“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).
Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings and much love from Pakistan. We praise God that He is good all the time, and He has always kept us in His protection. Our family and team are doing good. My wife Farah is suffering from migraine, she needs your prayers.
Joyful Christmas time and blessed New Year
Christmas time is always joyful and at the same time it is really busy time as we all know. Our time with many different groups of people and family members was really great. The best time of this all was the worship and prayer time. It was time for recollection, great time of fellowship, praying and praising God for His goodness. This was also a great time for us to reach many other people and groups to share the special joy and love with them
We had really joyful and blessed time of Christmas and New Year, with the great opportunity to share the message of Salvation through our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. You will feel blessed to see some of the glimpse of those special events that we were able to organize.
Special Grace for Brickmakers
We praise God that He has been using our ministry to reach and teach some groups of poor brick makers who are slaves because of heavy financial debts. Our church has always been a
joyful blessing for these brothers and sisters at special occasions like Christmas and Easter. This year also, we were able to spend some great time with them, have fellowship and worship and the church also blessed these and some other families with food bags. Thanks to our brothers and sisters for the support.
Brick Makers Family Set Free Program
At the same time, God has also shown special grace through a dear friend from America, who
really worked hard to help us get connected with one organization that pays the debts of brick makers and sets these precious families free. The official procedure has started, and we hope that very soon these families will be debt free and will be able to live free live and work independently.
Church Building
We want to share with you that the church building in the village needs more funding in order
to be finished. We want to complete this soon as possible and for that we need your prayers and support. This church is going to be a place of gathering many people from the surrounding villages for teaching and training. We also want to request you to please keep our families and our team in your prayers. God bless you!
in Christ Jesus
Nadeem Massey