“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.”
Romans 10:15
Japan team having some fun barefoot on a mirrored floor
It’s Finally Happening!
In 2019, after several divine confirmations, we stepped out in faith and took a team of twelve, 7 students and 5 leaders, to Rosarito, Mexico for the first ever Calvary School of Missions. Since that first year, we have trained over 60 students and have 15 graduates working full-time around the world. Five of those first seven students are now serving full-time in the 10/40 window; immersing themselves, learning language and culture, planting churches, and building relationships in order to reach unreached peoples with the gospel. In 2023 alone, we had the privilege of sending out 12 of our students to serve full-time overseas! We sent two to Peru, two to Japan, one to South Asia, and seven to the Middle East. We have also seen many go out for extended seasons of training on the field. Truly a historic and unprecedented season for us at Saving Grace World Missions (SGWM) and we are soblessed to be a part of these sent ones’ stories.
Please pray with us for each of these precious saints who have counted the cost, sold all they had here, and moved overseas to start a new life. Pray also for those currently preparing for that day when they board a plane with their scant possessions and deep faith, expecting great things of God as they attempt great things for Him. Each of them need our support and prayers as they enter into this new season of life.
Jeff and Alishia Root’s Sending Sunday and heading to Japan.
Shilo and Raquel being prayed over before heading to Peru.
Middle East team being prayed over at missions study.
Missions Training School
After the 6-week Calvary School of Missions (CSOM), students are offered further training through our Missions Training School (MTS), a year-long program hosted at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace which prepares the students for full-time cross-cultural church planting. This year, there are 19 students in our MTS program who attend several classes during the week,including Culture 101, Book studies, School of Ministry, Chuck Tracks (and other various Calvary Pastors) and our Missions Training class. At the Missions Training class Pastor Trent teaches verse by verse through the book of Acts gleaning out mission’s principles from the New Testament church. Each student, male and female alike, participates in a Homiletics course (the art and science of teaching the Bible) wherein they prepare and teach a sermon weekly and receive critiques from the MTS staff in order to grow in this discipline. The intensive training program has been designed for thosewho are following the call to fulfill the Great Commission by going and making Jesus known to the ends of the earth.
One of the very special things about our MTS program is that we do several vision tours throughout the year to various countries. Vision tours are a sort of scouting trip to spy out the land. We have found that taking potential missionaries to countries they feel called to, or exposing students to various religious blocks of the world, helps tremendously when praying for a region. So, we go and pray and meet with various people in order to gain a clearer vision of what the country needs and where the people are spiritually. We spend hours in prayer and worship over the region asking God to show us what part we can play in that country.
Recent Vision Tours
Already this year, Pastor Trent and his wife, Debbie, were able to go on a 3-week Vision tour to 3 different countries in order to encourage missionaries, equip believers, and introduce Missions Training Students to unreached or under reached countries in the 10/40 window. They started their trip in Japan, a country that is wide open for the gospel, (but less than 2% evangelical) with a team of 11. It was a significant trip because they were able to accompany 2 School of Missions and MTS graduates, Jeff and Alishia Root, on their one-way journey to serve full-time with Calvary Chapel Abide in Osaka. Jeff and Alishia have been visiting and praying about Japan for years now and after last year’s vision tour there, they knew that God was calling them to serve beside Joseph and Amy Totsis in Osaka. They have been warmly welcomed and are excited to finally be in the country they have long prayed for and among the people they love! The rest of the team comprised of several students praying about potentially moving to this area. The team shared beautiful times of prayer over the city and over the Roots, and of encouragement over the Totsis’ who have been faithfully serving for over 16 years. We look forward to what God is going to do with this partnership and entreat you to say a prayer for this country and ask God to send many to this area of the world. The harvest truly is bountiful, but the laborers are still few.
After church fellowship at Calvary Chapel Abide in Osaka, Japan.
Trent teaching the Purpose of the church at CC Abide in Osaka.
Bali, Indonesia
An old friend from Calvary Chapel Bible College, Victor, pastors a church in Bali where Trent was able to teach “The Purpose of the Church”at a conference.
Trent and Debbie continued on from Japan with a handful of the students and joined another group of MTS students in Bali, Indonesia. Twelve individuals on the trip are seeking God’s will regarding long-term work in Southeast Asia. They met with various full-time, established workers in the area to pray over and learn about this region of the world. They learned that this area is less than 3.5% evangelical, desperate for workers, and in great need of sound biblical teaching and equipping. SGWM continues to pray with these students about pioneering a future work there, where the need is so great, and we invite you to pray for Indonesia. Bring before the Father Indonesia’s great need for Bible-based churches and ask that God wouldgrant the churches that do exist there a greater vision to risk it all and share Jesus with their Muslim and Hindu neighbors.
Tagaytay City, Philippines
For their third and final leg, Trent and Debbie took the 4-hour flight from Bali to the Philippines with 3 MTS students in tow. Pastor Tony Reyes invited Trent to share at the Calvary Bible Institute (CBI) there about the Purpose of the Church and also invited several pastors from the region to join the conference. The team was awed as God allowed the pastors and students to catch the vision of multiplying disciples through church planting and as He broadened their vision for the world. While seeking God there, Trent and Debbie realized that the Philippines are strategically placed within the 10/40 window, being one of the only reached nations in this area of the world; these islands could potentially be a hub for believers from the surrounding regions to come and get further equipped to fulfill the Great Commission. Please pray for the leadership of CSOM and SGWM as they pray about what God may want to do in partnership with the Filipino church to reach the nations with the gospel.
Embarking on these kinds of trips emphatically confirms that the need is overwhelmingly great and that the church in the 10/40 window needs more workers to preach the gospel and plant bible teaching churches. Please pray that the Lord of the harvest would send His laborers into His harvest to fulfill the Great Commission.
We strongly believe that Calvary Chapel and our movement is the answer for these countries, so we seek to strategically multiply the church planting movement in these unreached areas of the world. Thank you for your prayers and support as we seek to see the nations won for Christ and the church abroad be equipped to GO into all the world and preach the gospel.
We ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with SGWM. Financial partners are crucial to help operating costs at the SGWM home base, allowing us to serve missionaries worldwide.