Spring is in the air and God is bringing life and new growth to every corner of the earth despite current restrictions and opposition. Saving Grace World Missions is privileged and honored to be a part of what God is doing. SGWM continues to come alongside its partners all over the world and stand amazed at what He is accomplishing.
National Partnerships
Partnering with National Missionaries is one of the most exciting things SGWM does. Coming alongside these brothers and sisters and giving them the love, care and encouragement they need to be successful is an honor and blessing. This last Christmas, SGWM helped provide funding, through partnering churches and supporters like you, for National workers to bring much love, joy and relief to their surrounding areas. During this very difficult time of Covid 19 and all its restrictions, many of those who work in South Asia found creative ways to bring the gospel to their people. Heather Gaona, director of International Relations, shared her thoughts about the outreaches.
“I was blown away at seeing churches with 50 plus people attending where just a few years ago there was no church and only 1 believer!! Just knowing how far the guys and their wives hike to reach these unreached villages is impressive. I was also encouraged to find out that two of the local churches raised the money needed from their own fellowship to provide for a portion of the outreach (like the beanies or tracks) and that one church went house to house to visit 150 homes. Every single one of the national pastors did not allow Covid to cripple them, but instead they were creative and innovative and even reached new villages and new areas with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.”
Here are a couple of their stories.
Outreach in South Asia– Funding provided by CCSG / SGWM Covid Christmas funds
“Funding provided for two outreaches, saris and blankets for elderly and windows, and one Jesus film outreach. Thank you for your financial help that made it possible for us to do the Christmas programs. I shared the Word of God about Jesus’ birth and distributed gifts to the children in our church. We were expecting 200 in my home village to attend, but more than 350 people came and heard the Word of God and ate lunch. We cooked Christmas lunches 2 times – once at my home and once in a village 350 kilometers away. Thanks to the Lord, everything went smoothly and great. I thank God for providing support for blankets and saris (women’s clothing) to give to widows. This made it possible for us to distribute them. Two people’s health conditions were very critical and I am thankful to God that He used me to help them and give them blankets and saris.” -Pastor R
– Outreach in South Asia – Funding provided by CCSG / SGWM Covid Christmas Funds
Pastor Ra and Pastor Andy, located in South Asia, conducted outreach in the poorest and most remote region in their part of the world. The people live primitively in the mountains and are often malnourished and uneducated. There is not currently a church there, but Pastor Ra has been making trips to this region several times a year to minister and share the Gospel.
“At least 200 people came to our services. They were blessed by the sharing of the Word of God from Pastor Andy. We were able to feed those who came. We also distributed some winter hats/bonnets from my beautiful wife and our online fellowships/social media groups who helped with funds to purchase the hats. It was very hard for us to climb the mountain to this village area. Nothing was around to support us or hold on to while we traveled up and down the small narrow path. The people there were very poor, both spiritually and physically. We encouraged them and shared with them about joining our Bible training center for those with a heart for ministry. Pray for their lives to be rooted in the Word of God so that in the upcoming days we can take them, teach them, guide them, and disciple them.” -Pastor Ra
Missionary Equipping
Calvary School of Missions
Saving Grace is once again gearing up for its annual CSOM and the pastors are in the process of receiving applicants for this 6-week program. It’s always amazing to see how God sovereignly leads each student to the school. Because class size is limited, the SGWM staff prays very fervently that God would hand pick each student for this course and He has been faithful! This interview season has shown, once again, that God is in this. Over the last 20 years of doing cross cultural missions, the pastors and staff of SGWM realize that there are many out there who do not “GO” well and are not “SENT’ well. Missionary care was already in the DNA of Saving Grace World Missions when three years ago, Pastor Trent received clear direction from the Lord to start a school to provide care and direction for young people within the Calvary movement who want to be missionaries and see the lost saved amongst the nations, but don’t know the next steps. Please pray for this next class. After seeing 2 classes successfully complete the program, SGWM is looking forward to what God has for this next group.
Missionary Care
In February, Pastor Trent, his wife Debbie, Pastor Tim, and one of the missions interns Spencer, were able to visit with one of SGWM’s missionary families in Acapulco, Mexico and visit church planters in Mazatlán and Culiacán, Mexico. It was a very fruitful trip and God’s hand was evident at every turn. Missionary care is absolutely necessary for a successful missions program. Most missionaries never have visitors from their home church, much less from their Pastors. By visiting, Pastor Trent and the team were able to, face to face, tell the missionaries that they are loved and that the church has not forgotten them. Many times, when missionaries go out, they feel quite forgotten and alone. It’s essential to not just express our love but to show it by communication and visits when possible. Sitting with these precious saints, they were able to remind them of God’s call on their lives and the fruit that is abounding to their accounts. Their love for the lost, their passion for the people of God, and their devotion to making Jesus’ name famous amongst the nations is evidence of their commitment to God and His glory. Again, Saving Grace feels so privileged and honored to come alongside these precious saints and cheer them on as they run the race!
*names and locations changed to protect ministries and partners