8 Months Strong! – Weakland Update June 2024

Posted by Administrator

Hey everyone! Since Calvary Moyobamba was planted October 2023, we have had more than 8 months of chapter by chapter, verse by verse teaching through the Bible. One of my goals is to teach through the whole Bible. It is neat to see the power of God’s Word transforming peoples lives. One family was confronted…


Ready for Takeoff! – Josh Vanrenterghem Update June 2024

Posted by Administrator

But to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 2 Cor 3:15-16 I want to begin this update with a wonderful story. Last month I had the opportunity to go to an event hosted by Voice of the…


No greater Joy this July! – Boubion Update July 2024

Posted by Administrator

Hello friends and family!  While Claudia and I have been married 26 years, we are like all parents who are most joyful when our children are doing well! In fact, one of our favorite Bible verses is: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” 3 John 1:4 Here…


The Joy of Fellowship – Hamano Update June 2024

Posted by Lydia Hamano

Hello again friends & family! The Summer is upon us bringing lots of great fellowship through several celebrations & ministry opportunities! Let us share with you a few of the things we’ve been up to this past month. CCA West Coast Pastors’ & Leaders’ Conference The first week of June brought us right into a…


Harris Family Update June 2024

Posted by Administrator

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” MATTHEW 7:24 Gang Ghetto Kwo “The House That Builds Life” You may remember our friend Luke, and his wife Hannah, whose wedding we were blessed to be a part…


Vincent Family July 2024 Missions Update

Posted by Administrator

Greetings from Mexico. In Revelation 3:7-8, Jesus writes to the faithful church in Philadelphia and describes Himself this way, “He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”: 8 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it…” The Bible reveals to us an Almighty God that…


The Gospel Remains the Same – Vanrenterghem Update June 2024

Posted by Administrator

Arriving home from our travels across Eastern Asia began a time of reflection, restoration, reassessment, and re-engagement. We first hit the ground running on MTS (Missions Training School) and re-engaging in church and classes. It was so wonderful to reconnect with our family and the church family. 6 weeks away brought many changes but of…


Past events, as well as future ones – Barrow Update June 2024

Posted by Administrator

It’s been a bit since I have returned from my last trip, and God has opened many wonderful opportunities for us to serve Him. I continue to lead a weekly Bible study every Sunday morning in King’s Beach, CA. It’s a small home fellowship, but the group is so loving and desires to go deeper…


Expect the Unexpected – Solorzano Update May 2024

Posted by Administrator

Someone once told me, “don’t expect anything and you won’t be disappointed.” I understand having expectations on people, places, and things isn’t the best. We will be disappointed by them. BUT there is One who will never disappoint us- Jesus Christ. He is God and with Him we can expect the unexpected. New Life, New Creation…


Excluded from Society and Boycotted Because of Their Faith – Pastor 11 Update June 2024

Posted by Administrator

Hello Saving Grace World Missions Team, Greetings to all of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for your prayers and the unlimited love you shower on us. You stand shoulder to shoulder with us in all kinds of sorrows and difficulties and always pray for us like a warrior….