Greetings from Mexico. In Revelation 3:7-8, Jesus writes to the faithful church in Philadelphia and describes Himself this way, “He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”: 8 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it…”
The Bible reveals to us an Almighty God that is able to open up doors for His people, and it is our job to step out in faith and walk through them. In June, the Lord opened up several doors of ministry for me in the USA and Southern Mexico, and in this update I wanted to tell you all about them!
One of the main reasons I wrote my book, “The Sending Hub” was to help pastors and church leaders move forward in the great mission’s work of church planting. We have been so blessed to see the great church planting work flourishing in Mexico, but God has also placed in my heart that He wants me to help American pastors move forward in church planting as well. It seems like in 2024 God is opening doors up in the States for me to share this important message.
My first trip in June was to Colorado. I had not been to this beautiful state since my college basketball playing days when we were on tour. We had played a Division 1 basketball team and got our lunch handed to us. But this trip was to teach about church planting at the regional Calvary Chapel Pastors Conference.
The conference was filled with pastors and leaders who had worked diligently in their cities serving the Lord and loving the sheep. Although this was not a church planting conference, I was honored to teach an introductory church planting message. It was well received and many of the pastors committed to move forward in church planting. Our generous church was also able to donate 80 of my books so that each senior pastor in attendance received one!
After that trip, in the middle of the month I traveled south to Acapulco for the Mexico National Pastors’ Conference for Calvary Chapel. Although I did not speak at this conference, it was a fantastic time to be refreshed and hear from the Lord. I was also able to catch up with 12 of our 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd generation church planters spread out all over Mexico who joined me at the conference. I left Acapulco thanking the Lord for this opportunity to fellowship with our church planters.
At the end of the month, I traveled with my church planting team (Super Mario Medrano, Pastor Dan Valdez, and church planter Hugo Limon) to visit our church planters Donnie and Coby Aldana and their church, Refresh Calvary in Waddell Arizona that we sent out five years ago.
I was blessed to teach at the first ever church planting conference in Arizona, along with four other gifted local pastors. This was an amazing conference, as I was blessed to witness the Lord working in many hearts to fire them up about this great work of reaching their local communities and beyond through church planting!
A highlight for me was meeting some future church planters that I have been mentoring long distance that live in Idaho! I have been discipling this young husband over the phone for the past five years through long distance phone calls. And this gifted couple made the 15 hour drive from Idaho to Arizona to just attend the conference. After the conference, I was blessed to have a private meeting with them as together we developed a plan for them to step out in faith and church plant in Idaho in the next year.
This month was a month of open doors for me from the Lord and I was blessed as I stepped through them. Precious friends, our Lord is a God who is able to open doors that no man can shut, in your life too! My prayer as I write this update is that you will see God’s mighty unseen hand at work in your life, as He opens up a door FOR YOU, that no man can shut.
Finally, I want to thank you once again for partnering with us in this great missions work in Mexico and beyond. It is through your prayers that God meets our spiritual needs, and through your financial partnership that God meets our physical needs. We love you and give thanks for you!
Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel
Prayer Requests!
#1- Our college graduate Grace has applied for several jobs recently, please pray that God opens up a door for her in the job that He has chosen.
#2- Pray that God will bless our upcoming church planting conference on August 2nd and 3rd!
Praise Reports!
#1- Praise God for our 40th church plant sent out in June, Calvary Chapel Lone Star in San Antonio Texas!
#2- Praise God for three fruitful trips in June, where I got to witness God opening up new doors for ministry.
For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873