First Calvary Chapel in Pakistan
This is first ever Calvary Chapel in Pakistan. The journey started in 2006 when life of Nadeem Massey, currently pastor and mission leader of CC Pakistan was changed after listening to Pastor Chuck’s C-2000 Series “Through the Bible”. Pastor Nadeem Massey was born and brought up in a Roman Catholic family. After High School he was sent to become a “Catholic Priest”. But God had some other plans, he quit the education in that Catholic seminary and went to study further in a college.
After his life was changed, he contacted some Calvary Chapels in America, translated some of Pastor Chuck Smith’s books in Urdu with the permission of “The Word for Today.” and started his Biblical education online from CCBC Murrieta. He started serving as national missionary with Saving Grace World Missions. This whole work continued for years faithfully. He was ordained in 2015 as first Pakistani Calvary Chapel Pastor and now he has planted two churches in Pakistan. We have our main church in Gujranwala town, God has provided land to us for the building, we are waiting for permission from Govt. to have church building there. God will make it possible soon in near future. CC Pakistan exists because of mission work of “Saving Grace World Missions“ and this church is fully mission minded, reaching the un-reached in the remote areas of Pakistan. Some of the main ministries of our church are as bellow:
Village and Brick Maker’s Ministry
We planted one village church about 4 years before. This is a community of 32 Christian families they neither had a church building nor a pastor. They would request different pastors for the marriage and funeral services. There was no Sunday service, no Bible study or other church meetings. A family offered us their place to be used for church meetings. God provided us help to iron sheet roof top and we started Sunday service in that place. We praise God that this village church has been growing ever since and people of that village are really blessed and happy.
Calvary Chapel Pakistan has been committed to reach the un-reached in all possible ways. We have some groups of brick makers who are living like slaves bought with the money. Their every generation is born under a large amount of debt that their family owes to the owners of brick kilns. These groups don’t have the very basic needs provided. No medical care, no proper food, no education. Though we are not able to provide money for them released from the debts, but we are reaching them every Friday to share the word of God with them and help them grow in their Christian faith. We call them our “Third Church” here. God has been providing support for some food and some times for medications during at special occasions, during any disaster and pandemic situation and we have also been providing such support for them whenever possible. We are using Audio Devices with Urdu Bible recording provided by “Faith Comes by Hearing” to lead these precious souls through the Word of God.
Desert Mission
Last year God granted us an opportunity to travel to a city near Cholistan Desert. our five days “Vision Tour” actually turned into great “Mission Trip” as there was great opportunity for us to reach very disadvantaged people who professed their faith in Jesus Christ. In the deep villages, people are really poverty stricken, many of them live like slaves who are chained in the night time so that they may not run away. Our contact and host there was a very good person who took us to many areas, we met people, gave them Urdu Bibles in printed form. We gave Audio Players with Solar panel (chargeable with sunlight) so that they may listen the word of God. This gift came from”Faith Comes by Hearing.” We have great vision for that area, we are going to reach to these un-reached people in this tough, remote and quite dangerous area by God’s grace. We believe our ministry in the desert is going to grow and God is going to bring something really great and big out of it.
Online Bible School
Our visit to the desert led us to plan a teaching project in that area. It was not easy because we live at almost 500 kilometres away from that area. God led and He provided needs to start an online Bible study. We are teaching them “Simply the Word Simple” We have 40 students in a city near desert, the student’s interest is growing as they continue to learn and dig deeper in the Word of God with every class.
Our Bible class extended to another city where one friend of Pastor Nadeem wanted to start Bible study with him. He arranged a place, God provided laptop and projector for this class as well and this class also continues with almost 50 students. We have added now a third group of Bible students in Online Bible Study class. The group is formed by a friend of leading pastor of “Living Way Fontana“. We praise God that a project started with a vision tour in 2019 has turned into Bible study with three different groups. We are praying to start recording of (audio/video) “Through the Bible Series” Bible classes and topic messages in near future.
Women’s Ministry
Calvary Chapel Pakistan has a wonderful woman ministry. We have established one “Sewing Center” in a village where poor Christian women come to learn the sewing skill. We use this Sewing center as a platform to share the word of God with these Christian women of the village to encourage and build them as true and strong Christians. Most of the Christian women work in the fields and lead a tough life, we believe that their lives can be better and easy after they learn the sewing skills and also when they grow more in their faith.
One of the main project of this ministry is providing Christian women with “Biblical Counseling. In this culture, women mostly feel oppressed and they feel that they are not able to express their pain, problems and issues of life. CC Pak Women’s ministry has provided a platform for such women to come and share the problems and issues with our Pastor’s wife and receive godly Bible based counselling. We are praying to take this ministry to the desert area as well in our next mission trip there.
We are praying to start more sewing centers at some other places, and as Lord will provide we will be reaching other villages also. Right now we have one Sewing Center and two Bible Study groups at different villages.
Various on-going projects
Calvary Chapel Pakistan is working very hard to produce solid Bible based teachings in Urdu language. We are building our website where we are putting a lot Bible study resources, most of the study material is translated from English to Urdu. We have a counter-cult project where we bring awareness about different cultic movements working around us and help people have spiritual discernment in the light of the word of God. We also have a Youth Group by the name of “Calvary Foundation Youth Fellowship” where we are reaching the youth of our both churches with the teaching of the Word of God.
We request you to kindly keep Calvary Chapel Pakistan in your prayers and if Lord leads you for the financial support please CLICK HERE