Finding My Family

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There have been times in my life where the overwhelming sense of loneliness left me feeling isolated and separated from the rest of the world. For me, it didn’t matter that I had a family that loved me, friends that cared for me, or even a church in where I could go to hear the…


Vincent Family March 2018 Missions Update

Posted by Mike Vincent

Greetings from Mexico, The bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5:17,  “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”  Jesus said that He  “came to seek and save the lost”. (Luke 19:10) One of the great blessings we have seen in our ministry is lost and hurting…


Gause Family Update

Posted by Ryan Gause

It has been a great month of February. We are so grateful to be serving the Lord here in Playas De Tijuana, México. We were blessed to have our good friends Richard and Kim White come down with a group of bible college students and put on a women’s conference. It was an incredible time,…


Help Send Pastor Mike to Uganda

Posted by Mike Thiemann

God has been doing some amazing work in Uganda through our SGWM missionaries there. It’s been seven years since I last stepped foot in Uganda, so it is time for me to get on the ground and see the work first-hand and encourage our missionaries. We currently have six missionary families there that I am…


Back In Banos Del Inca

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Dear Friends and Family, We are so excited to be back in Banos del Inca, Cajamarca. Having been here for the past several weeks it is very exciting to report that God is doing some amazing things here. I will try to keep this letter short but I want to share what God is doing…


Winter Break Has Come to A Close

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Hello to all of our faithful supporters! We are so thankful to have you all lifting us up in prayer, giving, and communication.  The semester break is over and things around here are back to full speed… Well to be honest things didn’t really slow down that much over the break we just had less…


February: The Magnificent Growth

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  In 2008 we had our first ever East African Pastors conference. During this conference, only 8 Calvary Pastors attended the conference. Fast-forward to 2018: a decade later, we now have over 300 C.C. Pastors in attendance at our annual  Calvary Chapel Association of East Africa Pastors Conference! We are so enraptured seeing the movement…


Valentines Day Thoughts

Posted by Matthew and Noelle Harris

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” -Matt 13:44- This valentines day I hope we can step back and enjoy the love that the God of…


Building on Sure Foundation

Posted by Nadeem Massey

  “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”            Hebrews. 4:12   Dear Friends and family! Greetings! We hope…


From Mexico to Florida, Visiting Church Planters

Posted by Mike Vincent

  I had a fantastic time this week in Florida visiting our church planters, (Aaron and Robbyn Smith and their daughter Eliana.) It was amazing to teach at their church and lead worship for their growing congregation!  And not only is their church on fire, they are also partnering with our church on four of…