pray for me and my ministry in the mountain villages. 

4. Please pray that God will open up new opportunities to share the Gospel here. Please pray—many things are happening through evil spirits, pray that God will stop all of those things.
5. Please pray for my jeep. It was not running well, and I took it to the mechanic. He is asking for more money to repair the used jeep than it would cost to buy a new car. Please pray that God will work everything out. 

6. We visiting many poor women to help them in little ways, like giving them food and other items. Pray that they will know God’s love. 

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,
Worker 13

Prakash and Muna – Nepal

Praise Report:
-Praise God! This month 15 students graduated from our Bible College.

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for the graduates, may God show them their mission fields and guide with His Holy Spirit. 

2. Please pray for us, we’re planning to go to the west Nepal, Dang next month. 

3. Please pray for Charis Bible Church Kathmandu Nepal, for the spiritual growth of all believers.

4. Please pray for CBCKN, we have been praying for the new Church plants in different places of Nepal.

Prakash and Muna – Email  Blog

Rabi and Mahima – Nepal

-Thank you so much for providing me with a bike and as well as new Cajon.

-Thank you so much for Your Prayers and financial support for our ministry. We Pray God May bless this ministry.

Pray Requests:
1. Pray for our upcoming trip to South Western Nepal to a place called, Dang, where our Graduate student is serving there. We are planning to visit and teach there and to be blessed and to make fruitful.

2. Pray for all our Dear students who have already graduated and now serve at their villages and locality where they can serve God in any condition. That they can fully trust God and do God work there.

3. Pray our church believers can be mature and grow deeply in Word of God.

4. Pray that our family doesn’t create any obstacles to serve Our Lord; that they may know who Jesus is.

5. Pray our lost flock who have not been coming to church, that God may work in their hearts that money is not more important than God.

6. Pray for our health so we will be well and fit so that we can serve Our Lord in the best way.

7. Pray for Us please: we both want to have a child. God’s time will be perfect.

Thank you for your prayers for us!

In Him,
Rabi and Mahima – Email Blog

Worker 12 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the people who don’t have jobs and are having difficulty financially. Also pray for those who have lost their friends and family members in this pandemic.  

2. Pray for our church people, for their faith. Pray that they will be good students of God’s Word, and pray for our online meetings, that we will be able to find more opportunities to share with new people.  

3. Pray for the villages, that people will be strong in their faith. Pray for food provision, because the villagers do not have good transportation during the pandemic, and their grocery market is so far from the village. It is very difficult to survive, especially during this pandemic.  

4. Pray for a piece of land for a church building, so that we can have fellowship without any objections and have our own church building.  

5. Pray for me, that I will lead our believers well, and pray for my health also.  

6. Pray for a computer to continue send my updates and use for our online fellowship. It is very difficult to write newsletters in my phone, so a computer would be very helpful for keeping in touch.  

7. Pray for the new people—those who have come to Christ recently; pray that they will grow with Lord and with His kindness. 

Thank you for your kindness!! 
Worker 12

Worker 15 and Family – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for the Christmas outreaches. 

2. Pray for God’s protection and courage for us to be bold witnesses for Him in the time of increasing persecution in our State. 

3. Pray that the Lord would use us to win souls.
4. Pray for our health issues. 

5. Pray for our graduates that they would be used for His glory. 

Co-workers in Christ,
Pastor 15 and Family

Worker 3 – 10/40 Window

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Prayer Requests:
1. I have shared the Gospel with a Catholic family named Mr. C.J., kindly pray for their salvation.  

2. Please pray for our nation, that God will save this country.

3. Also, these days new believers are being persecuted by fanatic groups in different parts of the country; pray that God will strengthen them in their faith.   Kindly pray for the surrounding villages of our town, so that God will open the door for the Gospel.  

4. Thank you so much for your earnest prayers. Some months ago, I sent a prayer request about the house map (blueprint) approval from our municipal office for constructing a house. By the grace of God, I received the approval. Do continue to pray for legal documentation.  

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!  

In Him,
P and R

Anand and Usha – Nepal

Thank you all you prayer warrior for your prayer…

Praise Report: 
are so thankful to the LORD that because of His Grace we are able to graduate 15 students from our Bible College. 

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our good health.

2. Please pray for the Bible college students to whom God had sent them in ministry to serve powerfully.

3. Please pray for Bible college staff who will be traveling to west Nepal to do Inductive Bible Study.

4. Please pray that God may bring students in new semester in Bible College.

5. Please pray for coming up Christmas outreach.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

God bless you,
Anand, Usha, Asher and Amos   Email Blog

Worker 11 – 10/40 Window

Praise Report:
-Thank God that He has saved us from all kinds of evils. 

-Thank God that one person publicly followed Jesus this month. 

-Thank God that my father’s hand, which was fractured, healed early. God healed him very well. 

-Thank God for allowing us to preach the Good News to about eight new villages this month. About 10 people accepted the Lord!  

Prayer Requests: 
1. Please pray that God will keep us safe and keep us safe from all kinds of danger. Kindly pray that the people in our church will remain steadfast in faith; there are many older people who were cast out from the people of their village communities, but they are still situated in the Lord. I am very pleased to see their faith. 

2. Please pray for our village leader election. Pray that God will appoint a good leader who will take good care of everyone. The last time, the village leader murdered someone, and is still in jail.  Christmas is coming, and like we do every year, this year we also want to go to a new village and preach the Good News to about 10,000 people. Like last year, we want to distribute new testaments, blankets and saris, and have a Christmas lunch. If the Lord wills, He will fulfill all kinds of financial needs. 

3. Please pray that God will arrange a graveyard for our church to prevent a very difficult situation in the future. People of the village are ostracizing those who believe. They will not attend their marriages or funerals. They will not allow their dead bodies to be burnt or buried in their crematoriums. 

Thank you so much for your prayers, support, and partnership for the Gospel!
God bless you!
Worker 11

Majhiya and Sarita – Nepal

Prayer Requests
1. We have found the opportunity to share with other about Jesus! Praise the Lord! Please pray for more open doors.

2. We conduct small house fellowship services. Please pray for unbelieving neighbors who have joined us sometimes, as they are curious and confused during this time of lockdown. Pray that their hearts will soon be changed.

3. Praise God for safety and protection during this time!

4. Remember us in your prayers for His guidance in upcoming days, and pray that God will open the hearts of our neighbors for salvation.

Thank you for faithfully praying for us

Majhiya and Sarita

 Worker 1 – 10/40 Window

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support which allows us to focus on the work the Lord has set before us!

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for our family to stay healthy.

2. Pray for our students and staff. 

Thank you for your prayers for us

God bless you,
Worker 1

Worker 8 and Family – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for a couple in our church who have been married for the last three months; please pray that they will have children. 

2. Please pray for a sister in our church who is ill. 

3. Please pray for a brother in our church has a burning sensation in his stomach and body. 

4. Praise the Lord! I have a share in my father’s property. I have dedicated this land for the ministry. I planted rice in this field and it is ready for the harvest. After harvesting the rice, we are planning to build a church on this property. We do not have any funds yet, but we believe that the Lord will provide the funding in due time. Please pray for the financial needs for this project.

May God bless you
Thank you,
Worker 8 and Family

Worker 2 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1.Please pray for that all the believers of our church will learn the Word and be filled with His knowledge and wisdom and become doers of the Word also. 

2. Please pray for me, that God will help me to grow spiritually more and more every day of my life. 

3. Please pray for the need of a building for our church. 

4. Please pray that God will add new believers to our church members. 

5. Please pray that our church will be able to reach the people through social work. 

6. Please pray for my health and safety

Thank you so much once again for your prayers.
Worker 2

Milan Pariyar – Nepal 

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for me and my family, that we will remain healthy. 

2. Pray for my brother, M, as he joins me in the ministry. 

3. Pray for the new believers here who just publicly showed they are following Jesus. 

4. Pray for financial provision to be able to start a family buffalo farm so that we can support ourselves more. 

5. Pray for me for safety and for good health. 

Thank you,

Worker 4 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for us as we will be finishing up with the semester on Dec 11 and will be off on outreach all they way until the middle of January.  

2. Please pray for our safety.
Thanking you.

Yours in Christ,
Worker 4

Raju – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:  
1. Please pray that if it is God’s will, I will be able to go to a certain village and teach the Word to the Christian families there, as well as share the Gospel with the unbelievers. 

2. Please pray that I will be able to build relationships and share the Gospel with the village people. 

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you,

Worker 6 and Family – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1.Day by day it is becoming tough, and anti-Christian groups are growing more and more to stop the spread of the Gospel. A pastor was recently arrested here and many have been threatened not to preach the Gospel. Please pray about this. 

2. Please continue to pray for unity in our church and for us to make godly decisions. 

3. I thank God for His protection and healing in our students. Be continually praying for our students. 

4. Pray for those who have newly given their lives to Christ. 

5. Please pray for God’s provision for our video shoot recording and editing of some biblically correct worship songs. 

6. Please pray for a new place for us to hold worship services. Where we are, the seats are all full and no more people would be able to fit. 

7. The work of the Holy Spirit is misinterpreted in many of the churches in our state. My team and I are praying about starting a 1-month school of worship, which we would hold during our semester break. We would train in basic music theory and biblical worship, introducing the worship leaders to Christian theology. Our vision is to bring man closer to God through the Word of God and to worship Him how He wants to be worshiped. We want to help believers learn the differences between acceptable and unacceptable worship, to worship God in spirit and in truth. 

8. Please pray for an outreach we are planning, for God’s leading and protection. 

Thank you for praying.

With love in Christ,
Worker and Mrs. 6

Worker 9 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for  God’s wisdom and strength for the ministry. 

2. Please pray for the Christians in India, that they will stand for their faith. 

3. Please pray for the student who is running a house church. 

4. Pray for God’s guidance and for the future ministry here. 

5. Pray for the persecutors, that they would know the Lord. 

Thank you so much for your prayers.

God bless you!
Worker 9

Worker 10 – 10/40 Window

Praise Report:
-Praise the Lord! Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. Thanks be to the God Who has taken care of us! 

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for me, that God will use me mightily in my village, and for those who know about Jesus but still do not believe; that God will change their hearts.

2. Pray for my parents, that they will wholeheartedly believe in Jesus Christ.

3. Pray for me, because I am making a church building. Pray that God will give me wisdom and understanding to do it correctly.

4. Pray for the village believers, that God will strengthen them in the Word.

5. Pray for me, that God will open new doors for me to share the Gospel.

6. Pray for one brother who I have been sharing the Gospel to; pray that he will come to Christ.

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,
Worker 10

Worker 7 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that I will reach many more people with God’s Word and that I will be a good steward for our Lord.  

2. Through our YouTube channel, I am able to reach a couple hundred people, so I would like to begin to teach live on facebook and YouTube in the upcoming days. Please pray about that. 

3. Please continue to pray for this pastor’s mother. She is still in the hospital, but praise the Lord, she is off of the ventilator and the doctors think she will recover! Please continue to pray for her recovery. 

4. Please also pray about the students who received their diplomas and those who are about to finish this coming semester. 

Thank you,
Worker 7

Worker 5 – 10/40 Window

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray that God will protect us from the present situation. 

2. Pray for our neighbors, that they will come to know the Lord. 

3. Pray for my daughter who is studying nursing.   

Thank you so much for the encouragement and partnership! 

God Bless You,
Worker 5

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated,
since you also are in the body.” – Hebrews 13:3 

Thank you for praying! Your prayers are impacting lives and helping  “Reach the Nations…One Soul at a Time.”

Saving Grace World Missions