Praise the Lord
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you, dear supporters and prayer partners, for your prayers and financial support. We are praying for your family and your country. By the grace of God my family and I are doing well.
Last month we started Bible College in our area. By the Grace of God we have six students. Some are from our state and two are from different states. Some are newly born in Christ and some are old enough in Christ.
Last month, I also visited the hospital and got a chance to pray for a sick person. He was suffering from pneumonia and another health problem.
Last month my children turned four. God has been so faithful to keep them safe. God also helped us to lead them in God’s Word. They passed nursery and now they are in Kindergarten. I thank God that they are studying well and performing well in their class.
Lately, I have been studying from 1 Kings. There I am learning from King David’s life. God blessed me to learn how David was faithful in his life and how he obeyed God’s commandments in his life .
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for my wife to get a transfer so that we may stay together and serve the Lord.
- Please pray for my children to grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
- Pray for God’s wisdom and strength to take care of my children and learn His Word.
- Please pray the Bible College students to grow and learn the Word of God.
- Please pray for the Bible College to run smoothly.
Pastor 16* and Family
* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.