Terminamos La Escuela de Español!!! We finished!

Posted by Jon Brechtel

Hi family and friends! We did it!!! We graduated from Roca Blanca Spanish School on October 20. What a crazy ride that was…filled with ups and downs, good and bad, trials and triumphs. But what an experience for us to learn to lean more on the Lord through all of those times. Even more so,…


A New Direction

Posted by Mike Thiemann

Greetings, It has been over twelve years since I came on staff as a missionary with Saving Grace World Missions. I have seen God do so many radical things that I could never have imagined. Recently, God has brought in a fantastic addition to the SGWM home office, my good friend Tim Pappas. Tim will…


November 2017 Vincent Family Missions Update

Posted by Mike Vincent

Dear ministry partners! October was a busy month full of ministry and new life! We ended the month last weekend with our monthly baptisms.  It was such a blessing as we were able to witness 22 believers make their decision to follow Jesus Christ public through the waters of baptism! A few months ago our…


Bread Upon the Waters

Posted by Darryl Record

Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. Ecclesiastes 11:1 ESV Darryl with believers from the Jirei tribe. Sometimes in life and ministry we don’t see the fruit immediately.  Especially in media ministry Darryl often feels that his calling is to take the gospel to people that he will…


Never Thirst Again

Posted by Brian and Jill Kanyike

Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again.  But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.  John 4:14   Dear Friends and Family, Summer is coming to an end but ministry is not slowing down. A couple months ago we wrote about a village called Bukuya. We shared how the people of this remote village are mostly animist…


Ground Breaking

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“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25)   Day 1 Preparing for the backhoe Belo, Daniel,…


Taste and See that the Lord is Good

Posted by Darryl Record

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8 God has blessed us as we take refuge in Him.  August and September have flown by as Benjamin returned to the 3rd grade at Hope International School. He is doing well and is even continuing his…


Level 4, Here We Come!!!

Posted by Jon Brechtel

  We have now been living in Cacalote, Oaxaca, Mexico for just over 6 months. Today (September 4), Jon and I began LEVEL 4 of Spanish School. This will be our final level of school and we will be finishing October 20! Wow, time has flown by!!! It’s been a while since our last update…


Quick Update & Upcoming Midwest Trip

Posted by Ron & Kristy Struska

Connections House We are excited to update you on the purchase of Connections House dorms! The paperwork on the property is progressing and we hope to be able to complete the purchase in as soon as 3-5 weeks. The amount we still need to raise is $33,800. Please pray with us for the Lord to…


Summer 2017 Update

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We had a wonderful time during our furlough in the States. It was a blessing to be able to be with our family and friends. We loved traveling to different churches to share about what the Lord is doing out here, in Nepal. Most of our time was spend in California, but we also had…