The Christian life is one of adventure. As we work together to advance the Gospel to the unreached, we will experience high-hights and low-lows. There are going to be victories and defeats along the way. There are going to be times when you want to quit and there are going to be times when you are pumped to run harder. In this season of hosting and facilitating the Calvary School of Missions and walking our twelve students through the Bible’s vision for evangelism that spreads from our hometowns to the farthest corners of the globe, it has been a season of excitement, passion, and potential. What a thrill to be used by the Lord!
Two nights ago, when Erin and I arrived in Mexico, we hosted a night of worship and a sharing time. I was able to share with the students that our time in the “sanctuary” (times of worship) are vital and essential, but do not make up the whole of the Christian life. Sadly, many Christians think that attending a church service and sitting in an afterglow is the Christian experience. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. The Christian life is to be lived out on the highways and byways. Our Christianity is to be put on display by loving God AND loving people (Matt. 22:35-40). In this, I was able to encourage the CSOM students, who are on their last week, to recognize that their time in the sanctuary (at the CSOM) is about to come to an end and that it is now time to put their hand to the plow and move out in Great Commission leadership.
I was able to travel down here three weeks ago with Pastor Joel Garica and I taught on the essence of the Great Commission – making disciples. Erin and Malachi were able to come down for a few days and serve alongside our staff and students. Erin was able to connect with all of our girls and lead worship. She was also able to catch up with some old friends down here in Rosarito. Side note, Erin was a part of the original team sent out by CCSG to plant Calvary Chapel Rosarito almost 19 years ago. During this trip, Erin and I were able to bring our three kids with us. They have had a blast hanging out with the students, and as I type this update, Malachi is out doing a COVID food relief distribution in a colony about 30 minutes away.
I want to say thank you for taking the time to read this brief update and hope the video was edifying. Please continue to pray for my family and me as we serve as State-side missionaries. If you would like to become a financial partner and help us spur on the Great Commission to completion, please click on the link below.
God Bless,
Pastor Mike