Easter Celebration & Fellowship

So, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from Calvary Chapel Pakistan. We hope that you had great Easter time with your family. We all are fine here. We are sorry for delayed update, we had to go to my father’s place in the village for some days to have some family time and be with my father. Our families and team members are doing good. Spiring Season is over, and summer is starting, and temperature is already very high like 39 °C (102.2 °F). It will go up to above 50 °C (122 °F). In this severe weather condition, please keep us and our friends and family in your prayers, especially our team that serves near desert and all the people who live in the desert area where we go to teach them.

Easter Celebration with Different Groups

Easter time and the Lent season is observed very much in our part of the World. All the 45 days before Easter are important. Every week people have special meetings on Fridays also, so there is great chance to teach people over and over again about the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and our salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Meeting with University Student

We try to reach and teach our Christian university students also and thus we arrange special meetings before Christmas and Easter. A friend of mine named Hunny Manzoor (Lecturer in the University) always makes sures that we have such meetings. These students come from different places, they have many challenges in their classes and also new isms and ideologies have great impact on them as they study. Before this Easter, we had really great time with these wonderful young men and women, we learned about our salvation by the Grace of God.

It was really great to share with them some of our books, booklets that we translate and get printed for the new generation to help them know what we believe and why we believe that.

Home Church Gatherings

Throughout this Easter Season (normally known as Lent Season) we had different meetings to teach. people are ready at this time to receive more from the Word of God. They are more eager to learn at this time than normal, so this is great time to teach them about some core teachings of the Word of God and help them know more about their Salvation. So, our house meetings and teaching sessions were really great.

We praise God for every opportunity that He gives us to share His Word with anyone that is ready to receive. We are happy that we could reach many different groups at different times.

Brick Makers

We praise God that He has worked so powerfully in the lives of these wonderful people who are living very hard life and they don’t even have their basic needs provided. Whenever we go to them, they manage time to study the Word of God with us. These people need your special prayers, love and care.

Village Church

Our village church was so much happy during this special time of Easter, they actively participated in all the prayer and Bible study meetings, and on Palm Sunday, very early in the Moring, they were up for a special procession. You can see joy on their faces.

God is so Good, and we praise God that we are able to reach and teach many groups of people here. There are many in the desert area, our team there reaches and teaches them, many in our online Bible study groups and many who are reached through our audio, video and writings. All glory to our Lord and God in heaven. We are thankful to you all for your prayers, love, care and support. We love you all, God bless you!

in Christ Jesus

Pastor Nadeem Massey

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