See What We’ve Been Doing Spreading the Gospel to the Nations This Summer
Welcome to the SGWM Newsletter! We hope you enjoy this content and are inspired to pray for and support the spread of the Gospel to the Nations!
Redefining SGWM as a Tri-Fold Ministry
At SGWM, we are passionate about Jesus’ final command to us and His call upon His church to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. We do that by following Paul’s example all through the book of Acts, by preaching the gospel, making disciples, and establishing churches. There are 3.2 billion people in the world who are still waiting to hear the gospel for the first time and we seek to mobilize, equip, and send Christians who are answering the call to Go! We do this in three ways:
- By being a missionary sending ministry launching missionaries from the U.S. into the foreign mission field and caring for them through administrative help, prayer support, leadership support, and general care
- By working with nationals in other countries who plant churches and operate Bible schools to train other nationals to go and do the same, with a specific focus on the 10/40 window
- By equipping young people who are passionate about foreign missions through our yearly Calvary School of Missions and through our internship program.
Calvary School of Missions
We have just completed our 2nd year of the Calvary School of Missions, a six-week program designed to catch, equip, and mobilize young people for long term cross-cultural church planting, and it was amazing. God did life transforming work in the hearts of the students and laid a firm foundation of the call of the church and our purpose for remaining in this earth. It’s always exciting to be a part of what God is doing as He plants and waters the seeds of His Word and starts to birth new works in hearts and minds. We look forward to partnering with each of these students as they prepare to be God’s hands, feet, and mouth to the lost world that still waits to hear the name of Jesus for the first time. Please join with us in praying for these precious ones who are willing to go to the front lines, being propelled by the love of God to be His ambassadors to the world.
Church Planting Conference at CC Rosarito
One of the highlights this summer at the School of Missions was being able to attend the Church Planting Conference put on by Calvary Chapel Rosarito. Partnering with a church like CCR has been exciting as we see Pastor Mike Vincent’s vision of church planting in Mexico multiply and be established. In the last 20 years they have seen over 25 churches planted and are continuing to plant churches throughout Mexico and other places through their Church Planting Course which is a 2 year program designed to help mobilize, equip, and send church planters.
Involving the students in this conference was such a blessing as they were able to see how church planting is God’s way to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus in real time! Please continue to pray for CCR as they continue to send laborers out into His harvest!
COVID Relief Around the World
The year 2020 has shown itself to be a year of unprecedented challenges, and SGWM has had to learn to navigate an enemy we have never faced in our lifetime, COVID 19. We have, since the onslaught of this sickness, looked for ways to reach the hurting around us. We are praising God for the open doors we have had to bring relief directly to the people in Pakistan, Belize, Peru, Mexico, Uganda, Nepal, several locations in Asia, and the US through the loving hands and feet of our missionaries and national workers on the ground. These desperately hurting people have been overwhelmed by the love shown by those who have brought the much needed provision they have received through Saving Grace World Missions and its supporters! Glory to God for the great things He has done.
Missionary Prayer Requests for October
Don’t miss the latest prayer requests from SGWM missionaries for the month of October. Feel free to also sign up here to receive these prayer requests monthly via email!
Would you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with Saving Grace World Missions? Our staff are all on monthly support just like our missionaries and it is through the generous donations of our monthly supporters that we’re able to continue to do amazing things in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ around the world!