- Jonny’s group presentation for the end of school in June.
- Dressed up for a party for the school in June
- Spanish school students with some of the locals during level 3
- Our first day of Level 4
- Austin and McKenna’s visit to Cacalote
- Dinner with our friends Pablo and Arely
We have now been living in Cacalote, Oaxaca, Mexico for just over 6 months. Today (September 4), Jon and I began LEVEL 4 of Spanish School. This will be our final level of school and we will be finishing October 20! Wow, time has flown by!!!
It’s been a while since our last update and we are really sorry about not being better about it. Our week-long trip to California in June was a huge blessing. We got to see our beautiful niece marry her amazing husband, and spend time with family and friends. Jonny and Noah came back to Mexico with renewed spirits after going through some trials down here. Praise the Lord for that! Since our return from California, Jonny and Noah finished 4th grade, and Jon and I finished Level 3.
We had 3 weeks off after Level 3 and it was a time of many exciting things. I was invited to the women’s bible study at the local church and have been enjoying going each Friday afternoon. I have had to really put what I’ve learned into practice in order to understand and somewhat communicate with the ladies. It’s a total bonus that I’m building friendships with a few of the women. God knows our hearts, our needs, and our desires!
We also had some special visitors for a few days. Our oldest son, Austin, and his girlfriend, McKenna, flew down to spend some time with us. It was such a great time of being together and showing them how and where we live, along with doing a little bit of exploring with them. (Jon even got the opportunity to witness to a homeless man with our friend Joe.) Their visit was short but it was an answer to prayer that they were able to come see us.
And a week ago we got another visitor…our niece Machaela. She will be living with us for the rest of our time here and attending the Spanish School. She has a calling to serve in a deaf ministry in Guatemala, so this was the perfect option for her to do Level 1 and get some great education in learning the language. She’s a neat addition to our house and we are so excited to be on this journey together for the next 7 weeks…taking this step in learning the language so we can serve our Lord where He has called each of us.
*Please pray for direction for our next steps following language school…location, financial provisions, what it is that the Lord would have us do here in Mexico to serve Him
*That we would do well in school, both Jon and I, the boys, and Machaela
*That we would stay healthy for the rest of our time here. We had a lot of health things go on during the last level of school and it was tough to play catch up after sick days, but the Lord TOTALLY got us through!
*We’ve been healthy for the last few weeks
*That we’ve been able to start using our Spanish more often during these 3 weeks of down time from school. (Pray that we continue to do so as often as possible)
*All of us had a GREAT first day of school today! Starting on an upbeat note, covered in prayer is the best feeling!!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this! We really appreciate all of your prayers and support. Little texts, emails, or Facebook messages come just when our hearts need a little encouragement. We thank the Lord for those. God is so good! And as always, if you have any specific prayer requests that you would like for us to pray, send us an email or text.
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you WHEREVER you go.”
Jon, Allison, Jonny and Noah