They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
Dear Friends and family,
Greetings, we hope and pray that you all are fine. We are doing good by the grace of God. It is monsoon time here, there are many rains, streets are often flooded with the rainwater, but we thank God that we don’t have any major flood problem in the country. Our church, teaching ministry, desert mission and church services are going really well. We are thankful to you all for the prayers and support. Today through this update we want to share with you particularly about our village church that needs your prayers and support.
Village Church Needs Your Prayers
Some of you may remember that we planted a small church in a village named Naat Kalaa’n back in 2017-2018. Christian People are very poor and most of them are working in the fields during daytime. We mostly have evening Sunday service with them. When we started, there
was not any place for the worship and prayer. One of the families of that village agreed to let us use their yard. Their house is very poorly constructed but, they had a place in front of their house that we could use for the meetings and service. We were very happy and at the start of 2018 we started using that place. It was just open place that we were using for our prayer meetings in a tent.
Then we planned to have some structure to cover that place so that we could easily have
meetings there. We requested SGWM and an iron roof covering was approved in 2018.
We have been using this place till now. But there is some problem among the family members of landowners. They now want to use that land for house building. one of the family members wants us to continue using the place but other members disagree. We don’t want dispute in their family. Some of the family members have asked us to change the place of our church meetings. We have now started house meetings, and every Sunday one family hosts church members and we teach and pray there. But some families have very little place to host all, and it is also impacting our church meetings in the village negatively. So, the congregation of our village church is praying for a proper place for prayer and worship in the village. We feel that we need to buy a piece of land and then build a small church building there. we want to request you to join us in prayer for this need and purpose.
Church in the Desert
We are very happy to share with you that the church we planted in the desert among some tribes coming from Hindu background is growing well with a smooth progress in gatherings,
learning, and growing spiritually. We feel so blessed when we see many people who did not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior coming to the church. We continue to reach more groups in the desert to share the Word of God with them through Christian movie, audio Bible, printed Bible and many booklets. The Sewing school is also one big blessing for these people and a great source for us to reach them. Please continue to pray for and with us as we serve here. God bless you!
in Christ Jesus
Pastor Nadeem Massey