Continuing In Fellowship and Love

Praise the Lord!

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you, dear supporters and prayer partners, for your prayers and financial support. We are praying for your family and your country. By the grace of God my family and I are doing well. God has kept us safe.

Last month, we got the chance to visit a family. We conducted a meeting along with a Bible Institute student. They got the chance to lead the meeting and shared the Gospel to those that were there. As the students are learning at the Bible Institute, they are also getting chances to preach during house visitation.

We also visited brother J* last month. We had fellowship with him and prayed for him. A few months ago he had an accident. While he was on his way to work, a truck hit him from behind. He was under the truck. He badly injured his arm, legs, and internal organs. He was in critical condition. He was admitted into the hospital for some months. Churches and we were praying for him. God heard our and the church’s prayers and God saved him.

Brother J* lost his right leg in the accident. Now he is home. He has two kids. Please pray for him and his family.

Last month, my kids had their school exams. They did well. My daughter scored 2nd in the class and my son scored 3rd in the class. Thank you for your prayers.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for my children to grow in the Lord’s fear and knowledge.
  • Please pray that the Lord will intervene in the problems the world is facing.
  • Please pray for the village ministry in our local area. May the people grow in Lord’s Word.
  • Please pray brother J* and his family to grow in Lord.
  • Please pray for our state’s believers, as they are facing persecution.


Pastor 16* and Family

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Growing in God’s Word

Praise the Lord!

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you, dear partners, for your prayers and partnership. We are praying for your families and for your country. By the grace of God, my family and I are doing well. God has kept us safe.

Last month, our daughter suffered with pneumonia. She was admitted in the hospital for three days. Now, my daughter is fine. Please pray for both of our children to stay healthy and grow in Lord.

Last month, I had the opportunity to visit a church in a village and share the Word of God with the people there. The church is 15 km from town. It is in a large village. The church I visited used to be filled with new believers, but now it was not full. I talked with the local pastor about the decreased number of believers. He said that since the persecution stared, many people have stopped coming to church. Please pray that the new believers will grow strong in their faith.

Our second semester at CBI started after Christmas break. Now the students are being taught 1&2 Samuel, Ezra & Nehemiah, the Gospel of Luke, Acts, Romans, and 1&2 Corinthians. The students are enjoying learning these books.

I am teaching 1 & 2 Samuel, and have just finished teaching 1 Samuel. I learned so much from 1 Samuel while teaching it. I especially learned from the lives of Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, and David. I am excited to learn more from 2 Samuel and to teach it to the students. Please pray for me to have godly wisdom, and understanding, and that I will be guided by the Holy Spirit as I prepare to teach the book. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for my children to grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Please pray that the Lord will intervene in the problems the world is facing.
  • Please pray for our village ministry. May the believers grow in the Word of the Lord.
  • Please pray for the CBI students to grow in God’s Word.


Pastor 16* and Family

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Sharing Jesus’ Love

Praise the Lord

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Dear supporters and prayer partners, thank you for your prayers and financial support. We are praying for your families and your country. By the grace of God, my family and I are doing well. God has kept us safe.

In November, we got an opportunity to visit a family with one of our students. The student led prayer, and we had good fellowship with the family.

Also in November, we visited a school and organized doing some social work with them. We taught the children how to be healthy, and my wife taught the girls how to lead healthy lives.

Last month, we conducted a Christmas program where we invited children.

We shared the Gospel and distributed gifts to them. About 60 children gathered from different religions.

We had Christmas caroling in a different area, where we visited with students and church people. We shared the Good News with them. Thank God–some people from the community came for prayer and shared their prayer requests with us!

We also visited the nursing home, where we sang songs and shared the

Good News with them and prayed for them.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for my children, that they will grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Please pray for the CBI students and their studies.
  • Please pray for my state, as persecution is increasing day by day.
  • Please pray for church believers to grow in the Lord.
  • Please pray for the people whose homes we shared God’s Word at; pray the Lord would save them.


Pastor 16* and Family

Leading Others in God’s Word

Praise the Lord

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you, dear supporters and prayer partners, for your prayers and financial support. We are praying for your family and your country. By the grace of God my family and I are doing well.

Last month we started Bible College in our area. By the Grace of God we have six students. Some are from our state and two are from different states. Some are newly born in Christ and some are old enough in Christ.

Our Twins’ Birthday

Last month, I also visited the hospital and got a chance to pray for a sick person. He was suffering from pneumonia and another health problem.

Last month my children turned four. God has been so faithful to keep them safe. God also helped us to lead them in God’s Word. They passed nursery and now they are in Kindergarten. I thank God that they are studying well and performing well in their class.

Lately, I have been studying from 1 Kings. There I am learning from King David’s life. God blessed me to learn how David was faithful in his life and how he obeyed God’s commandments in his life .

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my wife to get a transfer so that we may stay together and serve the Lord.
  • Please pray for my children to grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Pray for God’s wisdom and strength to take care of my children and learn His Word.
  • Please pray the Bible College students to grow and learn the Word of God.
  • Please pray for the Bible College to run smoothly. 


Pastor 16* and Family

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Believe on the Lord Jesus

Praise the Lord!

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Dear supporters and prayer partners, thank you for your prayers and financial support! We are praying for your family and your country.

Last month, my family and I were Covid positive, but I thank the Lord for His grace and mercy that He kept us safe and healthy.

Last month, I began an online meeting with my extended family members (above). They are from different states and most of them are nominal Christians. I began this online Bible study so that they would really come to know the love of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their personal Savior. I praise God that now more families are joining the Bible study!

A few days ago, I visited my neighbor. He is an older man, and he has been coughing a lot for the last few months. He was born and brought up in a Christian family, but he quit going to church a long time ago. Now, he sits on his porch all day and smokes, and he continues to cough. For the last few days, as I lay in my bed, I could hear him coughing. I could not help but think about the story of Lazarus. God put it in my heart to help this older man and also share the Gospel with him. We sent him to the hospital, but he came back without getting any treatment because he did not want to get tested for Covid. I praise God that I was able to share the Gospel message with him. He told me that he knows everything, but I told him, “Unless you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, you are not going to heaven.” I have been praying for him, that

he will be saved.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my family to continue to grow in the Word.
  • Please pray that God will use me in the online Bible meetings that I have been involved with.
  • Please pray that my neighbor will accept Jesus Christ and be saved.
  • Please pray for my children as they are taking their final exams at school.


Pastor 16* and Family

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.