Author: Mike Thiemann
Massey Family May 2019 Update
Greetings from Pakistan! We hope and pray for all of you to be fine and happy. The summer has started here, and it’s difficult time for most of the people around us, specially the brick makers and other people who live under the poverty line, a life without basic needs. The power outage makes the life miserable in this time of the year, many diseases breakout, but we praise God that we and all people in our church are fine. Lord is opening doors for us to reach more people in different areas and in this update we want to share with you about that:
Call from Desert
For a few months, the Lord has been putting on our mind and heart the south part of our province. That is very poor area and the large majority lives without basic needs, mainly clean water to drink. As we started praying about that part of the province, we have been contacted by three different men so far who are serving in that area. They are mainly working among Christians and some Hindu tribes. They reached us because of the Free Literature of World Missionary Press that Calvary Chapel distributes in the country. They need Urdu Bibles; they need to be reached and taught. Because of the poverty, the children are not sent to schools. There are many health issues and and many other along with one major problem of lack of drinking water.
Right now I don’t know how we can start reaching and ministering to these people. We have Audio Bibles provided by “Faith Comes by Hearing” and we are sending some to these people in that area. We have put prayer requests for 100 Urdu Bibles on our facebook Prayer Group page. Please pray for these people; help us know if there are possibilities to help these people in other ways other than just providing them Bibles. We are praying to support some of the men working in that area to work effectively and properly. Please keep the need and these people in your prayers. Please share the need with friends and family who can co-labor with us in any possible way in this geographically and spiritually deserted area.
Calvary Foundation Youth Fellowship
This is our group of young people; we have weekly meeting and “Discipleship Class” with them. Every Saturday we meet at my home and we are training these young ones to grow in the understanding of the Word of God. There is a “Born Blind” guy named Saqib, he comes and teaches children music. He even leads worship at our both Sunday meetings. We have people like Honey Manzoor who is willing to come and teach at some Saturdays along with me. We have some movie days with these people where we watch the movies on lives of different missionaries. Last Sunday we watched a movie on the life of William Carey.
This fellowship was stopped for a time but praise God that we are meeting again and are able to invest our time, energy and the Word of God into the lives of these young men and women to help them grow as confident Christians. We are praying for some of these to become missionaries and reach other areas with the Word of God. As Lord allows, we reach more and more young people with the Word challenging them to study it and lead their lives as witness of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Another Church Planted
We have planted church at two places, one is in the town, one outside the town in a village.
We have morning service in the city and evening service in the villages. Besides this, we have Friday Fellowship with the brick makers; we have a regular church service with them. Recently we came across a group of people in a village that was abandoned by Roman Catholic church. They have a small place for prayer and worship but were totally unreached for being very poor and not able to give much to the ministers pastors reaching them.
We have adopted these people as our brothers and sisters in Christ and after our meeting with Brick Makers in the morning of every Friday, we are reaching this group in the afternoon of Fridays. Most of the people in this group are also brick makers. They have so many educational and health problems, we are currently able to fulfill their spiritual need only. Please pray for their other needs also and if you know people and some organizations or church projects that are interested to serve in Education and Health fields, please share with them about these precious people.
Thank you very much for your faithful prayer support, your love and encouragement for us in so many different and wonderful ways.
We love you, God bless you and your family!
In Christ Jesus,
The Massey Family
Gause Family April 2019 Update
Ministering to the People
We think about serving the Lord, our thoughts often turn to what we can accomplish or what work needs to be done. This is definitely a part of ministry, but it is the people that we minister to that are the objective within ministry. I was reminded of this throughout the month of March as our family was blessed to minister alongside other churches while serving those who have great need.
We were blessed to help out at a medical brigade in early March. We went to downtown Tijuana and ministered to the homeless while others attended to their medical needs. My good friend Gil Garcia brought some brothers and sisters from Calvary Chapel Rosedale to serve alongside us. The body of Christ was able to meet the needs of more than 500 people, truly a blessing.
In late March Calvary Chapel Buhl brought 20 youth and 10 adults to come and serve for a week here in Playas, Tijuana. This was an incredible group of youth as they were bold through evangelism and effective in outreach. They performed a biblical drama at a public school, shared the Jesus film and drama in local colonias, served people at the Tijuana dump and ministered to families in tent city, did construction at a nearby church plant and ministered to our body of believers as well. The objective to minister to the hearts of the lost as well as the saved were met, through God’s provision, for God’s glory.
Our family is doing well. The Lord is so faithful to provide, He seems to know just what we need, when we need it. Ryan has enjoyed building relationships with people at the local parks through the handball/racketball ministry and local rehabs. Karen stays busy with homeschooling the kids and being involved with women’s ministry. The kids have been able to visit Bible colleges, participate in the SoCal Harvest Crusade, and build homes for people in Tijuana and Rosarito these past few months. Jamie is excited to work at a local health food cafe in Playas. Brian is almost ready to graduate and is working at a produce store started by a couple from church, their heart is to share the love of Christ to the community in Playas. R.J is busy with basketball, and soccer. Mackenzie is a diligent student and has volunteered to do children’s ministry for the school of ministry at church. We are a blessed family to be supported by such a great group of brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you so much as you serve the Lord through your physical and spiritual support of the Gause family, serving the Lord in Mexico.
Thank you for your prayers and faithful support!
Blessings from the Gause family,
Ryan, Karen, Jamie, Brian, Ryan, and Mackenzie serving Jesus in Tijuana, Mexico.
Help Send Pastor Mike to Uganda
I wrote a letter titled, “Three Reasons Why Sending Churches Should Visit Their Missionaries” that you might be interested in reading.
If you are interested in donating a one-time gift for this trip OR signing up as an ongoing supporter, please CLICK HERE. If you would like to do both, you will need to do this twice, the first time you can post a one-time gift and the second time you can sign up as a monthly contributor.
Christmas Fundraiser
In Pakistan, my good friend Nadeem has begun ministering to a group of people known as the Brick Makers. These individuals are living in extreme poverty and are trapped in slavery as brick makers. As a platform to minister the Gospel, Nadeem would like to host a Christmas party outreach in this community. To raise the needed funds, SGWM will be hosting a Christmas photo shoot courtesy of Captured Grace Photography. On November 16th, 17th, and 18th Captured Grace Photography will have a Christmas-themed studio set up for you and your families to get their Christmas photos taken for a minimum donation of $40. As a thank you, every donation will receive a custom metal Christmas ornament of their picture. All donations will go to SGWM Most Needed to fund this outreach. Additional prints, digital copies, and Christmas cards of your pictures can be purchased through Captured Grace Photography.
Nov. 17th 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Nov. 18th 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Nov. 19th 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
You need to reserve your spot by clicking the link below. Also, please help us make this fundraiser a success by sharing it to your social media and by inviting your family and friends.
A New Direction
It has been over twelve years since I came on staff as a missionary with Saving Grace World Missions. I have seen God do so many radical things that I could never have imagined. Recently, God has brought in a fantastic addition to the SGWM home office, my good friend Tim Pappas. Tim will be taking a lot of the day-to-day administrative tasks from my plate which will significantly free me up to lead SGWM into the future. God has blessed me with incredible opportunities and experiences that have provided significant hands-on mission training. After gaining this level of preparation, I am now transitioning my focus and taking what I have learned and put it together in three formats – books, a weekly missions article, and an online missions school.
Two Books
The first task that I will be focusing on is writing two books. The first book will be directed to the missionary and will answer the questions of how to transition from living in the States to becoming a full-time cross-cultural missionary living overseas. The second book will be directed towards pastors. My goal would be to provide them with the wisdom and encouragement needed to become a thoroughly equipped sending church.
Weekly Missions Articles
There will be three target audiences for these articles – the missionary, the sender, and the sending church. Each of these audiences fills a unique role in the context of missions, and I look forward to sparking up conversations and providing insight to equip everyone to become better missionaries and senders. CLICK HERE to view an article.
Online Missions School
This, of course, is an enormous undertaking. I will start by creating online classes that will focus on training SGWM missionaries all the way from pre-field departure to developing a re-entry plan and everything in between. Once I get the classes in place, and it has been thoroughly vetted our vision will be to open this training up to the public.
I am excited to start chipping away at these new projects, and I believe that the Lord will significantly use them to help equip others in the task of fulfilling the Great Commission.
Lastly, I want to say thank you for all the years of faithful prayer and support. Erin and I are exceedingly blessed. If anyone would like to join our financial team, you can do so by clicking the link to the below.
God Bless,
Pastor Mike