Brian Goes to Israel

Posted by Brian and Jill Kanyike

But He answered and said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent,  the stones would immediately cry out.”  Luke 19:40 Dear Friends and Family, This was an exciting month for Brian as he was able to go to  Israel.  My brother in-law has been a part of several archaeological digs in Israel…


Back in the States

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Hello everyone! We have been in the States now for a little under a month and it has been really amazing to see God’s hand in leading us and opening up opportunities for us. However coinciding with the blessings of God’s leading we were very saddened to hear of the death of one of the…


One Week to Departure

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Hello there! As most of you know, we will be leaving for Peru on August 16th.  The Fall 2017 semester has already begun, and so to some extent we will hit the ground running when we arrive.  The timing of everything worked out for us to come in a couple weeks later than everyone else….



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The purposed image for stained glass (in progress). A few years back when we were living in Oregon the Lord was working all sorts of amazing things in our lives. It was the product of a very trying time. We spent a lot of time at our church. It was an amazing season with one…


Ministering to Children

Posted by Mike Vincent

Dear ministry partners! In this month’s update, I wanted to share with you some of the wonderful things that God has been doing through the children in our ministry! As you travel around the world on missions trips, one of the unique things that you will witness is that children are usually the first ones…


Cambodia Ministry Update

Posted by Darryl Record

“Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some,”  When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.” John 21:6 God blessed us with a productive month of July as we returned to our various ministries.  Here are some of…


July Update

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We are in the middle of our move to the States and will be in Ohio on the 19th of July. We are currently in Cork, Ireland with my brother and sister-in-law til the 18th. Our last few weeks in Romania were quite busy for us and they were both emotionally and physically draining. We…


Officially the Kanyike Family!

Posted by Brian and Jill Kanyike

“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord…” Dear Friends and Family, We are officially the Kanyike family!!!!!!! It has been a very long process. We began the adoption process  7 years ago and this month we have finished.  There have been so many trials and hindrances along the way but we praise God that…


Back in Cambodia

Posted by Darryl Record

Greetings from Cambodia! Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it.John 21:6 We arrived in Cambodia on June 2 and God has been faithful to us.  We have been…


Fall School of Discipleship

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In May our family had an amazing vacation in which we drove almost entirely around the U.S. in two weeks and then spent another week with our family in Oregon. We were all blessed to get to see and briefly visit many places and friends along the way. Two weeks obviously isn’t sufficient time to…