Greetings family, friends, and fellow co- laborers! (If you missed the December post, check out our missionary blog at:
We have been experiencing new beginnings, new ministry opportunities, new friendships, new things to pray for and marvellous things God has and will show us as we recommit spending time in His word daily.
We are very happy and privileged to share with you our ministry opportunities for 2024. This is your spiritual fruit as you have been with us in prayer, financially and believed in us.

Claudia and I as well as a group of gifted brothers and sisters meet with folks weekly for counseling!
Bilingual Women’s Bible study
“Mujeres de Valor y Propósito”- “Women of Worth and Purpose”.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”Ephesians 2:10
Our Thursday night bilingual study is based on this beautiful Bible verse!!
Our heart is to equip and disciple ladies the Lord brings to our study on Thursday evenings, and even using Facebook Live!
How do we equip and disciple them?
Serving with them,
mission trips, bible study, praying for them, personal devotions, praise & worship, taking the New Believers classes then baptism and finally our Pillar class! Then possibly later…
Signing up for our Doulos school of ministry and so much more!

Lupita Hurtado and I welcoming our ladies.
This year I am co-leading the study with a future church planting pastor wife. I have the privilege of helping my very gifted friend Lupita become even better equipped! She helps me in all that this ministry entails as she prepares for her future women’s ministry one day. Praise God!

We have, God willing, 3 mission trips on the calendar to go and encourage the pastors wives and their ladies. Churches that have been sent out from Calvary Rosarito.
Missions trips with Women of Value and Purpose (Mujeres de Valor y Propósito)
March 23 –Ensenada, day conference
May 4 –Otay, day conference
June 20-24 –Morelia, weekend conference
Continuing on to discipleship. I have the privilege of discipling women one on one. It’s about a 3 month study. Called, “First Love”, it’s for all ages it may say youth but trust me it’s for all ages. I have the blessing of sitting with each lady the Lord brings to me. It doesn’t end when we finish our study but it continues, how do you ask they want to go and pour into another sister and sit with her and go through the study, that is amazing. I always say no book, or program is the end all for all to fix each issue. It’s just one more tool in your process of sanctification. I am not, the book, the program is not your savior, it’s Jesus Christ and Him alone.

Pressing ahead with biblical counseling, it has been a blessing to sit with and speak on the phone with ladies who request biblical counseling. God’s word is faithful and proven to encourage, give hope, exhort, teach, and transform as long as you put into practice what you hear and learn. Thanks to the Lord the Holy Spirit, Paul and our Pastor Mike Vincent I have learned and continue to learn how to counsel biblically.
Our ministry verse is 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This encapsulates the essence of this ministry that Paul is overseeing and I am blessed to help with.
God’s Word & God’s truth set women, men, couples, young & old FREE indeed!
Paul has an exciting schedule every week!

Teaching in the School of Ministry on a Saturday and visiting our church plants

Family Notes:
Poiema heads back to Peru February 10th to finish her semester at CBI, Trujillo.
Natalie is praying about her future plans and direction as she finishes her first year of teaching a high school biology class in Sacramento and finishing her Masters degree.
Cristian graduates from high school in June. He’s praying & planning to study medicine in Guadalajara.
Ben is doing well and on his way to deciding what he would like to do this new year.
Geoff & Lydia are touring Japan in February! Pray for vision as God opens doors for ministering there
Prayer Requests:
- That our relationship with Jesus Christ to be our #1 priority
- For wisdom in accepting ministry requests,
- To Love all people!
- Biblical Counseling ministry! For God’s wisdom and understanding
- Assisting with Church Planting class starting Feb 12, and teaching Feb 17. (Paul)
- Thanksgiving to God for His Provision and the great and exciting work we get to do!