“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
Psalm 18:2
BLESSINGS FROM PAKISTAN! We are thankful to tell you we have been under God’s special protection despite the unpredictable situations and evil events taking place all around us. Thank you for covering us with your prayers!
THE VILLAGE BIBLE STUDIES are thriving! We began four groups of weekly expository studies last year and will be adding another group next month for about 20 young men and women. Our students are showing amazing growth from the expository teaching style.
THE WOMEN’S MINISTRY is a vision fulfilled! In November 2012, we met with Pastor Bond and his wonderful wife Heather in Nepal. Farah was inspired by the ministry of this couple and together, Farah and Heather, dreamed of having a Women’s Ministry in Pakistan. After much prayer, the Lord fulfilled our vision and the C.C. Pak Women’s Ministry officially began.[Once a month we meet for a special time of Fellowship and Sharing of Testimonies, prayer and Bible Studies. It is a wonderful time! Many other women in the village are coming to join in on the studies.]
Farah’s first Sewing Center & Bible Study Program for Christian women is proving to be fruitful. They are learning the Word and growing spiritually. Once a month they have a special time of fellowship and share their testimonies. It has been a very special time as we hear how the Lord is changing these ladies lives and hearts. As well as spiritual growth in Jesus, they are learning the skills needed to sew their own clothing as well, and they are now in a position to help support their impoverished families. This is such an important work of God! We ask you to continue to pray and help us with its ongoing financial costs.[I’ve made this dress for my niece! The ladies are getting very good at sewing and already able to make clothes for themselves and their family members. Soon they will be able to have earned income from this new skill. This will have a great affect upon the lives of their family]
THE CHRISTIAN PRINTING MINISTRY has begun! We have printed the first 1,000 copies of Pastor Chuck Smith’s wonderful book “Effective Prayer Life” in the Urdu language.I was led by the Holy Spirit to write a book comparing Mormonism with Biblical Christianity after seeing so many young men and women joining Mormonism. I believe this book will help those who have been deceived, or are at risk of deception, to know the truth and thus be saved. We ask that you pray the Lord will provide the funding to be able to print this ten chapter book by April of this year. If you can help, please specify your donation to the Urdu Bible and Literature fund.
URDU BIBLES are always in demand here. It is essential that we continue to get God’s Word out to the impoverished Christian families in the remote villages. This “Free Urdu Bible” program has been the foundation of our ministry.[Urdu Bible Distribution Program. Mr. Arif, the third member and father of Joseph Arif, is stamping the Bibles as a gift from Calvary Chapel Pakistan before presenting them. Bibles are given free to the impoverished Christians of the villages, thanks to our donors who provide funding for this program.]
FAMILY CORNER! We had a shortage of fuel to heat our home sufficiently during the severe winter, but praise God, we miraculously remained healthy! Joshua and Rachael’s exams come up in February. They are growing up so fast! Joshie will soon be promoted to grade 2 whereas Rachael will be promoted to promote from Play Group to Kindergarten. We have begun giving them English lessons for one hour per day. Soon they will be able to speak on Skype with their cousins in America!Farah and I have been busy as usual with our Bible College studies and our other tasks of ministries and we love it. Farah is even more excited and motivated to study the Word for herself since she began teaching her group of ladies in the Village Sewing Center.
The Massey Family: Nadeem, Farah, Joshua & Rachael
Friends ~ Thank you very much once for your partnership with us serving here! We ask that you would keep our humble ministry always in your heart and prayers and intercede for us regularly.
Please pray for our safety. And, in accordance with the intercessory model of Colossians chapter 1, please pray that God will continually fill us with the knowledge of His will, that we might live our lives worthy of Him and please Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work. Pray that we might be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that we might have great endurance and patience, and give joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light.
Thank you and God bless each one of you!
Love in Christ Jesus, Nadeem & Farah Massey
TO DONATE BY CHECK IN THE MAIL:Saving Grace World Missions 17451 Bastanchury Road, Suite 203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Please make checks out to SGWM and state the gift is for the Masseys Support or Masseys Urdu Bibles & Literature in the memo section. A one time or monthly gift is always much appreciated and helps us purchase more ministry materials. TO DONATE ON-LINE: http://sgwm.com/massey Go to button on top left of page “Become a Financial Partner”. Please remember to specify in the Comments section that the gift is for the Massey’s Support or Masseys Urdu Bibles & Literature. CONTACT INFO:
Savings Grace World Missions, Pastor Mike Thiemann: E-Mail: mikethiemann@sgwm.com Office: (714) 993-4801, EXT 108 We respect the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and we seek to evangelize & strengthen the faith of the millions of Pakistanis ‘born into’ the Christian faith.