Defending the Faith in a Foreign Land

Posted by Joel Garcia

“When I first heard about Christian Apologetics,” says Darryl Record, SGWM missionary in Cambodia, “my initial reaction was, ‘I’m not going to apologize for being a Christian!’ I had no idea what it meant.” I doubt that Darryl is alone in this experience, as we’ve been trained to view the word “apology” in a very…


Kathmandu Salvation Worship / CC Campus After School Children’s Gospel Outreach

Posted by Marte Thiemann

  Praising God, all the kids that came to the first day of our After School Children’s Gospel Outreach Program had a blast! Thank you everyone who are praying.   The second day of our children’s program was a success! We loved seeing the CCBC students help with presenting the Bible stories and leading dances…


Departure Quickly Approaching

Posted by Matthew and Noelle Harris

Guess what! We Harris’s are officially heading back to Uganda, in less than a month! Our time here in the United States has truly been a blessing. It has been great to be mutually encouraged by the body of Christ here in America. We have been blessed so much by all of you; the way…


Brazil Update: March 2018

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“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8 Greetings in Christ, Coming back from the U.S. is always exciting, filled with great encouragement, more focused in vision, restocked with…


You Matter

Posted by Tim Pappas

First of all, let me report to you that it has been an absolutely incredible month. I am so grateful for the people that I have in my life and the people that I have been able to meet as I have journeyed forth in this calling the Lord has placed on my life. The…


Getting Settled

Posted by Jon Brechtel

  Hi from Mexico!!! We found a house to rent (that’s FURNISHED!) and are getting settled in down here. The neighborhood is really nice and seems super safe.  It’s even guarded at the gate by actual police officers. The boys have made two new friends in the neighborhood, and they’re over right now playing video…


Professor J

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In my previous post I asked for prayer for one of the “boys” (he’s actually turning 39 this year). He’s currently doing better, but we still have to regularly monitor his temperature because he still has a hard time keeping it up to where it should be. Since before my time here at the Mission…


Record Family Cambodia Update

Posted by Darryl Record

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your hearts be.” (Matthew 6:19:21) Thieves attempted to break…


February 2018

Posted by Matthew and Noelle Harris

Hello dear family and friends, Another month has passed, and so have many wonderful days of meeting with friends, encouraging and being encouraged, and planning our return to Uganda. Every weekend has allowed for speaking engagements at different churches and small groups, and most week nights have been spent at the homes of friends or…


Time To Go! – Garcia Family Update March 2018

Posted by Joel Garcia

Hello Friends and Family! I hope you’re all doing well! Thank you for taking the time to read this update; I can’t tell you how much it blesses missionaries when you read our updates and take interest in the things God is doing in our lives. Things are continuing to go well with the ministry…