Someone once told me, “don’t expect anything and you won’t be disappointed.” I understand having expectations on people, places, and things isn’t the best. We will be disappointed by them. BUT there is One who will never disappoint us- Jesus Christ. He is God and with Him we can expect the unexpected.
New Life, New Creation
I had the blessing this past month to share my testimony at a Women’s Conference at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace, unexpectedly. I woke up that morning unsure if I was still on for the day- I didn’t even curl my hair! I get to church and sure enough during prayer I was reminded I was going to be the first one to speak. During my testimony, I couldn’t help but fix my eyes on a lady sitting at the table right in front of the podium who was weeping and weeping. After the event, I went up to her and asked her if everything was okay. She shared about her son and how he currently isn’t walking with the Lord but because of my testimony she was encouraged to know Jesus could do the same for him. It is because of this that I’m grateful to be able to boast in the rescuing, redeeming, and freeing power found only in the name of Jesus Christ. He gave me a new life, made me a new creation, and I believe He will do it for her son as well!
The Unexpected
The Missions Training School is coming to and end in August and I really wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. One Sunday morning, after teaching the 4-5 year olds, at Calvary South OC, I get a text from Pastor Tony and he tells me to come and talk to him. He tells me that a lady from the church reached out to him about housing someone for a couple of months. I was in awe. He then continues to tell me that they want to offer me an internship position until September (mind you, he had no idea I was praying about going back to Japan in September). I was even more speechless!! I was not expecting things to be this way, this was not my plan. But GOD, He knew. For His ways are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:9). This is a HUGE answer to prayer and I want to thank y’all for praying!! We can pray expectantly, intentionally, and specifically, but ALL the glory goes to God. He is sovereign and His plan for us is greater than we can ever think or imagine! Expect the unexpected with God.
Unexpectedly Evangelized
During one of our Thursday night bible studies, a man named Leslie came up to us and asked us what we were studying. He mentioned that we looked different- that we weren’t like everyone else there and how he was impressed that we were reading the Bible. Coincidentally, we were in John 17 and had just read that we are to be set apart as believers of Jesus and we should walk in a manner worthy of the gospel. In awe, he continued to ask us what we learned exactly (if you know me- you could picture the huge smile on my face). I wanted to give one of my friends an opportunity, so I encouraged them to share what they had learned. You could tell he was thinking about what she said and so I asked him if he believed in Jesus Christ.
His response was, “yes, but I am a Jehovah’s Witness and we believe Jesus was created by ‘Jehovah’ similar to the archangel Michael.” I was even more excited to share and read to him verses 3-5 and verse 26 where Jesus says, “I made your name known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love you have loved me with may be in them and I may be in them.” He was speechless. I continued to share about what we believe and encouraged him to read the book of John. This was such a sweet moment for our small group as we unexpectedly evangelized. May we continue to be bold and share about Jesus Christ- the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)! Please keep Leslie in your prayers- may he come to a saving knowledge and revelation of THE Truth!

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for language learning and for clarity on the duration of the trip to Japan in September!
- Please continue to pray for job opportunities and for God’s provision in paying off my debt.
- Please pray for the time as an intern- to continue to learn all aspects of ministry.
- Please continue to pray for the bible study group- for more opportunities to evangelize and make disciples!
The Lord has truly blessed me with an amazing family at Calvary South OC and Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. I’m eternally grateful for you all and want to thank y’all for your continual support! May God continue to strengthen you in whatever He has called you to do. May we be filled with all the fullness of God. May you also, expect the unexpected with God. After all, we live by faith, not by sight <3
-Mayra Alejandra